Preserved Sheet Lance Alexander Skjaldulfsson

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Aug 18, 2017
Reaction score

Lance Alexander Skjaldulfsson
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{Basic Information:}
  • Full Name - Lance Alexander Skjaldulfsson
  • Age - 26
  • Race - Velheim Northerne Ailor
  • Main Ambition - Travel, serve the people of Aloria and improve his combat skills
  • Sexuality - Heterosexual
  • Position in Regalia: Born in a cold, severe tundra of the northern lands into the tribe of the Blessed Hounds, Lance moved to the capital city of Regalia at the age of 9 after an attack on his tribe cost his mother's life and he was forced to flee. His relocation to the capital was unintentional as it was a quite foreign life to him, seeing as his people were viewed as savages. The young boy ended up there after hiding on a ship with his eldest brother, Arnbjorn, when being commanded by his father to leave whilst he defended their home. Lance and his family reunited around 5 years after when he finally built up enough money and knowledge to return home. During that time in the city he learned the Common language and joined the school of Bloodcast at age 10 in order to continue learning his passion of combat when his father couldn't train him. After going to his tribe and reuniting with his family again, satisfied with their safety, he returned to Regalia in order to continue his training. Currently, he remains in Bloodcast as a warrior, training in long sword and heater shield combat, earning money through working as a sellsword whilst renting a modest house in the north east of Regalia.
  • Upbringing: Lance was born of Ysabella and Jaspar Hughes in the North Belt where he was taught combat, hunting and endurance alongside his 7 siblings and the other children of the tribe. This also made him extremely competitive and persuaded him to strive to join Bloodcast. He is the 3rd oldest of his siblings. The Skjaldulfsson family are all hunters, gatherers and talented combatants that live in the Federation of Trollstigel in the Arctic and are what people may refer to as savages. However, since Lance's relocation to Regalia, he has become more 'civilised'.
  • Secondary Ambitions: Visit his family more often, find a promising career in combat and eventually learn a new style of combat such as archery.

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{Skill Information:}

Proficiency Points [26 points] (+26 from age)
  • +13 Longsword (+13 from points)
  • +13 Small Shield (+13 from points)
  • +10 Axes Combat Skill (+10 from Velheimer Ailor)
Body Shape:
  • 26 Physical Stat (+13 from Longsword, +13 from Small Shield)
  • Ripped
  • Extreme low fat
  • Skodje Dialect
  • Common
{Visual Information:}
  • Eye Colour: Greyish Blue
  • Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde
  • Hair Style: Swept Back
  • Skin Colour: Peach
  • Clothing: Loose, formal shirt, brown trousers, brown cuffed boots, plain longcoat
  • Height: 6'3"
  • Body Build: Ripped
  • Weapon of Choice: One-Handed Sword and Heater Shield
  • Lance has narrow, piercing, blue eyes that possess a tint of grey. His Ailor nose is prominent and angular like his sharp jaw inherited from his father and his lips are a light pink. His ears don't stick out much yet they appear angled and his forehead is of average size, wrinkling slightly when he raises his arched eyebrows. Lance has clear skin with no blemishes, freckles or scars. Also, he has platinum blonde hair from his Northerne roots that's quite messy and carelessly swept back.
  • Like most of his family, Lance is ripped due to his Northerne Ailor genes and his agility. Lance has many things in common with his family such as his height and skin. Being Northerne Ailors all his family are around 6 ft and quite pale people. His little sister, Laila, tends to joke about how their skin was adapted to the icy environment of the northern lands for camouflage. Lance has a lot of hair covering his legs and arms, and some on his chest and back. Even though he does grow hair quickly, Lance can't seem to grow facial hair like his father.
  • When Lance first came to Regalia at the age of 9, he wore lots of layers of fur and leather that he put on to live in the climates of the Arctic. He soon realised this wasn't necessary in the capital and he began to wear simple clothes that were common and smart and got him through life in the city without bringing too much attention to himself. Furthermore, he's always wore a small, gold chain around his neck gifted from his mother, Ysabella, as a tribute to her. Lance also will sometimes wear his crimson cape from his Bloodcast knighthood.
  • Lance has a smooth, quiet voice as if he's just woken up which is pleasantly soothing, apart from when he speaks in Skodje which is quite harsh and brittle. He speaks quite slowly in a low pitch and sometimes might have awkward voice cracks in between words. Whilst living in Regalia, Lance has managed to tone down his strong Northerne accent in order to further blend in but still may say a few odd words that give away his background.
{Personality and Abilities:}
  • As perceived by others, Lance is a friendly, kind and pleasant person who's always ready and willing to help others. He is rarely negative which makes him such an entertaining and likeable presence and most of the time he's excited to meet new people and learn new things. Friends would describe Lance as a thrill-seeker, a jester and a social butterfly. He always tries to make other people laugh while having fun himself and will take risks purely to entertain others. Lance loves to talk to everybody, no matter if they have things in common with him or if they even seem interested in talking to him.
  • Internally to self, Lance is quite confident and happy in himself which he gained from being an older sibling. Also, his humour and ability to make people laugh made him self-assured. Growing up, however, Lance always believed he had to prove himself to his Father because of his many siblings which made him quite competitive and sometimes nervous. His competitiveness regularly makes him feel the need to improve a lot and to be better than his siblings - which did actually benefit him much in the school of Bloodcast. Unfortunately, because of his traumatic separation from his family as such as young age, Lance is petrified of being alone or being left behind. Even though he knows it wasn't his family's fault, it had been a deep rooted issue within Lance since the day it happened and usually affects a lot of relationships Lance has, whether romantic or friendly.
  • Towards friends and family, Lance is a funny and charming young man who always brightens people's days with his positivity and he feels can be open about his feelings with the people he was raised with and is comfortable around. Lance gets along well with his sisters and argues a lot with his brothers (most likely due to their competitiveness) but they always make up. Towards romantic relationships, Lance is still the same person however, he can open up and be more honest and affectionate with his partner. Also, due to him being more comfortable around his family and partners, they are the only people he ever shows vulnerability or weakness around when expressing his emotions. Even if his brothers are constantly trying to prove their 'manliness', they appreciate and empathise with Lance.
  • Regarding Morality, Lance was never truly taught regulation or discipline by his parents or Bloodcast (due to the school not having a code of conduct) therefore he has no regard for some rules and will do what he believes is just. Lance is chaotic good. He is aware of what's right and wrong and isn't a corrupt person. Instead, Lance would be described as a person with well-meaning intentions who might do bad things for good - or atleast what he views as right.


