Archived Language/accent Local Chat Plugin

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Bringer of the Bacon
Apr 4, 2015
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(I feel like all i've done so far in these forumns is post ideas. Anywho..)

In rp many cultures and races possess a certain way of speaking which it is up to the player to correctly represent. A simple error or mistake can easily break the idea of this character being of a certain culture and background. I had an idea that has probably been thought of and trashed before but i'm typing out anyway so that I feel good about myself I have no friends send help ANYWAY.

The basic concept is that a player has the ability to activate an accent/language in local chat which will automatically replace what a player types in with the accent version of it, and even replace what they are saying entirely with a full language (Alot of work I know, this is all just a concept). The basic menu of commands is brought up with /speech, which will display the following.

  • /speech a,accent <accent> <thickness:1:2>
  • /speech l,language <language>
  • /speech u,understand <language>
Now to describe what thickness means, its basically how much of your text is replaced by either the accent or tidbits of the language. 1 is the base value, most likely used by a character who is foreign but is fluent in the local language, and 2 is likely to be used by a character still learning the language and who has just moved to the area.

Language is the part that i'm pretty sure if my idea was implemented would not be used(Depressing thought of the day). Activating language will cause all of your speech to be purely in a lore compliant language of choice. All text will be replaced by it. Besides the fact that entire languages would need to be created for this plugin, the real kicker is that people who use /speech understand will see that language as regular text.

This is all just a concept I had in my head. Tell me what you guys think down below and always love ham.


Picking an accent that coincides with a language means you will automatically understand said language. Also you are able to turn speaking a language on and off using /speech l,language toggle
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I really like the idea of this. It's a very good idea. No scratch that, It's EPIC.

Only problem, which you did address, is that it would be a bit labor intensive. I personally love this idea, but unfortunately I know that the current system of:

<dialect> blah blah blah

works just as well. I'm not going to lie and say that I like the current system 100%. I really would love seeing multiple languages in chat, and then a simple command to filter. But at the same time, there are a few problems. I think the largest one is that it might isolate players based on the language. In other words, players who all speak Alt-Regalian would all just speak among themselves, and so forth. Granted this doesn't happen now, nor would it probably come up if this was implemented. But from a new player perspective, you might walk into a bar and see a foreign language in chat, and might not know ow to respond, and thus quit the server 2 minutes into it.

I'm starting to forget the bulk of my comment's thesis, so I'm just going to end here.
Basically, very great idea. But implementation is probably not worth the time, as the current system works pretty well.

But still, very awesome idea. Keep thinking of more good ones <3
I love the thought of it, but it'd take a lot of the staff's time to write up all the Lore languages, i.e. Orcish, Elven, Qadir(Do they have a real world language?) and Eroque. Probably others I missed too, but most others are real-world languages, Alt-Regaliah is German, Ithanian French, and so on.

As it is though, I just don't see this as a staff priority...
Keep up the good thoughts though!
I like the idea of accents. Just if this happens, PLEASE do Dargon and Northerne languages.
I like the idea of accents. Just if this happens, PLEASE do Dargon and Northerne languages.
See, that's like if one person gets a cookie, everyone has to get one or they don't get any. Same with this, they can't just do the languages YOU want, they have to do it for all of them.
I think that writing up languages would take way too much time and be kinda redundant, but an accent chat plugin would be great!
I love the thought of it, but it'd take a lot of the staff's time to write up all the Lore languages, i.e. Orcish, Elven, Qadir(Do they have a real world language?) and Eroque. Probably others I missed too, but most others are real-world languages, Alt-Regaliah is German, Ithanian French, and so on.

As it is though, I just don't see this as a staff priority...
Keep up the good thoughts though!
All lore languages with the exception of Elvish, Dwarvish, Eroque, and Mekket have real world equivalents. For me, I'd love for my characters to have accents and I usually try my best, but sometimes it slips my mind that they have accents and they'll suddenly be speaking perfect Common when they were sounding like a fob just before.
Note: Elvish and Eroque are equivalent to Tolkien Sindarin. Dwarvish is also presumably based off of Tolkien Dwarvish as well. Mekket does not have any equivalent at all.
Note: Elvish and Eroque are equivalent to Tolkien Sindarin. Dwarvish is also presumably based off of Tolkien Dwarvish as well. Mekket does not have any equivalent at all.
Clicks and weird rattles.
I doubt it could even be written or spoken by people. XD
After discussion, this idea has been rejected. In the long run, these plugins aren't worth the coding time and require extremely complex language algorithms that take months to perfect.
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