Preserved Sheet Lavia'saes'coalor (saes)

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The Walking Spreadsheet
Jan 11, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
Roleplay Guilds
The LCC, The Fourth Company
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Lavia'saes'coalor (Nicknames; Saes)

  • Age: 60

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Kathar, Disciple of Shenath, Clan of Käyth

  • Main Ambition: To find a purpose in life.
Skill Information
60 Skill Points (10 used in School of Atraves)

  • +20 Atraves Stave (+10 School of Atraves, +10 Shendar)

  • +10 Nelfin History (+10 School of Atraves)

  • +20 Acrobatics (+10 School of Atraves, +10 from Points)

  • +10 Tracking (+10 Points)

  • +20 Dagger (+10 Points, +10 Kathar)

  • +20 Unarmed Fighting (+20 Points
  • +10 Void-Exist Knowledge (+10 Kathar)
+60 Cultural Points

  • +10 Dancing (+10 Points)

  • +10 Poetry (+10 Points)

  • +10 Stage Performance (+10 Points)

  • +10 Instrumental Music (+10 Points)

  • +10 Vocal Music (+10 Points)

  • +10 Pastry Cooking (+10 Points)

  • Common

  • Modern Elven

  • She'llag

  • Alt Regalisch

  • Skodje

  • D'Ithanie

  • Imperial Elven
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Sea Blue

  • Hair Color: Silver/White

  • Hair Style: Unkept

  • Skin Color: Grey/Silver

  • Clothing: Dark Colored Silks

  • Height: 6'4"

  • Body Build: Ripped

  • Weapon of Choice: Atraves Stave, Dagger or Unarmed Work for him
Personality and Abilities:

  • First Paragraph: People whom would see 'Saes' would usually think him as the quiet and brooding type. He often is alone by himself, not speaking much, and simply listening to others. People who see him would know he is not someone to mess with when he is having a bad day. He lives two lives, one as the respectable Saes, the other as the Hitman "Crimson." He is quite Prideful over those around him, but to those whom hire his services he is very Obedient to them, especially when there is a lot of money in the job.

  • Second Paragraph: Saes is very certain of himself, and feels he is the best of Regalia's Shendar. He has very little anxieties, or emotions for that matter, as he only thinks of his goal. The one anxiety he does have however, is the lack of purpose he feels in his life. He spends his time seeking out a purpose other than killing and rituals, as hard as that is to find.

  • Third Paragraph: Saes has no current friends, and he simply left his family after the age of twenty, never returning home after school. He almost never grows attached to people, and in fact distances himself from others. However, after getting his attention, he might become attached to you, and wish nothing but happiness in your life, and wishes to fulfill your purpose in life, as he looks for his own. With those few he is more acquainted with he might drop his /emotionless/ act and perhaps smile and laugh, or maybe shed a tear or two.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Saes is Neutral Evil, where he does not care about the laws and allies he has. He goes to the highest bidder, and will turn on anyone, including family, if it furthers his personal goals. He does not care for corruption, because he knows he is corrupt himself. If it doesn't have to do with furthering himself, he won't care about it in the slightest regards, no matter how bad it is.

Life Story

Childhood (Birth-10)

Saes was born to a Käyth wealthy clan in the Shadow Isles, raised deep in Nelfin controlled lands. He had almost no contact with humanity, or even other Nelfin races. He spent his early childhood learning the culture of his people, and becoming extremely prideful of himself. However, unlike his two sisters and brother, he did not connect with the rest of his people. He stayed an outcast in society, until he was soon sent off to the School of Atraves, to learn to be a warrior.

School Life (10-20)

Saes still was unable to connect with the people of his school, and lived a life of an outsider. This gave him a lot of study time however, as he learned more than just what he was taught. He learned to adapt to his situation very easily, and became one of the best at combat in general of his year. By the time of age twenty, when he was to return to the Shadow Isles to be used as a warrior somewhere else, he never went home. He instead went to the front lines near Regalia, and smuggled himself into the great city itself.

Early Regalian Period (20-50)

In this period of his life, not much truly happened. He spent most of his life in Regalian slums, learning to survive, adapting, and killing those who resisted his expanse in power. He grew from chaotic neutral to evil neutral in morality in this time of the slums, and learned that friendship is for the weak. He would rather be an outsider, he is better off on his own, as he thinks it. He earned the name "The Crimson" as a hitman for his crimson/black silk suit he would wear, and the crimson boots/gloves he would wear. However, this nickname did not truly become popular in the Regalian citizenry, and he soon stopped his hitman job all together, using the money he earned to settle down in Regalia for a while.

Middle Regalian Period (50-60)

In these ten years of his life, he began studying Regalian languages, and adapting to the Regalian archipelago system. He worked simply as a mercenary in a few bands, or spent his time in taverns as a bartender, or of the 'brute squad.' Soon however, the excess of money he earned as a Hitman ran out, and he must go back to his ways of destruction in order to prosper. By now the name "The Crimson" had become unpopular and unimportant, but he wishes to make sure it becomes a name to be feared once again.

Late Regalian Period (60-Beyond (Events that happen to character as I play him)
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