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La Hermandad De Toros Y Rosas


Dec 11, 2018
Reaction score
Pamphlets are stuck up around Old Town and Daenloc. All seem to be written in Daendroque, evidently not meant for those unfamiliar with the tongue.


La Hermandad De Toros Y Rosas
(The Brotherhood Of Bulls And Roses)


This is a call to all daens, man or woman, half or full, that would see their community flourish. A call to those who remember the wisdom of our elders, to those who dismiss the propaganda of this land and recall the old ways. A call for any and all that will see our children grow strong, with our mothers safe and our fathers chivalrous.

The brotherhood of bulls and roses is an organisation meant for the betterment of all daens. We are no imperial knights, no state-manded church nor underworld gang, but all will know our chivalry, our virtue and solidarity! We have no leader but the collective spirit of daendroque and we oppose no enemy but those that would disturb the peace for our people.

For too long has our culture been forgotten and dismantled by this empire we have come to settle in; for too long has Regalia spat on the people of Daendroque and for just as long have the worst of our people brought the problems of our homeland with us.

No more, the brotherhood does declare: In this land we shall prosper, in this land we shall be free and in this land we shall be safe! To our own kind we shall secure these three rights:

La prosperidad de la rosa (the rose's prosperity)

La libertad del campo (the field's liberty)

La seguridad del torero (the bullfighter's security)

Such will be ensured by the brotherhood's two main divisions, split in pursuit of martial security and cultural prosperity respectively; no one without the other can ensure liberty to the people of Daendroque, both must be present in equal measure.

Flores: A La Gente
(Flowers: To The People)


The brotherhood's cultural preservers, elders, educators and organisers, the Flores: flowers of the brotherhood are entrusted with the wealth and heritage of the daendroque people by organising festivities, setting the standards for daen fashion, preserving daen folklore and history, discussing daen philosophy and keeping the Espadas in check.

It is universally expected of all Flores to wear either a literal or embroidered rose to show their dedication to the Daendroque culture.

Given their breadth of duties, the Flores' exact roles in the order are too long to list on this document and are perhaps best observed through their events, for instance:


The desfile is an event usually to be localised within a single street or a great hall. Some may compare these to Fashion Displays orchestrated in noble circles, though with the stark difference that the desfile is a more common and often wild affair. Participation is exclusive to women of age with spectators of both genders, wherein brightly coloured dresses are displayed and paraded accompanied with exotic dances, art exhibitions and drinking competitions.


The Flores oversee the sport of bullfighting, usually hosted in a fenced off area, where a traditionally male (though there have been exceptions made in the past) bullfighter (a Torrero) will show off their fast reflexes and agility against an enraged bull, either to beat a certain time limit with the beast or to slay it. A bloody, nail-biting spectacle, many Espadas use bullfights as a means of trialing new recruits.


Best kept within the confines of Daendroc for their loudness, conciertos are showcases of the ever evolving daen song and dance scene. Often a romantic affair, it is traditional for young daen men to attempt to woo women with feats of guitar playing unrivaled by most cultures, whilst young daen women will usually show interest with grandiose acts of singing or choreography. For older daens this is also seen as an opportune event to propose to one's intended spouse.


The Flores also manage the Daendroque calendar and its holidays, from common celebratory events given proper daen gusto (birthdays, marriages, et cetera) to official daen traditions such as Descanso de Fin de Mes: end of month rest, a two day long fiesta where all but Espadas are considered out of service, or Semana de Libertad: the week of freedom.

Espadas: A Los Toros
(Swords: To The Bulls)


The brotherhood's fighting force entrusted with the protection of the daendroque people, the Espadas: swords of the brotherhood, are recogniseable often by their sigil, a bull's head (commonly a bull's skull in particular), as well as their immense skill and dedication to keeping the peace in daendroque footholds and ensuring the safety of the Floras.

