Preserved Sheet Lark Redding

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Divine of the Sword
Apr 15, 2017
Reaction score
North America

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Basic Information

† Name: Clarissa 'Lark' Redding
† Age: 23 (born 286 AC)
† Race: Half-Elf
- Fin'ullen Altalar + Woaden Ailor
† Preferred Weapon: Longsword / Shortsword

Skill Information
Total Points: 23 + 5 = 28 (+10 hobby points) (+10 talent points)
+ 10 Sword Combat (+14 core)
+4 Shielding Combat (+5 core)
+3 Arcanology (+3 core)
- Artifact Knowledge

+3 Spirit Sorcery (+3 core)
- Overwhelming Force (sorcery ability)
- Self Control (sorcery passive)

+3 Lightness Sorcery (+3 core)
- Healing Grace (sorcery ability)
- Hope's Beacon (sorcery passive)

Talent Proficiencies
+5 Frontline Command (+5 talent)
+10 Bodycare Training (+5 talent +5 racial boost)

Hobby Proficiencies
+ 10 Pathfinding Proficiency (+5 hobby + 5 racial boost)
+ 10 Husbandry Art (+5 hobby +5 core)
- Access to Progression Mount.

Body Stats
Physical Stat: cap 28 | 24 (= 10 sword proficiency + 4 shielding combat + 10/2 pathfinding + 10/2 bodycare training)
Body Shape: Ripped
Body Fat: Low Body Fat


- Common (Free)
- Picaron (Native tongue)
- Modern Atlalar (Learned in adolescence)

Spells / Traits / Mutations
Spirit Sorcery

Overwhelming Force (sorcery ability)
Self Control (sorcery passive)

Lightness Sorcery

Healing Grace (sorcery ability)
Hope's Beacon (sorcery passive)

Visual Information
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Honey blonde
Hair Style: Curly, and loose
Skin Color: pale/pinkish
Height: 5'10
Clothing: Loose, functional, warm clothes.

Core List (Option Two: Personality)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Character Personality Type: ENTJ-T
Breizh Unionism (5/10)
Angel Worship (5/10)

- Lark was dropped off as a baby on the steps of a unionist abbey in Saituit, Kintyr in 284 AC. They were raised by the abbesses and clergywomen of the abbey, and also by the other adults in the close-knit hillside village. By this upbringing they developed a strong appreciation for the unionist church and for the works of charity they imparted on the community.
- As a child they would play in the fae forests with the other children in their village, celebrating the stories of knights, angels, and dragons, and leaving candle offerings on the forest's edge to beckon the guidance of the spirits. Lark idolized the stories of Arthair, the Knight of Callertot, and of the Green Knight of Parron.
- When they turned seven Lark left Saituit with a pack of traveling tradesmen headed for Shilonde, where a converted unionist church was promoting the work of the Ward of the Fae Order. They devoted theirself to their studies at the Fae Sepulchre, hell-bent on pursing their dream. It was there that they met Lucanael, a knight who would later become their mentor. It was during this time which they learned the basics of swordsmanship, the fundamentals of sorcery, and the arcane practice of identifying magical items.
- At fourteen they left the confines of Shilonde's Fae Sepulchre to put their training to practice under the mentorship of a knight called Lucanael. They were thrilled, but nervous to act in battle.
- At 21 they graduated. They earned the title Dame-At-Arms upon doing so. Almost immediately they headed south, following trade routes toward the coast. They pilgrimaged to Callertot, and Parron, and dozens of other sites from the stories which had first inspired them. They still have a long way to go, and they know it'll be a tough road ahead. But Lark is ready for it.

Goals / Ambitions
- To locate magical relics and to return them to the Fae Sepulchres.
- To advocate for the natural rights of aberrant groups.
- To investigate the reversal of Dread Binding.
- To be an example, and to educate others on the good deeds done by the Ward of the Fae Order.
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