Shelved Character Legion

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Jan 8, 2021
Reaction score
Iron Warriors
Character Information
  • Full Name: Legion
  • Nickname: The Many, The Hunter, Spirit Eater, Failed Creation
  • Heritage / Culture: Mystech - Colony Spirit (Ordial spirits)
  • Age: 400+
  • Gender / Pronouns: Nonbinary - They/it
  • Occult: Colony Spirit | Ordial | Int/Blind God
Core Concept
Role - Living Weapon with only the desire to destroy the physical world around it. It desires to consume and collect spirits, collect information, and destroy.

Appearance Information
This walking monstrosity of parts stands at a strong 6'5" tall. The left arm seems to be of Necrotech to be a sort of cannon of sorts. The right arm is arctech of that it channels its spiritual magic power with a ruby in the palm. A massive cord of copper and electrum runs up the back of a dark. It has leather knee guards. On the chest is a massive core orb of the eye of Int, The Thousand Eyes to act as a major view. The legs are made of Magnetite to allow to make grand strives. The head if the strangest part of an orb with small stars-like lights. These are in fact the many spirits that view the world. It wears an ancient red sash from one of its ancient makers.

Attack and Defense Stat
Attack Stat (Magic): 17 (Magic Bolts(sin) Active:19)
Defense Stat (Faith): 15
Rules of Profienecies and Combat: Link
Combat Terms: Link

Combat Style: Magic Sniper - Long range and uses anything to keep distance from their foes.

Hobbies and Talents (Optional)

Technology: Necrotech and Arctech are the preferred used tech to forge the body with.

Magic: Legion's magic is that of centuries of stolen and secret lore of countless lives. Taking the shape of eyes and tendrils of his God Int, or the Blood Star.

Singing: Even being a source of destruction, enjoys the songs it sings in private or after a great victory.

Baking: The only talent shows greater fervor for is a bakery and bread creation.

Knowledge collection: By trade, force, or soul consumption, it wishes to document everything it learns to house it

