Preserved Sheet Leckzasst Zansossa - The Astronomer

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Pocket Princess
Oct 30, 2016
Reaction score

~Leckzasst Zansossa~

~ Basic Information
  • Full Name: Leckzasst "Leck" Zansossa
  • Age: 52 (His lucky number!)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Kaam-Allar
  • Sexuality: Has never actually paused to consider that
  • Preferred Weapon: Whatever's conveniently at hand, but he can clumsily wield a blade or a puretek weapon in a pinch
  • Religion: Alchzech 6/10, though tempted by the Void Worship of Djjwa Ifirti of The Thousand Eyes, thinking that it represents his innate desire for that knowledge that is kept locked away. 3/10, but growing.
~ Inventory Information
  • Puretek Weaponry (One small, completely undecorated Quarter Puretek, which had been obtained for "scholarly research" and one large wood-accented Demi-Puretek which had been given to him as a gift from his sister)
  • Random pocket change that he's picked up off the street.
  • A small foldable step ladder which he carries in a backpack, for those particularly high up books and snooty elves
  • Random bits of paper with notes on the movements of the planets scrawled all across them, and ink and a quill just in case something comes up that he absolutely has to write down
  • A small collection of berries and flowers, just in case he feels peckish


~ Skill Information

Total Points: 57 + 10 Hobby

  • Maritime Knowledge - 20 (Applying for Virtuoso permission for this slot, if accepted, will change) | "The sstarsss are not in.. Posssition for thisss sssacrifice"
  • Conning Proficiency - 15 | "Yesss indeed! The noble Houssse Bratwurssst told me to build here, take it up wittthh ttthhem~"
  • Puretek Weaponry - 15 |"Bang! Bang! Ba- Oh sssshhhoot I missssed"
  • Dextrous Rogue Skill - 4 |"Pleasssse ssssir, may I 'av ssssome more..?"
  • Calvary - 3 | "On guard, you sssilly toy sssoldier!"
  • Visual Arts - 5 (Hobby Points)
  • Literary Arts - 5 (Hobby Points)
- Body Shape -
  • Physical Stat - 32
  • Body Shape - Toned
  • Body Fat - Low
- Languages -
  • Common (Learned in preparation to enter Regalian society)
  • Zasta (Native language)
- Special Traits/Spells/Mutations -
  • Nada!

~ Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Dark Green
  • Hair Color: N/A
  • Hair Style: N/A
  • Skin Color: ALL THE COLORS
  • Clothing: Alternates between a very extravagant set of what appears to be renaissance-era clothing, and very simple cloth robes, essentially tie dyed
  • Height: 5'
~ Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

- Option One: The Question List -

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Leck often decides to flash brief shades of bright yellow or orange when he's happy, particularly along his cheeks and neck, and offers a massive grinning smile.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • He would immediately turn invisible, and try to stay stock-still to try to avoid being noticed. Deer in the headlights style, giving in to the instinctual urge to disappear when the going gets rough.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • He would probably start kneading his hands together, nervously avoiding eye contact, as his scales flash with dark purples and blues
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Leck generally respects the law and authorities, thinking that law is necessary to keep the masses under control. However, when it comes to scientific pursuits, he thinks that they're noble enough to prioritize over following the law to the letter. He is well aware that some of his methods of achieving his goals (forgery, thievery, general conning) are frowned upon by law enforcement, but when it comes down to it, it's the results that matter, not the methods.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Leck currently feels like the Ailor and their superior industry are probably his best chance at setting up a running observatory, and endeavors to ingratiate himself to as many of them as possible. He also appreciates Sihai for their skill in astronomy and the Frivolous Dynasty's skill in the arts. The Altalar and Qadir have good basis in the sciences, but their secretive cultures make them difficult to engage with. Other than that, he thinks of most other races either as frightening in the case of Url, Orcs and Kathar, or relatively neutral, like Cielothar or Isldar
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • While Leck is relatively agnostic about even a primarily agnostic faith, he truly believes that all faiths have a measure of truth within them. He believes that anything that's unknown, from the depths of the Earth to the intricacies of the stars has a certain divinity to it, and once it has been perfectly explained, it elevates the discoverer closer to divinity themselves. However, he is conflicted, as the Void Worship of Djjwa Ifirti appears to perfectly agree with his goals.. He could be turned to either side.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • He is absolutely fascinated, if a bit frightened around it, and he wishes to experiment with any mages he can get his hands on, in order to discover the depths of their abilities, and hopefully discover more about exist and void energies.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • There is a certain amount of nervousness around his encounters with his family, as they don't know that he has forsaken his role as a Kaam-Allar just yet.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • His ambition. He thinks he's the only one who has any proper vision of where scientific research should go, and he thinks that only he has the foresight to get there.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • He lives to discover new things, it is a borderline obsession with him. Curiosity transforms into agonizing levels of having to know the answer. He cannot die until he gets that answer.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • He's self-conscious of his incredible levels of clumsiness, and tries to avoid drawing attention to it every chance he can get. He feels like he is living within the wrong body for himself, and his natural clumsiness from that sensation has lead to unending disapproval from Allar society in general, considering physical dexterity is a very important part of a Kaam-Allar's duties. He has internalized this disapproval, and considers it to be one of his greatest failings.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • That he will die, forgotten and unknown, without ever completing his research. Leck believes deep down that he was born within the wrong caste. His terrible physical dexterity combined with his natural interest in the stars and his bone plates have convinced him that if only he didn't have his colour changing scales, he would have been in the same caste as his brother Massta. He has an underlying desire to prove that theory right by becoming one of the best Allar astronomers ever. If he does that, then maybe despite his caste, he will be recognized for who he is and what his talents are, rather than the role that he was born into. If he doesn't succeed then it means (to him) that he is just terrible at his role, and wasting his life on a fantasy to boot. Which is.. frightening.

