Preserved Sheet Kyll Fratre

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Jan 12, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Kyll Fratre (Assumed, real one not known) (Pronounced as Kee-ll or Key + l)

  • Age: 27

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Half Ailor (most likely Fridurfolk) and half Altalar

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual, but some asexual tendencies

  • Preferred Weapon: Bows and shortswords, and though daggers were a part of his training, Kyll prefers swords

Inventory Information
  • A small (3" tall) wood carving of a falcon with an arrow in its claws

  • A short dagger inside a boot

  • Lockpicks on the inner bicep

  • A vial of poison

  • A small marble

Skill Information (Required)
  • 27+5 = 32 points in proficiencies

  • 25 points in Light bow (trained for pretty much since found at young age by multiple mentors with multiple styles and targets)

  • 3 points in perception (Life in forest helped, also when picking out targets)

  • 4 points in Blades (Training with Assassin mentor)
  • 10 points in Culinary arts (For use as cover as bartender or inn owner, partially self-taught after Hadwyn said that shooting people shouldn't be a hobby)

Body Shape

  • 29 physical stat (Ever seen an archer?)

  • Athletic (Still slim)

  • Low Body fat (Never too much food)
  • Common (learned from Brother)

  • Old Regalian (Taught by Assassin Mentor)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • None (Kyll never learned anything about magic except how to kill users of it)
Basic Information Expansion
Kyll is in Regalia looking for work that he and his brother can use their skill set for. They do not discriminate between targets or employers. He has been in regalia for a few months, though he changes between cities every now and then.

He has no family that he is aware of, besides his non-related brother.

He currently is looking to receive higher priced assassinations from richer clients.

Visual Information (Required)

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.

  • Eye Color: Amber Brown

  • Hair Color: Dark brown

  • Hair Style: Regular

  • Skin Color: Slightly tanned caucasion

  • Clothing: He wears thin leather tunics and pants, with leather bracers to handle his bow better and protect his inner forearms. He will wear light armor when necessary but prefers not to need it, as it makes it harder to blend back into a crowd. In addition, he has a green cloak with a hood to allow him to hide better in foliage and forests.

  • Height: 5'11 (Slightly below average)
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • His eyes are typically analyzing of the given situation, except when he is on a contract, in which he is still assessing, but they appear just cold and callous. His nose and mouth are covered by a gray mask he doesn't take off, but it is safe to say he doesn't smile. He has small scars over his left eye, not very noticeable and not large.

  • Kyll is slightly below average in height, and is inconspicuous, just how he prefers it. If one were to look beneath his often worn green cloak, they would see hard muscle refined by a life of running and hunting.

  • As aforementioned, he prefers a long green cloak that is easily maneuverable. He does not care for fashion besides its ability to let him blend him.

  • Kyll is very quiet, typically letting his brother talk. While somewhat charismatic due to his required study of people and their interactions, he knows this is fake, and would prefer to say the truth to someone, especially if he is about to kill them. His voice only stands out because he doesn't talk much, but he has the unnerving habit of quieting a group because of the surprise of him speaking, and the ice in his voice.
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Kyll often doesn't experience happiness, but he feels content only when he is shooting a bow, or aiming at his target. The arrow along his finger, the taut string, it is the only thing he enjoys.

    • He occasionally enjoys animals, as it reminds him of his forgotten years in the forest.

    • He gets no pleasure from killing, it's the feel of the arrow flying through the air that he likes.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • He isn't often scared, but when he is, he tries to flee to a better position, then fight. If it is overwhelming fear, sometimes he will simply keep running.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • In assassinations gone wrong, he responds coolly, but rest assured his mind is in overdrive.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Kyll doesn't view the Law as a good binding. He acknowledges it, and knows what he can get away with, and is well studied, as required by his master, but he doesn't often have an opinion on it. Unless actively hunting a target, he typically obeys the Law.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • He has no prejudice, as he was taught that a target is a target, no matter gender, race, or religion.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Kyll knows there are powerful beings, but the only religion he would respect in the slightest is a religion honoring nature.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Kyll has no gift for the arcane, but acknowledges that they can be trickier prey. He sometimes feels awed by displays of magic, but that doesn't stop an arrow (or if it does, does it stop another?)
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • They respect their master, appreciate their brother, and every once in a while he longs for his first family in the forest o so long ago.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Their precision. Missing is a rarity, a mistake to be corrected.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • The thrill of an arrow being released. If he were to lose his hands, he would probably give up on life.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • He feels attracted to certain women, but his training only allows him to see targets.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • He doesn't know who he is, and fears that if he is caught by guards during a job, no one will represent him, because no one knows him.
    • Losing his hands
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral evil

