Preserved Sheet Kyrell Tyvosund

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Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Kyrell Tyvosund
| Kyriilyth Tchavosund |
"Tsk. I know what I'm doing, get /away/ from me."




Basic Information
  • Full Name: Kyrell Tyvosund
    • Alias: Kyriilyth Tchavosund
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Halfer - Half Drowdar/Half Northerner Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To gain all the knowledge she can about Regalia.
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Describe your character's position in Regalia. Why are they there? How long have they been there? What is their occupation and living situation?
  • Describe your character's upbringing. Where were they born, to whom? How many siblings do they have? What about their extended family/noble family?
  • Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have.
    • To learn how to fight despite her lack of a right hand.



Skill Information
  • School: School of Husbandry - Husbandry
  • Level: Novice
  • Source: Taught by her father and uncles.
    • Languages:
      • Common - 8/10 - Can speak it but can't read at all.
      • Elvish - 8/10 - Very similar to common, she can speak it but can't read any texts.
      • Skodje - 10/10 - She can read and write in the northern language, mainly growing up with it primarily from her father's family.
    • Charismatic:
      • Merchant Banter - 7/10 - Having been taught as a young girl the basics of it and can be rather charismatic.
    • Sleight of Hand:
      • Deceitfulness - 9/10 - She can generally focus someone's attention elsewhere to be able to either pickpocket them or get out of a bad situation.



Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light Green
  • Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
  • Hair Style: Usually kept back with braids in it.
  • Skin Color: Pale with purple splotches on her skin from the vitiligo skin condition she has due to the northern taint.
  • Clothing: Easy moving clothing, normally a rather loose fitting dress with a cloak over her shoulders.
  • Height: 5'5
  • Body Build: Skinny Fat
  • Weapon of Choice: Her fist and nub.
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more. This description is purely for the head (and by extension neck) alone.
  • Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, body shape, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
  • Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.



Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph:
    • When most people come across this once content halfling character she comes off as almost stubborn towards others. She tends to be rather forward in what she wants and believes in and almost comes across as cynical in that aspect. Kyrell tends to come off as helpful despite her demanding nature and almost forceful ways of doing what she wants. She tends to be almost sarcastic with others when given any sort of defiance to her own cause. She comes off as rather scary looking as well with the vitiligo purple blotches across her person despite trying to come off as friendly.
  • Second Paragraph:
    • Kyrell has a rather strict mindset that her word is law above those she knows she has control over. This causes her to come off as rather confident and rather endearing over all. She has no ounce of insecurity in her mind but only falters when it comes to interacting with drows because she knows she is partly like them but shuts that part out when she comes in contact with them. Despite all of her faults and problems throughout her life, she still has a rather can do attitude overall. And if something ever goes wrong she tries to figure out a way to fix it in some other way.
  • Third Paragraph:
    • Kyrell has a completely different attitude towards close friends and family. She comes off as more friendly and joking as well as a willingness to be poked fun at while towards strangers or barely friends she'd just growl at them before leaving. She can be more life like while with friends and a bit less cynical unlike how she can be with others. She does have her moments where she seems controlling and hates the idea of being left alone for the fear of being forgotten by people close to her. Kyrell also comes off as fiercely protective and willing to stand up for anyone and even getting into a fight despite her lack of knowledge on it.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    • In Kyrell's mind, she is very self serving with everything she does and if need be she will throw someone else under if it means she gets out free. However this can be changed if they are close with her which she then tends to lean more towards the good side to get the two of them out of trouble. She tends to see herself as a more savior for the poor, giving back to them by giving them gifts that she has stolen from others to even being charitable and trying to get more money than she actually needs to give it to others that need it.
  • Fifth Paragraph:
    • Kyrell grew up in a rather strict old gods house with her father being from the Velheim culture of ailor. Because of this she leans more towards old gods than unionism and sees unionism as a way to get gullible people to follow blindly. However she keeps this to herself most of the time and tends to believe herself rather privilege despite her faults, such as the northern taint in her blood but is proud of her mother's side of the family despite never growing up around them as a child.



  • Merchant Trade: After spending about five years with a merchant group as a young girl, she began to pick up some tricks of being able to barter with someone. This also got strengthened when she began to work in her family's shop, learning how to get better deals for things or even the ability to get people to pay just a tiny bit more for things. This especially came in handy when she did courier runs when bringing food to people, being able to sometimes convince people to give her some extra regals for her troubles.
  • Basic Husbandry Skills: As a young teen she began to learn how to take care of young animals, learning how to feed and care for them when they get sick. Granted she didn't learn a lot about it from her father but she still managed to learn enough to get by to raise the animals she was assigned to do. She carries this knowledge with her to be able to continue to care for animals she's given as she lives within regalia. This causes people to sometimes come to her for help when they need assistance with any pets they may have.
  • Baking/Cooking Skills: Once her family got the shop within the village as a bakery and cafe, she began to learn how to bake. She kept this with her throughout her life as well as using it when she worked as a maid, making snacks and other things for families she worked for. This also means she has a way to work around the lack of food things if she is ever in a low situation, normally growing a small garden in her house. Thus she is rather proud of her abilities in making food and baking.
  • Sleight of hand: Kyrell had a moment of time where she wanted to do nothing but get back at the people who wronged her so she picked up on sleight of hand tricks. This gave her a power that she liked, at least to most people who were easily entertained or distracted. She was able to steal from people as well as be able to give some sort of entertainment to young children. She is able to do card tricks, small vanishing acts and the ability to take things from people without them knowing at the time.



