Preserved Sheet Lea Aalders

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Jun 13, 2016
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Basic Information


Full Name: Lea Katrien Aalders

Age: 23 [282 AD]

Gender: Female

Race: Ailor [New Regalian/Anglian]

Sexuality: Heterosexual




+15 Surgery (+10 School of Battlemed, +5 Points)
+10 Mace (+10 School of Battlemed)
+10 Small Shield (+10 School of Battlemed)
+5 Unionist Seminary (+5 Points)

Cultural Points

+10 Cooking (+10 Cultural Points)

+10 Painting (+10 Cultural Points)

+3 Dancing (+3 Cultural Points)


Anglian, 10/10 | Native

Common, 10/10 | Free


Visual Information


Eye Color - Striking sky blue

Hair Color - Raven black

Hair Style - A wavy bob that reaches her shoulders.

Skin Color - Fair and pink.

Clothing - Ankle-length dresses theming in bright colors.

Height - 5'3

Body Build - Toned


Personality and Abilities


Generally, Lea is seen as a sociable and humorous girl. However, most note that Lea is far from obnoxious, and normally wears a polite dimpled smile on her face while meeting new people. She doesn't have the need to pick-pocket anymore while being at Regalia, because of her plan to live with the noble side of her family, so she now isn't known as the annoying and sneaky midget, where her reputation stands at her town in Anglia.

Lea is generally happy to greet new people, especially in well mannered company. Though, she does tend to stray away from anybody who could potentially ruin her pathway to being a good Unionist. For example, now that Lea is on the mission to purity, she'd now tend to avoid conversation with void-infested races.

Lea tends to gain a sense of
humor with those she's comfortable with, and spends less time thinking before she speaks, because she feels like she doesn't need to, because their trust is already gained. Towards the wealthy, she'd rarely show disrespect unless provoked, in hopes that she can charm her way to wealth. Or maybe make a couple friends.

Lea is rather neutral. She seems to care for others' personal feelings too much, and has a problem with being overly empathetic, though she's fantastic to be around in good company. Lea has a certain charm to her, which makes it fairly easy for her to make friends. From the trauma that carried with her mother's tragic death, Lea developed a severe fear of water.


Life Story


Lea Katrien Aalders was born to an Anglian woman, in the city of Axford. She was the result of a drunk night between Hagnes, her mother, and a wealthy man under the name von Forst. Whereas Hagnes learned Derek's name before he left, he was certainly quick to disappear. As Derek had left, and her mother was left pregnant and alone, Hagnes was disowned by her family, left to work as a common barmaid in the hopes that she'd be able to supply for her daughter. Lea, thankfully, was a quiet baby, commonly called a little angel. Though, this was far from what she'd eventually become.

(Ages 1-8) Basic childhood. Pooped, cried, learned to walk, etcetera. Nothing out of the ordinary during these times. Common and Anglian were languages she was introduced to during these years, and she learned the both of them in tandem. She was given a light education, in finance and writing. Money was something Lea needed in life, and education on it was required.

(Ages 9-14) Lea began to pickpocket the patrons at her mother's bar. It was mostly to gain extra funds, as she only really stole from people who were leaving the bar with money still in their pockets. By the age of thirteen, she had made a big mistake, trying to swipe regals from one of the higher-ups in a local thieves' guild. However, he reacted not with rage, but rather, with curiosity. He took Lea under his wing, more specifically, under the wing of his guild. His place in the guild was a surgeon - more specifically a Battlemed, and, he saw the potential in the young girl. At the age of eleven, Lea began to be tutored as a Battlemed, though she was on the smaller side.

(Ages 15-17) Lea continued training in Battlemed, along with pickpocketing patrons. Her mother begged her to work as a barmaid, rather than a thief, though Lea ignored her pleas and continued her 'job'. This drove a wedge in between Lea and Hagnes, one that wouldn't be settled anytime soon.

(Ages 18-19) Lea was told of who her father was, and his story. She reacted with disbelief, followed by confusion, and finally, acceptance. This gave her a plan. She began to save up money, in the hopes of moving to Regalia to be legitimized, and start the life she had been wanting to lead. However, at the age of nineteen, a disastrous flood struck their town. While Lea and her mother were trudging to higher ground, they failed to recognize the landslide forming on the same hillside they were climbing. An old tree was torn loose, and had fallen on top of the mother and daughter. Lea had managed to wiggle free from the heavy trunk and sharp branches, though her mother remained entangled, and was pinned, and eventually engulfed in mud and water. After this, Lea had become a hermit, locking herself in her slowly rotting house for months. By the time she had finished mourning for the most part, she took over her mother's job as a bartender. She grew an overwhelming fear of water from the traumatic event.

(Ages 20-22) Lea had begun to more severely worship Unionism, and strictly prayed up to five times a day. She would continue this pattern for the majority of her life. By the time Lea was 22, she had collected enough funding to head out of Anglia and begin anew. However, she couldn't bear to leave the resting place of her mother. Though, she continued collecting money. She decided to stay in Anglia for as long as she could take.

(Age 23) Lea's grief overcame her, in addition to only afford to sail to Regalia, albeit it was a rough trip, being surrounded with water. With no other options, she set sail and met with the distant family that she had been a bastard to. This decision to begin again in Regalia would send her down a rabbit hole of nobles, lovers, and trouble. Within the past months of current day, Lea would be blessed with the Aspect of Knowledge - specifically the Order of Talent. She had begun to receive powerful visions of slashing and maneuvering with her mace, gaining an extra ten years of knowledge on the matter.




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Review time! (Sorry for the late reply, finals week!)
  • I love Edna Mode, you get a pat on the back for that
  • Finance and Visual Arts are both schools on the wiki! I reccomend having her attend to better fit her talents!
  • You cannot enter the school of Haaken before age 14, please bump her age for me!
Make these edits in a new color and @me in the comments once done!

Finance and Visual Arts are both schools on the wiki! I reccomend having her attend to better fit her talents!
So I had some trouble trying to figure out where to give her time to go to the other schools! I think you're right, and it would make more sense for her to have a talent in art if she went to a school for it. But I'm struggling to find where to put it and keep her skills in Haaken. I also don't believe it would be easy to bump her age up 2+ years, because then it wouldn't fit in the timeline of her being born from Derek Heinrich. So, I promise I gave a lot of thought into that one! Thank you for your critiques!

So I had some trouble trying to figure out where to give her time to go to the other schools! I think you're right, and it would make more sense for her to have a talent in art if she went to a school for it. But I'm struggling to find where to put it and keep her skills in Haaken. I also don't believe it would be easy to bump her age up 2+ years, because then it wouldn't fit in the timeline of her being born from Derek Heinrich. So, I promise I gave a lot of thought into that one! Thank you for your critiques!
Unfortunately, due to her talents also being intellect schools, she will have to have a skill in each, or have them removed! Sorry for the inconvenience!
Claimed for review.
  • I'd like for you to list either toned or femmefatale as bodybuild, instead of having both.
  • The Aspects were only introduced into Regalia following Cedromar's abdication as Emperor, meaning it would need to be written into present backstory within the last month, not years ago.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @katieisNOTdecent

  • Made Aspects recent enough to fit in the last month or so.
  • Made Lea just lightly toned. RIP femmefatale unionist wife
@Bagley_ Bump!

Added a few more changes to Lea's character.
  • Made Lea a Battlemed and removed Undercroft
  • Changed Lea's Aspect to give her visions of mace-wielding instead of sneaking.

Made all changes (including previous) in red.
Reviewed, all changes seem appropriate and in line with bagley's initial request.
