Preserved Sheet Larasviel Silevon

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Deceptively unwholesome
Oct 25, 2013
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Basic Information
  • Larasviel "Lara" Silevon is 85 years old, born the 6th of March. She's a female Isldar, born and raised in a Ellador by parents Adrian Silevon and Tania Silevon. Her parents died years ago in a house fire that Lara and her siblings barely made it out of. Her family consists of the members below:
    • [Deceased] Mother, Alrue Silevon, Deceased at age 193.

    • [Deceased] Father, Adrian Silevon, Deceased at age 189.

    • [Deceased] Brother, Elon Silevon, Deceased at age 95.
    • [Assumed Deceased] [Adopted] Brother, Johann Silevon, 50 years old.
  • Lara currently lives in Regalia together with her husband Miston, and son Darius.

  • Lara has always dreamed of accumulating great wealth, living in a well-sized manor with servants and beautiful gardens, ideally wealthy enough to not have to work. But Lara has and always will keep her priorities first, that is, the love of her life, Johann. She hopes to stay by his side forever.

  • Since birth, Lara has always had a natural talent of singing. Her soft, beautiful voice can come across as very appealing to those who hear her use it. She isn't aware of it herself and is quite shy about it, thus not singing around anyone except Johann and very occasionally friends and/or family, and if not just to herself. Lara is also a very good cook, a knowledge gained from her time working in a Daendroc household. It was something that came very natural to her, and she loves to mix ingredients wildly, often making her dinner guests quite nervous before tasting.
Visual Information

Body Description
  • She is 6'2, weighing in at around 173lbs. Her body is slim and toned, but she's very blessed with curves. She doesn't pack heavy muscles, but her arms and legs especially would show defined, light muscles.

  • Her skin is extremely pale, porcelain perfect except for a few very pale freckles over her nose and cheeks, these also increase during sun exposure.

  • Larasviel doesn't have much body hair at all and the little body hair she has she doesn't bother to remove as it's very sparse, white and difficult to spot to her very bright complexion, and she doesn't care too much about it anyways.
Head Description
  • Lara has a narrow, slightly sharp face with a thin, pointy, upturned nose, not large but naturally pouted lips with a pink tint, and almond shaped eyes.

  • Her eyes are bright, icy blue, looking rather cold and staring, but at the same time enchanting and mesmerizing. She's a woman of many facial expressions, and often very intense ones. The one far most common would be her curious and childish faces, where her eyes will completely sparkle with excitement.

  • Her hair is pure white, long enough to reach her collarbones, but not longer. It's messily wavy and voluminous, parted in the middle with a strand of hair that always insists on lying in the middle of her face, it simply won't obey. Occasionally when cooking or bathing she'll put it up into a bun or crazy ponytail, but otherwise she keep it out, even in battle. Her eyebrows are rather full and arched, and they're a part of her face that she uses a lot in her facial expressions, such as sarcastic faces.

  • Amazingly Lara doesn't sport any facial scars, and works very hard to keep it this way. Although she has a few on her body. Most are minor sword slashes, and she has one on her right upper arm of a vampire bite. On her left ear she has 3 small, starlike-shaped silver studs, representing her, Elon and Johann. When dolled up for events she has a silver colored chain for her head and some extra rings and chains for her ears.
Clothing and Accessories
  • Larasviel wears a thin, dark grey wrapped shirt that covers the first third of her thighs, equipped with a rather sizable hood that she rarely uses. A pair of black, soft leather pants, and a pair of brown leather boots, reaching right below her knee on the sides and back, but offers a semi-protective extension to cover her knees. On her arms she wears black fingerless gloves that reaches to just above her elbows. Around her waist and stomach she wears a leather underbust armor, the hard-leathered underbust corset has a wide, decorated metal lining along the bottom half. Attached to the iron lining hangs a knee-lengthed piece of wine red cloth. Over the metal lining she also wears a leather belt with 2 pouches on each sides, one that she often keeps filled with cloth to use as bandages, the other one can be filled with different things, but often sweets or snacks for herself. Over her gloves on her underarms she has worn out metal bracers. When weather or work requires, she wears a wine red cape that reaches down to her knees.
  • Lara isn't much for jewelry as an everyday accessory, seeing it slightly impractical, with the exception of her engagement and wedding rings which she'd rather die than part from. Nevertheless she has a necklace gifted from Johann, with thin silver chains and blue stones. The one from Johann is without doubt her favorite, and she'd wear it to every fancier event she'd attend.
Behavior Information

