Prismarine. Which may be a bad idea because I don't know if we're able to get it on the serve. if not I'll have to look for alternatives, maybe dark oak.what are you using for that black-like detail on the top of the house for roofing?
I'll contact you both this weekend, currently out of town going to a concert and all I have is my chromebook.if you are set on prismarine (the look is beautiful) I can supply you with some when I am able to get on. I have a lot and am willing to share for a fair price, In fact contact a player named Takedown__ IGN and he may be able to get what you need out of one of my chests. we will discuss the price in message here on the forums if you are willing to pay for it. =)
its an acoustic concert for Breaking Benjamin.XD I don't even have a computer at my home, I don't have one that I can play minecraft on at all, and I might get one this weekend. I will likely not be able to talk this weekend. crossing my fingers. what type of music they playing at the concert, or are you playing?
A servant quarters and cellar, yesAre you adding a basement like room to your house? A wine cellar perhaps?
this looks great! I'm going to have to create a large estate/royal building aswell!
maybe it is something i should consider =Pthe perks of marrying into a family with a two estates that look fab. you don't have to do it. ;D