La Jarrow Tearoom


haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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Roleplay Guilds
On the corner just outside of the Golden Willow, the small teashop 'La Jarrow Tearoom' sits with it's cheerful orange and red banners and tables, ready to serve. The shop was opened by a newcomer of Regalia, Clementine Bötticher, who - in honor of the beautiful tearooms in the city Jarrow - opened up her own teashop.


Teas, Kaffees, & Other Beverages

Freshly-brewed Teas: Mint, green, grey, and berry - 15r
Cream Tea: Mint or grey tea mixed with fresh cream provided by Anglian Black Cows - 20r
Strawberry Tea: Berry tea mixed with cream and small slices of strawberry - 20r
Original Kaffee: Freshly-brewed kaffee with cream mixed in if wanted - 15r
Hot Chocolate: Fresh cream mixed with rich milk chocolate - 15r

*All teas and beverages are served with a croissant unless ordered with a soup


Chicken Soup: Chicken soup made along with sliced vegetables that include carrots, onion, and celery - 20r
Tomato Soup: Tomato soup with shredded cheese over top - 20r
Vegetable Soup: Sliced vegetables that include carrots, onions, celery, and potato - 20r

*All soups are served with a croissant

Found in Tavern Plaza 4
Staff Application

Character Application/Character Description:
IC Letter to Clementine Bötticher:

Current Staff

Clementine Bötticher

(Also will help serve and cook if needed)

None Yet

None Yet
IGN: MrDapperGhost100
Character Description (No app yet srry) Berwin is a small, very happy cielothar, although he isn't, the best at common, he is fluent in modern elven and is really fun to be around, he also spends a lot of his time brewing tea, for himself and for friends, so that may be handy.
The letter, was written neatly, but at the top it said, Sorry, Berwin cant read, or write Common, so I had to help him
I Berwin Ibiel, would like to be employed by you, I like making the teas and drinking the teas, I am also a very fun Cielothar, if that is good thing.. I love tea. Thank you for the reading
Signed, BErwIN IbIEL
To Berwin Ibiel,

Hello! It's lovely to hear that someone is interested in working here! It would be nice to speak to you at some point concerning what position you'd like/can help with in the tea shop. I can also help, if you'd like, with your Common before you start working as knowing how to read and write in it could be very important- in general.

Best of wishes!
Spirit Bless,
Clementine Valencia Bötticher
Owner of La Jarrow Tearoom
IGN: SenseMakeNo
Character App

The simple piece of paper would have discolored, damaged looking patches as if it was handled by someone...moist.

Dear Mrs Botticher,

I'm gonna get to the point. I have been almost totally cut off from society for the last few months, and looked at your ad and thought "Hey, that's in society" and so I'm applying to work here as an attempt to re-integrate myself. In terms of what service I can actually offer, I feel I am more qualified to serve as a waiter, but my species is capable of picking up on things quickly if you are in desprate need of extra hands in the kitchen.


IGN: SenseMakeNo
Character App

The simple piece of paper would have discolored, damaged looking patches as if it was handled by someone...moist.

Dear Mrs Botticher,

I'm gonna get to the point. I have been almost totally cut off from society for the last few months, and looked at your ad and thought "Hey, that's in society" and so I'm applying to work here as an attempt to re-integrate myself. In terms of what service I can actually offer, I feel I am more qualified to serve as a waiter, but my species is capable of picking up on things quickly if you are in desprate need of extra hands in the kitchen.


To Porangi,

Hello! Thank you for applying, I'd love to meet you for the position, whenever you're free just come find me at the Tearoom!

