Played Character Laoise Ó Fiaich

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by JuliaFaye, Feb 22, 2024.

  1. JuliaFaye


    Jul 3, 2023
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    Plaintext Character Application, pending the fun aesthetic one when I make it. :)

    Full Name: Laoise Ó Fiaich
    Heritage: Ailor (Aontaithe)
    Age: 35
    Gender: Female
    Occult: Arkenborn of Pride (Aspect of Catheron), Void Mage, Fledgling Nerocanto Vampire

    Laoise uses 'Brighid' as a go-by name, because
    she feels the name she was given at birth wasn't flattering enough.
    'Brighid' roughly translates to 'Exalted One.'

    Child of Pride. Catheron's Scion. Brighid loathes her parentage, not for its status, but
    for its incompletion.

    Mages suffer oppression at the hands of regressive societies, and Brighid will rectify it.
    Through force, if necessary. Mages will be recognized as the solution, not the problem, and
    the notion that Aloria must remain unchanged will be discarded. Brighid will have a kingdom,
    shaped by her hand to embody these principles.

    Power is everything. Brighid will ascend, beyond all mortals, and become a God.

    Brighid stands shoulder to shoulder with most of the Pride Arken's children. (213cm)

    Her eyes are blinding bright gold, as if Catheron himself sees the world through Brighid.

    Brighid currently only has one eye, due to some mysterious gamble she made.

    Attack Stat: Magic (7) Defense Stat: Magic (5)

    Magic: 14
    (Magic Point Buy)
    Magic Disengage
    Magic Summon

    Magic Isolate
    Magic Distort
    Magic Cleanse
    Magic Snare
    Magic Shove
    Magic Barrier
    Magic Warp
    Magic Resist
    (Adapt Point Buy)

    Mindcontrol (Prideborn)
    (Invoke Point Buy)
    Deathless Invocation
    (Mounted Point Buy)

    Familiar Disrupt (Ailor)
    Dexterity: 0
    (Cutthroat Point Buy)

    Cutthroat Stance (free)
    Cutthroat Backstab (Ailor)

    Mechanics, Talents, and Hobbies
    Magical Talent
    Medical Hobby
    Alchemy Hobby

    Nerocanto Vampire Mechanic I
    (Fin'ullen Mechanic V)

    Deathless Invocation chosen mechanic
    (Kathar Mechanic I)

    Aspect of Catheron chosen Mechanics
    Mechanic I
    Prideborn Mechanics II and III remain



    Longing Will - Vying for superiority
    in all things, Brighid is driven by a
    deep, compulsive determination to
    obtain her own kingdom, in which
    freedom and rank are given
    to the powerful, and she
    reigns supreme.

    Birthright Complete - Demigod
    parentage is imperfect and incomplete.
    Brighid will transcend mortality, and
    bring herself to her deserved throne
    among the Gods.

    Hunger - Brighid's quest for ascension
    comes in many forms. Artifacts taken to
    empower herself and learn, people brought
    to adore and respect her, and ancient tomes
    studied for countless nights to become greater
    than the Fifth Tier Mage she presently is.

    Base Instincts - Brighid revels in Catheron's

    Six Devotions of the Void, and takes pleasure
    in her status as a Vampire. Blood is life, and
    Brighid will have it in excess.

    Common-born and frail, Brighid learned early on that influence is power, and power is everything.

    An early life marred by revilement from some and reverence from others,
    Brighid's eyes caught and set upon Godhood. Such a status would

    allow her to resolve discrimination against herself and other Mages like her,
    and validate her as a child of Pride.

    Now, in Regalia, Brighid relentlessly pursues her dream.
    Pride's recognition may be spurned, should Brighid surpass and consume her sire.

    Brighid is ambidextrous.

    Brighid's coat, as well as other articles of clothing she wears, are enchanted with Void Magic.

    Brighid has a penchant for wearing crimson leather gloves.

    Brighid enjoys Lothar fashion.

    Brighid shapeshifts to disguise herself, most often as a 213cm tall Catheron Prideborn named Andúil.

    Magic: 12 (7 atk 5 def)
    (Magic Point Buy)
    Magic Disengage
    Magic Summon

    Magic Isolate
    Magic Distort
    Magic Cleanse
    Magic Snare
    Magic Shove
    Magic Barrier
    Magic Warp
    Magic Resist

    (Adapt Point Buy)
    (Invoke Point Buy)
    Deathless Invocation
    (Kathar Mechanic I)
    Mindcontrol (Prideborn)
    (Mounted Point Buy)
    Familiar Disrupt (Ailor)

    Dexterity: 2
    (Deadeye Point Buy)
    Deadeye Stance
    Deadeye Pinshot
    Deadeye Overwatch
    Deadeye Doubletap (Ailor)

    The lore for artifacts and history related to Deathless Invocation is currently WIP. Expect it soon.​
    • Winner Winner x 3
    #1 JuliaFaye, Feb 22, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024 at 9:20 PM

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