Preserved Sheet Ku'uaki (guardian)

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Mysterious Bolshevik Squatter
Jul 14, 2016
Reaction score
An armored car with a toilet
Allies of the north
Roleplay Guilds
Von Silvrest, Dark Bane, Kayne Tribe
Basic information
"Am simple being."

  • Full name: Ku'uaki
  • Weight: 167 lbs.
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Pure Maiar
  • Main Ambition: To live a fully and happy life. Carrying on his fallen tribe's destiny to make peace with the Naylar, ending their genocidal conflict and live in peace once again.
  • Weapon of choice: Village leader's bone knife
  • Special permission: Carrying a knife for defense.

Visual information
"Are my muscles look good? Or it strange?"

  • Ku'uaki's face has a sharp snout, icy blue eyes, with a short, striking fin at the top of his head. One of the teeth in the front of his mouth is chipped and jagged from being in a fight with a Dakkar in the sewers, who was killed by a nearby Ailor, who was supporting Ku'uaki in his brawl. He also has a scar behind his eye, after being in war with a hostile tribe. (Edit by @Completely_Evan) Sometimes he may twitch his eyes just because he isn't used to the water. He also may rub his snout or fix his fin before swimming. Even though he has only been around a Maiar who doesn't care for his appearance, he still cares about it greatly.
  • His body has muscular features and is around six foot one, with solid structure and a jagged set of arm-fins. He has a few scars on his right arm from wielding a spear that was snapped, sending the steel tip backward, permanently piercing his skin. He has a rather crooked stance when he is sitting-up-straight, as he has not yet adapted to moving on land.
  • He wears a rather exotic tunic-like wrap, the coloring representing his tribe. It covers his left shoulder, then going down to cover his waist and lower body. A leather sheath can be found hanging on his left side of his waist, carrying his tribe's first leader's bones, turned into a jagged, deadly knife.
  • Ku'uaki is not very good at common, as he will make simple mistakes that he will not notice. His voice sounds rather rasp when speaking common, especially for an aquatic-based being. He grew up learning Hwlon, so he is extremely fluent on that note.
Personality and Abilities
"I can punch it, would fix it quick."


"You know I are the nicest person you met."

Appearance Obsessed: Ku'uaki will always want to look good, whether its going to the tavern, or entering a huge brawl, Ku'uaki will be the top on the fashion line. His armor consists of jewels and other special metals. He always transports a special set of exotic clothing with him, as he is good at hiding it.

Friendly: Ku'uaki is open to people and will not be hostile once approached on the street unless provoked or convinced to do so. He feels as if he should treat everyone he encounters the same way, or else he will be haunted by those things later. If a man had a knife, threatening to kill him if he didn't give him regals, he would give the man a handful, then snatch the knife and dispose of it quickly. He would help people who he sees that need assistance, and will happily answer any questions asked.

Serious and Dedicated: While as kind and caring as he may sound, Ku'uaki knows when its time for business. He immediately would drop his expression and look at the person who was talking to him, a tradition praised in his family. He is especially serious when he is prompted to do something out of his comfort zone, which he will focus on until whatever he would be doing is better than the outcome he expected. Long story short, Ku'uaki will do something and do it efficiently when he is asked to do so.

Quirky: Ku'uaki can sometimes have trouble socializing with his peers, as the way he may act sometimes can be assumed as a quirk. He might twiddle with his webbed fingers or sharpen his jagged-edged teeth by rubbing them against each other. Ku'uaki is sometimes uncomfortable with talking to Ailor-like beings, as he feels like he is the only Maiar that roams the streets freely in regalia. He is usually kind to other races, as he thinks they feel his fear as well. For instance, if he is in the tavern asking the bartender to give him a drink, he'd have to mentally encourage himself to do it, which to other citizens would think of him pacing around as a mentally challenged or insane Maiar.

Bold: Ku'uaki will jump into a fight without warning if he must, threatening off his opponent before actually attacking. Ku'uaki usually will be the one that you'll see volunteering for a role or project. He also will participate in bets and other wagers.

He will accept a dare in seconds, taking it and ending it quickly even if he wasn't prepared or it would be dangerous. He is especially bold when his friends are in peril, as he does not want to lose his friends, just like his family and culture.

Blabbermouth: (Edit by the @TheOverseer__) Ku'uaki's intelligence is a good thing and a bad thing, as when he learns of something, he will tell it to anyone who asks. He is a very good listener and will definitely focus when he is learning. He aims to become wise and influence other Maiar to do the same, but first, he needs to find his influence. Ku'uaki will try and get the person to learn what he has learned after.

