Preserved Sheet Layla Faizan

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ancient gay
May 26, 2015
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Roleplay Guilds
House Croy
Aesthetics to come.
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Layla Fereshteh Faizan Al-Burjjayam
    • Naming Custom: First name, middle name, family surname, place of family home (stylized).
    • Shortened Prose: Layla Faizan
  • Age: 31 Years
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Qadir-Almae Void Silven
  • Special Permission: Silven

Skill Information
  • 31 Points (-10 from Alchemy School) | 21 Points to Spend
    • +20 Alchemy (+10 from School, +10 from Points)
    • +20 Quick Fingers (+10 from School, +10 from Race)
    • +10 Black Powder (+10 from Points)
    • +1 Syndicate Contacts (+1 from Points)
  • 31 Points
    • +30 Horticulture (+10 from School, +20 from Points)
    • +20 Clockwork Engineering (+10 from Race, +10 from Points)
    • +1 Brewing (+1 from Points)
  • Languages
    • Faraddi (Fluent)
    • Common (Fluent)
  • Muters
    • Growth Muter
    • Vertica Muter
      • Brown, furred, prehensile tail that extends to about her calf.
    • Deterring Muter

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Golden with Red Limbus
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Varies.
  • Skin Color: Light Brown
  • Clothing: Alchemist's Robes
  • Height: 5ft 10in (Originally 5ft 8in before Growth Muter)
  • Body Build: Athletic

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Layla is a person who very clearly has a motivation behind what she does, on generally everything, and seems to only take risks that benefit her. Her pragmatism is laced into most of her actions and decisions, and seems to be coated with a fine layer of avarice. To strangers, while not off putting or crass, she isn't brimming with socialization either, and tends to dash sarcasm onto her words case by case. Likely the best thing about her outward personality is her ability to treat people rather fairly and plainly, mostly due to how she was adversely treated by others in her past. Layla also tends to offer her skill set whenever it is appropriate, making her have a very mercenary attitude about many things.
  • Second Paragraph: Self-preservation is Layla's foremost attitude when it comes to decision making, and many things she does in life is motivated by purely what she gains out of it. She struggles with confidence problems due to a troubled past, and tends to mask it and embolden herself by making money off of her skills. In her opinion, being at least fiscally successful means she is doing something right, and can offset the problems she has with herself. Layla can be rather anxious around and fearful towards Songaskians primarily, mostly in part to how much they were demonized by her fellow Qadir back home. She tends to try to avoid them, and can often become exceedingly frazzled should one come up at the wrong time. Equally so, she's very anxious about her Silven condition, and worries it'll worsen until she's completely unlike herself anymore. The thought scares her, and in her weak understanding of it, connects magic, Silven, and aberration all together into one lump, therefore making her rather anxious regarding magic users around her.
  • Third Paragraph: Layla can be more teasing and joking if she's opened up around a person, and tends to also become far more helpful. While empathy towards the problems and hardships of others is difficult for her, her pragmatism becomes very charitable when dealing with her friends, as Layla will likely assist in the problems of them more than before. Layla's family is a hard topic for her, and she mostly feels sadness about needing to isolate herself from them. She's actually prone to flat out lying about what her family is like, who they are, and/or where they are if prompted by others, due to simply not wanting to recollect the truth of it all.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Layla is a very morally grey person, hinging on perhaps evil. While not outright committing evil acts "just because", she's liable to do evil things as simply circumstance. Her conscious is driven by materialism, and her wealth directly attributes to happiness and success in her head. Therefore, she will break the law, harm another person, kill, or worse even to the people around her for varying amounts of reward. She's based material wealth so high in her head, that oftentimes it can overshadow morality and right/wrong, making her liable to betraying others (though not out of spite or mal-intention). That being said, Layla is not against law and order on principle, but rather ignores them because doing so benefits her more than following them.
  • Fifth Paragraph (OPTIONAL): Will be inserted following a Lore QnA being answered.
  • Deterring Mutations: Layla's mutations as a Silven provide a number of personal and social problems. Mostly in that many of the city's populace turn their noses up at her conditions, and can cause her to run into problems when dealing with others. It also implies a far more difficult time with law enforcement, though that would be more of a case-by-case issue. All in all, her overall place in the world as a Silven is progressively lowered with these involuntary mutations, and make life generally more difficult as a result.