Personality Traits
  • Focused - Growing up Lara and her brother was constantly encouraged with the promise that they could do anything if they put their all into it. They've both proven this, and aspired for more, even against their races better nature. They have pushed themselves forwards with the hopes of bettering their lives and starting a family together, and Lara constantly finds herself actively gliding towards her goals.
  • Caring - Lara has always been caring, although it was amplified once working as a servant to the Daekian family's children and mother. Lara dislikes seeing someone in need being rejected or left to fend for themselves. If she has a way to help out as such, she will certainly strongly consider it. She has a particular weakness to small, fluffy and cute things. Kleins beware.

  • Curious - Lara has always had quite the childlike mentality, and no more so than her unique curiosity she employs with a naive approach. Her curiosity revolves around a great number of things in life, from shiny objects that catch her eye to fluffy animals she's never seen before. Often she finds herself wanting to know how something works, potentially the only thing with this trait that doesn't stem directly from her childish nature. Being that her mind constantly whirrs away with the hopes of working out the reason and purpose behind something. Often when coming to people, her mind makes the wrong assumption, leading to emotional turbulence to say the least.

  • Mercyful - Merciful mightn't be the correct term to use, though it's definitely an observation someone might make when regarding her as a whole. Without knowing it, Lara constantly offers mercy to children, animals, people even potentially scary and terrible people. All under the premise that they don't /deserve/ suffering. At least most of them. She understands when her brother and partner are forced to maim, rob or even kill someone. But she often will persuade or plead for a lack of torture, or suffering. Often she'll offer a peaceful or painless solution. Though to explain the first comment, it is not mercy that she offers, at least not in her head. But more just a childish notion that finds itself expressed near on a daily basis.

  • Childish - Lara is best summed up entirely as a childish individual. Despite her age, her wisdom doesn't quite reflect her actual intellect. Often making mistakes that a child would make, simply on the basis that her intensely youthful personality urges her to do so. She might sulk, publicly cry, burst out in laughter in a public place or play pranks simply because she can. She forgets grudges as quickly as she forms them and seldom holds the urge to blackmail or bribe. If anything it's possible she might have had a form of mild ADHD, coupled with an insanely naive point of view when regarding the world and everything she can do within it.

  • Jealous - As Lara grew up she were sparse on friends, being bullied. This made her possessive of the friends she had, Elon and Daniel. When she later became the mistress of Vaeril and saw the pain it caused his wife, she became extremely suspicious of people in general, terrified of being put in the wife's shoes in a similar situation. This of course affects mostly Johann, as Lara will be constantly on guard, suspicious of him and questioning him.

  • Unbalanced - Since birth Lara has had quite an irregular mood, and certainly more so after her parents death, which sent her down a spiral of lots of anger and sorrow. Mood swings, often towards blind rage isn't uncommon with her. People around her would certainly notice this through her changing her mood quite fast, and becoming very angry over trivial things. Even this trait is unbalanced, for whilst she can become very unstable, she might also have periods where not even a pyre of burning kleins could faze her.

  • Stubborn - Lara's childish behaviour somewhat lends even more to this, though being stubborn might be something quite heavily attributed to by her Silevon heritage. She's strong, and with her experiences in life it's not a surprising feat. However sometimes her stubbornness comes at quite the disadvantage, leaving her feeling lonely and depressive as she fails to forgive people or trust them, and soon finds herself distanced from all but her own thoughts...
  • Luxury - Lara has always dreamt of a life in comfort and extravaganza, giving her a certain liking to luxury and comfort. (She doesn't mind living like a common however). Big houses, fancy things and being pampered gets her incredibly happy.

