Preserved Sheet Laenyra Avalorn

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Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are
| L A E N Y R A | N E N N A R I | A V A L O R N |




Basic Information
  • Shortened Name: Laenyra Nennari Avalorn.
    • Full Modern Altalar: Maidhra'talsii Laenyra Nëñhari Avalorn.
  • Age: 74 years.
    • Born: 15th January, 234AC.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Fin'ullen Altalar.
  • Sexuality: War.

Skill Information
  • Total Points: 70 points. (Age + Will of Ages boost.)
  • Tactical:
    • +30 General Command.
    • +20 Admiral Command.
  • Knowledge:
    • +4 Societal Knowledge.
      Allorn Culture.
  • Arts:
    • +20 Tailoring Arts. (10 Hobby, 10 Investment.)
  • Body:
    • +5 Bodycare Training.
      5 invested; Sculpted Build available.
*A bolded investment indicates Hobby Point usage.

Body Shape:
  • Shape: Average.
  • Physical Stat: 2.5.
    • Calculation: (5 Bodycare / 2) = 2.5.
    • Body Fat: Average.
  • Birth Languages:
    • Middle Altalar.
    • Modern Altalar.
  • Learned Languages:
    • Common.
Special Traits:
  • Will of the Ages:
    • Full 10 point boost.
  • Will of the Arcane:
    • Arcanomancy.
    • Memorymancy.
    • Powermancy.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Pale blue.
  • Hair Color: Raven-black.
  • Hair Style: Rarely consistent, but reliably complex.
  • Skin Color: Fair.
  • Clothing: Utilitarian Altalar fashions in colours of deep red and bronze.
  • Height: 6'4", or 193cm.

Personality and Abilities
The Core List:
  • Moral Alignment:
    • Lawful Evil.
  • Personality Type:
    • ISTJ-A; the Logistician.
  • Religious Affiliation:
    • Religion: Faith of Estel.
    • Piety: 8/10.

Life Story
Birth & Childhood (0-12)
  • Laenyra Nennari Avalorn is born to Liravella Avalorn and Enalle Ennamera, members of the Altalarin House of Avalorn in Alar Herelie. She is fittingly provided with a good upbringing. Patriarch at the time is Finarhen.
  • Laenyra is the second of three children; the first is Vivana, 16 years older than her. The third is Caswyn, 19 years younger. She looks up to Vivana as a role model from an early age, and is doted upon by her father Enalle.
Adolescence & Teenage Years (13-25)
  • Laenyra develops an interest bordering obsession in matters of war and conflict, stemming from her idolatry of her older sister. At the same time, she dives deep into religion, finding a brutally misinterpreted message in the Outer Pantheon member Tal'sieth and his warnings against Ailor brutality.
  • Patriarch Finarhen dies when Laenyra is 24 years old; he is replaced by Malcarno Avalorn as leader. At the same time, Laenyra dedicates herself to properly learning the ways of war, entering academies of warcraft to learn battlefield strategies and tactics to enter war in a way her older sister could not.
Early Adulthood (26-50)
  • While in education, Laenyra takes up tailoring as a hobby, using this form as a means of venting the mounting aggression in her psyche, an aggression built upon the misguided belief that taking on aspects of what Tal'sieth warns against will assist her better in matters of war and tactics.
  • Laenyra eventually finishes her education at age 30- or so she initially thought. Unsated by war on land, she coerces her family into leveraging her into an admiralty academy, using a future ability to command the Avalorn fleet as leverage to have her way, which she eventually does.
  • Laenyra continues in her quest for yet more combative education over the course of another two decades, finally leaving schooling at the age of 50; though an oppressively long period, she is now a formidable tactician and military leader, capable of commanding assaults at both land and sea.
Later Adulthood (51-76)
  • Laenyra endeavours to spend more time with her sisters after graduating; although she finds Caswyn's drive to impress somewhat confusing, she nonetheless attempts to maintain the best possible relationship. The latter can also be said for Vivana, whom Laenyra still looks up to, though she finds her older sister's physical deterioration somewhat disconcerting.
  • With more time to focus on leisure, Laenyra follows in the Fin'ullen tradition of physical maintenance, taking on a personal trainer for a short time to teach her how to create and hold an aesthetically pleasing physique whilst also learning the ways of cosmetic makeup. She similarly continues with her tailoring, becoming a seamstress of formidable skill from dedicated free-time and lessons from court fashion advisers.
  • In 302AC, Laenyra attempts to assist in the war with Regalia, but finds herself unable to travel into the northern states. She is appalled to find that Alar Herelie elected to simply submit to Regalian hegemony soon after, but soon changes her mind when reconsidering the disastrous effect a protracted war would have.
  • Three years later, in 308AC, Laenyra finally packs her bags and makes her way to the City of Light, drawn by news of her older sister's ascendance to matriarchy. Eager to see her once more, she takes a ship, hopeful that Regalia will not be so bad as it seems.
Last edited:
Requesting re-review; edits are as follows:
-Pulled +10 Proficiency Points from Thin Blades to bring investment down to zero.
-Pulled +10 Hobby Points from Sculpting Arts to bring investment down to zero.
-Invested +10 Proficiency Points and +10 Hobby Points into Threads Arts to bring investment up to 20.
-Amended Physical Stat so as to no longer include +10 Thin Blades.
-Removed mentions of fencing and sculpture from Life Story; replaced these with mentions of tailoring and elaboration on such.​

All edits have been marked in pink.