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Played Character Kythfarr Toriirn

This character is actively played.


Enjoyer of grey long eared frens.
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Aelrrigan Order

Character Information

  • Full Name: Kythfarr Toriin
  • Heritage / Culture: Half-Kathar
    • Velheim/Kathar
  • Age: 32
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
  • Religion: Estelley
  • Occult: Void Mageborn
  • Character Occupation: Sells her service as a captain to help locate hard to find treasures in far away lands.
  • Voice Claim: Get in the Water - Morgan Clae
  • Theme: Ruthlessness
  • Affiliations: Callëlassä Mercenary Company
Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Ghostly Teal/Green, Black Sclera
  • Skin Color: Grey with a slight pink undertone.
  • Hair: Blonde with white streaks. Kept up in a short ponytail.
  • Height: 6'5" (198cm)
  • Body Type: Athletic
  • Additional Features: Kyth also has a set of horns matching her skin tone that wrap back and behind her ears, not too unlike a goat. As well as a long leathery tail protruding from her back that ends in a tuft of blonde fur that's significantly softer than her own hair.

Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Athletic Hobby
    • Magical Talent
  • Mechanics:
    • Kyth cannot have her power denied. If she were to use Sinistral Magic and someone tried to stop her by forcing it to become Radiant, it would still act as Sinistral Magic. (Kathar Mech 1)
    • Afflictions and Affinities affect Kyth differently than most.If something were to alter her mind in such a way she will always maintain control. (Kathar Mech 3)
    • Despite Kyth's appearance she's managed to keep her job afloat purely on her talking skills alone. She has a natural charisma to her that seems to roll off her. (Ailor Mech 3)
    • Kyth often finds herself on the lucky side when it comes to her work. She's frequently gone into a job looking for one or two things and walked out with a handful. Either it's her keen eye or some deity is watching over her. (Ailor Mech 4)
    • Kyth has a small knack for languages, namely the more colorful sides of them. And while she may not be fluent in many, she has always had a sharp ear to know an insult when she hears it. (Ailor Mech 1)
    • In times of need, Kyth is able to perform insane feats of strength. (Fin Mech 4) (Amontaar Only!)
  • Languages:
    • Common
    • Katharic

  • Kyth is a former Dread Fleet conscript. Here she learned all the skills she has with sailing and fighting. However, when she learned that her father had been used as a sacrifice to Morrlond that was when she stage a mutiny and killed one of the captains that helped with the sacrifice.
  • Kyth frequently had skirmishes with the Suvial when working with the Dread Fleet. She was told that they were the ones that had killed her father in a gruesome way. This was something she of course didn't find out until much later. And is now something she regrets heavily, playing heavily into her distaste for people who can disregard the lives of others easily.
  • Strange dreams often plague Kyth. Ones where she is deep in a watery Abyss, surrounded by nothing but darkness. Sometimes she will see her bestial form. Other times she will hear the disembodied voice of a woman calling out to her. But before she can interact with either of them she wakes up.
  • Religion is obviously something that Kyth is not super familiar with, and often shied away from thanks to her experiences with Evolism in Rokhaval. However, she is slowly learning the Estelley Faith and seemingly finding a new home amongst its priests and followers alike.
  • At times Kyth may take the form of a giant bestial sea monster that walks on six legs and moves similar to a tiger. When angered it will snap its jaw and let out a deep and low growl, one that is loud enough to rattle the very bones in someone's body should they be close enough. This sound is most similar to that of an alligator's bellow or growl.

It was an exceptionally dark night in Rokhaval when Kythfarr, daughter of an aristocratic Kathar named Keldarr and her impoverished Velheim father Ingvar. Shortly after which she'd be cast out, forced to live in poverty along with her father. He was a sailor, dragged into war amongst the Dread Fleet to fight against the Suvial. With this he was granted small housing, but barely enough beyond that to get by. However, one day he would leave and not return. Kyth was on the verge of a very early end until the Warlord that took her father, Araloc, showed up and dragged her off to take her father's place.

Kyth had spent several years amongst the Dread Fleet, learning all facets of what it meant to be not just a sailor but a soldier. Being born naturally aligned to Voidal magic gave her a small benefit that her father had not had in that she was given slightly more respect, despite her Halfling nature. Her magic would even adopt a nature similar to the deep black murky waves that rolled beneath them when the moon was at its darkest as she took on a love for the open ocean.

As time went on Kyth would grow more and more accustomed to life aboard the Dread Fleet ships. She grew to have a disdain for the Suvial they fought day in and day out with, told that they were the ones that had killed her father. However, one day she would learn the truth. When overhearing a conversation with Araloc she was able to piece together that rather than being brutally killed by the Suvial. Her father was instead sacrificed by Araloc, and the captains most loyal to him, for favor with Morrlond.

Devastated by this, Kythfarr began plotting. For the next year she began planning a mutiny against the captain of her ship, hoping Araloc wouldn't catch on. Then, in the dead of the night, the few members of the crew she could muster striked. For the most part it was easy, killing the rest of the crew in their sleep before making for the captain's quarters. It was there she'd find the captain hadn't gone to sleep yet, and a fight ensued. Blades clashed, the sound soon alerting the other ships in the fleet. Not wanting to fire on their own ship the Fleet instead moved to board the ship. With the clock ticking Kyth panicked, got sloppy, and slipped up. She was run through the stomach, but not without taking the Captain's head first. It was shortly after that, when her allies would join her. They took control of the ship and quickly started sailing it away, heading straight for a storm.

