Preserved Sheet Lambert Kraus

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Mr Toastybuns

President of the Good Boy Club
Nov 24, 2018
Reaction score
Lambert Kraus.webp
Lambert As Geoffrey.webp
Basic Information.webp

| Full Name |

Lambert Kraus

| Age |

| Birthday |
November 15th, 272 AC

| Gender |

| Race |

| Culture |
New Regalian

| Sexuality |

Proficiency Information.webp

We're a Knowledgeble Family.gif
"We're a knowledgeable family."

| Total Points |

(34 from 34 Years of Age)​

◄ Combat Skills ►
Thin Blades
+5 (Points)

Knowledge Skills
Marshal |
+10 (Culture Boost)
Statesman | +9 (Points)

Arts Skills
Literary |
+15 (Points)
Musical | +5 (Points)

Body Shape
Physical Stat: 12
5 ( Thin Blades) + (15/2) (Literary Arts) = 5+7=12]
Body Type |
Body Fat | Average Body Fat

Alt-Regalisch |
(First language learned; via Family)
Common |
(Learned through tutelage)

Basic Information Expanded
| Current Worldly Position |
Coming Soon...
| Upbringing and Family |
Lambert grew up knowing little attention from his parents. The second son to Siegfried Kraus, he started out as equals to his elder brother, Friedrich. Their father raised them to be soldiers: men of combat. However, Lambert quickly found himself falling behind his stronger elder brother.
To beat him at anything physical was such a rarity, and so oft did he fall and fail during their drills and spars, that Siegfried harbored less and less hope that Lambert would grow into the ideal man of the military which he envisioned for his sons. He stopped pushing him, began leaving him home when he and Friedrich went out to train and practice. Lambert, quickly, knew what it was to be abandoned.​
He knew no comfort from his mother, who was invested deeply in the rearing of Lambert's younger sister, Anneliese. His mother shooed him away, telling him to 'apply himself better' to a field he had no interest in under a teacher who wanted nothing to do with him. Thus, he did for himself. He requested tutors, dedicating himself to honing his mind rather than his body. His parents were more than happy to oblige, so long as it kept him busy.
So, he spent the rest of his years growing up with his nose firmly planted in one book after another. It was during these years, steadily growing detached from his immediate family, that he reached out and began to socialize more with his extended family, finding their company preferable to the ones who all but denied him. It was during this time that he would also develop a deep love for literature and the arts, influenced in no small part by his artistic aunt Emilia, and decided that he would become a grand and expressive mind like many before him; carve a name for himself his own way.​

Visual Information.webp

| Eye Color |
Light Blue

| Hair Color |
Dark Brown

| Hair Style |
Short and well-kept, with just a slight bit of length to it.

| Skin Color |

| Clothing |
He dresses in darks with silver or white trimming, his preferred ensemble composing of dark trousers with brown boots, a white shirt and simple doublet.

| Height |


"What a man does for pay is of little significance. What he is, as a sensitive instrument responsive to the world's beauty, is everything!"

First Paragraph | How He Is Perceived...
Lambert has a very practiced way in which he composes himself. He is not necessarily stoic, per se, but everything he does in the way he interacts with others feels measured and deliberate. This makes him come off as oddly distant, despite the fact that he is more than amicable in conversation. He smiles, but his smiles feel obliging. He laughs, but his laughs are always controlled and cut short. To those who aren't close to him, it can be difficult to tell if he enjoys someone's company or not, since he doesn't tend to express much overt friendliness nor hostility toward anybody. However, there are subtle ways he does so, typically veiled within what he's saying and tactfully delivered within quips or jabs.
Second Paragraph | How He Feels...
Behind the wall he firmly suspends between he and most everyone else is the deep and burning desire for acknowledgement and praise. He grew up knowing little of either and became bitter for it, turning to the arts to not only hone a skill he genuinely loved, but to provide for himself a medium through which he can express his lamentations and grievances. Neglect and isolation from his own family as he grew caused him to withdraw both physically and emotionally, falling into a long-spanning period of depression which never completely left him. No matter what he is praised for nor how much he tries, he cannot pull himself entirely from the hole that's grown within him, and suffers deeply for it.
Third Paragraph | Friends, Family, and Lovers...
The relationship Lambert shares with his immediate family is one of tension and bitterness. Having never properly reached any point of closure for the way he was treated, Lambert still doesn't overtly act hostile toward his parents and siblings, but is more than happy to express his hatred through veiled insults and subtle ways of detaching himself from them. He addresses them all very formally and almost never acknowledges their relation to him, tolerating their company only because he enjoys how much his presence bothers them. As for his extended family, he is more than friendly with his aunts, uncles, and cousins, and expresses a familial affection toward them that is entirely alien to the way he treats his immediate family. As for his friends, he acts more open and comfortable with them, more than happy to share a conversation over a drink or to regale them with news about his latest works, though there still always seems to be a measure of control in his interactions, as though there remains a part of him that he refuses to open up about.
Fourth Paragraph | His Moral Center...
Lambert has complicated feelings about morality. At the surface level, he has very simple views: do unto others, give more than you take. However, he tends toward a very negative view toward his fellow man, expecting the worst from them, because of all the conflict he witnesses in the world. He is of the belief that while man has the capacity to do good, it is man's natural inclination to do evil and be selfish, owed to the many wars and conflicts between the powers in the world and nobility, of which he is very critical. Thus, in an effort to be greater than what he views as the default disposition for man, he's more than happy to assist or provide help for those less fortunate, but he is incredibly hesitant to do the same for anybody who already has the power to help themselves, the only exception being those among his extended family.
Weaknesses ►
| Physically Weak |

