Lady In Waiting, Helena Guillote: The Bone Horror Accounts Vol I - Vol V

The following lore story is a diary account from Helena Guillote of Gamsby, a small colony along the coasts of Fendarfelle. The time is shortly after the meteors rained down on Aloria during the start of the Bone Horror Crisis. The journal account is as follows.

Vol I.webp

| Lady in Waiting Vol I | ♬ THEME ♬

Gramsby had been without hardship until the incident. I have not slept, my sons have not slept. My husband, Alain, who I set out on the fourth day following the incident to the neighboring colony of Bitterstead, has not slept. He has set out in search for a doctor. Yet with the disappearances of the Philbert families son and father, I fear for him.

- Helena


Vol 3.webp
| Lady in Waiting Vol II |

Four days prior, the stars of the spirit fell from the sky, to rain down on our beloved Aloria, our beloved homestead. Eventually the fifth day had passed, then the sixth, and in that time Alain still has not returned. He should've returned yesterday, and my sons and I fear for him.

If I could change one thing. If I could take back one request, it would be sending my beloved husband out in search for help. I fear that he may be missing like much of the other residents of the Gramsby colony, to whatever ill curses the void has tainted our lands with.

- Helena


Vol 2.webp

| Lady in Waiting Vol III | ♬ THEME ♬

Our colony, The Town of Gramsby, has been plagued. They say creatures resembling old loved ones roam the forests now. Some are more recent, resembling those who have disappeared in search for the Philberts families son and father. These were folk we once called neighbors and friends. Now they shamble and stagger along the countryside.

Since then my sons are forbidden to leave the homestead. I will not even risk tending to the cattle on our fields. We can wait until the spirit answers our prayers and this event passes.

- Helena


Vol IV.webp

| Lady in Waiting Vol IV |

The spirit has forsaken us. Last night whilst my sons and I prepared for diner, a loud bang erupted against our homestead door. Upon peering through the cracks of the wooden timber, I saw something horrific.

Alain, my own husband. Only it wasn't him. Alain was tattered in scars and wounds, his own bones revealed and his limbs limp. He groaned out to myself and our sons in a nightmarish fashion.

My own Alain hunts for me. My own Alain... I told myself this must be a nightmare.

I gathered my sons and we retreated to the cellar until the next morn. There we waited until the banging subsided...

- Helena


Vol V.webp

| Lady in Waiting Vol V | ♬ THEME ♬

Last night I dreamt that I was at home with mother and father, eating at the table like we always did. Now father haunts us in the night with Mother. Mother attempted to talk to him, to reason, but he wouldn't listen.

Since then she has joined him in madness, and I fear dear brother and I will also join them. After-all, the cellar door will not hold long and we have no food here to wait out the endless banging. I've read over the letters of dear beloved mother during our final hours. Brother is but eight years old, far too young to understand such things.

It's well enough I suppose. Tonight I've decided to return to family to eat at the table, just like we always did.

- Armine Guillote


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The noted individuals are all dead, casualties to the bone horror crisis long ago. But the letters of Helena were eventually discovered, telling of her families gruesome and ultimate end. The letters aren't heavy with grammar, hence the simple language style of the writing. Instead, I attempted to create a simple and straightforwards diary of dialogue.