  • Cute things - Growing up, Lara was the typical 'bring a puppy home and ask if she can adopt it' type of girl. This hasn't changed, at all. Everything cuddly and fluffy gets her squealing of happiness, although many thinks her spectra of "cute" can range quite widely, everything from kittens to orcs can do.

  • Food - She is not the one to turn down a good meal, the opposite rather. Lara loves good food, and she's a rather capable chef as well. Amongst her favorites is smoked salmon, mushroom and rabbit stew and all kinds of sweets.

  • "Adventures" - Lara loves exploring and going on adventures, this doesn't need to be grand, long-lasting ones either, an "adventure" to the park could easily do. She's easily amazed by very little, and appreciates company and activities more than location and gifts.
  • Unnecessary Violence - Despite her rage and coldness towards people she's been assigned to kill, Lara doesn't believe in taking it further than needed. She feels no joy in killing people, nor does she in torturing them, so if she's only assigned to mug someone or kidnap someone, she won't use unnecessary violence if her victim co-operates. Especially if she doesn't deem the victim equal in strength, she'll have a higher possibility of mercy.

  • Books - Lara has way too little patience to sit down and read, especially long books. She certainly can if she's determined to, but it's something she'd rather refrain from doing, as she finds no enjoyment in it.

  • Vampires - Have being bit by a vampire before, vampires are not high on Lara's favorites list. She despises their way of life, depending on hurting other people to live. They simply creep her out, and she doesn't feel any bad at all killing vampires or turning them in.

  • Bouquets - Especially from Johann at times that doesn't make sense (aka not birthdays or when she can't make reason of why she's getting it), as she's very jealous and suspicious. She sees it as an apology, and immediately starts thinking he has cheated or messed up in another way.
Abilities and Disabilities

  • Agile - Her swiftness and grace is her greatest strength, making her hard to hit in battle unless completely cornered, and it makes up for her lack of physical strength. Tasks such as climbing, running and balancing is her greatest attributes in battle. Her attacks and blows can be incredibly fast and hard to dodge if the opponent isn't properly trained in fighting. It also makes her a great dancer. Heh.

  • Intelligence - Despite her lack of… wisdom? Lara is actually quite intelligent, and what she says she knows she does in depth. She is capable of gauging an opponent, although perhaps not quite as good at knowing who actually /is/ an opponent. She is capable of discerning weaknesses, strengths and nonetheless will gun them down with those in mind. Beyond this, she picked up the learning of common as easily as a child might be potty trained, and in the skills she does delve into she's notoriously adept.

  • Determined - If Lara wants something done, she will have it done. She will not stop until she's reached the goal she set out for herself. This makes her extremely dangerous is a revenge sense, seeing she will not stop until she has her hands on you, or when she's trying to learn something new, as she will completely dive into the subject.
  • Weak - While her brothers are both tactical and strong, Lara isn't. She can't lift heavy and she will get hurt easily, which doesn't sit well with her being a bit of a crybaby. Because of being rather weak, heavy armors and weapons are something she simply can't wield, making her more vulnerable for attacks, therefore she relies greatly on dodging. This also renders her completely useless without a blade, as her speed, agility and the blade's sharpness is what makes her lethal.

  • Short tempered - Very little and trivial matters can send Larasviel into blinded rage, making her lose control over herself and battle. This can cause her to be hurtful to people that doesn't deserve it, and people she doesn't want to hurt at all. When encountering this in battle, she'll attack blindly with all the strength she has, often exposing herself to properly placed blows and making her forget to dodge or think at all.

  • Compassionate - Fighting beside two brothers with remarkably poor quantities of conscience behind their actions, Lara is surprisingly quite different in this respect. She hates attacking someone that she deems weaker than her, and to act out unnecessary violence towards people that have co-operated with her and her brothers is something she simply cannot do. If a person were to notice and use this against her, it'd catch her dangerously off guard.

  • Johann - As Lara loves and cares about Johann deeply, he's her weakest point in battle, affecting both her concentration and motivation. If he's in danger, Lara won't be able to concentrate about saving herself, but will risk her own life in return for his. If he's hurt mid battle, she'll want to turn to help him even if she's still in full blown battle.