~ Weaknesses
  • Clumsiness, Leck is naturally incredibly clumsy, to the degree where he is constantly covered in bumps or scratches due to falling down stairs, tripping over his own feet, or accidentally hitting himself in the face when he gestures. His nature as a walking disaster is what makes it nigh-on impossible for him to properly pickpocket someone, despite being classically trained in the art of sleight of hand. In fact, it's one of the reasons why he was so convinced that he was born into the wrong caste, as it is so heavily focused around fine and gross motor skills.
~ Relationships
- Oessyl Uzzal - @Chapstxcks - Close friends and long-time research partners, also the only other Allar that Leck knows in this foreboding city, He's Leck's go-to adviser for everything from magic to relationships, and the old Es-Allar has more than enough wise sage wisdom to go around it seems.
- Massta Zansossa - NPC - One of Leck's two older brothers (the other being Zazz). A Zu-Allar, feels a little confrontational around Leck, because he feels like Leck is sort of moving in on his proverbial turf as the intellectual of the family.
- Zazz Zansossa - NPC - The muscle of the family, Zazz towers over all of his other siblings. He's a bit of a gentle giant, and likes to think of himself as the protector of his siblings. Has a cushy job as a Sa-Soz Allar, for a mildly important Cro-Allar. His job is one which he loves dearly.
- Marzza Zansossa - NPC - Marzza is the frail, sweet rose of the Zansossa family, as the youngest (if only by a matter of hours). She is a regionally relevant politician, and she regularly tries to offer care back to her siblings in the form of political favours, most of which are declined, so she makes her way behind the scenes. Probably Leck's closest sibling, and a dear friend as well as his twin sister. Interesting fact: Their hands are exactly the same size, despite being members of different castes.