Talkative: Ku'uaki may start conversations with strangers, wanting to make new friends. He will start off nice and asking what they are doing, but may push their boundaries in what they want to share or not. He can go on ages and ages and it may be boring to some, so he loses potential friends from that. He also tries to ask them things they don't know, so he may sound strange. He also may say things that don't make sense, then he'll think to himself how to say it, which would take a while.

Adaptive: Ku'uaki can adapt to anything, including learning and combat, some things taking longer then others. When he took his first step on land, he could walk, but like all things it would take a while to become a normal habit. He has learned his village leader's flow (Hwlon writing.) very quickly. It doesn't matter the the amount of time it takes, Ku'uaki will perfect it.

Intrusive: Ku'uaki will get in the way of fights, or any commotion being caused. He will likely try and stop it, only to get more and more involved. Once he has ended the conflict he will make the two pledge to stop. If not, he will have to get EVEN more involved. He will intrude on other things too, like a noble meetup or friend gathering.

"I'm good at stuff... What do mean weak?"

Quick: Ku'uaki is quick physically and mentally, so if someone were to throw something at him, he may dodge but fall, just to get back up in seconds time. Ku'uaki has spent so much time running he is fast even for the average Maiar IN water. He could outrun a small pony, although he may fall many times.

Muscular: Ku'uaki is very fit, as living a life of sharpening steel, fighting, building and swimming can definitely improve one's physical capabilities. He can still pack a punch even on land. He has been lifting heavy loads while swimming all his life. Once he started land-hunting, he has been doing push-ups while waiting for his prey to appear.

Brave: Whenever there's a dark, scary part of the ocean or a huge orc to stand up to, Ku'uaki will easily take it on. He and his trusty knife knows when its time to be the strong one, as his name practically defines what he is. He is always ready for a challenge, even if it kills his comfort zone. From jumping into a pile of needles to retrieve a stolen charm or valuable item, he is prepared.

"Uh oh. I thinking I not have none. I sure you I do not... Please stop look at me that way."

Uncultured: (Edits by @LumosJared) Ku'uaki is new to regalia, so he does not understand "Gd'bye love," or anything like that. He will often open doors without knocking, barging in to say hello. He rarely says Human names correctly and will always end up with an awkward result. Ku'uaki has never really tried learning Human culture, believing it is irrelevant.

Naive: Ku'uaki will think too much of himself sometimes, as he thinks others are the same as him. He will often say things others would only say to themselves, resulting the ones he talks to sometimes in question. Ku'uaki will also go into battle, thinking he'll win every time. He is a warrior, but not a seasoned one. He can be hyper-focused on what he's doing, sometimes saying gibberish even though he can't speak common very well, resulting in others assuming its naive.

Clumsy: (Edit by @TutiDias) As quick as he may be, he may fall to his feet once or twice. Ku'uaki can sometimes be very unaware of his surroundings, causing him to hurt someone or something. He is especially careful in a shop, as he does not have many regals to spend if he breaks something. He cares for the things around him, so it may haunt him to think he has hurt someone by destroying their belongings. Ku'uaki is very caring for that matter, but he will never forgive himself for anything that he does to affect others.

"More good friends are good."


Kimo @BenDJaminUt: Ku'uaki was in the tavern, when he met up with another Maiar. He was so excited he immediately walked up to him and started up a friendly conversation. They quickly became close friends and roam the streets together.

Bryan Ethir @Jaecuhb: While Bryan being captured, Ku'uaki helped him escape after discovering a blood-slavery production plot. Bryan was rescued and brought back to home, where he is recovering now.

Nal Roh @Kidspair: Ku'uaki stumbled upon Nal Roh after Ku'uaki assumed he was being made fun of. He approached the Dakkar and had a friendly talk and seemed to befriend him. He has assisted him with a man beat up and feels as if he is his first friend in regalia.


Venassa R. @RBCcats: Ku'uaki was walking down the sewers when a girl walked up to him. "I-I-I.. Need h-h-help.." easily, his nature would ask her whats the problem, so she led him into her lair where she tried to capture him, while one of her victims of blood-slavery was also resting there. His name was Bryan Ethir. @Jaecuhb He escaped the attack taking Bryan with him, them becoming close friends.

Kaholo (Yet to be played): Kaholo (or Light-Footed.) was Ku'uati's older brother. He helped the rival tribe, the Kaimana assassinate his tribe, yet he spared his brother only to try and force him to join. Ku'uaki escaped and wants to kill him ever since.

Life Story
"Long time go, everyone died. I have imagination in my head."

