Preserved Sheet Lavinio Fiano, The Dressolini Warrior

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Skagger Dad
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
The Abyss
Basic Information

Name: Lavinio Fiano dei Romari

Age: 39 years old

Gender: Male

Race: Dressolini Ailor

Main Ambition: To gain power and enjoy life to the fullest.

Special Permission: N/A


Skill Information

School: Turall - Dressloni Fencing - Martial Nicoloan Fighting

Level: Warrior - Leader (Championa) - Practitioner (Usario)

Source: Private Tutor - Private Tutor - Nicoloan School


Visual Information

Eye Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: Oaken Brown

Hair Style: Long and Wavy

Skin Color: Tan

Clothing: Black leather jerkin over red shirt with grey trousers

Height: 5'11

Weight: 166lbs

Body Build: Toned

Weapon of Choice: Arming Sword, Dressloni Spadi, Dagger

The following is not required when filling out your character application. You may use bullet points or paragraphs, and are welcome to add more or less information as you see fit. The information in this section will not be reviewed. Want to be extra helpful to your reviewer? Use the Spoiler feature to make the content hidden so readers can read it when they want to, or skip it!

Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more. This description is purely for the head (and by extension neck) alone.

Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, weight, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.

Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.

Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.


Personality Traits

Valorous: One of, if not the, most defining trait of Lavinio is his Valor. He is known to face down some of the most frightful things and not cower, in truth he may be scared but refuses to show it. He will often, if not always, leap to protect those he cares about seemingly selflessly. This is one of his most admirable traits as well, though it can be seen in a different light as stupidity and recklessness. This trait is also one of the ones he sees most admirable in himself, and one of his guiding motivations.

Upbeat: It takes quite a lot to keep Lavinio's spirits down as he seems to always look on the bright side of things. Not matter the situation he can and will try to shine light upon it and try to pick up someone's spirits as well. He frequently tells people to think positive and what they want will work out and that no mater the situation there is a silver lining to it. He often will joke around in the middle of a dire situation to try and lighten the mood or take everyone mind off of something bad.

Diligent: Lavinio is a hard worker, no doubt about it, as he will frequently keep at his job until its finished. Many people have said this is a great trait for the Ailor to posses as he will strive to excel and accomplish his goals. Lavinio has displayed this in his drive to learn Turall fighting when at first it seemed he could only fail and give up rather than strive to excel and beat the task, though he eventually turn around and developed this trait. This arguably can also be the cause for his stubborn attitude as well.

Wrathful: Though slow to anger, once Lavinio has been pushed to far you better run for cover as he will explode into a volatile angry mess. One of his more appalling traits, and one of his biggest troublemakers, Lavinio has anger issues as one of the few things that can cool him down is beating the person who enraged him into a bloody pulp, or the closest thing to it. For obvious reasons this has formed a rather large problem for the Dressolini once he has been pushed to far. He seems to be in control of his anger for the most part, likely due to his Nicoloan mental training, but no amount of training can stop him once someone he loves and cares for has been hurt.

Untrusting: Whether stemming from his fight for survival growing up or just part of him, Lavinio has a hard time learning to trust other people. This could be from past betrayals or just a cynical point of view but either way it has cost him many relation and friendships in the past and will likely do so in the future. On top of this Lavinio hasn't really noticed this as an issue yet, all of which makes him even more upset if a betrayal does occur. Though he will often hide his suspicions and such with humor and his general upbeatness, he will seemingly always keep an eye on someone he hasn't met or trusts.

Prideful: Most likely stirring from his bravery and valor, Lavinio has become quiet prideful in his actions, seeing them as a cut above the rest and something to behold. While in some cases this may be true in most they fall short of the expectation. With all his training it is no wonder that he has begun to think like this but it has caused him problems in his social life, often leading him into arguments with other about such things. Though uncommon these argument can go south and become brutal and bloody, leading to fights and duels.


  • Prowess: With all his rigorous training in combat, it should come as no surprise that one of Lavinio's greatest strengths is his ability to fight. He is quiet agile and graceful due to said training as well as many other things, but his ability to fight with or with out a weapon is what makes him such a lively combatant. As his fighting style seem to compliment each other he often integrates them together to from an interesting fighting style perfect for an agile fighter.

  • Charismatic: Likely coming from his upbeat and lighthearted nature, Lavinio is quiet charismatic, usually able to charm his way in and out of sticky situations where fighting out is not an option. He has also used this skill on occasions where he was in need of some information, though this is rare and only done on a life or death basis due to him being married. Lavinio tends to become the life of a party, or at least he tries to, and if there isn't a perty, its safe to assume this social butterfly will be trying to create one.

  • Intelligent: Something that has both saved and hurt Lavinio is his intelligence, despite that it still is one of his best strengths, often helping him in any situation he may find himself in, though it is often overshadowed by his recklessness. He often finds enjoyment in testing his brain with puzzles and riddles, its not uncommon for him to seek such things out to see if he can solve them. Oddly enough, he tends to keep this interest a secret, only those closest to him seem to know about this passion and skill.


