Archived Legalize Withers.

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
Legalize Withers

While it is possible on Massivecraft to spawn and therefore kill withers, it has been deemed illegal, and for good reason as well. Even though it does require three wither skulls, which most players do not have access to, the following are reasons the staff probably had when they decided on making wither spawning illegal:

- Though they cannot cause block damage, a wild wither can easily cause cause continuous injury and death to helpless players
- As stated above, wither spawning could be used to cause a nightmare for a town or city being raided (all though I must say, that would make for an extremely interesting raid; especially if the wither turns on those who spawned it)
- If allowed to roam through out many chunks, they may cause lag, especially if there are more than one
- The wither health bar could be seen as annoying to some players

So with all of those reasons NOT to allow wither spawning, why should it change?

- The addition of withers = the addition of nether stars. Nether stars would become a high comoditiy item; though they would have no use, nether stars could be displayed (item frame) and gifted to show wealth. They also closely resemble a badge, perfect for a host of RP situations
- The ability to fight withers as a challenge or initiation. Fighting a wither differs heavily from traditional PVP, or player VS monster fighting, and has infinite uses

How to implement the legalization of wither spawning/killing to the server while avoiding nearly all, if not all of the cons that got withers de-legalized in the first place:

Wither Farming:

Basic concept: Players may have access and use of a staff-built obsidian dome/room (protected against editing the terrain) for spawning and killing withers, using their own soulsand/wither skulls.

Regulations for obsidian dome/room:
1. Protected/claimed by the spawn town of its continent (Deandroc = Deanshore, etc)
2. Opening with iron doors/stone pressure plates (to prevent wither escape)
3. 3 blocks of bedrock side by side in the center of the dome at the bottom, on top of which building is allowed (3 blocks high on top of the three bedrock) so that players can place soul sand and wither skulls
4. Optional: making a section of the dome out of glass, for viewing

Reasons for this design:
- It requires absolutely no staff involvement besides creating an obsidian dome, which might take 15-20 minutes at most
- It would be fun for everyone; not to mention a potential challenge/initiation of sorts for a prospective player of a faction; what better challenge than sending them to fight a wither? It could also be a great way to host unofficial fighting challenges

- Nether stars can be displayed or gifted as a sign of wealth

Bottom line, staff, it comes down to these questions:
1. Do you see the worth in allowing this great addition to player VS monster combat?

2. Are any of you willing to put in 15-20 minutes of work, in exchange for all the pros of this idea?

If you answered yes to both of those questions, what are we waiting for? :D

If you answere no to both, well, I guess I'll go cry in a corner.

I'd love to hear any questions or comments! Keep it constructive!

And if you like this idea, and would like to see this implemented, please rate my post!
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Invisibility potions and beacons were disabled already for being OP. In fact they were disabled the day of the update. So I am pretty positive this idea will not be approved. So with that being said
I do not support this idea.
I agree, but disagree at the same time
  1. This will add a new area of pvp, as well as interesting rp and could help strings magic mages, having invisible people hold swords or whatever
  2. It could add a new challenge to aim for, as well as a boss in the game
  3. It could drop a rare voting item, among the new bosses that are said to come
  1. This could add lots of noob flame and complaints, as well as being extremely overpowered in pvp
  2. If this gets out of hand, it can cause mass destruction, enabling more flame
  3. Invisiblity potions could be annoying, and cause more flame as well as invisible mastermind rogue rpers
I would like it for the most part exc for the obsidian dome to farm them instead of that what if cray will allow wither spawning only on your own faction grounds and the wither will only stay on your faction territory and will never leave also the mods can easily disable the building of beacons on this server like they have done with god apples
On the flip side I do like the initiation idea I would love to have this in my fac here are my suggestions
  1. Make withers only spawn and stay on your own faction grounds
  2. Disable the building of beacon blocks
  3. Make the faction only responsible for the wither
  4. Upon disbanding a faction the wither disappears
(bandit)These are my suggestions to add to this hope they help.eman1000
I believe invisible potions are disable on this server, right Jamescl?
  • Wither do destroy blocks. Their hitbox deletes blocks when they get into contact with something, so a clever attacker could use a wither to break into a castle and destroy chests as long as they make the wither follow them in. A wither once spawned in Regalia ate it's way trough the old Church.
  • Withers are extremely destructive in spawn cities, a wither released in SilverEdge after the release of the wither update, caused nearly 40 deaths before being killed by a group of premiums.
  • Invisibility potions make it impossible to prove or see if a person is using aimbot. It's basically giving someone a carte blanche to cheat.
Concluding, no on both proposals, for above irrefutable reasons.
I don't think you realize that the server has MCMMO, and therefore unarmed. Allowing invisiblity potions would make it so people with high unarmed can run around basically hitting people with diamond swords while invisible.
EDIT: Invisbility potions were disabled on the server, and actually are not brewed by using nether stars. They are brewed using a nightvision potion + fermented spider eye. I've edited the post accordingly. Apologies for the confusion!

1. They do not destroy blocks if enclosed in obsidian, and besides that, if you weren't aware, it is already possible to spawn them, however it is illegal and can result in a perma ban.
2. As I corrected, invisibility potions have absolutely nothing to do with nether stars; that was a mistake, and I've edited my post, removing everything about invisibility potions.

