Preserved Sheet Lania’ah "lana" Kostaki

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Apr 16, 2018
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Lania'ah "Lana" Kostaki
  • Age: (Age in Alorian years): 25
  • Gender: (Male, Female, Agender): Female
  • Race: (Full Race or specify mixture): Jenne Songaskia
  • Main Ambition: (Wealth, Power, Knowledge, Love, Popularity, etc): Pursuit of luxury and commodity
Skill Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list. Also be sure to use a bolded header to separate Culture Points from Proficiency Points and languages.
  • Total Proficiency Points:
    25 (10 allocated for School of Melaak)
    • +20 Drixon Spear (+10 racial, +10 School of Melaak)
    • +5 Acrobatics (+5 points)
    • +10 Small Shield (+10 School of Melaak)
    • +10 Mastigo Whip (+10 School of Melaak)
    • +10 Trapping (+10 racial)
    • +5 Syndicate Contacts (+5 points)
    • +5 Quick Fingers (+5 points)
  • Summarize the completeness of your character's Culture Points:
    • +15 Dancing(+15 from Points)
    • +10 Stage Performance (+10 points)
  • Summarize the Languages your Character knows:
  • Sofal (Native)
  • Common (Learned)

Visual Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Color: Copper-Brown
  • Hair Style: Long Braid
  • Skin Color: Soft Brown
  • Clothing: Flowing silken robes of her homeland coupled with a cowl to compensate for the temperature difference.
  • Height: 6'3''
  • Body Build: Atheltic
  • Weapon of Choice: Drixon Spear

Personality and Abilities (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. In order to explain the character's personality, we will ask you write a paragraph to respond to each question, and we'll provide some examples to give you some ideas. If you want to be helpful to reviewers, make sure to bold the keywords you are using that are traditionally seen as traits:
  • First Paragraph:
  • The first word that would come to ones mind when seeing how Lani'ah interacts with her surrounding would most certainly be erratic. She can shift from a wide-eyed stare of awe to an disgruntled half-squint in a matter of seconds, and has a hard time keeping her attention at one place. She seems to live in the moment, and is easily impressed by little things. She is also very prone to vice, often being the first to wrap her fingers around the throat of a bottle or the throat of an man who overextended his lease on returning her borrowed coin, aswell as the first to reach for her "lucky" pair of dice.
  • Second Paragraph:
  • One cannot build on sand-and Lania'ah cannot come to bring herself to commit to an effort. Growing up in a massive family left her stranded for attention, and often left to her own devices, causing her to have issues with putting faith to others. If she attempts something on her own, she is bound to be devastated if it fails, as she is very certain in herself, but such certainty is rather fragile.
  • Third Paragraph:
  • Lania'ah perceives almost everyone as family-and her family as strangers. There was never special love between her and her sisters and brothers, due to the sheer vast size of her family, their scattering across the Songaski shores and numerous ships, and their aching for a seat by, or at their fathers chair. This eternal tension has left her slow to trust, and quick to judge.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
  • Lania'ah is first and foremost an practical person, and later an selfish one. Mischief and chaos give her little joy, but an sweet snack, a warm bath or an fancy new scarf do, and she would allow little to stand in her way when pursuing the earthly pleasures. However, she is not proud of her affliction of greed, and often finds herself at personal conflict with herself.

Life Story (Required):

It is common for a child to bear a couple of parents. However, for Lania'ah, such a concept was just a foreign tale: born into a family accounting for an impressive sum of fifty-two close members, she was the product of an passionate night her father Abd al Razik spent with one of his numerous mistresses upon the waterlogged boards of his luxurious vessel. The first sensation she ever felt was the most extravagant of silks pilfered from some unfortunate trader, wrapped about her young body, not out of love but out of sheer necessity. Much of her early childhood was spent on Nahang, the aforementioned vessel due to her father being an practical and cunning man who took what he needed to the foaming seas, pirating and intecepting merchant vessels . Her first steps were made on a rocking hull, and her lullabies were the distant shanties the sailors sang as they struggled to keep awake on dog watches.

Nothing aboard a vessel is without purpose. Crates are stacked neatly to conserve space, sailors sleep packed in hammocks as to conserve space, and even the youngest members of the crew are expected to do work. Soon, Lania'ah-who later became known as Lana amongst the sailors-found herself moping decks, prowling for rats along the ships cat, and fastening knots with finesse the callous-ridden sailor fingers never could. Despite her early achievements, most of her time was spent cowering below deck with the rest of the women and children, some her siblings, as her father conducted various trade deals with the merchant vessels they met on shore, either voluntary or encouraged by steel.

By the time she first saw dry land, she was already a grown girl of 13 summers. The vista of shifting sands, much resembling the sea itself has forever been etched in her mind. Her numerous siblings have also grown, and some of the male ones have already joined her father's side in his shady line of work. She spent nearly a year in a small desert town by the coast, helping ferry the booty amongst various merchants as to hide its trail. During cold nights, she sneaked to the tavern roof with the other children, and observed the exotic dancers that kept her fathers men company through a small rooftop window. One particular night, she caught eye of an mysterious merchant selling an yellow piece of parchment to her father for an rather hefty bag of coin. It was soon after that her father called for emergency departure, taking her brothers and leaving her in the School of Melaak, mostly to have her cared for to some extent. Little did she know this would be the last time she would see him.

Her ten years in the School of Melaak went by like a breeze-she saw similarity in the finesse of the dancers she observed as a youth with the nimble combat manners of the Drixon spear. Eager to return to the creaking boards of her fathers vessel as a full-fledged crew member, she trained with duress, and joy overcame her as she saw the sails of Nahang once more. She raced to the boat, hopped onto the ropes, darting straight for the captains lodgings only to find it near empty. Precious trophies, tusks of ivory with entire sagas whittled into them, and gem crusted sabres she remembered from her childhood were replaced with empty stands and cobweb. Footsteps echoed behind her, and her fingers rushed the only remaining memory of her father-the dried out, yellowed piece of parchment, poxed with what appeared to be a map detaling a path to a foreign land, with an large X painted on the settlement of Regalia. As she pocketed it, she swivelled around to face the eldest three of her brothers, meeting her wide-eyed stare with a grim gaze of their own. It was in that instant she knew what happened, and what she had to do. She mustered her belongings, carefully cradling the scroll she stole from her father's former chambers, and took to departing her homeland, not to obscure her brothers bloody claim to their families treasure-or what little was left of it.
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My Review:
  • Life Story
    • How was a commoner Songaskian able to afford silk to swaddle her in?
    • What did her father exactly do? He was a man "who took what he needed to the foaming seas" but that's not specific and seems to be missing some words even.
    • I understand you are going for mystery but as a Lore Staff member, I need to know what that scroll is.
Please tag me once the edits have been completed in green @CalicoRat
My Review:
  • Life Story
    • How was a commoner Songaskian able to afford silk to swaddle her in?
    • What did her father exactly do? He was a man "who took what he needed to the foaming seas" but that's not specific and seems to be missing some words even.
    • I understand you are going for mystery but as a Lore Staff member, I need to know what that scroll is.
Please tag me once the edits have been completed in green @CalicoRat

Edits done. @HydraLana