Preserved Sheet Leon Deceres

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Jan 11, 2013
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Basic Information | [ Required ]
  • Full Name: Leon Reiner Valentijn Deceres.
    • Full Elven Name: Llae'seona Eiinsa Fuaga'cae sel Inferiiaeno serae tua ar'lloa; Baen'talloe siae'alie ces'lazrae Siae'tiubae'lloa.
    • Condensed: Llae'seona Inferiiaeno Baen'talloe Siae'tiubae'lloa.
Sword from stone and fire from Hell shall be thine Weapon; To battle without fear, and to scroll without hesitation.
Translated Spanish:
La espada de piedra y fuego del infierno será tu arma; Batallar sin miedo, y desplazarse sin titubeos.
Full Elven:
Llae'seona Eiinsa Fuaga'cae sel Inferiiaeno serae tua ar'lloa; Baen'talloe siae'alie ces'lazrae Siae'tiubae'lloa.
Condensed Elven:
Llae'seona Inferiiaeno Baen'talloe Siae'tiubae'lloa.
  • Age: Twenty five cycles.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Half-Ailor, half-Avanthar.
  • Main Ambition: To find satisfaction in the small things in life outside of his warrior skill set, and to uncover the mysteries of the arcane to satiate his natural curiosity. He also has the desire to infiltrate the Regalian hierarchy with his father's influence, in an attempt to amass wealth.
  • Special Permission: Voidling Silven | Void Magi.
Basic Information | [ Expansion ]

Social Standing
  • Leon has only just recently reached Regalia, having no idea how the city functions or the cultural customs associated; they've either not experienced them or long forgotten any brief visits. He prefers to work mercenary, offering his services to whoever pays, as his loyalty is ultimately in turmoil and undecided.
Familial Rights
  • The half-blood only had a normal life right up until he was taken at four years old, afterward being taught and mentored by an all-powerful being. Born to Alraesonynn Deceres and Laon'nacion Solael, he grew up nurtured by them, though quite neglected in the long run. When his childhood started, the self proclaimed Icae'saciara began to teach them worldly values. Leon only has multiple half siblings, all of whom he'd rather not associate with at all.
Unworthy Ambitions
  • Leon wishes to raise his own hound, particularly an Anglian Shepard named Henrik. He also eventually wants to learn blacksmithing as a passing hobby or trade for retirement, though his current schedule finds him outside of improving without a tutor or mentor.
Zodiac Sign: Leo.
Date of Birth: Sixteenth of August, 279AC.
Birthplace: Drixagh proper, bordering the eastern side of the Throatcap Mountains.
Lucky Number: Three, sixteen and sixty six.

Skill Information | [ Optional ]

  • School: School of Stealthmark | School of Elemental Magic | School of Demon Magic.
  • Level: Warrior | Novice | Trainee.
  • Source: His Arken parent, whom taught him in these three areas respectively.
  • Bondale, Formetal Weapon | Age fourteen.
  • Laskma, Weapon Brand | Age sixteen.
  • Daguon, Shadow Dagger | Age eighteen.
  • Common: 10/10, fluent.
  • Modern Elven: 10/10, fluent.
  • Anglian: 5/10, basic conversational understanding, no literacy.
Visual Information | [ Required ]
  • Eye Color: Luminescent gold, ringed by a rigid and dark crimson limbus.
  • Hair Color: Jet black.
  • Hair Style: Long and flowing, though always tied into a bun placed at the back of the head. Facial hair also consists of a swathe of hair connecting sideburns and chin, and a disconnected moustache growing downwards.
  • Skin Color: Pale, strangely resistant to tan and blemished in various places.
  • Clothing: Practical attire, though prefers vests or simple shirts, and not without storage space such as a satchel or otherwise.
  • Height: Six foot two inches, or one hundred and eighty eight centimetres.
  • Body Build: Ripped.
  • Weapon of Choice: A Formetal weapon made by his arcane hands, though has a repertoire of personal throwing daggers for backup.
Visual Information | [ Expansion ]