Do these points change your viewpoint?

As I said before, it comes down to these questions:
1. Whether or not a staff member is willing to commit 15-20 minutes to build the obsidian dome
2. Whether or not the MassiveTeam as a whole see the worth in allowing withers to be spawned in this specific area

1. They do not destroy blocks if enclosed in obsidian, and besides that, if you weren't aware, it is already possible to spawn them, however it is illegal and can result in a perma ban.
2. As I corrected, invisibility potions have absolutely nothing to do with nether stars; that was a mistake, and I've edited my post, removing everything about invisibility potions.

Do these points change your viewpoint?

As I said before, it comes down to these questions:
1. Whether or not a staff member is willing to commit 15-20 minutes to build the obsidian dome
2. Whether or not the MassiveTeam as a whole see the worth in allowing withers to be spawned in this specific area

... Withers destroy Obsidian.
I do kind of like the idea of withers being spawnable legally, but there are some parts of the idea don't like:

1. The dome idea I don't really like. If people want to farm withers they can build their own safe room. Anything would do as the wither cannot destroy blocks.

2. I do see a potential for use in raids and battles. Both to drive raiders away and to pin raided people inside. But spawning a wither and leaving would be rather annoying for the people you left it attacking. This could possibly be fixed by giving staff the power to remove withers within a set radius. This needs to be thought about before it is implemented.

3. Beacons may be slightly op. And I believe it would make the most powerful faction, thus the ones that could easily kill withers, even more powerful. Maybe if they were added simply as a decorative item it would be ok. But if added like normal it could cause problems.

EDIT: if any of this stuff seems pointless because of previous posts on the thread, please ignore it. Most of the posts were not there when I started writing and only loaded after I hit post. Edited out the part about invisibility potions after seeing eman1000's post.
Disregarding every other logical reason, Withers are the easiest way to farm Mcmmo. Stick them in a tiny room, turn on an auto-clicker, and fly up in mcmmo.

If players are allowed to spawn withers wherever they want, someone could easily accidentally release one, causing significant disaster, therefore I would have to disagree, an acount of allowing players to spawn withers in their own domes, and for use in raids.

Also, as stated, use of beacons would still be banned because they're somewhat op, completely unrelated to medieval RP, and can cause lag, according to Jadex.
Also, I must add, I was mistaken earlier in saying that withers do not cause block damage. Acording to MonMarty they cause two types, one of which may not be stopped through our existing plugins.

In response to this, my idea is somewhat impractical then, unless staff were to find a plugin restricting any and all block damage done by withers. Whether or not it is worth going through that trouble is up to staff, however I think it would be worth it! Then again, I do not know the time it takes to implement plugins, so I'll leave that decision to staff.
I only can say that you did a wonderful job writing this thread..its very organized and nice piece of writing. That presented facts and opinions, pros and cons. This could almost be a school work type of paper.
Withers destroy obsidian, as well as if spawned in a small enough area, within the recent updates, they will be able to clip right through the blocks, They fire 2 types of heads, a blue one, to destroy about all blocks, and a black one, which deals additional damage and causes the wither effect. The blue one is able to break obsidian in a few hits, if aiming at the certain one.
But no, then the entire world would be filled with beacons, me and a few friends even made a beacon within a good few hours on another server, it's just too devastating with such little effect.
-Neutral stance.
  1. There are many better ways to farm a wither: Wither farming 1 2 3
  2. This can cause lag and other problems if used incorrectly.
I think the wither spawning should be limited to mods and admin for special events. Any other usage of a wither is impractical on a server of this magnitude.
If I trade in half my money can I spawn 7 whithers in the bases of my enemies?
Invisibility potions and beacons were disabled already for being OP. In fact they were disabled the day of the update. So I am pretty positive this idea will not be approved. So with that being said
I do not support this idea.

I am just saying not to be picky but for historical remembrance, I know for a fact Invisibility potions weren't instantly disabled, as I have used them on Massivecraft before and killed quite a few people at SkyTower (When that was a think) with them.
  • Wither do destroy blocks. Their hitbox deletes blocks when they get into contact with something, so a clever attacker could use a wither to break into a castle and destroy chests as long as they make the wither follow them in. A wither once spawned in Regalia ate it's way trough the old Church.
  • Withers are extremely destructive in spawn cities, a wither released in SilverEdge after the release of the wither update, caused nearly 40 deaths before being killed by a group of premiums.
  • Invisibility potions make it impossible to prove or see if a person is using aimbot. It's basically giving someone a carte blanche to cheat.
Concluding, no on both proposals, for above irrefutable reasons.

Marty, can you make withers NOT destroy blocks? It shouldn't really change your decision though, since honestly there's really no use anyways with beacons being disabled. Maybe the stars could be used for a custom recipe or something. OOH, that gives me a totally ADHD tangential idea for a winter (or other) festival special item! A fallen star! Either way, I digress. Do you think it might be viable to consider if that were the case?
I am just saying not to be picky but for historical remembrance, I know for a fact Invisibility potions weren't instantly disabled, as I have used them on Massivecraft before and killed quite a few people at SkyTower (When that was a think) with them.

I tried making an invisibility potion about three days after the update and it was disabled. I apologize that I wasnt 100% accurate but it was disabled very soon after the update.
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