Lambert is not a fighter by any stretch of the imagination. While he's practiced rapier forms in order to stay fit and healthy, he has no real combat experience nor skill and can easily be overcome in a fight.

| Alcoholism |
It started early, when he first withdrew from his immediate family to focus on his studies and the arts. He'd sequester himself away to read or write and have a drink to accompany him. This became a nightly routine, the drinks growing more numerous as he grew more detached from and bitter toward his family, becoming a source of comfort rather than a casual pleasure. It made it easier for him to sleep, and easier for him to ignore the shadow of depression slowly creeping over him. He's a high-functioning alcoholic and is unaware of the problem.

| Depression |
What began as conditional depression brought on by the neglect he experienced throughout his youth eventually stuck, lodged within him like an arrowhead that was never removed. For seemingly no reason, the condition persists, wearing on him mentally and emotionally and preventing him from growing or developing as a person. Numb on the best of days, cripplingly distraught on the worst, Lambert makes an effort to keep his condition hidden from others as best he can.

| Literature |
It was primarily literature which provided the comfort which helped him through his youth in the first place. He loves the written word and is never happier than when putting ink to parchment or reading an interesting treatise or engaging story.

| Being Praised |
Something he desperately craves, yet never seeming to get enough of it, Lambert yearns for approval and acknowledgement for his accomplishments. Though the feeling is fleeting and often only slight, often beaten down by his depressive state, it's one of the few things which consistently make him happy.

| Music |
While he is not nearly so musically talented as he is with literature, Lambert deeply appreciates the art of music and learned to play the lute in order to have a simple accompaniment for some of the verses he writes. He's not skilled enough to do much more himself, but he has a great love for other musicians and their work.

| Being Ignored |
It reminds him of his youth, and is deeply frustrating for him; one of the few things that can even risk breaking his composure. He values having a voice and is incredibly off-put in any situation where he is denied that right.

| Violence |
To put it simply, it seems like a waste to him. "We are people armed with the ability to rise above the common beasts who live and breathe the conflict of the wild, to work and communicate in ways that no other living creature can even imagine, yet we still choose to resort to bloodshed. It's pathetic."

Vilified - Hostile - Hated - Disliked - Indifferent - Liked - Valued - Cherished - Loved

Divider.webp Life Story.webp

"There's no affection for me here. You wouldn't think I'd want that, would you?"
November 15th, 272 AC, Lambert was born to Siegfried and Erna Kraus. He was not long after his elder brother, Friedrich, and the two were raised together with their father expecting them to grow into two strong, capable young men suited for the military life of their family. He was right about one of them. Lambert, on the other hand, lagged behind in all aspects of his father's teachings.

By the age of 14, it was painfully obvious that Lambert was the physically weaker of the two. He was winded easily, couldn't wield a blade even half as well as his brother, and lacked the motivation to train his body the way his father wanted him to. Quickly, Siegfried lost hope for him, and stopped training him altogether. From that point on, he knew nothing from his father beyond the formalities oft shared between those who dwelt in the same house: "Good morning" and whatnot. His mother, entirely preoccupied with raising his younger sister, Anneliese, had little in the way of comfort or guidance to offer.

Left to his own devices, Lambert decided to pursue the life of an intellectual, requesting tutors to help him sharpen his mind and broaden his knowledge. During this time, as he grew more distant from his immediate family, he began to reach out to and spend more time with his extended family, finding himself particularly influenced by the artistic works of his aunt Emilia. He would then begin to take up the study of the arts, literature and music in particular, immediately falling in love with the practice. From that point onward, he decided that he would pursue the life of an intellectual artist: someone who expressed their views of the world, its people, and their emotions through his work.

Having grown up in a family wherein he knew little in the way of affection and acknowledgement, he developed a keen desire to provide, through his works, a means of escapism and comfort for those who would hear and read them. For him, it was only the joy he found in experiencing the arts that helped him find himself and cope with the way he was treated growing up, and thus he hopes to be able to do the same for others with his own work. As he grew up, he developed a deep bitterness and hatred toward his immediate family for the way he was treated, which only stuck with him as he entered adulthood, simmering in his heart where it would remain to this day.

At the age of 20, he began to put his plan for his life into action, intending on carving out his own success utilizing what small part of the family's wealth he had access to. He invested into smaller businesses and tradesman, cutting them fair deals that would guarantee him a comfortable return over time. With no wish for an abundance of coin, he was able to sustain himself off of this tactic while he focused on his artistic works and began writing verses and stories which he would both recite and publish in small pamphlets which he would have printed and distributed to both the public and the aristocracy. The monetary reward was trifling, but he quickly gained a small name for himself, which was enough to spur him onward to continue work on larger projects which he planned to release at later points.

Fully immersed now in his craft, Lambert lives with the aspiration of gaining renown as a writer of stories and poetry to be performed wherever anyone will have him.
