Preserved Sheet Laurette D'monial

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Sep 9, 2015
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"You would always pluck the prettiest of flowers - thus the best die early, and the tarnished last."
< . . . Theme Song . . . >
♢Basic Information♢
Full Name: Laurette "Laure" Fiona d'Monial
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female
Race: Ithanian Ailor [Champagnard]
Main Ambition: Procuring popularity amongst the aristocracy - as well as establishing wealth in Regalia.
  • Laurette had initially moved to Regalia in hopes to pursue her infeasible ambitions and dreams, yet a bitter dispute between her parents caused an immediate departure from home. Her leave was terribly unprepared, which caused a plethora of problems when she arrived in the city just recently. Laure entrusted her bags in an unobtrusive nook in the tavern when she wandered across the streets. She utilized the small comfort that the tavern provided until finally reconciling with her cousin again, Alan. He brought her to the d'Monial estate within the heart of Regalia, a perfect spot to Laure's liking.
  • Born on the 10th of July, 286 AC - Zacherie and Diane d'Monial received their firstborn in the secluded homestead right on the outskirts of the Monial village in Fendarfelle. After plentiful unfortunate miscarriages Laurette was eventually raised alone without any siblings, much to her mother's dismay. She grew neglectful towards Laurette because of her strong despondency and was generally uninvolved with her upbringing. It was her father who nurtured and lectured her, along with the additional aid of her poised grandmother, Vivienne.
  • With her great intrigue towards the integrated fashion of cultures within Regalia, Laurette desires to become a versed seamstress and dress the city with her creations by opening her own independent boutique.

♢Visual Information♢
Eye Color: Navy blue.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Hair Style: Loosely elevated in an extravagant updo.
Skin Color: Fair.
Clothing: Dresses of expensive fabrics, embroidered with subtle details.
Height: 5'7"
Body Build: Sinewy.
Weapon of Choice: A dirk, albeit infrequently used due to the inept training she received.
Laurette typically sports an intricate hairdo to deceive the appearance of her status, despite wearing very minimalistic pieces to support her hair. Her blonde wavy locks are regularly pulled back in either a braid or a bun to amplify the sight of her visage. Her face is round-shaped with lightly arched cheekbones beneath small blue eyes. Her lips are round also, shaped in a cupid's bow. Laurette's visage is free of any blemishes or other distinct features, apart from the very faint scar right beneath her chin.

The sinewy build of Laurette's body frame prominently amplifies her lopsided shoulders which immediately explains the slightly tilted posture of the Ithanian woman. Her upper body is scaled larger than her toned legs, a detail rarely perceived by anyone however. Laurette's hands and scrawny digits are covered with multitudinous tiny scratches and light scars due to multiple reasons, ranging from simple accidents with a needle to domestic abuse.

With the woman's lack of resources, Laurette manages to display a simplistic version of the Regalian fashion trends. Laure is a skilled seamstress, taking this as an advantage to dress herself appropriately and fashionably during the day. The design of her gowns are very facile, yet her accessories and the intricate designs on the fabric make her wardrobe more appealing. She typically dresses herself in teal and blue with golden accents - The colors of House d'Monial that she pridefully wears. Although she enjoys wearing blue, Laure dreams of sporting purple someday.

♢Personality and Abilities♢
Laure is typically described as courteous within the public eye, recognizing the correct manners in certain circumstances and knowing when to swallow her words. Despite that however, Laurette is gregarious by nature and quickly welcomes interaction from others. Her eloquent speech is a significant aid to this positive trait. Regardless, the young d'Monial can quickly grow docile whenever she feels threatened in particular state of affairs - Often portraying a cracking hint to her typically concealed cowardice. Within conversation, Laure looks awfully curious and interested in every detail that entails information about the local aristocracy. It seems like an unquenchable thirst for rumors and trifling gossip.

Because of her grim childhood, Laurette grew unconfident and perpetually doubtful of her own achievements. She's scared for failure and critique, thus the Ithanian woman continuously strives for perfection and splendor. Although away from her mother's presence, Laure's fear for negligence slightly faded as she's no longer bound to her parental figures anymore. She gradually flourishes in the woman she wishes to be, unapologetically convivial and no longer insecure of her own self-image. Regardless she still stays haunted with a scarred past, which ultimately prevents swift progress to her esteem.

Without relying on the pressure of a good image in public, Laure can swiftly adapt to a more vivacious persona to whomever she entrusts and likes. She'll be incessantly jovial and mirthful and will take every opportunity to comment with flimsy jests. Laurette can also be irreverently honest to her good friends and family- a trait perceived as negative sometimes. She's not afraid to offer critique and judgement, as hypocritical as it sounds. Laure is hardly aware of the hypothetical reaction she might inflict with some of her bold statements, hence why she finds it often difficult to maintain good relationships between her friends and family.

Laurette strictly abides the law merely in fear of tarnishing her name. She cherishes her reputation enormously and is immutably steadfast to not commit any crimes. She is a good woman at heart and means no wrong to anyone - unless she abundantly abhors said individual. Regardless, Laure stays a pacifist and prefers discussion and conversation above violence and harm. She'd rather inflict damage with her speech rather than with fists or swords.

