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Dec 24, 2022
Reaction score

Character Information
  • Full Name: Laurent Thomas Duyne
  • Race: Anglian Ailor
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Blue
Core Concept
  • Laurent Duyne is a Bloodcast Knight to House Norinn, he also has other alias as a random beggar in the slums to get more information, he is also a caped vigilante called the Dark Crusader. He believes he must use his skills to cure the corruption and sickness in the city of Regalia and doing that he must conceal his identity and use anyway possible except killing to uphold the law and bring hope to the citizens of Regalia. His one rule is to never kill, unless he absolutely needs to.

    • Combat Style: Warrior
    • 6 Strength (4 Melee, 2 Athletics):
      • Weapon Throw (Free)
      • Cheap Shot
      • Diving Tackle
      • Pinning Throw
      • Technique Parry
      • Steady Body
      • Force Toss
    • 6 Constitution (4 Shielding, 2 Training):
      • Shield Cover (Free)
      • Shield Phalanx
      • Shield Bunker
      • Shield Deflect
      • Shield Block
      • Rebound
      • Rage Counter
      • Familiar Disrupt (Ailor Bonus 2)
    • 1 Intelligence (1 Tech):
      • Hook Shot
      • Tech Ghost (Free)
    • 1 Wisdom (1 Chem):
      • Chem Bloodboil
      • Chem Mend (Ailor Bonus 1)
  • Anglian (Family Language)
  • Common Tongue
Appearance Information
  • Scars all over his body from the traveling, and his also he hides his scars to look more civilized
  • Dark Brown hair, 6,5 white male, blue eyes handsome figure muscular and agile he wears House Norinn plate with helm with the Bloodcast insignia and has a sword at his side.
  • Laurent has three identities the main one being Laurent Duyne second a beggar named Rey Greyback in the slums and last the Dark Crusader who is a vigilante. The Dark Crusader wears dark armor and a black helmet he also wears a black cape.

  • Manifest Familiar: Star-Snouted Bat
    • Each Ailor can be born with a Familiar that appears to them in their crib, and stays with them their entire life. Same rules as Pet Husbandry Pack apply, and if that Pack is bought, it gives access to two Familiars instead. Ailor Familiars live unnaturally long lives, and their presence is often explained in Ailor religions as a "watcher from the Gods".
  • Dark Empathy:
    • Each Ailor can disable their emotions or their conscience at will. They don't even really notice it when they do it, but this capacity has allowed the Ailor to commit great atrocities without feeling a thing. Additionally, their mind also allows them to self-impose a mind-block on certain things, by willfully erasing memories from themselves.
  • Practiced Mockery:
    • Ailor have been subject to derision from other Races for centuries, and over the years learned how to uniquely understand ridicule and insult language in other Languages. Even if they do not speak another Language, if someone utters an insult at them in any Language they do not know, they will understand what the insult is and what it means.
  • Manifest Destiny:
    • Ailor live short explosive and purpose driven lives. As such, they often excel more in the short term at tasks that other Races take slower and longer to master. While the Proficiency System normally allows a maximum of 7 Point investment per Category, Ailor may choose one Category in which to raise the limit to 8 instead.
  • Destiny Stressors:
    • Ailor have a unique stress-response that other Races find quite peculiar. Regardless of what age or condition an Ailor is in, or what hair color they have, when an Ailor experiences a period or event of great stress and trouble, their hair or parts of their hair can turn snow white, with color only returning when their situation improves.
  • Job Opportunities:
    • While isn't really a Special per-se, it is worth noting that while the Roleplay world exists in an Ailor-dominated society, it is always expected that Ailor have an easier time being hired in government and court position jobs than other Races do, purely because they are the preferred candidate within an Ailor dominated society.
Life Story
  • Early Life
    • Laurent Thomas Duyne was born on the 12th of August 282 AC in his family's Manor within the Dommeburg province by the coast. His father Thomas Duyne was a very successful and wealthy merchant, along with his mother Martha Duyne. They were served by 2 maids Aleida and Marie and their trusted valet Hendrick. When Laurent was a young boy his father and mother would take him into the city of Regalia and tell him the streets and districts, His father taught him some trade and they also taught him their family language Anglian. He would also get visited frequently by a lost Star-Snouted bat in his room that always got in somehow. By 6, Laurent's valet Hendrick started to teach him sword fighting since Hendrick was in the Tenpenny Legion. Laurent went to a private school for young boys and was taught basic things there. When he was 9 his father and mother took him with them on a merchants trip to the city of Regalia, there when one unhappy customer got mad he killed Laurent's father and mother in front of his eyes before the customer could hurt Laurent a guard stopped him. After that night Laurent was taken care of by his valet Hendrick and maids Aleida and Marie.
  • Adolescence
    • Laurent was able to live a wealthy life since Marie and Aleida were no longer working as maids but got jobs outside to help make an income for Laurent. He was also in a diver sport. At 14 he started to work at jobs to gain more money so he could travel. He used the techniques his father taught him about trade to earn some coin. At 16 he headed out to join the Bloodcast Knight Order, he went to the Oxfurd Chapter house.
  • Early Adulthood
    • Once he was finished learning the ways of the Bloodcast he left and began his travels through the East learning their languages and then his last destination he went to was the Zhong Kingdom in Jadeheart. He went to Beian the Northern Kingdom and then to Heiyan the Western Kingdom, while he was there saw one of their dragons. He went to isolation there with an expert military warrior who taught him many things and for an entire year stayed away from civilization and meditated, trained, and continued to practice everything he learned from the years as a child, a Bloodcast Knight, and traveling. At the age of 27 he came back from isolation.
  • Why they came to Regalia
    • He came to Regalia to help the Norinn family and uphold the law. His family had a trade partnership with House Norinn which lead to House Norrin having good relations with the Duyne Family. House Norrin decided to fund Laurent so he could become a Steelmark Knight. Laurent wanted to repay them so he deiced whenever they needed help he would.
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