  • Attention Span - Although Lara is very determined and focused, focusing on many things or opponents at once is not her strongest field. This means that she can't effectively handle more than one opponent on her own, often putting her in grave danger if she tries.
Combat Styles
  • Defense - In defense she relies greatly on dodging and using her speed to either flee or regain the upper hand in a battle. In lack of time or space she will use her weapons to parry blows she can't dodge, but since she's not specifically strong, she prefers dodging as parrying can still end up in her getting hurt.

  • Offense - Offensively her graceful conduct of swordplay is something to be feared. Quite brutally ferocious in her efforts, her serenity and efficiency in movement leads to a short fight on many the occasion.
Weapons of Choice
  • Sword - Larasviel's sword 'Hymnir' is a very lightweight one-handed sword with a double edged blade that measures about 20 inches, made by Vaeril, gifted on her departure from Daendroc. It's hilt is covered in black leather, ending in a teardrop shaped pommel. Separating the blade and hilt is a very angular, simple crossguard, slightly thicker in the middle, making it's surface slightly diamond shaped. Generally a very simple yet elegant sword. The scabbard is a black one, with decorative metal bands at the top and bottom.

  • Dagger - Lara's dagger 'Rythor' is created as a twin to Hymnir, with all it's elements looking the same, except for the blade measuring in on around 8 inches.

  • Johann Silevon @Lord_Immortal - Johann is truly everything to Larasviel. The two didn't meet before he was already a young adult, causing them to never really act like siblings and more like best friends. Finding that they could joke around and enjoy life together. Finding joy in dull activities and more in the fun ones. And finding each other to lean and trust in in difficult times and hardships. They became inseparable with time, thus never having secrets or hiding things from each other. Johann would and still do bring Lara out of her shell to do things she's not entirely comfortable with in the pursuit of her feeling more confident, such as encouraging her to sing. With time that strong friendship turned into love, and now they're waiting on their first child together.

  • Elon Silevon @Ragnio - Lara and Elon were close in age, thus growing up together. They were never as close as Lara is to Johann however. Larasviel still blamed this on Elon's coldhearted and monstrous ways, which made her slightly fearful of him, but also because she deep down still blamed him for their parents death. On top of this, Larasviel had a hard time mapping Elon down, making him, in her eyes, extremely unpredictable and terrifyingly uncontrollable. After his death she has coped extremely well, maybe thanks to the distance she already felt when he was alive. Certainly the way he went down was traumatic, as their parents also died in flames.

  • Daniel Silevon @TheGreyWolf - Larasviels cousin, Daniel, has been a close friend of hers and her brothers' for a very long time. They grew up together many years ago in the small village together, leaving on the long journey together years later in which they split paths unintentionally. Now reunited, they're still great friends, and like Elon, Daniel is very protective of Lara, except she doesn't mind as much when he is.

  • Tatjana Silveon @DrNewton - Lara doesn't mind Tatjana at all, seeing her as a quite average addition to the family. She respects Tatjana and sees her as a friend, or even a new cousin, even though she can get slightly jealous that she lost exclusive right to her friend and cousin, Daniel.

  • Andreas Silevon @Xerxes145 - Since Larasviel adores Daniel, naturally she adores his son. They haven't met awfully much, but Lara treats him as an obvious part of the family, acting like he's always been around them.

  • Taenaerael Silevon @SenileKaboose - Being recently adopted into the family, Lara doesn't really see Tae as a sibling, she sees him as just another of their associates. That being said, Larasviel is very polite and nice, so it wouldn't be specifically obvious to Tae himself that she looks at him in that way. But if he was to pose a threat to Lara or the rest of her family, she would turn on him without blinking.
  • Kurz @FishyBack - She first met the orc when Lara and her siblings were making themselves comfortable in a bandit camp, Kurz noticed their fire and joined them. He charmed them with his ability on drums, and Lara liked him immediately as she saw him as adorable. Later he became a part of their clan as Elon's partner, and she had not one second thought of accepting him into the family.
Life Story


Larasviel was born slightly too early right after the bright, winter sunrise of March 6th, 220 AC. The day was one of the first tranquil, clear spring days after a stormy and difficult winter. Rather small and oddly quiet for a newborn, her parents were worried she wouldn't survive at all. When the sun set that night and the skies once again turned dark, a storm began to brew, and Lara finally started crying, relieving her parents of their previous worries.. They named her Larasviel, and for the rest of her parents' life she'd hear the story of how the bright sky brought her to life, leaving it's light blue color in her eyes.