Early life: When Ku'uaki was born from his village leader's son, they had a holiday dedicated to him, as he was the third heir to leadership they had. He taught himself how to swim and as a baby, the day his village leader died and his father became leader. He was carried on his mother's back when he was tired, and climbed onto his brother's when she tired.

Child life: Ku'uaki is bullied by his brother and found a love for hunting. Ku'uaki steps on land for the first time at age 7, walking easily. He learned that his brother did not like his family and wanted to run away from them. This devastated little Ku'uaki and for the rest of that time period, focused on his brother only. To him, his brother seemed depressed, so Kaholo used him to do "fun" things, like how long they could stay on land, how many fights he could pick and how many women he would make fun of. He realized what he was doing and immediately hated him for who he was, the conflict began.

Teenage life: Ku'uaki learned of rising conflict between his village, the Kanye (freedom) and the Kaimana. He fought in front lines and lost his weapon, killing six people with just his bare teeth. He was trained to be a master in spear/knife combat. After the war and many tiring battles, he resumed hunting until his brother completed an assassination plot, blaming it on Ku'uaki. No one believed Ku'uaki did it, so Kaholo, his brother, was told to leave the village. Much later Kaholo came back and killed all of the Kanye but Ku'uaki, asking him to join him. Ku'uaki denied the request and started a fight, Ku'uaki prevailing. He took a boat to a faraway land where the Kaimana could not influence him anymore and landed in regalia. After they learned of the terrain, Kaholo was sent to exile in the sewers of regalia, where he would stay for his life. Ku'uaki goes down to see if he still roams there time to time, picking up a fight if he tries to leave.

Young adult life: Ku'uaki learns common at age 25, where he makes new friends and enemies, learning of the new culture and food, getting more and more interested. He drinks alcohol for the first time and does not enjoy it, pledging not to drink for the effects it has on a person.

Present life: Ku'uaki is starting to worry that ailors will revolt against non-human beings and send them into the sewers, where his brother dwells. Ku'uaki doesn't like being in public areas either, as he is afraid he might get beat. This is changing but he is still alert.

(Btw HUUUGE thanks to @Kidspair and @Ehmuh for helping me in some traits that I have not thought of.)

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Sorry about the facial structure. Here is the file


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Peer Review~ No salt intended
  • Try evening out the ratio on char traits (Ex. 3 positive and 3 negative)
  • Try beefing up his life story, (800-900 words)
  • Seemed to have forgot the visual traits~
Honestly besides those three things this is a really good character sheet! Amazing job! Fix the listed things and tag me when you're done <3
Maiar's are cool and it seems that the population is exploding! I can't wait to see what this does to the role-play dynamic on the server. Maybe if we get enough of these there can be a Maiar district with a bunch of ponds and terrarium like houses with ponds inside of them XD

While reading Ku'uaki's application I did find a few opportunities that need to be addressed-

  • The personality trait Friendly seems to contradict numerous other parts of of the application.
    • In the description for friendly you suggest part of this friendliness is being open minded, but one of his other traits says he is strict-minded- the exact opposite.
    • In the personality trait Quirky it is seems to indicate that Ku'uaki is uncomfortable around other non-Maiar. In my mind, this would interfere with his friendliness. What if the mugger was an Ur? Would he not be Quirky and uncomfortable rather than friendly and generous?
  • The personality trait Religious is a handful on this server. There are a lot of varying religions. The wiki page shows 12 different religions and I don't even think that's a complete list because I don't see Loong Worship.
    • To make your character religious would require a lot more detail. What religion does he follow? What sorts of worship activities or traditions does he participate in.
    • Extensive work would have to be done within the Life Story section to describe how Ku'uaki became interested in religion, because as a beast race, religion is not native to him- some significant part of his life would have had to bring him into that fold. It would be a lot of work, but a religious Maiar would be a novelty- could be fun.
  • No big deal- but Klutzy looks like it is missing a word in the last sentence. Just re-read that and add the missing word.
  • Intelligent is not really a personality trait. Intelligence is really more of a strength trait than a personality trait. Basic on the description it sounds like Blabbermouth is really the trait, not Intelligent.
  • Athletic is a more broad term that is more applied to track and field stars and the like. Based on the description, I think they Physically strong or Muscular may really be the trait here.
  • The Weaknesses Manipulable and Doubtful are in direct contradiction to one another. If Ku'uaki was doubtful, wouldn't he have doubted Vanessa instead of getting easily tricked by her? One or the other of these weaknesses will have to be removed and replaced.
  • Your character must at least one physical weakness. Klutzy could easily be considered a physical weakness, so you could move that away from personality into your treats. As long as you have still have 6 personality traits after doing this, you wouldn't eve have to remove it from your personality.
  • The life story mentions that Ku'uaki is a master of combat. What type of combat is he a master of? If his a master of any type of combat, you would have to make this a strength and maintain a balance with his weaknesses.
  • The life story mentions that Ku'uaki learns common. This is an exceptional feat for a Maiar so you will want to describe how that happened in the life story
  • The life story should make some reference to how/why Ku'uaki came to Regalia.
Feel free to tag me after you've made some edits. I'd love to check out how Ku'auki gets to Regalia and I am eager to know if you fill out some specifics on his Religion- that would be a cool turn to take for a Maiar character.
Maiar's are cool and it seems that the population is exploding! I can't wait to see what this does to the role-play dynamic on the server. Maybe if we get enough of these there can be a Maiar district with a bunch of ponds and terrarium like houses with ponds inside of them XD

