Archived Leashes Attachable To Players

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Dec 23, 2012
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title says it all, post your thoughts about leashes been attachable to people. For example, the person the leash is attached to cannot move more then a certain distance from the person holding the leash or the fence it is attached to.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Good for slavery RP not sure if its possible but this would be fun...though the leashed player would need to ok the command, otherwise tons of leashing random ppl XD
Good for slavery RP not sure if its possible but this would be fun...though the leashed player would need to ok the command, otherwise tons of leashing random ppl XD

maybe they have to agree unless you are in a zone where you can both attack each other. It could add an interesting side to pvp. People could run though and least ax and sword fighters to pull them away from allied archers or maybe pull enemies together to kill them with splash potions.
I love this idea. Did you get the idea from my post on "Lots of slaves around these days"? Anyway, I think it would be cool. The player could only break free if he left clicked the lead with a sword, and to make it harder to grab onto people they could only be caught while standing still.
I love this idea. Did you get the idea from my post on "Lots of slaves around these days"? Anyway, I think it would be cool. The player could only break free if he left clicked the lead with a sword, and to make it harder to grab onto people they could only be caught while standing still.

I was already thinking about it, when I saw other people liked it as well I decided to post the idea.
It sounds nice, but very easily abused. There would need to be heavy restrictions on it.
It sounds nice, but very easily abused. There would need to be heavy restrictions on it.
I agree. However, the proper restrictions could be made. For example, players might have to stand still for 30 seconds to be captured. And if they were holding a sword, they could left click the lead to break free.
I like this, but there needs to be a command such as /leash accept.
Or you could use this on your vampire thralls with or without their consent. (Check my thread)
I was acually hoping someone would suggest this. I love the idea, though if implimented I think it should expand to hostile mobs as well. I'd like to send undead minions into my enemy's lines.
Fishing poles pull other players away, like when Lukkerdam was moving I used a fishing pole on that guy and he got pissed because I was pulling him away from my team so he killed me
Just thought of something, if this was added, been a maiar or agni would be a decent option in a fight. If there was a pool of lava near by the agni could leash their enemies and pull them in. If the fight was happening near an ocean or large lake a maiar could leash people then swim to the bottom and drown them.
I feel like being able to leash anyone that's around would be greatly abused and there should be some command or something for the people to accept the leash.
I feel like being able to leash anyone that's around would be greatly abused and there should be some command or something for the people to accept the leash.
People who abuse or cheat should not be allowed in our community. So if they abuse then they will get banned, that will fix the roleplaying problem and this problem.
Or we could just have it for premium only. (smoking)
Edit: I was joking about the premium only.
People who abuse or cheat should not be allowed in our community. So if they abuse then they will get banned, that will fix the roleplaying problem and this problem.
Or we could just have it for premium only. (smoking)

premiums are just as likely to troll or abuse game mechanics as non-premiums.
This needs to exist in some way.
Yay. If this is on the server, I can now leash people up in Osai/Algarons' f home and beat them with a stick :)
This NEEDS to be on the server.
What happens when you're fighting someone off and you get tied to a fence post? That sounds rather boring, but this would be interesting regardless. there would need to be some altering though, I think.
Lets face it, people like archangel are just going to use it for the Pvp perks. I was imagining limiting it to roleplay, so a request can be sent to the players, that way people wont just mindlessly use it thinking getting kills while someone is tied down is actually something to boast about. This way you wont see players chained to a fence all over the place, and only the hardcore RPers will have a lead on them, if they are roleplaying As like a slave, pet, whatever stuff those people are into. It should also work depending on whose land it is on. Say I am enemies to 9thlegion, and MY power level is lower than someone else, if I am on THEIR land, and my power level is lower, they are able to then chain me WITHOUT request, as though capturing a slave, because I was on their land while I am an enemy. (EXAMPLE ONLY, DONT GET ANY IDEAS.)
This is why i say only make it a command, this way you cant even God RP a prisoner, they have to accept in the roleplay that they are being captured, yes that would be rare but only the good RP's would agree to be captured in the first place, so it works.
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