Facial Features
  • The most prominent focal point of the half-blood is in the generally attractive position of his eyes, lending his elongated and keen eyes towards his Nelfin lineage. These same eyes are an indicator of his Silven lineage, glowing golden iris' coated by the red limbus around them leads to much attraction and attention towards them. His ears taper off into the typical half-blood points, though are almost always covered in steel clips that cover them up to the point that the standard ear begins. Leon is generally thin lipped, with a slightly upturned nose, which leads to an almost snide looking disposition. It is anything but, considering he is mostly graced with a smile; showing off his slightly crooked canines at most opportunities. A singular, rather wide scar spans across the upper part of his nose bridge. The elements of his bone structure could be considered masculine, though nothing quite remarkable in terms of conventional attractiveness, rather ebbing towards a 'plain' type of face. This is contradicted by the slight curve of his cheekbones, however, which makes them protrude slightly more than normal. Leon styles his hair in such a way that a singular strand of head hair trails down each side of his face, while the rest of the length is tied backwards and shaped into a circular bun that sits at the middle of the back of his head. His facial hair could be largely considered unkempt or lazy, but it merely requires little maintenance; his sideburns travel all the way down from his jaw to his chin in a full connection, while a two-part moustache sits above his upper lip. Another mentionable article is the silver dumbbell piercing that protrudes from the midlength of his tongue.
Bodily Aspects
  • Much of the half-blood's body is covered in muscle, due to his ripped physique. Much of this muscle lies in his abdomen and his biceps, lending him endurance and agility from his work as a Stealthmark among the Northern Belt. His skin is strangely always pale, even if he spends a lot of time in the sun, which makes for an almost sickly tone. Leon has a multitude of decorations marking his body, from war and decoration in equal measure. Scars carry along his forearms and chest from the various mistakes he's made in the field, none quite deep enough to cut him, but enough to leave a reminder. A belly button piercing sits in the centre of his stomach, a ring of silver that almost screams eccentricity. His bodily hair is a dark raven black that he likes to keep shaved on the front of his abdomen, though runs wild among his legs and forearms. Three rings of tattoos in blackout style cover his left forearm, all in the form of bands with intricate Elven designs carefully left in the work. Leon also has a tattoo mural on his back; the Ouroboros symbol, meant to be depicted in the style of the Frostweaver sits inbetween his shoulder blades, while geometric swirls fill in the centre. Some of the columns are filled with Velheimer and Isldarin imagery, though a distinct blackout line starts at the base of his neck and ends at his tailbone.
Fashion Sense
  • As a standard rule, Leon keeps all of his clothes practical and pragmatic. Fitted pants and steel-toed or shin length boots, only utilizing sashes around his waist. He likes wearing tailcoats in a variety of situations, but tends to stick to a vest. He's always had a penchant for the reds and blacks. Leon has always kept many articles of jewellery close to him. His favourite is a blacksteel ring with intricate silver inlays that always rests on his left index finger, though he has many more; for example, the silver midline tongue piercing, or the multitude of necklaces he keeps to wear around his neck. As a rule of thumb, Leon keeps throwing knives and a satchel on him at all times.
Vocal Cords
  • Having grown around a variety of voices and languages, Leon doesn't have any particular accent; it's neutral tone, a mix-match of having been around Elven, Ithanian, Velheimer and Common. He has a tendency to drop his g's in certain cases, though much of his speech remains.
  • Wellen dust in a taut pouch on his belt.
  • At least three throwing knives, one in the boot and two at the waist.
  • A flask of aged Drixagh birch-wood aged rum.
Prized Possessions:
  • Blacksteel ring always worn on his left index finger.
  • Token necklace with a silver inlay of his father's name in Modern Elven.
  • A particularly favourite throwing dagger, the last one of which he had when his band was destroyed on the border of Grebor.
Dominant Hand: Right handed.