While they were able to make their escape, the turbulent waters and constantly shifting winds were threatening to bring their ship under. Not to mention the difficulty it was making in stitching the Halfthar up. It was there she had the first of many dreams like it. Looking around she was alone on her ship as a storm unlike any other raged into her. The waves rattled her before the next thing she knew she was deep beneath the surface. Looking all around but only seeing an endless darkness in every direction. Until an ominous glow formed under her, growing bigger and bigger till a massive maw opened and swallowed her. Then she awoke, staring amongst the quarters of an empty cabin, but the sound of crew busy at work in the daylight.


Kyth spent several years after, learning how to run her crew and command her new ship properly. However, simply being free wasn't enough for the Halfthar, nor the rest of her crew. As they took on the new profession of tracking down lost treasure for clients, they also would work on running careful night attacks on Dread Fleet ships. Dousing their lanterns whenever the moon was its darkest, slipping from their ship and beneath the waves. They would often slip aboard the ships and kill the crews in their sleep before setting fire to the ships and slipping back out, using the fire as a distraction. This was something they would continue doing for years, but never really seeming to do anything meaningful to the fleet.

That was when Kyth was hit with another dream. Her ship was rocking to and fro as she waited in her quarters. Then suddenly she was deep beneath the waves, surrounded by an abyss. She struggled for breath. But then there was a light, tendrils curling out of the darkness and around her limbs threatening to pull her further down. Then that's when she heard it, a woman's voice telling her to "Breathe". And as she did, she felt her lungs fill water, her vision starting to fade. That's when she saw it, the same beast from her last dream. But this time she also saw a woman, tendril-like hair and skin covered in glowing scales. And in the last of her vision she saw the beast swimming towards her once more, preparing to eat her again. Until she woke up, laying on the floor of her quarters with her blankets and pillows tossed around next to her.


As days turned months, Kyth would learn that something about this dream had been different. At first she thought nothing of it until the night they went to do a raid against one of the Dread Fleet. Once she dove beneath the waters she felt her body begin to change. Elongated claws and scales began to sprout from her body. Her hair turned to watery tendrils as her entire body fully changed into that of a hideous beast. At first she wasn't sure what was happening, and was scared. But then she realized what this could mean. She charged forth for one of the ships and with a hearty slam she smashed a hole straight through the hull of the ship.


Several years passed with Kyth and Crew keeping up their normal routine. But on one fateful night, Kyth would make a mistake. As she moved in to attack one of the ships she got far too full of herself and was hit by a nasty spell that sent her toppling into the water. She struggled for several minutes before she finally passed out. The next thing she had known she was washed up on a beach, her eyes flicking open just long enough to catch a glimpse of snow white hair and blue eyes with silver tears. After that she would wake up again, only this time in a clinic in a port city in Faiaal.

Several more years would pass after that, Kyth choosing to avoid the Dread Fleet for now while she rested and grew stronger, sticking close to the ports of Faiaal. It was there she took up a new job in helping those who were in rough spots, thinking back to her life before she was conscripted. She would often offer people work, letting them help aboard the ship before sending them on their way with a handsome pay. She offered work to just about anyone, though she seemed to have a strong aversion to Kathar until they showed they had no connections with Rokhaval or the Dread Fleet.

While she was here though, she would also learn more of Vyre, the Deep Empress. She would start to study her as much as she could, but found some information lacking. So she turned sails for the one place she knew she'd be able to find a wealth of it, Regalia.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Dex (7)
Defense Stat: Magic (5)
[14/14 points spent]

Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 1
    • Melee - Technique Parry
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 7
    • Roguery - Disguise Kit (Free)
    • Roguery - Escape Artist
    • Roguery - Dirty Fighter
    • Cutthroat - Cutthroat Stance (Free)
    • Cutthroat - Cutthroat Dodge
    • Cutthroat - Cutthroat Backstab
    • Cutthroat - Cutthroat Target
    • Cutthroat - Cutthroat Reversal
    • Cutthroat - Cutthroat Flank
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 6
    • Magic Snare (K) (Free)
    • Magic Cleanse (K) (Free)
    • Magic Bolster
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Shove
    • Magical Shapeshifting Pack
    • Magical Oceanic Pack
    • Monster Invocation
      Kyth's monster form is quadrupedal but has the ability to stand up on it's hind legs when attacking with it's front claws. It's covered in a mix of black dolphin like skin and dark blue shark scales with some patches of bio-luminescent scales. Her legs are digitigrade while her arms have a more humanoid bone structure. Her feet resemble that of a raptor, with toes that end in sharp curl talons. Her hands maintain their more humanoid bone structure, only being significantly longer than they should be. As well as ending in, albeit straighter, claws. The once wiry tail has turned into a thick shark like fin. Her horns and hair have turned into long suckerless tendrils that span the length of her body.
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I'll be working on prettying this up some as well. Just needed it on here before I could.
  • Serious overhaul to character theme and proficiences.
  • Added in backstory.
  • Rewrote Backstory to remove mentions of slavery and make her more focused on fighting for vengeance rather rather than defending any one singular group. But while still having her be firm on standing against those who would carelessly play with lives.
  • Added in Plothooks to help summarize some of the more keypoints to her character.
  • Made her monster transformation more prominent to her kit and character as a whole.
  • Updated her age to make her a bit older so time frames make more sense.
  • Added in some art to help decorate the app a little bit.