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Debuff Endurance (Range: Self / Type: Passive Technique) - When the user has a Status Effect applied to them, they gain a +1 Defense Stat for as long as the Status is applied to them. If the Status is Removed, the +1 is also removed. Debuff Endurance has no Cooldown, and can activate and de-activate multiple times.
  • Intelligence(+7 from Race): 7
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 6
    • Sacred healing (Range: Emote Range / Type: Buff Power) - To heal allies over time, the user applies a Link Power to an ally within Range. For as long as the Link is active, the target heals 2 HP every 10 minutes. This healing occurs at the end of the 10 minute timer. Sacred Healing can only be upheld for a maximum of 20 Minutes, but if the user deals damage through any means while it is active, it instantly ends and any healing done is reverted. Once ended, Sacred Healing goes on a 2 hour cooldown, and does not Stack.
    • Sacred Rebuke (Range: Emote Range / Type: Dispel Power) - To interfere with an enemy, the user can, as a reaction to an enemy from another Religion using a Power from the Faith Point Buy Category, immediately apply the Brittle Status to them. The target also suffers a -1 Defense Stat reduction for the next 20 minutes. Sacred Rebuke does not Stack, and has a 2 hour cooldown.
    • Sacred Siphon (Range: Emote Range / Type: Dispel Power) - To punish an enemy caster, as a reaction to an enemy within Range using a Power, grant +2 Defense that can break cap up to 9 to two allies within Range for the next 3 turns. Sacred Siphon has a 30 Minute Cooldown.
    • Sacred Portant (Range: Emote Range / Type: Dispel Power) - To divinely guide oneself or one's allies, consume the user's action and roll /dice 0-6. Add whatever is rolled to the final result of the next Attack or Defend Roll the user or an ally within Range makes. Sacred Portent does not stack, and has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
    • Sacred Burn (Range: Melee Range / Type: Instant Power) - To harm an enemy at cost to oneself, deal 1HP damage to self, and apply a -1 Defense Stat to an enemy within Range for the next 15 minutes. After 10 Minutes, deal -1HP damage to the target enemy. Sacred Burn does not Stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
  • Magic: 7
    • Magic Bolts (Range: Self / Type: Stance Technique) - To cast with magic, the user gains either Ranger Stance or Deadeye Stance, which activates when this Ability is used. The stance chosen functions with magic, not a weapon, but does not count for using that Stance's associated Abilities. Additionally, once per combat, the user can re-roll one failed Ranged Attack made with Magic Bolts. Magic Bolts can be upheld indefinitely, but has a 20 minute cooldown once ended.
      • Sinistral Usage: the User gains +2 Attack Stat, that breaks cap up to 11, while using Magic Bolts.
    • Magic Shove (Range: Emote Range / Type: Instant Power) - To move an Enemy, instantly Displace a Target 5 Blocks in any direction, meaning further away from the user, or closer, anywhere along a horizontal direction, but never vertically or diagonally up or down. Magic Shove has a 30 Minute Cooldown.
      • Sinistral Usage: Target up to two enemies, sending them in the same or different directions, and apply the Prone Status at the end of the shove.
    • Magic Smog (Range: Emote Range / Type: Instant Power) - To disrupt enemies' vision, instantly apply the Blinded Status on a Target within Range. Magic Smog can be used as a Reaction, but only to a Basic Attack that would hit the user or an ally, thus causing that Attack to miss. Magic Smog does not stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
      • Sinistral Usage: Cannot be used as a Reaction, but instead applies the Blinded Status to everyone within Range, including allies, but not the user. Instead, the user is Silenced for 10 Minutes.
    • Magic Isolate (Range: Emote Range / Type: Instant Power) - To isolate an Enemy from their Allies and Buffs, target an enemy within Range, and Link Break the most recently applied Link Power. Additionally, if they have any Block Tokens (from Abilities, not from Armor), remove 1 Block Token. Magic Isolate has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
      • Sinistral Usage: Break 2 Link Powers, and if the enemy has no Link Powers and no Block Tokens, instead apply the Marked Status.
    • (Free) Mimicry Pack - Magical: The Mimicry Pack allows a Character to copy the functional Abilities and Proficiencies of another Character, though only ever at the start of Combat. If a single of their own Abilities has been used, this Mechanic is no longer available until all Abilities are no longer on Cooldown. This can also not be used to Mimic Custom Kits, except in situations where it is used in a 1v1 against a Custom Kit user, who must also give express OOC consent for this to work. Some Custom Kits may also not be copied, due to deep lore functions of how their Custom Kits came about. The Mundane variant of this Ability uses a combination of Ability-mimicking machines and nanites or alchemical imitations. When Mimicry is used in Combat, it cannot be removed until Combat has ended, and if the effect is maintained beyond combat, it cannot be removed until the next Combat ends.
      • The Magical Variant: It also allows the user to mimic the appearance of the person which does count as a Disguise Pack (but only for people who entered late to the scene after activation). Additionally, the Magic Variant of this Ability can also be used outside of Combat, but it cannot Mimic the Mindcontrol Pack from Adapt Point Buy. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
    • Adapt Points: 3 (Magical)
      • Wardrobe Pack (Magical): The Wardrobe Pack allows a Character to remain prepared at all times without the need for armor or weapons on their person. The wearer is considered armored at all times, and is able to conceal a ranged or melee weapon that is considered Hidden until used. (Hidden may not apply in places like the Imperial Palace, or during certain events). Lastly, the user is able to conceal a life support system on their person, allowing them to take damage that would normally be fatal. If the user is killed, provided their head and neck are still intact, they are able to resuscitate themselves and seal any lethal wounds they may have taken after 10 minutes.
        • Magical Variant: The character has inlaid enchantments into their clothing, able to achieve the same effect. Additionally, they are able to pass this enchantment onto other items. While within emote range, the character can extend the benefits of this pack to another person to prevent them from dying. Finally, the user can create magical items with aesthetic benefits (or curses, removed with Exorcism or by a specific method per item, left up to player freedom) while out of combat, and pass them onto other characters. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
      • Safeguard Pack (Magical) - The Safeguard Pack allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Geist Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are not affected by the mental changes and keep their conscience. Thirdly, while normally curing from Afflictions would cost Divinium, those with Safeguard Pack do not have this cost incurred, being curable by the same persons without a currency cost. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Geists, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.
        • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Safeguard Pack additionally grants the user the ability to use Exorcism on anyone (except themselves). Exorcism is useful in a variety of settings, for example, if a Character has had Mind Control established on them, or some other form of Curse where the description of the Mechanic specifies that it can be removed with an "Exorcism Ability, or Exorcism Mechanic". If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
      • Oceanic Pack (Magical): The Oceanic Pack allows a Character to function underwater as if it is above water. This means they gain normal movement speed, the ability to wear armor, the ability to breathe underwater, use weapons, use attack Emotes, use Abilities, and speak underwater through the use of biology-altering alchemy, or the use of underwater adaptation gear and equipment. Those with the Oceanic Pack essentially, can function and live underwater indefinitely, such as in the rivers, and the underwater sections of the Sewers and other roleplay Zones. This effect cannot be shared with others, except for the underwater breathing, which can be granted to up to two users, so long as they hold one hand each of the user.
        • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Oceanic Pack also allows the user to extend the full effects of Oceanic Pack to 2 additional Allies so long as they remain within 10 Blocks of the user (no longer needing to hold their hand). If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

  • Colony Spirit Mechanic Perks:
    • LvI: Colony Spirits gain +7 Intelligence added after assigning their 14 Proficiency Points, but cannot invest in Intelligence Point Buy. Also their Persuasion Cap is 14, and they gain +4 to Persuasion Rolls.
    • LvII: Each time a Colony Spirit is Exorcised or killed, they lose 1 Intelligence (they can regain it when the Player deems fitting). If they hit 2 Intelligence, they gain +1 Attack Stat (cap up to 11).
    • LvIII: Colony Spirits gain the Mimicry Pack Magical Variant for free, but they cannot use the mechanic to change their appearance into that which they are mimicking.
Languages (collected from the various spirits)
Deathspeech (Fantasy) (Dth)
Katharic/Pannarokh (Unique) (K)
Sofaal (Malian) (Soff)
Pidato (Indonesian)(P)
Barrudh (Old Norse)(Dw)
Zahram (Arabic)(Zah)

Life Story / Plot Hooks
A creature born from many deaths over small wars with the vessel used for many of them. Collected countless weak spirits and shades to build its strength. It was created to run on the souls of the slain and so it wishes to continue this task forevermore.

A follower of Int, the Thousand Eyes, believing itself as one of the great lorekeepers. Somewhat believes it is the child of the Blood Star, some strange astrological site that wants to see everything destroyed be free from its cursed duty.

Great Hatred for spirits of any kind and those who align with them. Since spirits are fuel for his unending job, they are the reason he must march. He wishes to turn it all to dust to be free.

Has little care for the world around or its consequences. Only to slay and march

Looking for others who can hear the "Song of the End."
Last edited:
07/07/2024 - Legion has been slain by Machinists. Int score drops to 6. One week from now to regain it.