Preserved Sheet Lanfranc Peirgarten

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volitionally extinct
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Lanfranc Peirgarten
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Imperialized Leutz-Vixe Ailor
  • Preferred Weapon: Sabre
Skill Information (Required)

35 Total Points from age
  • 25 Statesman Knowledge (+10 from Imperial, 15 from points)
  • 10 Marshal Knowledge (+10 from points)
  • 10 Perception Training (+5 from Violet, 5 from points)
  • 5 Pole Combat (+5 from Ironspire)
  • 5 Thin Blades Combat (+5 from points)
Body Shape
  • 5 Thin Blades Combat = 5 Athletic Points
  • Toned Body Shape
  • Moderate Body Fat
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Leutz-Vixe (learned from parents)
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Sage green.
  • Hair Color: Aureate blonde.
  • Hair Style: Medium-length, loose.
  • Skin Color: Caucasian, slightly tanned.
  • Clothing: Just about anything that is comfortable.
  • Height: 5'8
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Lanfranc's typical go-to under duress is to switch tones towards something he's more comfortable with, such as humor. When he is most fearful, he will often repeatedly, even perhaps irritably, crack jokes and make the effort to eliminate his threat by befriending it.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • While affable and genial, Lanfranc is not free of the vigor of stress and anxieties. Repulsed by recklessness, he carefully regards the source of his stress, preferring to tolerate stress for long periods of time only to conclusively solve it rather than to botch the attempt. When stressed, Lanfranc takes on a sourer disposition, prone to laughing at others rather than with, so as to distract himself from the problem.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • As indulgent as he is, Lanfranc is exceedingly prone to rigorous celebration, but this will not typically slow Lanfranc's diligence. Lanfranc is happiest when he is doing more work than most men can handle, and when he is doing it well.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Lanfranc views justice as irrevocably paramount. Despite his vices and hedonistic disposition, Lanfranc's sentiment towards the rule of law is rigid, moved only by the greater good and moral affirmation.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Having moved beyond the born boundaries of typical noble xenophobia, Lanfranc has encountered and interacted a great many misfit races and species. Out of concern for the state, however, Lanfranc's perspective towards the bulk of the inferior races are still cautiously negative.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • A believer of the Union Divine, Lanfranc is overall something of a philosopher, delving into the theological qualities and intricate facets of belief. While not necessarily cynical, Lanfranc questions everything for the sake of finding a conclusive truth.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Skeptically aware, and with an odd fascination. From an erudite perspective, Lanfranc desires to learn more of magic and its properties, but has ultimately strayed from the subject and its holders for the sake of avoiding the danger altogether.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Lanfranc's loyalty comes by merit above all else. While previously forsaken by his father, Lanfranc respects his sister Amelina, and enjoys the company of his many relatives, but his work and effort is spent towards his own cause or the cause of those he admires.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Lanfranc ultimately fears his lack of self-control. An indulgent, outspoken and typically honest man, he is not prone to containing his wishes, and struggles ethically with his code and the convenience of deceit.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Lanfranc appreciates his industry. While he constantly strives for self improvement, he is most confident in his disposition on the grind and greatly appreciates seeing that similarity in others.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Ambition, the desire to have achieved something worthwhile in his life, and to have contributed to greater society. Further, he continues to seek irrefutable truth, and all of his actions are determined by his understanding of that fixed monolith.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Lanfranc fears obscurity, and that he should achieve little or nothing in his life. Further, he fears that he will let himself wither into a creature lower than he is at present; that his vices will eat him away into the wretch that he has slowly become.
Life Story (Required)
Lanfranc, born to Etienne and Noemie Peirgarten, struggled as an early child under the tutelage of his knight father, whose values determined that Lanfranc should be a virtuous marshal. Instead, in the act of subverting his father's demands, Lanfranc became well-acquainted with history, court interaction and socializing with the lower class in Lorhauser, and showed neither skill nor willingness to adhere to his father's expectations. The youth showed a wondrous affinity for dodging classes, then lectures, then punishments - and his negligence brought him the ire of his father and kin. Ser Etienne of Lorhauser came to favor his female siblings and particularly his younger brother, Lucien, whom Lanfranc came to despise.

Lanfranc maintained a positive relationship with his mother, Noemie, who pushed his father to begrudgingly send the mischievous youth to learn at a diplomatic academy in Basta, where he remained for many years. Overtly skeptic and humorous, he fit poorly in the zealot society of Basta, ultimately forced to leave just after his graduation. Instead of returning to Lorhauser, Lanfranc roved the archipelago carelessly in pursuit of history, philosophy and adventure. Having experienced several choice, near-fatal encounters with the wilds and dangers of the archipelago, he then made amends with his family after the death of his father and accompanied many of his family's military exploits, studying and advising. Having been so well-traveled and thus estranged from the fiber of his own culture, and based on his own philosophical grasp of cultural identity, he formally imperialized himself prior to his return to Regalia.

At present, he turns course for the Crown City, with the intention of finally achieving something before he grows old.
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