Lara's hometown was located in the north of the continent, hidden behind impressive mountains. The paranoid town was guarded from raiders and other 'dangers' with skilled fighters and magicians. Because of this, children were encouraged to learn magic, and more or less forced to train in melee battling.


As all the children in the village, Lara grew up training in all kinds of weapons, and magic. But she wasn't gifted in either. Being small and rather weak, she couldn't use the swords provided with. She was awful at aiming, making her equally awful at archery and thrown weapons. And something about the practises of magic that the elder's of her village provided, just didn't work for her. She was however, great at running and other agility-based activities. But it wasn't very highly regarded. The other children would tease her for being weak and "too dumb to learn magic", but her brother, Elon and her cousin Daniel, would do their best to protect her.

When Elon left, Lara was 9 years old. Still weak, slightly taller but just as skinny, she was completely frozen out by the other children, and the only friend she had left was her cousin Daniel. She'd stay at home most of her time, desperately training to become stronger, without any success. She'd steal her mother's kitchen knives, thus being able to train with something similar to daggers. Her parents told her it didn't determine her worth, and that they loved her anyways. But in a village built on military power and magic, where was the place for someone who couldn't master either?


As she got older she grew, and gained some strength, making her able to train with the lightest sword they offered in training, but the sword was still too heavy for her to be able to fight for longer than a few minutes. The bullying grew worse, the boys picking at her fighting skills, and the girls picking on her tall, skinny awkwardness.

As she turned 21, Lara decided she wouldn't fit in in her home village. As hard as she tried she couldn't master the village's weapons or fighting style, and neither their magic. When she approached the elders of the village to have their blessing to leave, they had no objections but to send Daniel with her to guide and protect her. They were sad to see more Silevons leave, but they understood that she needed to find training on her own. Her parents however, weren't as happy about it. Already seeing their first-born leave, they were heartbroken that their second child opted to leave as well. But being completely left out, Lara was convinced this was the way, and after the elders persuaded Daniel to leave with her, they left the very next day.

They traveled south, searching for training in swordsmanship as well as a job and a place to live. A few weeks into their journey, Lara and Daniel were traveling through some snowy terrain when a pair of young wolves approached them. Fearing for their lives they ran, but it wasn't long before the wolves caught up. Daniel unveiled his short sword, telling Lara to run, and she did. Daniel's disappearance remained a mystery, until many years later. After a barely 2 years of bouncing in between temporary jobs, she stumbled across a talar that spoke of a possible place for her. He brought her to his village in Daendroc, and introduced her to the Daekian family. Vaeril, the father and husband was a smith and practised a type of swordsmanship closer to a dance, utilising grace, agility and speed rather than strength. On top of this, his wife Darunia was weak and needed help with their 2 children and the household. Lara was invited to live there, and work for Darunia during the days, and practise sword dancing with Vaeril during the evenings. The children loved her immediately, finding her white hair and icy eyes both exotic and enchanting, and they mentioned they had only seen another Isldar only a few days before her for the first time. It was just what she searched for.


She grew quite close to the family, earning herself her own little cabin on their land, and status beyond a common servant. She was treated as one in the family. She had by now given up hope on seeing Daniel again, she assumed he'd died that cold night. When Lara was 34, Darunia became pregnant with her sixth child. Sickly as she was she got bound to her bed, and Lara was left to take care of the 5 other children herself on top of taking care or Darunia, still practising swordsmanship in the evenings.

She had grown into her body, no longer tall and skinny like an awkward line, but filled out curves matching her height and grown up face. Although she didn't notice it, Vaeril did. Being naive and starved for romance, Vaeril had no difficulty charming her into a secret relationship that only existed during the night. In a life filled with hard work and practise, Lara didn't have time to feel guilt about the relationship, not even in front of Darunia. That changed when Lara was the only one around to help Darunia to deliver the baby. Once the first boy of the family was born, Darunia looked her in the eyes, begging her "Don't take him away from me".