~ Life Story
Leck was born to an entirely average Allar family in the alchemically-fueled city of Brazzt. He had two brothers, Zazz and Massta, who were both six years older than him (A Sa-Allar and a Zu-Allar respectfully) and a twin sister, Marzza, who was an Al-Allar. He had been born with small plates along his back and was absolutely delighted by toys. In another life, he would have been a textbook Zu-Fazza, and his life would have gone very differently. But alas, he had also been born with scales that could shift colors, which automatically placed him in the Kaam-Allar caste. Instead of a life marked by quiet bookkeeping and nights gazing at the stars, he was destined for the (probably short) life of a saboteur, spy or common pickpocket.
Leck very quickly realized that he had been placed into the wrong caste. He was so unbelievably bad at stealth, with the exception of his natural Kaam-Allar ability to camouflage, that he was metaphorically and literally at the bottom of his class. He was more liable to stumble into a group of targets because he forgot where his own feet were while he was camouflaged. The only place where he managed to succeed was in the art of fast-talking his way through obstacles, a skill which served him well later on in life. When his exams came to finally qualify him to enter the world proper, he scraped by in the bottom percentile based on his merit as a con artist. Quickly, the leaders of his caste knew that they needed to assign him somewhere far away, somewhere where it would be nigh-on impossible for Leck to ruin whatever mission he was placed on. They finally set him up in the distant Islands of Volosh, where an ongoing collaboration between the void cultists of the island and the Zu-Fazza of Brazzt had assembled a small base of scientific research, particularly concerning themselves with the movements of the heavens.
When Leck found himself suddenly not expected to do any actual spy work, considering the collaboration was actually operating perfectly, he finally relaxed. He decided to spend his time on the Islands researching the same thing those Zu-Fazza were researching, the movements of the heavens. He eventually came upon the realization that the heavens were one of the last discoveries that had been almost fully neglected in modern Allar science. He became obsessive, relentlessly researching everything connections between magic and the heavenly bodies to the effects of the moon on Sihai physiology. It was here where he met a lifelong friend of his, Oessyl Uzzal, an Es-Allar who was particularly well-learned in magical theory. They spent long nights picking eachother's brains, Oessyl for Leck's natural racial ability, and Leck for Oessyl's knowledge of magical matters. It was here also, buried in mountains of tomes, that he developed a fascination with all types of Qadir clockworks, thinking that they could be used for examination of the heavens, as well as acting as an extremely pure expression of scientific achievement, which deeply impressed him. This powerful impression stayed with him for the rest of his life as he worked on between other projects.
Soon though, all good things must come to an end. Due to the tensions between the Regalian state and the Digmaan, a few Kaam-Allar were sent to Regalia in order to try to manage to give the Digmaan an edge if another conflict sprung up. Leck found himself being chosen as one of those few, based on the "good work" he had been doing, despite having only managed to just barely keep himself out of trouble (he still suspects his sister to have had a hand in this, she always did like bureaucracy..) Quickly enough, a ship had been chartered for him (one that he still has in his possession). And so, he ended up in Regalia, supposedly he was supposed to spy on whatever war meetings he was able to, but in actuality he spent most of his time in the Imperial Library, digging through stacks of research on Qadir clockworks to try to find that one key he needed to make his breakthrough. It was here that he discovered a recent development in their technologies, the invention of an anti-aberrant device called the Puretek. He first saw one in the possession of an Ailor friend who had been investigating the operation of Puretek devices and how the Puretek devices could determine whether a subject was pure or not (which was of great fascination to the majority of the Ailor scientific community.) Entranced by the idea that perhaps there were more discoveries to be made in Qadir clockworks that hadn't even been explored yet, he convinced his Ailor friend to loan him the device in return for an exquisite work of art (which had been subtly forged.) The more time he spent with the device however, the more entranced he became by its workings. Impressed by the fusion of craftsmanship, religion and science that was the Puretek, he simply "neglected to give it back," taking it for himself and running off with his now ex-friend's device.
And that's where his story begins, panning for money from Nobles and trawling through forgotten lore in order to try to assemble the device that would allow him to fulfill his dream of a machine that would unlock the secrets of the stars.

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Hey there! This is a great start to an app but there is just a few edits that I need you to do!

  • Visual Arts - 5 (Hobby Points) |
  • Literary Arts - 5 (Hobby Points)
  • Culinary Arts - 1 (Hobby Points)
Remember you only have 10 hobby points unless one of these was suppose to be just one regular prof point.
How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
He would immediately turn invisible, and try to stay stock-still to try to avoid being noticed. Deer in the headlights style.
Please expand on this more! Go indepth on how he'd react during fearful moments.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?
  • Leck finds a bit of secret delight in getting as close to the authorities as he can, tempting fate, as it were
Expand on this one as well! How does he tempt fate and why does he have a secret delight in getting close to the authorities?
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • He's self-conscious of his incredible levels of clumsiness, and tries to avoid drawing attention to it every chance he can get.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • That he will die, forgotten and unknown, without ever completing his research
Both of these need to be expanded upon why is he so clumsy? And why is it such a big insecurity to him? And for his biggest fear why does he fear being forgotten and unknown after death? What's so important about completing his research?
It was here also, buried in mountains of tomes, that he developed a fascination with Puretek
In his backstory it mentions of puretek technology, however, this is still technically very new in lore and I'd like a better reason than he has a fascination with them. Expand on how he got one and why he uses it, keep in mind they are also extremely expensive in current lore. Before I clear any puretek proficiency that is, or you could change it to something else.

Make all these changes in PURPLE and tag me when you're done.