Archived Landlords

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I Like Boxes
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
Talos Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Di Orazio Family & RNS
Here is my Brainchild:

In the real world, even in medieval times, someone owned the land in cities. We call these people... LANDLORDS! (**All Gasp**). The city does not own the land, individual people build apartment buildings and rent these to others.

So here is a thought, Regalia sells off these apartment buildings in the poor district to individual land lords. This would not count as one of their ownerships. In this way, the rich men could buy this building, set the rent, and then edit the building stairwells. This would help with competition in the housing market, possible drive down rent as everyone wants to have the most tenants, and increase RP because now, people can complain about their rediculous land lords.

Landlords could only have 1 building they own in the poor district. they could rent their own houses to have a place to stay. They would buy these apartments for a 1 time fee of 2000r! They keep all rent money they make. Of course, a rent maximum law would exist, but landlords could set rent for any price under that. So that's just my brilliant idea
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I personally don't think it should be permanent ownership... maybe a month, like the rest of the houses?

The point of this was so your are not renting from the town monthly.... the apartments inside are still a month
The point of this was so your are not renting from the town monthly.... the apartments inside are still a month

Yes... but... I don't think it make too much sense. Some rich person walks over, buys the building permanently, then just leaves or something. I can't really explain it. I like the idea, I just don't think you should be able to buy it permanently.
Yeah, if you bought it permanently and spent all of 5 minutes cleaning up the place a bit, you could get revenue from it months from now.
Yes... but... I don't think it make too much sense. Some rich person walks over, buys the building permanently, then just leaves or something. I can't really explain it. I like the idea, I just don't think you should be able to buy it permanently.

Do you know how landlords actually work....?
Some concerns:

1. Landlord inactivity. If they buy it permanently then this is an issue if the person goes inactive for a long or permanent amount of time.
2. Regalian houses are one of massive's largest money sinks. This would mean we would lose this as individual rents merely get recycled back into the economy rather than removed from the system.
Here is a re-suggestion:
The landlords have to pay a tax as a percentage of the income they receive. Also land lording expires after 20 days inactivity
Imagine Faction owners can set a chunk to be a renting chunk setting the ownership to the player of their choice and the owner or faction leader can choose who the tenant is. the tenant pays the set price and as long as he she does they can build and open chests on the grid plot.

Supper this idea is now for everyone!
i disagree. if you would do somthing like that the rich peeps would only get richer. Or in my case i would ask a friend to buy it for mee and then just split the money or something. so i say NOPE
Perhaps this shouldn't involve in-game regals, but rather IC wealth? For example all the noble families get a piece of the city that they can modify, but not change the money rates for. (The money just goes into the server.)
This would be very hard to regulate and manage it's a neat concept but I don't think it would be worth the effort of making it so.
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