    • The example on the Wikipedia page describes Kyll near perfectly, except he enjoys the launching of the arrow.
    • He is an assassin, and if he were to be asked if he was evil, he would probably say no. At the same time, if asked whether he was good, the response would be the same. He doesn't kill for fun, but he doesn't value life the way you do.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • INTJ like me. Always assessing, always fixing, always improving.
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • He follows no religion but does not argue against or dislike those that do. If he sees a god or goddess, he'll treat it as any other.
Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)

  • While trained in normal social behavior, Kyll will sometimes seem to be not meaning what he says. This is exactly the case. Kyll would much prefer to simply state the truth, rather than dance through social lies. His abilities as an assassin typically let him get away with it, yet he does not always blend in a small group.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Kyll does not care for swords, yet in training he chose the shortsword, mostly due to its length compared to his bow, and he could disguise both rather easily together. He is skilled enough to defend and attack, but does not resort to it as a means of attack, much preferring his bow.
  • Kyll loves the feel of his bow. When he isn't doing target practice or hunting, he will often cradle it, and repair/polish/inspect it. He loves releasing an arrow, and likes aiming at a moving target. He often sets up challenges to hone his skills.

  • Preferred targets, types of people he likes killing: Slavers, People who harm animals for no reason, and people who burn forests.

  • OOC: I built a training yard on Massivecraft, and regularly practice my Bow and sword PvP skills, in addition to practicing in /tp pvp
  • Kyll dislikes killing hunters, and though he likes the challenge of hunting a skilled woodsman in a forest, he often is depressed for a few days following the killing of what he considers a fellow forest traveler.
Relationships (Optional)
Kyll does not have relationships with many people, but those he knows, he knows well.
  • Master: An assassin skilled in seemingly everything, not truly a friend, but respected and thanked. Taught bow skills, sword skills, Old Regalian, etc. (NPC for now)

  • Brother: Hadwyn, taught Kyll common, trained together, has Kyll's back. (@Sir_Muscles)

  • Might become romantically involved at some point, but currently is too focused on his job.
Life Story (Required)

Kyll is a man with a rare past. Earliest memories involve running in a forest, from or towards something. He remembers training with a bow was the main focus of his life, and his teachers never seem to have clear faces, but it was long ago. Eventually, he remembers that he was sent off on his own, with his training, a bow, and a dozen or so arrows. After easily surviving by hunting with his bow at 12, he came across other Ailor, who at first took him under, and after realizing he had no home or even language, tried to enslave him to sell as a slave unable to spill secrets, due to not knowing any language. It went badly. After killing his captors, he found a town and began to steal whatever he needed. He was noticed by an assassin completing a contract after the aforementioned saw him pin a man's foot with an arrow from 80 yards away. After tracking Kyll down, the assassin kidnapped Kyll, and starved him until he was ready to obey. The mentor then introduced him to his new Brother, the assassin's other apprentice. Kyll's new brother began to teach him common, while his mentor lectured him in Old Regalian, a language Kyll had a talent for. What followed between his early to late teens was relentless training with primarily a bow, but also swords and daggers. His training was not just limited to weapons, however. Having a knack for perceiving things, he learned how to blend with a crowd, talk his way out of bad situations, and appear inconspicuous. In addition to these, the assassin realized that despite not knowing language or commoners, he still had a strong moral sense, which does not bode well for a would-be assassin. After years of harsh mental and physical exercises bordering on torture, Kyll learned to put aside morality and other human tendencies when going for a kill. He began to use this to hunt prey more effectively, which grew from bounty hunting dangerous beasts to dangerous criminals to whoever his master told him to kill. Alongside his Brother, they made an excellent team, while his brother got into places Kyll could not and did the brutal, dirty killings, Kyll excelled at striking from a distance and ending a man's life whilst out of view.