Life Story (Required)
Layla Faizan was born to a Qadir couple, Tahmasp and Maryam Faizan, in the spring of 275 AC. Unbeknownst to Tahmasp, Layla's true father was in fact another man, who just so happened to be an Arken. Originally, Layla was born at the Burjja Tharwah Hadritya within the sprawling Farah'deen landscape. Immediately upon birth, there was clear alarms to both parents, something that especially put Maryam on edge more out of the two. The child born possessed shimmering golden eyes, with an off putting limbus of crimson. Despite their alarm and general unrest about her conditions, the Faizan family decided nevertheless to shelter and raise her as they would any child of theirs. The Faizans were not a poor family by any means, as both parents possessed key skills vital to the merchant economy within Burjja Tharwah. Her childhood home was located upon the steppes nearest to the mountain's base which Burjja was situated on, and was nestled near the caravanserai marketplace directly at the base. Both parents possessed different occupations, the mother being an Alchemist by trade, and the father running an enterprising Clockwork shop further away from the market, among the sky-kissing spires the city is known for.

Layla's childhood was both exciting, dangerous, and exotic. The birth of some kind of "sand demon" to the city's elite put multiple Qadir oligarchs on edge, but luckily, the family was not subject to any kind of witch hunt, as simply the men and women of Burjja had better things to care about. At best, Layla was more avoided than bullied as a child, which was something that would not bother her once life went on. In her younger years, she mostly stayed near her mother, and her father would often be occupying his shop further away. Fearful for how she may be treated, Maryam kept Layla inside the shop walls as often as she could, causing the Silven to learn the 4 walls quite well. As she grew into her middle childhood years, Layla would assist her mother with some matters of shopkeeping, such as putting boxes away, being a "sous chef" of sorts to her mother's alchemy brewing, and studying about the various plants and applicants her mother used. This was all entertaining to her, and likewise introduced her more to the community, which turned suspicious fear into Layla being an friendly curiosity to customers and other traders. As she grew up, she would interact with her father's work more, learning about the clockwork devices he tinkered with and sold, though such a thing wouldn't become her passion, but still a useful talent to have. If anything, her father's spacious office and store high up in Burjja was more entertainment than a learning experience, and she'd often throw rocks off the balconies, to watch them fall until they disappeared in the long fall.

Heading into her teenage years, Layla became much more of an assistant owner to her mother's alchemical store. She was entrusted with increasingly difficult tasks, and even began receiving very elementary training in Alchemy from her mother. This was a generally enjoyable experience for her, but was something cut far too short. Layla had already grown far past her mother's height, and it was something of an oddity to her parents, but also generally dismissed as irrelevant. But when the Faizan family found their daughter to have sprouted a full-blown tail, concern and judgement was passed. It was simply not something either parent could pass off or explain to anyone in the area, but possessed different ideas on how to handle it. Ultimately, the familial structure was split when neither parent could decide, and resulted in Maryam taking her daughter, and relocating both of them (and the shop at that), to Riviella. The area was rumored by Regalian traders, who often visited Burjja, to be quite a haven for immigrants and oddities, and the family had more than enough money to pack up and leave. Upon reaching the area within the Ailor Empire, Layla and her mother settled down with their Alchemy shop.

Irregardless, it wasn't long before Layla seeked expertise her self-taught mother could not offer, and left home to attend the Akademie von Kaiseman within the capital city of Regalia. While almost not accepted due to her unfavourable eyes (Layla did however have to hide her humiliating tail), she eventually was able to convince her entry with her self-taught skills and money. For ten years, Layla hid her most jarring Silven conditions, kept her head down, and studied at the school. During this training, she also would sell alchemical goods she practiced with on the side, especially so to Slummers within the capital city. By her graduation, Layla had been decently introduced to the black markets of the Regalian City, and learned some of their more favourable items to purchase. Coupling her alchemical talents with her new-found knowledge of this, a proficiency with black powder and other explosives developed. The woman's general success caused her to simply not leave the city after graduating, and instead continued her buying and trading with the Slummers for profit, developing a streak of avarice. By her 30th birthday, a pair of horns sprouted, leaving the woman to not have much place to go anymore besides the city Slums due to her varying conditions. This is where she is today, and even constantly receives money (and sometimes supplies) from her wealthy parents, being her only contact with them anymore.
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Skill Information:
The School of Alchemy does not give you a bonus in Clockwork Engineering. Adjust your points to account for this.​
Put this into a spoiler.​

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