While reading Ku'uaki's application I did find a few opportunities that need to be addressed-

  • The personality trait Friendly seems to contradict numerous other parts of of the application.
    • In the description for friendly you suggest part of this friendliness is being open minded, but one of his other traits says he is strict-minded- the exact opposite.
    • In the personality trait Quirky it is seems to indicate that Ku'uaki is uncomfortable around other non-Maiar. In my mind, this would interfere with his friendliness. What if the mugger was an Ur? Would he not be Quirky and uncomfortable rather than friendly and generous?
  • The personality trait Religious is a handful on this server. There are a lot of varying religions. The wiki page shows 12 different religions and I don't even think that's a complete list because I don't see Loong Worship.
    • To make your character religious would require a lot more detail. What religion does he follow? What sorts of worship activities or traditions does he participate in.
    • Extensive work would have to be done within the Life Story section to describe how Ku'uaki became interested in religion, because as a beast race, religion is not native to him- some significant part of his life would have had to bring him into that fold. It would be a lot of work, but a religious Maiar would be a novelty- could be fun.
  • No big deal- but Klutzy looks like it is missing a word in the last sentence. Just re-read that and add the missing word.
  • Intelligent is not really a personality trait. Intelligence is really more of a strength trait than a personality trait. Basic on the description it sounds like Blabbermouth is really the trait, not Intelligent.
  • Athletic is a more broad term that is more applied to track and field stars and the like. Based on the description, I think they Physically strong or Muscular may really be the trait here.
  • The Weaknesses Manipulable and Doubtful are in direct contradiction to one another. If Ku'uaki was doubtful, wouldn't he have doubted Vanessa instead of getting easily tricked by her? One or the other of these weaknesses will have to be removed and replaced.
  • Your character must at least one physical weakness. Klutzy could easily be considered a physical weakness, so you could move that away from personality into your treats. As long as you have still have 6 personality traits after doing this, you wouldn't eve have to remove it from your personality.
  • The life story mentions that Ku'uaki is a master of combat. What type of combat is he a master of? If his a master of any type of combat, you would have to make this a strength and maintain a balance with his weaknesses.
  • The life story mentions that Ku'uaki learns common. This is an exceptional feat for a Maiar so you will want to describe how that happened in the life story
  • The life story should make some reference to how/why Ku'uaki came to Regalia.
Feel free to tag me after you've made some edits. I'd love to check out how Ku'auki gets to Regalia and I am eager to know if you fill out some specifics on his Religion- that would be a cool turn to take for a Maiar character.
Thanks for the feedback bro! I think I've edited it enough to say its good!
None of your weaknesses are legit. You mention him being clumsy in strengths, maybe you should add that.
Maniupulable is a copout, as being manipulated is rarely portrayed in-game. Remove it and replace with something else.

He's a maiar, so the heat thing is a racial weakness, and thus already assumed. Remove and replace.

Colour changes in blue and tag me
Basic information
"Am simple being."

  • Full name: Ku'uaki
  • Weight: 167 lbs.
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Pure Maiar
  • Main Ambition: To live a fully and happy life. Carrying on his fallen tribe's destiny to make peace with the Naylar, ending their genocidal conflict and live in peace once again.
  • Weapon of choice: Village leader's bone knife
  • Special permission: Carrying a knife for defense.

Visual information
"Are my muscles look good? Or it strange?"

