Archived Landmarks In The Regalian Wilderness

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
Quite simply, I believe that landmarks should be added into the Regalian Wilderness, specifically started on the South-East region nearby Kronau so patrols and such apart of the resistance or Lo Forces can use this to properly navigate. I'm not saying put a fucking spire twenty meters tall to attract people, I am thinking some really simple things like maybe a burnt down house (Please make a basement, that'd be interesting RP), burial sights, historical sights and such; simple things like that can improve the quality of roleplay for Lo, Deathling, Resistance and other roleplayers alike and can simplify a lot of map reading.

Stupid, small and a weird idea but it'll ease the inner map finder inside me.
Thanks in advance for looking at this.
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I think this idea would be better enhanced to add perhaps.. Not having teleporters. So you actually have to trek to them on foot to see them
I mean, county estates have the potential to become little villages. Though I'm assuming that was noted by the OP.

I would love to see paths made around the wilderness with road signs. All we have is that one going to Hostesse Village, and there's about it.

Like have another heading to Rothenhof or to the country estate.
Is this that village that the winter festival last year was held in? I remember those having rental regions.

It seems that, realistically, there would be these little places surrounding Regalia. I mean Regalia is supposed to be the great capitol city! There just seems to be a lot of empty land around it
It seems that, realistically, there would be these little places surrounding Regalia. I mean Regalia is supposed to be the great capitol city! There just seems to be a lot of empty land around it
I remember at one time Marty mentioned the city actually took up most of the Crown Isle, with only a bit of wilds used for hunting grounds.
I remember at one time Marty mentioned the city actually took up most of the Crown Isle, with only a bit of wilds used for hunting grounds.
Now that you mention it, I do recall reading old server news posts around when this iteration of Regalia was released. And I think from a minecraft standpoint its like this for expansion of the city... But i dont know for certain
I suppose I will reject this idea based on it pertaining primarily to improving roleplay for Deathlings, and that story arc is complete now.
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