Preserved Sheet Lemon Zest | Shovel Enthusiast

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pfp by me
Feb 22, 2016
Reaction score
previously Atwerheq, currently none

Character Information

  • Full Name: Lemon Zest.
  • Race: Feka Asha.
  • Age: 21.
  • Sex: Male.
  • Gender: Male, he/him.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual.
  • Eye Color: Silver.
  • Affliction: Silvenism, Indirect conception, Happiness and Wickedness.
Core Concept
  • No religion only crime. They're Agnostic.
  • A happy-go-lucky bard with a love for shovels and spars, who will learn just about anything they find cool enough and think will be useful for their shenanigans. They like fucking with people and hitting people with shovels or the occasional lute.
Proficiency Information
50 proficiency points, 10 hobby points.
  • Core:
  • +10 Stave Combat | +10 proficiency points.
  • +10 Spear Combat | +10 proficiency points.
  • +10 Two-Hand Blunt Combat | +10 proficiency points.

  • Hobby:
  • +5 Circus Arts | +5 hobby.
  • +5 Instrument Art | +5 hobby.
  • +5 Vocal Singing | +5 proficiency points.

  • Sorcery:
  • 2 spells | +6 proficiency points.

  • Engineering:
  • 3 packs | +9 proficiency points.

  • Physical stat: 32,5, caps at 20.
Ability Information
  • Sorcery:
  • Darkness 1
  • Darkness 2

  • Engineering:
  • Control
  • Weapons
  • Hooking

  • Silvenism:
  • Master Enthused
  • Asha: (3 abilities)
  • Body Claws 1
  • Body Tail 1
  • Asha Agility 1
  • Common (Free)
  • Saan (Parent)
Appearance Information
  • Mutations: White dove feathers behind one of his ears, they seem to be attached permanently.

  • Character Description: Standing at 5'5, they have lean muscle, strenght deceptive to most. Their hair is a light blonde, with their skin being a medium tan, and they often wear bard-inspired clothes with stripes and bells, and are hardly seen without their pet (a giant atlas beetle) on their head. Hair is usually worn short, a little messy even.
Life Story
  • Zest was born on Daendroque to a Cielothar mother and an Asha father. Nothing much happened in their earlier years, they didn't make many friends with other kids on account of their Silvenism.

  • As an adolescent, they discovered a love for music and singing, and begged to be enrolled in music classes. Their parents obliged, and since then they started calling themselves a bard, as they really enjoyed making others happy with the power of song.

  • During a bar fight at the age of 18, they ended up breaking one of their lutes over someone's head, their first act of violence. That ignited their love for spars, though being who they are they picked the most nonconventional weapon they could think of at the time-- A shovel. Later on, they learnt how to fight with it in a spear and stave-like style.

  • They came to Regalia in search of a new bar to perform at, as in their old one they were kicked out due to the previously mentioned bar fight. Instead of simply picking another bar in Daendroque, they figured Regalia would have a more populated one, even if their logic might be flawed.
Additional Backstory Details: They performed at a duke's wedding once, and were somewhat known in the area they used to perform in Daendroque, more specifically the bars they mostly performed at.

Progression Information
  • Warrior level 2
  • Sorcery level 1
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