  • Lack of a Right Hand: After an argument gone bad, a fight broke out causing Kyrell to badly damage her hand after shielding herself with it. She was never able to recover from the wounds so they amputated her hand and now she spends her days trying to work with one hand. Despite her lack of a hand she keeps her sarcastic nature but some days she does have struggles of carrying things or being strong enough to fight people despite wanting to prove herself a capable fighter.
  • Insomniac: Ever since the fight occurred she had been having nightmares from the fears she had trapped within her mind. So this causes her to not be able to sleep enough or at all on some nights, causing her to lash out at others. She tends to be quite irritable at times when this happens to her and not having anything to take to help her sleep can cause some problems. She tends to pass out at times after not sleeping enough in a week and it catches up to her, this also causes her to get sick.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Baking
  • Animals
  • Doing stuff herself
  • Giving back to people
  • Bad smells
  • Nobility
  • Liars







Life Story
[ Age 0 - 8 ]
  • Kyrell was born on a farm one stormy evening in a small farming community in Holzskagger a short time after her mother and father had left there from Drixagh.
  • She was born to a young drow mother, Eiirlyn Tyvosund who was married in secret to a northern ailor man named Osmond Tyvosund.
  • Grew up running through the fields of her family's farm that specialized in raising cattle and other farm like animals.
  • At the age of eight she soon went with her mother who was aiding a small merchant group who needed a translator.
  • Learned both common and elvish while traveling with her mother in Holzskagger before traveling through Drixagh with the merchant group.
[ Age 8 - 16 ]
  • As she traveled with the merchant group, her mother and herself soon returning to her father's village around the age of fourteen.
  • Began to assist her father and his other family members by taking care of the smaller animals such as Pygmy goats, chickens, and a litter of Calemberger Beagles.
  • Continued to raise the animals on her own for a time with some minor assistance from her father while her mother worked as a scribe for a local baron in the area.
  • As she grew up she began to get a more vitiligo skin pattern because of the northern taint in her blood. Several purple blotches began to appear on her hands, arms and all over her body.
  • The most notable one is on her neck that reaches up as if it's a burn mark on her face.
[ Age 16 - 24 ]
  • At the age of seventeen she moved from the farmland with her mother and father to a local medium sized town so they could start a small business for more income.
  • For a time she was a scullery maid, mainly in charge of washing clothing, dusting areas, and washing dishes.
  • Grew up rather outcasted in the town but stayed more to herself, not really minding it as she had more fun exploring the nearby areas.
  • She helped her parents open a small little cafe and bakery in the area, learning how to cook through them.
  • Kyrell kept raising a couple of farm animals her parents had brought with them to have other food to eat just in case.
  • At the age of twenty-three she soon became distant after she got into an argument with a local ailor man and ended up slapped for it.
  • Left away from the village for a short time, joining a merchant group like she had done when she was a kid.
  • Met a shendar who taught her the more sleight of hand tricks, much like a magic trick almost to be able to take things from others by deceiving them.
[ Age 24 - 27 ]
  • After she returned from her journey at the age of twenty-six, she came back with more confidence and decided to use her new skill set to wrong those who have caused problems for her family.
  • Only ever stole things from people if she was desperate or knew she could get away with it.
  • Got an almost sly like personality while around others and working in the cafe once again.
  • Began to be a courier, delivering people food that they had ordered ahead of time.
  • After getting a certain amount of money she decided to leave to Regalia after saying farewell to her mother and father on a late evening.
[ Current ]
  • Left to Regalia and soon found herself being stuck in the sewers for a time and ended up trapped down there.
  • Went through many hardships before traveling back to her family to give them more money to assist them.
  • Ended up losing her right hand in a fight after badly damaging it in the fight with an ailor that had tried to attack her mother.
  • Fled back to Regalia after that, slowly growing used to her lack of a right hand and is more determined to learn how to fight and prove herself to the local regalians.
Last edited:
[ Rewrite of Kivixtl'xti Tixvex, changing her race entirely causing other changes with her as well so I completely rewrote her.]
Review time!
  • When there are relationships added, be sure to throw those into a spoiler!
You're all set! Approved!