  • Damaged ribs: Stemming from his initial training in Nicoloan fighting, Lavinio has three ribs on his right side that are damaged and cause serious pain when ever struck. This occoured during a training exercise in which he was flipped and landed on top of a rock, snapping one of the ribs and cracking the other two. This wound causes in to forfeit his entire attack momentum in order to defend this spot, often time causing him to back off afterwards to recompose himself and get back into the swing of things.

  • Blunt: Lavinio is brutally honest, to the point where he often hurts other's feeling by stating the truth exactly how he sees it, with little to no sugarcoating. For obvious reasons this has caused many problems and has caused Lavinio to lose many friends over the years. He personally sees no problem with this trait but will often try to gain back the friends he has lost, usually to no avail.

  • Reckless: Clearly painted by his high risk life style, Lavinio could be called an adrenaline junky. He seems to be addicted to fighting, partying, getting into trouble, and well anything else to get some adrenaline pumping through his veins. He does this because to him it feels good and there's nothing like the rush he get when doing so, or at least he claims. This leads him into trouble for obvious reasons, whether is with the Guards or other people. Lavinio tends to do things without thinking of the consequences or just flat out ignoring them until he has to deal with them.

  • Hot headed: Although he is slow to anger, once he has been pushed far enough he will snap and viciously attack the person or people who ticked him off. It takes him a while to cool down from his rage and for very obvious reasons, causes problems with those he is close to an/or other people in general. This rage has almost no positives to it as he often forgets his training and such.

  • Brash: Likely stemming from his prideful demeanor, Lavinio is quite brash in his actions, often times going hand in hand with his reckless and blunt behavior. He is often overconfident and arrogant in his actions, even being pushy and forcing people away on accident, but blaming the problem on something else as he can't see that he is the prolem.


Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.


Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.

Well this is a start~ His Family


Life Story

Born in Romari, Montania to Baron Augustino and his wife Gabberellia, Lavinio lead an average life for a young noble child. Despite this the youngster always seemed to be getting in trouble, mostly fighting brothers who were older and tended to pick on him. This was when his father noticed he seemed to have a knack for fighting and wasn't long until Lavinio began fencing lessons.

These lessons continued on uninterrupted until he turned 17, and after losing in his first Vultarin tournament, he desired a more effective means of fighting, so Lavinio, with the help of his father, began searching for a teacher to train him in a more efficient form of combat. It didn't take long for the pair to track down a Freelance Turall teacher, and from there the teacher began training Lavinio. The young man soon found the training to be rigorous and grueling as he was forced to run marathons in the forests, climb mountains, swim for miles and balance. At first he thought this was stupid and began to become disheartened, in all honesty he very nearly quit, but he stuck to it. Eventually the train became easier and easier for him, even becoming second nature to him.

After four long years of this training Lavinio was a Warrior level Turall Bladesman and an Escecusti level fencer, the latter of which didn't set well with him, so at the age of 21 he entered a his second Vultarin tournament, that is after a few months reminding himself with fencing. During these few months he found the two styles of fighting were very similar and began meshing them together, in doing so he layed the path out for his future fights. With this hybrid style of fighting Lavinio quickly rose in the tournament, besting most of the fighters. He even managed to win the tournament, earning him the title of Championa. It was also when he first met his future wife Rosita Grimaldi, and began courting her and meeting her family. Oddly enough for a noble couple they seemed to actually care for each other. This went on for a little over a year before the Grimiadli's got into trouble and were accused of things, of course Lavinio knew the truth but could do nothing as they left for Regalia.

It was a half year or so after the Grimaldi's left that Lavinio saw his first Nicoloan fighter, and the style amazed him. Once more he began tracking down leads and looking for a mentor, only to stumble across an entire school. It didn't take him long to begin training in the school, once again realizing how similar his other agile fighting styles were to this new one. Once more after instance mental and physical training, and 5 long years, Lavinio became an Usario level Nicoloan Fighter. Not long after this Lavinio decided he had had enough and missed Rosita to much so he left for Regalia as well. He soon found the Grimialdi's once more and proposed to Rosita. They soon married and bore twin daughters named Alida and Zelinda, they are now 16.
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Here is my reivew!
  • Bum Knee doesn't really weaken him much. It is difficult for me to think of many instances where I have had to lift more than 60 pounds. I'd like to see a more easily triggered way to access this weakness or some kind of constant negative effect. It is pretty easy to avoid having your badly damaged ribs hit by employing blocks or partial blocks and the like, so adding something to this (or badly damaged ribs actually) would weaken him sufficiently to balance his otherwise very potent combat ability.
Once you make this edit, tag me @TheOverseer__
Good looking! I really like the dynamic of the fear of reinjury adds to badly damaged ribs. Good job.