For a few months after their mentor left to fulfill his own goals, Kyll and his brother began a career of freelancing among wealthy merchants, minor nobility (if allowed by reviewer, if this is the only problem, just approve and let me know, I'll fix it) and occasional higher-ups. During a slow season where everyone was apparently friends, Kyll and his brother started doing jobs for local crime syndicates, ranging from assassinations to theft. A few years after moving between cities, the brothers eventually ended up in Regalia, where there always seemed to be someone wanting someone dead.

He currently works with his Brother taking contracts from whatever organization requires services like theirs. Their master is occasionally in touch, but mostly just to make sure they haven't been compromised, which he threatens would mean that they would die.

Kyll is not necessarily broken, it is more as though he was never put together in the first place. Perhaps, someday, that will change. But for now, Kyll does what he does best. He nocks an arrow, sights his target, and releases death.
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Howdy! Not staff, but here to give a quick peer review.

Race: Ailor about 87%,with assumed 13% to be some sort of elvish

This here, you can't be a percentage when it comes to mixing races. In this situation it would be 1/2 (Ailor Culture here!) Ailor, and 1/2 (Elf race here!)

  • 27+5 = 31 points in proficiency

  • 25 points in Light bow

  • 3 points in perception

  • 4 points in Blades

You would have thirty two stat points, (Which is already used, the math is just off by one!) You also have ten hobby points! You can use hobby points in any of the stats in the Arts Proficiency Category! Also, with the 25 points in light bow, I'd recommend marking yourself as a half-race with the 25 cap for that skill, otherwise you can only have it at 20. Otherwise you can go full ailor for the following cultures: Fridurfolk, Jendaskea, and Szabadok have the 25 bow increase!

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral evil

    • The example on the Wikipedia page describes Kyll near perfectly, except he enjoys the launching of the arrow.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • INTJ like me
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • He follows no religion but does not argue or dislike those that do.

Most staff (From what I've seen), sometimes like to see this fleshed out by a sentence or two!

Your backstory covers how you got your skills, and languages, that's great! The only issues with it, is humans should be replaced with Ailors, and while I'm sadly not entirely sure on this, I'm pretty sure you cannot interact with any nobility within your backstory unless you got permission!

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list. Also be sure to use a bolded header to separate Culture Points from Proficiency Points and languages.

Lastly! I would recommend editing this around, formatting it to make it spiffy! If you take a gander around, you'll see that most sheets don't have the guidelines that the character app gives you! You can erase those, I hope this helps!
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I haven't been on Masivecraft since like late 2018, and am kind of getting readjusted. I appreciate the feedback, and will set to fixing it. As for the nobility, I didn't necessarily mean like direct friends-with-high-places, I meant more like having a listener meet with a servant, but I understand that might still be considered an interaction, so I will wait for staff results. I don't mean to imply I carry weight with them, only that they pay better. Titles don't mean much, but coin does. In regards to formatting, yes, I will reformat. I read others, and realized how cruddy mine looked. I will probably go change my race to Half elf, but we'll see. As for hobby points, I'm considering putting that into brewing or food as a potential cover is owning an inn, but at the same time I'm strictly adhering to his training, which probably did little to prepare him for bar-managing.

Thanks again for the advice!

This looks amazing! You did great, I can't wait until staff get around to this. I'm excited to see when you'll be approved!
I can't wait either! Your character applications look great aswell! I couldn't find a picture or theme song for Kyll, as it's just hard to describe him with that. It's more of a feeling of acceptance of something that you don't agree with, but at least you have something. He has his bow. That's all he can ask for.
kyll makes me happy.
I thought about him a lot last night, and I realized what he is is essentially an idea of someone who is without any restrictions, but not truly free. His upbringing allows only violence, yet he does not become a mass murderer, or uncontrolled raging machine. He simply lives his life void of pleasure besides his shooting. He isn't happy, but he is content.

I'm glad someone else likes the idea of him too :D
Sorry for the wait! Looks great here, approved!