Le Ithanian Lobby


Archmage of Avgard
Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score

La Liberté

The Ithanian Lobby is the sole source of Ithanian based politics in the Crown City. The lobby intends to promote the political and idealogical beliefs of Ithania. It also hopes to expose the great multifaceted culture of the Ithanian mainland to the rest of the Regalian Empire; including but not limited to:
☞ Language, by writing and speaking in d'Ithanie in all official meetings (translators will be present).

☞ Religion, by informing those interested of the many opportunities the Priscelle sect has to offer.

☞ Cuisine, by offering traditional food and drink at all official meetings.

☞ Entertainment, by presenting classic Ithanian song, dance, prose, poetry, and theatre before or after all official meetings.​

Aside from furthering the culture of the great Ithanian state, the Ithanian Lobby wishes to better the client state's own goals in the Empire; including but not limited to:

☞ Protecting the Ithanian borders from foreign invaders.

☞ Securing fair and just taxes and tariffs on the imports and exports of Ithania.

☞ Ensuring the continued rights and benefits Ithanian citizens possess not only at home, but in the crown city as well.

☞ Continuing the many years of peace and prosperity between Ithania and Regalia.

☞ Furthering any and all interest of the Ithanian people as proposed by the Grand Sovereign.
In order to join the Ithanian Lobby the following requirements must be met:

☞ Any interested people(s) must be of titled and voting peerage.

☞ Any interested people(s) must swear an oath to uphold the defining goals of the Lobby.

☞ Any interested people(s) must read the following documents concerning political unions.​

Upon completion please pen an IC letter containing the following information:

Chère Madame Ombre [or any other accepted title, nickname, or alias of Olivia Ombre],​

Je vous prie d'agréer, [repeat the title used earlier], l'expression de mes salutations distinguées. [You may now state who you are as the matriarch or patriarch, your house name, and why you wish to join the lobby].

Bien à vous [or any other appropriate farewell of a letter],
[repeat the title used earlier]​


House Ombre, current Lobby Leader
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Pour les plus illustres et renommée matriarche Maison Ombre, dame Ombre,

Je vous prie d'agréer, dame Ombre, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées. Malheureusement, vous et moi devons encore être présentés. Espérons que cette maigre lettre suffira comme introduction. Je suis Abella Favreau Deschamps, autrefois de la troupe agissante de Lapalaise connue comme les défenseurs éblouissants du royaume. Je vous écris actuellement en ce jour béni pour demander de ne pas entrer en tant que membre de la pairie, mais en tant que traducteur pour votre syndicat Ithanie. Ayant été formé dans la plus grande ville d'Ithania, je suis doué d'une grande aisance à la fois dans D'Ithanie et Citoyen ainsi que dans Common. Je vous prie de me tenir au courant de vos meilleurs vœux et de vos meilleures pensées, et je prie pour que mon résumé dérisoire soit suffisant pour être accepté.

Que l'Esprit et le Royaume nous sourient,
Dame Ombre.
Juliette, the half-Ithanian, stuck her nose up at the lobby notice, "Gross, Ithanians."