Preserved Sheet Larayel Vatoris

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Tomato Boy
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Larayel Satulo Daeluto Vatoris
    • In Good Company he'll go by his shortened nickname, Lars.
  • Age: One-Hundred Seven
    • Born May 5th, 199 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Altalar | Central Altalar
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information (Required)

Proficiency Points: 70 To Spend from Age | +10 To Spend from Race | -11 From Parlor Magic

  • Combat Proficiencies:
    • +10 Fast Blades (+10 from Points)
  • Knowledge Proficiencies:
    • +10 History Knowledge (+10 from Race)
    • +10 Statesman Knowledge (+10 from Points)
  • Science Proficiencies:
    • +35 Alchemy Sciences (+25 from Points, +10 from Race)
    • +4 Nature Care Sciences (+4 from Points)
  • Body Proficiencies:
    • +10 Rogue Training (+10 from Points)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 10 FB = 10 Points
  • Body Shape: Toned - 5 Points
  • Body Fat: Average
  • Modern Altalar [Birth Language & Fluent]
  • Common [Fluent]
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Ring of Talea - Connivance of Persuasion
  • Parlor Magic - 11 Points Total
    • Element Shot Spell
    • Element Branding Spell
    • Guiding Light Spell
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Sky Blue
  • Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
  • Hair Style: Pulled into a Bun
  • Skin Color: Pale & Scarred
  • Clothing: Mercantile Attire with Silver Thread
  • Height: 6'5" or 196cm
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Outer Perception: Lars, in most social situations, isn't very expressive when it comes to his emotions. This means that people don't often see his wide range of emotions and he's often stuck to a handful of simplistic expressions when he's out-and-about. Even throughout his conversations he'll tend stick to one set of expressions. Therefore people often conclude that he's either a calm or weary individual. Through his words, however, he can be condescending to anyone that isn't an Altalar. He'll often compare his race to the others and point out the superiority in both the Altalar's age and talents. Lars' tact words do restrain him from being terribly blunt in these situations. The good that comes out of this arrogance is that he may protect these other races, but only for selfish means and a sense of conditional, paternal love.
  • Inner Perception: All across the board Larayel holds the same mentality as the rest of his race does. He sees himself in a higher light than even the Ailor. Though, he believes his role in society is that he is a caretaker for the lessers that wish to contribute to the reunification of the Allorn Empire. This, compared to his youth, is different from how he once imagined himself. Rather than acting against others with cruelty he finds himself above that and believes he's far more graceful. His patience rarely runs thin, which he sees as a necessity that a multitude of his people should catch onto. This came from both his experiences working with these other races and through his alchemical work that he's focused so much of his life on.
  • Friends & Family: At first the Altalar's family life was healthy and bountiful, but as the decades have passed he has distanced himself from his birth family through both miles and relation. The more conservative lifestyle they held was not for him, and now he's on the search for something to fill this void. What he's exactly looking for isn't completely known to him, but the bottom line is that he's looking for a group of individuals that hold the same values as he does. He'll open up to whoever meets this requirement and show far more expression than he does now-a-days. Though, his friends do gain some of this treatment as they witness more of his personality. His actions may even be done with unconditional circumstances if these friends are close enough to him.
  • Moral Compass: Larayel may not be nice, but in most situations he'll be what is considered good. Often times Lars believes that people do things to simply be nice and that they don't consider any of the consequences from such actions. Therefore he believes he's making the best decision for the greater good of his people and even the lessers around him. In his eyes he sees their decisions as miscalculated and in need of guidance. Larayel is also a stickler for laws as long as they do not get in his way. He will fervently uphold the laws and rat out anyone if his judgement deems it necessary.
Life Story (Required)

Ës'l Sälarna & Taelea:

Larayel was born during the spring of 199 AC to a Central Altalar couple in one of the coastal cities of the current state of Ës'l Sälarna. His family was centered purely on academics because of the lack of magical prowess they possessed. Nothing too exciting occurred during his childhood as his life was relatively normal on an Altalar's standards. The only issue that came up from time to time was the threat of being conquered by another city-state or near-by princedom. Otherwise the young Altalar was able to focus on his early education in the grand history of the Allorn Empire. Once he reached his adolescent years he'd begin his education in the field he'd be working in for the rest of his life. For the most part this education would encompass the trade of alchemy, but it did include some basics in commerce and stewardship.

It was during this education that he started to travel to some of the close cities that weren't hostile to travelers. So he set off with a collected posse and his father in 217 AC. This tour of the near-by cities would only last for about three quarters of the year, but it would be a good introduction of the outside world for the boy. There were some close calls with brigands here and there, but with the silver tongue of his father the young Altalar and the posse were able to survive with barely a scratch. Besides these instances he was able to live a life of relative luxury as he experienced the thriving Altalar culture that was still about in these cities. In one of these cities Lars was inducted into the Cult of Suel where he'd further his fascination for his future trade. His curiously youthful mind would blossom in the conditions that this cult provided and therefore gave him ample opportunity that could be envied. It was over the next series of years that he'd begin his preparation for his thirtieth birthday and the pilgrimage he'd make over the course of that year. During this time Lars would learn a multitude of tricks in his trade as well as tips that would assist him. Some of these would result in the trivial scars he's collected, but he saw them as markers of his accomplishments. Once the time came he made his way throughout the Allorn Empire, or what was left of it, and would eventually complete his pilgrimage. This would end with him devoting his worship to Asc'tea and with him collecting the associated ring of power.

Il'siüth & Regalia Bound:

After his pilgrimage Lars set off with his wealth in tow for the princedom of Il'siüth in the year 230 AC. This is where he'd further his economic talents whilst he sold merchandise, tonics, and other alchemical remedies to other craftsman and mages who couldn't produce the effects of his concoctions. His stay in the princedom from there on was peaceful and relatively uneventful in regards to odd happenings. He did witness the transfer of power to Llo-tariaes, but he didn't suffer a bit as the economy shifted with the prince's goal in mind. The main trait of his that changed was how he socialized. Over the years in the princedom he'd pick up the habit of holding a poker-face, using his ring to make slick deals, and to sell others down the river if they made the slightest mistake. He wasn't one to put himself into danger, and he wouldn't let anyone ruin what he had going for him. Once the princedoms were unified he even relished the possibility that the Allorn Empire could be reunified.

His peace would eventually be disturbed as alliances across Aloria began to form. With the threat of war looming over him and the rest of the Inheritor States he'd choose the best option for him, which was to flee east. His goal was to eventually make it to Regalia to see how he could support the future Allorn Empire. Lars left the federation in 305 AC, and would eventually make it to the Regalian Archipelago in the following year. Over the course of his travel he did pick up on the sentiments that the Ailor had for the Nelfin, and now he'd have to prepare himself for a similar atmosphere in the Crown Isle of this antagonistic empire.
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