Personality and Abilities | [ Required ]
  • Observer Perception | Untempered Mercenary: On first recognition, Leon looks a fair amount like an Ailor; the pale skin and half-blooded ears will deny this. Despite these starkly contrasting features which might confuse someone, Leon comes off as generally jovial. He has a sense of comradery that tends to be quite loud when given the chance, a habit from his days of committing guerilla-style warfare with Isldarin and Velheimer peoples. Leon likes to dress fanciful, and as a result, someone might even see him as aristocratic; he gives off quite a princely atmosphere. Some might think he is fun-loving or ambitious to a fault, though others might see him as aggressive or overly loud.
  • Self Evaluation | Longing Legacy: Leon was raised by somebody that instilled thoughts of heritage and legacy in his mind, wanting to prune him to become the perfect battle-tested partner. It left him with ideals of arrogance and pride, believing his bloodline and influence to be something special. While he doesn't take extreme pride in his skills, believing them to be equal to most people, he feels as if he has an obligation to teach or nurture such ideals- in a very prideful way. The half-blood was also raised to not think about what he was doing in the thick of battle, but rather enjoy it, and see it as something to relieve stress. While this helped him cope with reality, whenever he's forced to meet it, he feels almost scared of himself from time to time. Despite this, he feels himself flexible in combat given his arcane abilities. Even so, he has insecurities regarding his social ability, what he has to live up to, and the shape of his nose.
  • Relationship Handling | Thick Skinned: The mercenary only truly had a familial support system up until the age of four; enough to get the gist, but not enough to experience it. He finds his inability to choose his family quite jarring, and as a result, largely chooses his friends over them. It's not hard to become face-friends with Leon, though it's quite hard to get under the skin, as to be expected by a perceptive mercenary. The half-blood has a tendency to sleep around, a trait seemingly inherited from his father, though he feels as if a permanent relationship is possible if logical, and has the capability to form romantic bonds. Someone getting close to him might see a shift in persona that is seemingly unexpected, though is still influenced by his fiery ambition.
  • Moral Allegiance | Chaotic Authority: To a certain extent, due to a mix of pride and work in the mercenary field, Leon has the tendency to slip into the idea that the world revolves around him. While not particularly believing he's anyone special, it has created a very neutral mindset. There are many things he won't do, though most things he will for coin. The things he won't do mostly involve children, pacifists and unprovoked attacks; though provoked certainly counts as being paid by the opposing party in his case. As a Voidling Silven, he has a slightly infectious desire for chaos, though not to the point of complete anarchy- he supports authoritarian nations, like the Regalian Empire, though enjoys the chaos of his life by dipping into bars and pleasure houses of the undercity.
  • Intrinsic Ideology | Spiritual Syncritist: Leon has a complicated idea of religion, and how it works. Having been raised by an Arken for the most part, he believes that while some may revere them as Gods, and that people or animals in the world have spiritual significance, that they are anything but; rather, he believes divinity to be an earned and designated right. He believes that the Loong Dragon must have done something great, and that the Frostweaver dragon must be all-powerful to mortals, at least. This makes Unionism and the Spirit an attractive proposition, were it not for his arrogance, given that the Creeds directly talk against what he is. He believes in meritocracy, so as a result, many ideals of Unionism don't appeal to him. Despite this inward belief, he finds that some aspects of it are comforting, and so he's only slightly drawn to it.
Relationships | [ Optional ]


Talents | [ Required ]

