Preserved Sheet Leogardt Hulgund

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Jun 14, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Leogardt Hulgund
  • Age: 56
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Kalmarra)
  • Main Ambition: To serve the Empire as a skilled and loyal Wing Admiral
  • Special Permission: School of Leadership
Skill Information

•School: Leadership - Theatre Command
•Level: Scholar
•Source: Studied at Admiralty Academy for Battle Command for 10 years, spent last 6 as a Maritime Commander. Progressed to Marshall Academy after those 10 years and spent 4 more learning Theatre Command.

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Aged grey
  • Hair Style: Neatly kempt hair and beard
  • Skin Color: Northerne pale
  • Clothing: White undershirt covered by a black mariner trench coat with black plants. Water worn boots adorn his feet.
  • Height: 6'3
  • Body Build:Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: Regalian naval cutlass accompanied by a simple steel hatchet
Personality and Abilities

In the eyes of others, Leogardt is often perceived as a rather rowdy, but cheerful man. They would either feel welcomed by the cheerfulness of the man and find his rowdiness to be quite fun, or they would immediately be offset as this rowdiness can make him seem a bit less sophisticated. This would change if a stranger were to see him at the helm of a ship, as they would see an intensely focused man, tuning out any noise not needed to run a ship. His rowdiness would be replaced by a heavy seriousness that shows he knows what he is doing and will succeed.

On the inside, Leogardt can get anxious about appearing his best to others, and trying his best to cheerful when appropriate. He tries to be welcoming, and friendly, but he often can fall a bit short and seem unapproachable to a certain crowd for various reasons. This sometimes causes him to try to change some of his ways a bit, but they always end up going back to how they were. This stems from a background of trying to please everyone. When he gets the helm of a ship, however, confidence surges through him, as he knows that if he tries he can control not only that ship, but his fleet as well.

Leogardt is fiercely protective, but is especially cheerful to what he considers his "family", which is just a tight group of friends and comrades as he isn't married and has fathered no children, as well as his parents are deceased. He is quite welcoming to anyone to become one of his close friends (or "family members") and he will treat them the same as he would treat his actual blood family if he had them. If his "family" is sailing with him, he might be a bit less serious, but he still will stay incredibly focused on the task at hand.

Leogardt thinks of himself as have good morals, which have been instilled into him through his time in the Academies as well as his time spent serving. He is very just and will try his best to be impartial when dealing with two parties, but he will lean towards his "family" slightly in choices regarding them. Leogardt tries his hardest to fit with a relatively strict moral code, and he tends to, only slightly loosening up while drinking or such.

  • Naval skill: Leogardt is an incredibly skilled helmsman as well as fleet coordinator. His skills in fleet management, navigation, and handling of a ship excel due to his time spent at docks as a young boy, his time spent learning naval leadership, and his years of experience after graduating the Marshall Academy.
  • Skilled with his weapons: When Leogardt isn't out drinking with friends or commanding a fleet, he is practicing with his cutlass and hatchet. It is this practice that keeps him in fit condition, and over the years has made him incredibly skilled in close quarters combat with these two weapons.
  • Skilled leader: Leogardt's time spent at the Admiralty and Marshall Academies taught him leadership skills that are greater than the average man or soldier. He tends to take charge in situations demanding it and tries to orchestrate things in a productive manner.

Life Story

Leogardt was born and raised in Midgal by Ingvald and Solfrid Hulgund. From the age of 8 his father taught him how to fight with a small hatchet that was about half the size of a war axe. He was amazed by the great long ships of his people and would spend most of his free time at the docks talking to the sailors about their adventures. During this time, the Jarl of Midgal, Olaf Valdemar, noticed and Leogardt's fondness for ships, and had him sent to Regalia at age 15, where he would pass the entrance exam for the Regalian Admiralty Academy.

After studying at the Admiralty Academy for Battle Command for ten years, serving as a Naval Commander in his last six as well, Leogardt progressed to the Marshall Academy, where he spent 4 years studying Theatre Command before graduating. Almost immediately after graduating, Leogardt was assigned as a Wing Admiral in the Obermark Theatre.

Leogardt has served in the Obermark Theatre ever since graduating and is still a Wing Admiral. He currently serves under Inspector Admiral Eirik Valdemar. Over the years spent serving he has developed a strong liking of alcohol due to trying to keep a cheerful manner under stress as well as the relatively bleak environment in the Theatre,
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Assigning this application to @TcareyIsTaken . This is a staff review. Please make the edits Tcarey says, and then I'll check the final application through quickly once you @tag me. Happy writing and reviewing.
Once your application is changed to the new format, of which most information can be found here, tag me and I'll get to reviewing the sheet proper.

Staff Review
Skill Information
  • Your levels are rather confusing; I'm no expert at this section of the lore, but it says your character attended two schools but you only list one school in your skill information. The wording on the source is also a little confusing and detracts from the app a little, so I'd like you to clarify exactly according to how the character sheet template states.
I think this is really the only inconsistency I can actually find on this application. Everything else is at least explained and justified, so colour this edit and tag me when you're done.

@TcareyIsTaken Not to be rude, but I'm a bit confused on what you mean. The two schools both fall under school of leadership. Marshall is where those who want to continue training and learn theatre command go after Admiralty. Sorry if it seemed rude, but I'm just a bit confused on what you mean.

So. I took a look over the page again, and I think that it's actually okay. Sorry for the misunderstanding, but other than that, I don't think I can't actually find anything else wrong with this application. Once @Chiruda takes another look over this she will pick up on anything I missed, or set the tag to approved.