Ridden by guilt Lara left as fast as Darunia was back to moderate health and used to the new baby. As she left she was gifted two sibling blades, a dagger and a sword, both lightweight and made to fit her. She spent another 18 years of traveling, perfecting her sword dancing and speed, before returning home at the age of 56.

56-84 (Now)

Throughout the journey home Lara was filled with excitement and worry. She had not written to her parents at all, not been in any contact, like she had planned. When she arrived at her house, she found out that she had a new brother, Johann. Had been gone for 35 years, it wasn't odd that a 22 year old boy stood in front of her as her brother, but it didn't make it feel less alien to her. She couldn't see him as her brother, he was just a regular person in her eyes.

She once again lived with her parents, getting to know her new brother, but also training in the village once again. Upon her return, her past tormentors had gotten to eat up every word they ever said. Grasping a type of sword style they didn't, she proved herself to be quite the challenge. Besides this she had grown up to be a gorgeous woman, shutting up all the girls that had pestered her. She had made the comeback of a queen, and she loved it. She enjoyed working at the village's pub, teaching her sword dancing to the children that like her were too weak for the basic strength based combat styles of the village. She had a few suitors through the years, but after the childhood torment she went through with most of them, she turned them down. She kept to her family and her students, keeping her head high. But like most things, this was all about the end.

When Lara was 67 her brother Elon returned with his partner Therol. Having missed him for most her life, the reunion was exciting and a small welcoming feast was prepared, upon his return everything just seemed right. Elon was finally home, Lara was not helpless, and they were all together at home. One of the nights after Elon came back home, Lara was shook awake by Elon, the room she was in was completely engulfed by heavy smoke, and before she could react, Elon had pulled her out. On the way out she managed to rip with her her sword and dagger, and in the next moment she was sitting upon her bare legs in the deep snow, the wind bringing a heavy snowfall around the house that by now was completely swallowed by flames. Her parents, still inside.

After the accident Elon left again but before he did, he explained it was Therol whom had set the house afire, and that there was nothing he could do to save their parents. Haunted by nightmares, panic attacks and anger towards Elon and Therol, Lara was a complete wreck. From then she relied on the closest person she had, Johann. She was completely dependant on him, never leaving his side my much for the first years as they traveled Aloria, trying to forget what happened. Towards the more current years she became more independent, yet she prefers not to go without Johann for long. Moving on with her life became something ammountable to a life goal beside settling down with Johann.

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Excellent life goals for an Isldar. I feel there's just a tidge more room for you to talk about her relationship and it's importance in her life. Does she sing for him? Lots of room there to expand.

Those bracers won't function as like, a shield. If someone swings overhead and she raises a gauntlet, it may block part of the blow, but she'll still take a nasty cut or fracture. So be careful there.

So wait, was this village an Isldar settlement of some sort? Or, If she was raised in an Isldar Hold, and she no longer worships dragons, wouldn't a necklace of a dragon be kinda traumatic inducing? And even if she's raised in a human village, giving her a dragon necklace based on a faith she doesn't hold is... odd.

Yes she is weak, but to what extent? I assume she's not a walking slug, so for that, and attention, go into specifics on her exact abilities/disabilities.

Also in defense, you say she relies on dodging, yet in the "Weak" part, you say she can't dodge for sugar. Which is it?

Lara's Progression is... : Under Review!
I'll get right to it! Two questions first though;

1. Do you want me to color the changes?
2: Actually in the weak part it says she's vulnerable if she can't dodge, aka without dodging she's easy. So I don't see quite what you mean there.

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Sorry, misread it. The doge thing is fine, and yes, I'd like it colored. Throw me a tag when you're done! @JoyShake

Added some more to Johann's relationship section, also added some to the singing part in the general info at the top.

Removed the mentioning of her using the bracers as a shield, as you are completely right about that.
Also removed mentioning of the dragon amulet.

Added a bunch to the weakness section.

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