  • Stealthmark Serenity | Endurant Agility: Due to his Stealthmark training and experience in the field, Leon has been able to cap off at warrior; he has suitable endurance to maneuver properly in a fight, and the endurance to maintain it in long battles on the field or extensive duels. Partial to his school, he's able to manipulate and throw knives to a large degree, lending him ranged capability. Leon also has the tendency to be quite ferocious in battle, swinging a flaming sword with a scream that usually strikes fear into the average inexperienced soldier or levy.
  • Abyssal Arcanist | Magical Might: The three spells that Leon has mastered lend him advanced capability in teamwork and cooperation, given they mostly rely on others. All were taught to him by an Arken mentor, giving him the capability to pull sword from stone, light said sword on fire, and the daring daemonic ability to phase and shift through space. This is also how he was taught to read, ironically, and so he has a very competent idea of arcane theory despite only knowing three spells.
  • Craftsman's Constitution | Blacksmith Blessing: Perhaps a knack inherited from his father, Leon has the capability to use basic forge equipment to create items like nails, small arms and jewellery, as well as a specialisation in glassblowing. This is also a heavy topic of study for Leon, given that he enjoys pouring over manuscripts of blacksmithing techniques gone-by and longing to be able to recreate them. Nonetheless, he is only an amatuer, capable with an assistant but otherwise only able to make trinkets.
Weaknesses | [ Optional ]
  • Hearth of Hubris | Impatience Incarnate: Perhaps in part due to pride and to push the blame onto an ego cultivated and pruned into existence, Leon is an impatient and reckless man. He particularly dares to throw himself into the fray on occasions where he shouldn't, speaking his mind where it isn't needed, and taking hits he didn't have to take. He only views himself as brash and impudent, though refuses to take himself out of the firing line in most occasions. Leon is liable to speak without thinking or take risks heavily weighted in the others favour, which leads to some fairly aggressive interactions from peers.
Personality and Abilities | [ Expansion ]

Conditioned Quirks
  • Leon has the irrational tendency to run his hand up and down the tattoos on his left hand when bored or in contemplation. He also likes to play with the rings on his fingers, usually taking an interest in the horizon line is also where his eyes land when entertainment deprived.
Minor Skills
  • Leon owes his Arken for basic survival and cooking skills like hunting and gutting game, which is attributed to their mostly isolationist ideals. He also has a basic idea of riding horses, given a minor role of cavalry charges during small-scale skirmishes in his lifetime.
Passionate Likes
  • Smoked and spiced meat off of the bone.
  • Quiet, sunlit forests with nothing but animals for huge distances.
  • Snowy seasons, though autumn is acceptable.
  • Intelligent company.
  • Dogs of all breeds.
  • Fishing at a large pond on boat, though ice fishing is a good alternative.
Incredulous Dislikes
  • Bitter tasting foods, reluctantly adjusted to them.
  • Sweltering heat or uncomfortable humidity.
  • Reptiles of most kinds, extending to reptilian races, are an eyesore to him.
  • Muddy areas with a lack of nearby stone.
  • All shades of green.
Most Favourite:
  • Colour: A bold, flame-red.
  • Fruit: Blood oranges.
  • Environment: Quiet backstreet bars.
  • Food: Smoked poultry like duck or birds.
  • Drink: Aged rum.
  • Animal: Dogs, specifically an Anglian Shepard.
  • Academic Subject: Magical studies, combat theory, history.
Least Favourite:
  • Colour: Green.
  • Fruit: Limes.
  • Environment: Deserts or humid ocean beaches.
  • Food: Spinach, watercress, chicory.
  • Drink: Apple juice.
  • Animal: Reptiles, particularly the Medskala.
  • Academic Subject: Mathematics, sciences.

