Kythfarr Toriin (updated)

Discussion in 'WIP Character Sheets' started by Ovoran, Jun 23, 2024 at 3:47 AM.

  1. Ovoran

    Ovoran Enjoyer of grey long eared frens. Supremium

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Character Information
    • Full Name: Kythfarr Toriin
    • Heritage / Culture: Half-Kathar
      • Velheim/Kathar
    • Age: 29
    • Gender / Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
    • Religion: Estelley
    • Occult: Void Mageborn
    • Character Occupation: Fronts as a “Traveling Trader” for her gang of pirates.
    Appearance Information:
    • Eye Color: Ghostly Teal/Green, Black Sclera
    • Skin Color: Grey with a slight pink undertone.
    • Hair: Blonde with white streaks. Kept up in a short ponytail.
    • Height: 6’5” (198cm)
    • Body Type: Athletic
    • Additional Features: Kyth also has a set of horns matching her skin tone that wrap back and behind her ears, not too unlike a goat. As well as a long leathery tail protruding from her back that ends in a tuft of blonde fur that’s significantly softer than her own hair.
    Skill Information:
    • Hobbies and Talents:
      • Athletic Hobby
      • Magical Talent
    • Mechanics:
      • Kyth cannot have her power denied. If she were to use Sinistral Magic and someone tried to stop her by forcing it to become Radiant, it would still act as Sinistral Magic. (Kathar)
      • Afflictions and Affinities affect Kyth differently than most.If something were to alter her mind in such a way she will always maintain control. (Kathar)
      • Kyth has the ability to completely close off her heart and mind, allowing her to commit horrible acts without hesitation. (Ailor)
      • Kyth, while currently Faithless, does have the ability to spontaneously generate Divinium so long as she can once again act in the ideology of her former faith. But only during certain circumstances. (Ailor)
      • Kyth has a small knack for languages, namely the more colorful sides of them. And while she may not be fluent in many, she has always had a sharp ear to know an insult when she hears it.
    • Languages:
      • Common
      • Katharic

    Kythfarr was born in Rokhaval to a Kathar mother and an enslaved Velheim father. As such she was quickly abandoned into a Future House, where she would spend the majority of her younger years. It wouldn’t be until several years later, after she could already walk and talk, that she would be taken in as a slave herself. Thankfully have been given the luck to work alongside her father on the docks.

    Kyth spent any amount of free time she could get talking with her father. He told her how he was once a sailor, pursuing the waves and always looking for the next big job. How sometimes they’d move cargo or protect merchant ships. All stories that gave her the smallest bit of joy given the circumstances.

    After several years as a dock worker Kyth would be forced to say goodbye to her father for the last time. She was taken by another Kathar family and dragged across the country, where she would start being trained to fight. And despite her training lasting barely a month, she was sent out to fight against the Suvial along with many others like her. As she watched the carnage unfold around her she froze, every fiber of her being screamed at her to fight. But once her body finally responded, it ran instead. She did her best to flee but was ultimately captured by one of the Kathar soldiers that were sent there as well.

    Having been lucky to be spared her life Kyth was taken back to Rokhaval, to the port city she had come from, and was given her punishment. With the only thing having saved her being the fact she was born a mage, something she didn’t utilize and tried to keep secret. Yet somehow the family she’d been taken in by having learned early on. She would then be put through egregious “remedial lessons” where not only would they force her to advance her magic, but also prepare her to go out and fight once more.

    After several years of training and conditioning, Kyth would once again be sent out to fight against the Suvial. Though now she didn’t freeze, rather she closed off her heart before it even began. As she ripped through her foes, she felt nothing, only finally stopping when she was once again dragged back and forced to retreat.

    It was there, on that ship, that Kyth had a strange dream. At the start it was simple, waves crashed against the hull, rocking the ship to and fro. But quickly it turned to a raging storm, thunder cracked and lightning split the sky. Then suddenly everything was silent. Kyth was surrounded by an endless abyss, sinking deeper and deeper with only the sound of her own heart beating in her chest as she struggled for air. She thrashed and fought, trying to get to a surface she couldn’t even see. Until she heard the disembodied voice of a woman whisper “Breathe”. She continued to fight it, but eventually opened her mouth, and as water rushed into her lungs she suddenly awoke.