  • Sword and Shield Combat: Lance has attended the hybrid school of Bloodcast for 13 years (since age 10). He was also mentored as a child by his parents and older siblings. From this he can effectively fight when using a sword and shield, using his offence and defence skills to balance each other out and prevail in conflict.
  • Agile: Since Lance was young he would travel far to hunt and gather so as a quicker mode of transport he would sprint. Due to this, Lance is very agile and could easily run for a long duration of time which benefits him during physical training or when he requires a quick escape from whatever mess he's got himself into.
  • Gaining Approval: Ever since being a child of eight and running around countless times doing different tasks in order to be noticed and approved by his father, Lance has suffered from the constant need and desire to gain approval from everybody he meets. This was also an issue when Lance was moved to Regalia. Due to him having little knowledge of the Common language at the time and because he had zero literary skills, he would constantly worry about being considered an outcast or an idiot. This still remains a problem in his life but he still remains eager to meet people in order to feel accepted. He thrives off of approval yet when there's a lack of it, he suddenly crumbles.
  • Being Alone: Rooting from the Lance's childhood tragedy and somewhat from his need of approval, Lance is terrified of the idea of being completely isolated or left behind by others (similar to his fear of being outcasted). Being torn from his family took a deep toll on Lance's mental health. His older brother, Arnbjorn, has made countless efforts to try and rid Lance of this fear, constantly reminding his little brother that he's there for him and that he always will be. This can be comforting at the best of times but seen as empty promises at the worst. Lance tries his hardest to not let this affect his desire to meet new people and make new friends and will always try to socialise with complete strangers however, he sometimes thinks his constant social attitude is just desperate efforts for more company.



  • Father - Jaspar Skjaldulfsson
    • Had a big influence on Lance's life, taught him his combat skills and wanted Lance to join Skagger but is still proud of his son's accomplishments at Bloodcast.
  • Mother - Ysabella Skjaldulfsson
    • Taught Lance kindness, and to be a good and honest man, heavily impacting Lance's personality positively.
    • Also taught Lance defence, mainly using heater shields.
    • Killed by a raider during an attack on the tribe when Lance was 9.
  • Brother - Arnbjorn Skjaldulfsson
    • Is Lance's oldest sibling, is the comedic presence in Lance's life.
    • Picked on Lance with Geirwolf a lot during his childhood.
    • Separated from his family with Lance when they fled to Regalia.
  • Brother - Geirwulf Skjaldulfsson
    • Second oldest sibling, blunt and arrogant.
    • Picked on Lance with Arnbjorn a lot during his childhood.
    • A lot kinder and considerate to Lance after being reunited with him.
  • Brother - Thorod Skjaldulfsson
    • Lance's only younger brother, always followed Lance around since childhood.
    • Aspires to follow in Lance's footsteps once his father allows him to travel.
  • Sister - Astrid Skjaldulfsson
    • Oldest of Lance's sisters.
    • Is kind and loving, like a replica of Ysabella.
  • Sister - Laila Skjaldulfsson
    • Lance's second oldest sister, always willing to help.
    • Deep fear of loneliness like Lance, can relate or talk to her for guidance/advice.
  • Sister - Freydis Skjaldulfsson
    • Youngest of the family.
    • Very sarcastic and influenced some responsibility within Lance.
  • Nope.