Life Story | [ Required ]

Childhood - [ | 0 - 12 | ]

  • Leon Reiner Valentijn Deceres is born to Alraesonynn Deceres and Laon'nacion Solael in Drixagh, on the 16th of August, 279 AC. As a product of war and stress, he's raised and nursed by Laon for most of his baby years. Though the couple is perplexed by the state of his eyes, they don't think much of it.
  • At the age of four, the mercenary bands' temporary camp is raided. A young Nynn Deceres leaves his token with Leon to know his father's name by, and Laon flees with her child to the edge of the camp. Believing Nynn dead, she soon turns away and begins to leave for good- though not before being struck down by Leon's Arken influence.
  • Without memory of the event, Leon is paraded by the self-proclaimed Icae'saciara through the Regalian Archipelago all the way up to Anglia. Leon learns of his heritage, the Arken, and from what Icae wishes to do. Being an Isldarin Arken, Leon is to learn from the School of Stealthmark and magic practise respectively, in order to fulfil the role of a companion to him.
  • Leon is taught practical skills like hunting, cooking for himself and various other household tasks from various caretakers in his area. He grows up in northern Anglia, learning common from social interaction in a fringe village near the Dragoncrown Peaks.
Teenage Years - [ | 13 - 19 | ]
  • Leon is enrolled in the School of Stealthmark as soon as possible, at age fourteen. He becomes a Fresh-sword among a band of five others, all of whom he views as friends.
  • This is where most of Leon's socialization comes about, at the hands of mercenaries and older friends that teach him how to perform acts of camaraderie and group fighting. The half-blood takes on missions mostly centered around the Northern Belt, much to the pleasure of Icae'saciara, whom thirsts for battle and hires a tutor to teach Leon in magic once he reaches fourteen.
  • He takes on a joint-study during most of his late teenage life, learning magic alongside Stealthmark at the behest of his mentor in private- the first of which being Bondale, Formetal weapon at age fourteen. While it hampers his Stealthmark ability to some degree, Leon enjoys learning about the arcane and it's mysteries due to his naturally curious persona.
  • Once Leon reaches fighter level, he has a fully established band of friends that he likes to keep as a group, plus his Arken mentor. He finally feels at home, even though he's quite aware his real father and mother might be out in the world. He also learns his next spell, Laskma, Weapon Brand at age sixteen- which puts his utilitarian skills at a high level compared to the rest of his band.
  • Leon's band of Stealthmarks is designated to take out a specialized job around the fringelands of Grebor. While conducting an elaborate scheme that involves sneaking through an Isldar-loyal hold, every single one of Leon's friends are slaughtered in an ambush; Leon is only saved by the intervention of his mentor at a timely opening, leaving him with a few open wounds that still feel fresh today.
  • Despite this recurring event in his head causing him great disturbance whenever a similar situation occurs, Icae'saciara tries to comfort him to the best of his abilities. They somewhat bond over the event, even though Leon is assured Icae is doing it for his own gains.
Adulthood - [ | 20 - Present | ]
  • Begrudgingly, Leon continues to learn Daguon, Shadow Dagger, at some point after his training. He's assigned to a new band, but only friendly to them as a front; he believes that trust should be something earned, not handed out. With his new thick skin in place, he pushes through with his training.
  • It's in these few years up to present that Leon begins working on his blacksmithing skills, feeling it a necessary distraction from the usual killing and subterfuge his school requires. Leon also begins to delve deeper into arcane theory, and with his new skills established, reaches Warrior level Stealthmark at age twenty five.
  • After taking out a few more jobs for the local lords in Anglia, and with the recent flooding and dragon occurrences taking place, Leon is practically ordered by his Arken and other school influences to enter the Regalian Archipelago with a group of other mercenaries to investigate the situation. Given that the Arken fled slightly before Rikkira appeared in the skies, Leon took it upon himself to arrive just after the battle of St Helena.
  • The Silven was all too knowing of his father taking part, given that he heard whispers and talk of his name among the populace. Leon scouted after the battle, though he was able to settle down in the city and begin to try and reconnect with the family he was taken from.
Last edited:
another sibling to annoy
Review time!
  • Please remove mentions of the Arken parent teaching him his skills! A substitute provided by them is fine!
  • The minimum starting age for combat schools is 14, please change this in the life story?
Make all edits in a new color and @ me in the comments once done!
Wait, could you remove mention of the battle of St. Helena?