Safe Travels!
Spirit Bless,
Clementine Valencia Bötticher
Unfortunatly I had to delete my letters as it seems I go offline 2 early to ever meet you IC, that and Berwin didn't work out as a character so
A large, Velheim woman was seen entering the shop. She looked properly out of place and well away from where she might have belonged, the one tending to the shop would notice. With slow movement, as the woman inspected the place, she made her way to the front, standing in place for a moment longer. Her face had a look of disgust written over it as she would glance over the menu they had. Then, she stared at the one shopkeeper before saying in Skodje "I'm just the one paying" and stepped aside. Behind the woman, now facing the shopkeeper was a smaller woman that very faintly resembled the taller one. "Sorry, Ylva doesn't like tea.. but could I get the Strawberry Tea?" She said in the Common tongue, making Ylva cringe for a second.
After receiving the order, Ylva paying the shopkeeper while the smaller woman walked happily to a table to be seated at. The two were an unlikely pair, an odd spectacle but were funny to watch. The woman offering the tea to the larger woman, who then sniffed it like an animal before turning suddenly to pretend gagging. A small horrid look fell over the woman before she it turned to a more pouty expression, playfully punching Ylva's arm. Ylva gave a rough fit of laughter before her features fell into a soft smile, watching her sister enjoy her tea.

This is really cute shop, can't wait to stop by. ;3
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A large, Velheim woman was seen entering the shop. She looked properly out of place and well away from where she might have belonged, the one tending to the shop would notice. With slow movement, as the woman inspected the place, she made her way to the front, standing in place for a moment longer. Her face had a look of disgust written over it as she would glance over the menu they had. Then, she stared at the one shopkeeper before saying in Skodje "I'm just the one paying" and stepped aside. Behind the woman, now facing the shopkeeper was a smaller woman that very faintly resembled the taller one. "Sorry, Ylva doesn't like tea.. but could I get the Strawberry Tea?" She said in the Common tongue, making Ylva cringe for a second.
After receiving the order, Ylva paying the shopkeeper while the smaller woman walked happily to a table to be seated at. The two were an unlikely pair, an odd spectacle but were funny to watch. The woman offering the tea to the larger woman, who then sniffed it like an animal before turning suddenly to pretend gagging. A small horrid look fell over the woman before she it turned to a more pouty look, playfully punching Ylva's arm. Ylva gave a rough fit of laughter before her features fell into a soft smile, watching her sister enjoy her tea.

This is really cute shop, can't wait to stop by. ;3

Rancid of sea water and roughed up after the his long voyage, Andrew steps off the port side of the ship heavily landing on the creaking wood of the dock. The harsh wooden edges of the shoddy crates burry into the palms of his hands, as he stumbles to set them onto the company's deliver cart not to far away. The small transport ship continues rock, with the delivery crew passing the same boxes back and forth packing the cart to it's brim, each one being carefully stacked atop each other. After some time the cloudy sky still continued to drown out the sunlight, as of finishing his work Andrew is handed a velvet coin bag for his pay during the voyage. The sound of joyous clinks of coins are tolled as they drop into his rugged palms. The captain nods giving Andrew a sly smile, she was always generous enough to leave a fair "bonus" for his past experience in the field. Andrew returned that sly smile and shoved the pouch of coins in his jacket pocket. "This payment seemed a little heavier than most others, are you sure you counted it out right, or are those glasses just in the way?" She adjusted her glasses, they pierce through her wavy hair, making her eyes sharp. "I'd keep that to yourself you know" She turns to step on the ship again. "Or that payment might be a bit lighter next time." She smiles hopping onto the boat entering the captain's quarters.
Andrew walks down the cobblestone streets of the city, the smell of people and local homes flooded the area as he moved on to his house, and still dull out Andrew continues forward with his hands shoved in his pockets. Thoughts came and passed in his mind as he wonders of what to buy with his extra payment. "A new coat could be nice or a replacement peg for that tea rack... no no just save it, gods know I'll need it later on." He looked over to the tavern being in viewing distance of his house, Andrew shrugged as he saw it be refurnished yet again, fitted with the vibrant gold and purple colors. He turned to the steps up to his apartment, his wallet clinking with the coin he made, ready to be faced with a dull stone wall yet again. But instead of being greeted with a bland old stone wall filled with yellow paper of old news and faint warnings, was a bright and new paper posted to the wall. Andrew took time to read it stepping near the new letter of interest.
"'La Jarrow Tearoom...Kaffe... Straw Berry Tea, Soups..." He continues to list the names of the products down mumbling them to himself. Andrew turns around to the trees, planted in the surrounding area, they where already turning yellow, and the southern winds had started to come alive... fall then winter would soon come. He shrugged taking the steps up to his apartment, the clinking sound of the coin following with each step. "Maybe I'll visit some time."

*I'd like to try some tea :I*