Vow Of The Espadas

The Espadas follow a strict code of ethics, similar to the chivalry codes of some imperial orders. As such, before their training each aspirant must take the vow:

"On this day I begin the dance of the Espada. I will know no craft but the blade and my trade will be the defence of my people. I know no love but for my people and I will wed only ailor lest I forsake the blood of the daens. My children will be children of daen and speak its tongue, as will their children after them. I will refuse no fair duel nor fair request for aid from my people; I will spend my days in pursuit of peace of daendroque and will make no false enemies for my kin and reprimand those that do. I will not turn my sword on my own people and will not turn my sword on others unprovoked. I will slay the bull that charges upon my people or die trying. This I vow to the old gods if I keep them, to the spirit if I praise him, to my elders and to my honour, to keep this oath lest it mean the loss of my tongue so that I may not lie again, and the loss of my swordhand so that I may not misuse the gifts of my masters. This oath I stand by from this day until my last."


The Espada trace their roots and skill in elegant swordsmanship back to Daendroque and its culture rich with dancers, bullfighters, sailors and artists, from which was born the swashbuckling standards of its legendary duelists, favouring grace over power.

Most Espada for instance will recall games of "Unidos-entre Sí": Linked Together from their youth, a duelling practice where two opponents will fence eachother with one's free hand tied to the other's. A practice that has made many a cat-like swordsman, so effective in fact that the practice is still encouraged by master Espadas for their students to master precision and speed.

A nimble fighting force, the Espadas traditionally refuse to wield heavy weapons such as greatswords or maces, instead favouring quick and precise blades such as rapiers, cutlasses, estoques, stilettos, sabres and daggers. These are often accompanied by cloaks and sheets of cloth hung over either their free hand or swordhand to confuse opponents whilst striking with fidelity and haste.

These fall within their view that fencing is "La Verdadera Destreza": The True Art; they believe that all fighting ought to resemble a graceful yet fierce dance showcasing agility and skill, rather than a barbaric display of brute strength and ferocity.

The pride of the Espada is his specialisation when compared with other opponents; ambidextrousness is highly common with some choosing to only duel with their dominant hand once a duel begins going sour. It is said, for instance, that a masterful Espada is capable of picking a lock with the tip of his rapier. Many Espada also see duels to the death as a the destined fate of all honourable swordsmen, and a sword through the heart often symbolised the end of a life well lived.


An Espada's clothes are often not so different from that of the common man bar the encouragement of bright and vibrant colours, in celebration of broader Daendroque fashion. For their aforementioned reverence of speed and dexterity, it is rare to see one donning any armour more than a cuirass or wrist and shin braces; anything more usually seen as not only a hindrance to movement, but a symbol of cowardice and an Espada's uncertainty in his own skill.

That said, in aid of their trade many Espada will choose to don thin clothes to aid maneuverability as well as colourful accessories to distract their opponents, such as capes, tassels, ponchos, sashes and wide brimmed hats featuring long feathers. Facial hair and any length of hair that does not hinder sight of movement is also encouraged for such reasons; when moving in the heat of a duel some will describe a tactful Espada as a hurricane of colour with strips of fabric flying in every direction to confuse opponents.

Universally, though, an Espada is expected to wear the mark of a bull somewhere visibly on his person, as a sign of both pride for his craft and duty to any daen he might encounter.

Attached are forms, alongside collection boxes.


All daens and half daens looking to further the cause of their people are welcome within the brotherhood. Brothers and sisters, step forward and claim your place on this path of glory for our people!





Religion (If Any):

Desired Branch:
*Note that one can assign themself to either, but Espadas are strictly male.

Do you declare yourself at least half Daendroque?

Last edited:
Saint Pepsi#1956


Jamila Cabrera.
Loosely Unionist.
Desired Branch
Los Flores.
Do you declare yourself at least half Daendroque?
"Que te dices? Eso yo no tengo un nombre Daendroque? Vas a infierno, vos puta gordo. Sí, es la verdad que soy una media Daen. Tienes una problema con eso?"
you got it bruh​
Carina Rosales​

Religion (If Any)

Desired Branch: Flores

Do you declare yourself at least half Daendroque

Born and raised, even should blood be a bit muddied.​
((Username: I'm me but it's nice for other viewers to keep track.
((Discord: I'm me but it's nice for other viewers to keep track.

Name: Iago de Torero

Gender: Male
Age: 35

Religion (If Any): N/A

Desired Branch: Espadas

Do you declare yourself at least half Daendroque?
Si chico
Álvaro grumbled to Ri'az as they passed one of the signs in Old Town "Bulls and roses?" he took one down and perused it for another moment "...That's our thing."