    When she did, she was no longer in her bed. In fact she wasn’t even on her ship. Rather she was on an island, unsure of where exactly she was. The only thing she was certain of was that she wasn’t in Rokhaval, and the blood covering her hands and clothes wasn’t her’s.


    Kyth traveled for several years after that, spending each day practicing both her swordsmanship and her magic. As well as her dream, something that continued to etch at the back of her mind anytime she found a moment for idle thought. She had always had an affinity for the water, but now it was stronger. She felt more attached to the ocean and did her best to stick close to it, traveling mainly from port to port. Kyth even fashioned her magic to better suit her favored environment, learning spells to help her move and fight underwater.

    And it was during this training that her first clue to her dreams became clear. Her limbs and tail suddenly grew longer, bones twisted and cracked into new grotesque shapes. Toes and fingers transformed into clawed digits. And her once thin, wiry tail grew thicker and tripled in length, sprouting a fin on the end that resembled a deep sea beast. Parts of her skin grew smoother and almost rubber like in texture while also turning from a pinkish gray to pitch black. Other parts turned to luminesient scales that reflected the bit of light that came from the water’s surface.Her body as a whole grew as well, nearly doubling in size.

    At first Kyth was terrified of this new transformation. Refusing to get too close to ports in fear of someone spotting her. But as days turned to weeks to months she learned to control this power. Training herself to be able to switch between her normal form and her monstrous form at will. Soon adopting it as a means to approach pirates from beneath the waves and attack their ships directly.


    During Kyth’s travels she slowly put together a motley group of sailors. All of similar ilk to the Halfling. Either outcasts, monsters or afflicted that for better or worse shared a common trait. A hate for injustice, a need to stand up for those who can’t, and a desire to break binding shackles. These alone being the factors that the crew embraced as they sailed the seas, attacking pirate and slave ships, defending merchants and civilian transports. To make money they’d sell the goods they’d get from pirate ships. And any slaves they freed they would either send off at ports, or recruit them into the crew.

    As she continued her normal routine of fighting, she also continued her search. Kyth wanted answers to what had happened to her and she meant to find it. It was when making port near Ïlha Faiaal that she had heard talk of the Deep Empress, Vyrë. Kyth had heard of the Estelley goddess in the past, but it was only now that she had started to consider this her doing.

    When they set sail after that night, their course was set. Worried they’d likely be turned away at the main temple that was closer, Kyth and her crew set their sights to Regalia. Knowing there’d likely be a temple there, and more welcoming faithful that she could question.


    Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

    Attack Stat: Dex (6)
    Defense Stat: Magic (5)
    [14/14 points spent]

    Proficiency Points:
    • Strength: 2
      • Athletics - Building Scale
      • Melee - Diving Tackle
    • Constitution: 0
    • Intelligence: 0
    • Wisdom: 0
    • Dexterity: 6
      • Roguery - Disguise Kit (Free)
      • Roguery - Soft Landing
      • Roguery - Escape Artist
      • Roguery - Dirty Fighter
      • Cutthroat - Cutthroat Stance (Free)
      • Cutthroat - Cutthroat Dodge
      • Cutthroat - Cutthroat Backstab
      • Cutthroat - Cutthroat Target
    • Faith: 0
    • Magic: 6
      • Magic Snare (K) (Free)
      • Magic Cleanse (K) (Free)
      • Magic Bolster
      • Magic Warp
      • Magical Shapeshifting Pack
      • Magical Oceanic Pack
      • Magical Wardrobe Pack
      • Monster Invocation
        Kyth's monster form is bipedal but has the ability to drop and move around on all fours. It's covered in a mix of black dolphin like skin and dark blue shark scales with some patches of bio-luminescent scales. Her legs are digitigrade while her arms have a more humanoid bone structure. Her feet resemble that of a raptor, with toes that end in sharp curl talons. Her hands maintain their more humanoid bone structure, only being significantly longer than they should be. As well as ending in, albeit straighter, claws. The once wiry tail has turned into a thick shark like fin. Her horns and hair have turned into long suckerless tendrils that span the length of her body.
    #1 Ovoran, Jun 23, 2024 at 3:47 AM
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024 at 7:40 AM

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