Tailoring: Initially being ineptly taught by her grandmother, Vivienne - Laure's ability in this skill progressed significantly fast when she diligently continued her practice alone. Her fascination and ardent intrigue for fashion is what made her so zealous to ceaselessly improve the quality of her self-made outfits. Laurette regularly uses this skill to impress and captivate the attention of the aristocracy - much to her success.
Laure can easily accommodate herself within every situation to provide herself the utmost comfort, both mentally and physically. She hates to be a nuisance. Hence why she consistently adapts herself to one's wishes, merely to gain their liking and approbation.
Heedful: Despite the absence of her consciousness sometime, Laurette has attentively keen eyes. She easily takes note of abrupt alterations and minuscule details in any proposed scene. Although her senses are naturally selective and cannot perceive everything, the young woman manages to incessantly alert.
Persuasive: The young d'Monial is endowed with a remarkable knack for persuasion. She often gives praising blandishments to swoon others and gain their favour in return. Laure uses the approbation of others to her own advantage, regardless to what intent.


Feeble: The heinous abuse in Laurette's awful childhood made her physically weak. The years of turmoil between her mother was a taxing period where her body had to unfortunately suffer from. She has a low immune system and is incredibly fragile to damage and pain.

♢Life Story♢
  • Laurette was born on the 10th of July, 286 AC, somewhere on the outskirts of the Monial village in Fenderfelle - being also Diane and Zacherie d'Monial's firstborn, making the family overjoyed at their new bundle of joy
  • After a multitude of miscarriages, the family's jubilation simmered when realizing they were unable to birth another child. Zacherie eventually found peace in their misfortune, yet Diane did not.
  • Laurette grew up in the Monial village in Fenderfelle, often described as a social-butterfly amongst the children. The outside was an escape from the agony that awaited her at home.
  • Diane, still sulking in her despair, grew crestfallen mainly to herself and ultimately neglected her child when isolating herself from her family's presence - The woman's grief was so large that she was unable to properly care for her only child. She barely left her bed and was generally unresponsive to anyone. Laurette, who's blissfully ignorant of her mother's desolation at this young age, notes Diane's distance and instead seeks affection elsewhere.
  • Zacherie showed Laurette the appropriate affection and love, proving to be a good father to his mistreated daughter.
  • Laurette reached an age where she could independently state her opinion and understand the previously unexplained melancholy of her mother. She declares her mother a coward and loathes Diane for her abandonment in Laure's childhood. The two developed a vexed relationship together that typically resulted in harm and physical abuse - An endless fight taxing for both Laurette and Diane.
  • Vivienne, Zacherie's mother, became involved in Laurette's problematic upbringing. Despite from the satisfactory care of her father, the young d'Monial did not receive the suitable education of a proper lady. Vivienne decided to ineptly teach her granddaughter the basic tuition, regardless of the woman's old age.
  • Laurette developed an intrigue for fashion and a knack for designing clothes. With the very limited aid of her grandmother, she continued to develop her skill and grow.
ADULTHOOD: [Present]
  • Laurette received plenty letters of her cousins in Regalia, inviting her to come and join their household in the prominent city. The Ithanian woman already prepared a departure from home, yet her ill-stricken grandmother and loving father made Laure constantly hesitate and postpone her leave.
  • A final dispute between her mother finally drove Laurette away from home. She said goodbye to her father and bade her grandmother a last farewell. She left the d'Monial estate broken-hearted.
  • Laurette arrived in Regalia clueless and lost, having not received specific directions from her cousin at first. She had to entrust the tavern as a temporary home until her cousin, Alan d'Monial, greeted her and reconciled. He brought her to the family estate in Regalia, where Laurette currently takes residence.
Last edited:
  • Add two sentences to the second personality paragraph.
  • Since you have a weakness, you can have one more talent if you want. It's not a required edit, but I figured I'd let you know in case that was something you wanted.
  • Is the Monial village in the Fendarfelle colony? And are the d'Monials nobles, or just wealthy commoners?
  • If the mother was upset that she couldn't have another child, why would she then abuse the only one she had? I would suggest adding a sort of disagreement or friction between the two of them that caused the dislike.
Overall, this is a very nicely written sheet. Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
Sorry for the wait! I made the necessary edits in my application. @Aespair

Is the Monial village in the Fendarfelle colony? And are the d'Monials nobles, or just wealthy commoners?

They're merely wealthy commoners for now, occasionally interacting with the nobility but possessing no official titles currently.
And yes - The Monial village is supposed to be located somewhere in the Fendarfelle colony.
Made some alterations to the application:
  • Added a trait in the first paragraph of Laure's personality.
  • Added one new talent.
  • Re-described Laure's clothing and hair style.
  • Edited the lay-out.
Changes made in red.
I suggest adding one additional weakness.

Otherwise, this looks good. Approved still.