{Life Story:}

  • Lance Alexander Skjaldulfsson was the 3rd born of Jaspar and Ysabella Skjaldulfsson. He was born in the Federation of Trollstigel (Arctic) on the 5th of December 282 AC, in the Blessed Hounds tribe.
Childhood (1-14)
  • Was a quiet and satisfied infant yet still difficult for his father and mother to take care of due to the cold climates of the Arctic and their responsibilities of hunting, gathering and generally providing for the tribe and for Lance himself.
  • Grew up in the icy Arctic lands learning combat from his parents and nurturing his younger brother and sisters.
  • As he grew, Lance's parents were often out so he became quite independent. However, Lance was never completely alone because his older brothers (Arnbjorn and Geirwulf) would watch out for him (when they weren't picking on him).
  • At age 5, Lance's younger brother, Thorod was born, which gave Lance a sense of responsibility, and confidence to stick up for himself against his older brothers.
  • Lance never went to an official school in his childhood but instead he was educated by the people of his tribe and his family. Lance was taught sword and shield combat, hunting, and farming.
  • At age 9, his tribe was attacked by raiders roaming Trollstigel, causing the death of Lance's mother and for Lance to flee with his brother Arnbjorn to Regalia.
  • Survived in the city with his brother by squatting in abandoned homes in the slums district, petty thievery and small amounts of money earned through Arnbjorn's job as a blacksmith's assistant.
  • At 10, he joined the school of Bloodcast in order to develop his combat meaning he ended up separating from his brother and moving into Blücherwald Castle.
Adolescence (15-21)
  • Lance struggled adjusting to the Regalian Lifestyle due to Skodje being his native tongue and because reading and writing were never a priority in his tribe, which prevented him from immediately thriving in the foreign territory.
  • Followed in Arnbjorn's footsteps and got his first job as a blacksmith's assistant at age 16.
  • 2 years later, when Lance was 18, he quit working at the Blacksmiths and went into self-employment as a sellsword, venturing throughout the city searching for work.
  • Lance continued to rank up the Bloodcast pecking order utilising his hard working, dedicated and determined mindset for the next few years, repeatedly impressing his mentors until, at age 20, he achieved the rank of warrior and gained knighthood.
  • At 20, Lance left Blücherwald Castle, finally able to reclaim some of his indepence and reunite with Arnbjorn, moving into his brother's home in Regalia.
Young Adulthood / Present (26)
  • Currently, Lance still attends the School of Bloodcast. After 13 years of training he still wishes to continue attending the school in order to one day achieve the rank of Bloodcast Champion or leave to pursue another career in combat. His current occupation remains a sellsword since he became so 5 years ago which is still his main source of income and a fairly entertaining job for him.
  • Lance spends his free time socialising with companions, adventuring, helping people in need and has recently taken up hunting again. He realises how great his life in Regalia but always feels like he needs a change of background or a break from Regalia and plans to travel Aloria and to possibly one day return to his tribe permanently.

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| Grot's Peer Review! |
Hello, my name is @Grotlenator and I'd like to give you a peer review! A few suggestions I have before staff come in are:
  • Body Build: I would suggest Ripped or Muscular for a Bloodcast, especially since he's a Balltarc Northerner, who're predisposed to more muscular frames. The Bloodcast fighting style is based on good defense and offense and, as the wiki says, they're liable to be slower on the mobility scale, compared to Turalls and Mariposas. Sinewy leaves him with little muscle to help with holding up and taking the recoil from a hit to his shield as well as less muscle to put behind his strikes.
  • Weapon of Choice: I suggest mentioning that he also uses a shield in conjunction with his sword.
All in all, very well written! Most of these suggestions are simple combat considerations, since he's a warrior-type character. I hope to see Lance in RP! Have a good day and happy RPing! @8_Lucy_8
Super Amateur peer review-
- the only thing I can really find wrong with this is that he seems a little mary-sue-ie. I would add some physical weaknesses like an Achilles heel or a traumatic fear of varran or something of that matter. He seems a little "perfect" at the moment and one or two physical weaknesses would really round out your character. Make sure your weaknesses can be observable in roleplay for them to be affective.
-Other than that it seems pretty good, all the handsome dude gifs made me a little uncomfortable and I spotted a few run-on sentences but its pretty good, good luck my man...
Skill Section:
  • Can you add the Casting Crucible in the Source part of this section. This is because no real private tutors exist and the school is the one place it can really be learnt.
Personality Section:
  • Add one more sentence to the third paragraph.
  • The Bloodcast talent needs to include what he can do with the talent, not who he learned from. Can you add around two more sentences or rewrite the talent to make it better suited as a talent.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
The edits are really good though I see it says in the talent he can expertly fight. I'm going to ask you to change that word. Maybe something like effectively?
Updated the application for the new proficiency system and changed some of the backstory in order to fit the requirement of entering Bloodcast at age 10.
As your previous reviewer is no longer staff please mark your app as "Needs Reviewer".
  • You don't mention at what age he enters into the school of Bloodcast. Bloodcast students are required to enter the school age 10. The training takes a total of ten years and is a boarding school, meaning he would be living in Blücherwald Castle for those ten years. Please make changes to your life story to reflect this.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when the appropriate changes have been made. @8_Lucy_8
Proficiencies are not updated, still has outdated skills from the old system. Please correct this.
Racial boosts do not factor into physical proficiency.