  • Ku'uaki's face has a sharp snout, icy blue eyes, with a short, striking fin at the top of his head. One of the teeth in the front of his mouth is chipped and jagged from being in a fight with a Dakkar in the sewers, who was killed by a nearby Ailor, who was supporting Ku'uaki in his brawl. He also has a scar behind his eye, after being in war with a hostile tribe. (Edit by @Completely_Evan) Sometimes he may twitch his eyes just because he isn't used to the water. He also may rub his snout or fix his fin before swimming. Even though he has only been around a Maiar who doesn't care for his appearance, he still cares about it greatly.
  • His body has muscular features and is around six foot one, with solid structure and a jagged set of arm-fins. He has a few scars on his right arm from wielding a spear that was snapped, sending the steel tip backward, permanently piercing his skin. He has a rather crooked stance when he is sitting-up-straight, as he has not yet adapted to moving on land.
  • He wears a rather exotic tunic-like wrap, the coloring representing his tribe. It covers his left shoulder, then going down to cover his waist and lower body. A leather sheath can be found hanging on his left side of his waist, carrying his tribe's first leader's bones, turned into a jagged, deadly knife.
  • Ku'uaki is not very good at common, as he will make simple mistakes that he will not notice. His voice sounds rather rasp when speaking common, especially for an aquatic-based being. He grew up learning Hwlon, so he is extremely fluent on that note.
Personality and Abilities
"I can punch it, would fix it quick."


"You know I are the nicest person you met."

Appearance Obsessed: Ku'uaki will always want to look good, whether its going to the tavern, or entering a huge brawl, Ku'uaki will be the top on the fashion line. His armor consists of jewels and other special metals. He always transports a special set of exotic clothing with him, as he is good at hiding it.

Friendly: Ku'uaki is open to people and will not be hostile once approached on the street unless provoked or convinced to do so. He feels as if he should treat everyone he encounters the same way, or else he will be haunted by those things later. If a man had a knife, threatening to kill him if he didn't give him regals, he would give the man a handful, then snatch the knife and dispose of it quickly. He would help people who he sees that need assistance, and will happily answer any questions asked.

Serious and Dedicated: While as kind and caring as he may sound, Ku'uaki knows when its time for business. He immediately would drop his expression and look at the person who was talking to him, a tradition praised in his family. He is especially serious when he is prompted to do something out of his comfort zone, which he will focus on until whatever he would be doing is better than the outcome he expected. Long story short, Ku'uaki will do something and do it efficiently when he is asked to do so.

Quirky: Ku'uaki can sometimes have trouble socializing with his peers, as the way he may act sometimes can be assumed as a quirk. He might twiddle with his webbed fingers or sharpen his jagged-edged teeth by rubbing them against each other. Ku'uaki is sometimes uncomfortable with talking to Ailor-like beings, as he feels like he is the only Maiar that roams the streets freely in regalia. He is usually kind to other races, as he thinks they feel his fear as well. For instance, if he is in the tavern asking the bartender to give him a drink, he'd have to mentally encourage himself to do it, which to other citizens would think of him pacing around as a mentally challenged or insane Maiar.

Bold: Ku'uaki will jump into a fight without warning if he must, threatening off his opponent before actually attacking. Ku'uaki usually will be the one that you'll see volunteering for a role or project. He also will participate in bets and other wagers.

He will accept a dare in seconds, taking it and ending it quickly even if he wasn't prepared or it would be dangerous. He is especially bold when his friends are in peril, as he does not want to lose his friends, just like his family and culture.

Blabbermouth: (Edit by the @TheOverseer__) Ku'uaki's intelligence is a good thing and a bad thing, as when he learns of something, he will tell it to anyone who asks. He is a very good listener and will definitely focus when he is learning. He aims to become wise and influence other Maiar to do the same, but first, he needs to find his influence. Ku'uaki will try and get the person to learn what he has learned after.

Talkative: Ku'uaki may start conversations with strangers, wanting to make new friends. He will start off nice and asking what they are doing, but may push their boundaries in what they want to share or not. He can go on ages and ages and it may be boring to some, so he loses potential friends from that. He also tries to ask them things they don't know, so he may sound strange. He also may say things that don't make sense, then he'll think to himself how to say it, which would take a while.

Adaptive: Ku'uaki can adapt to anything, including learning and combat, some things taking longer then others. When he took his first step on land, he could walk, but like all things it would take a while to become a normal habit. He has learned his village leader's flow (Hwlon writing.) very quickly. It doesn't matter the the amount of time it takes, Ku'uaki will perfect it.

Intrusive: Ku'uaki will get in the way of fights, or any commotion being caused. He will likely try and stop it, only to get more and more involved. Once he has ended the conflict he will make the two pledge to stop. If not, he will have to get EVEN more involved. He will intrude on other things too, like a noble meetup or friend gathering.

"I'm good at stuff... What do mean weak?"

Quick: Ku'uaki is quick physically and mentally, so if someone were to throw something at him, he may dodge but fall, just to get back up in seconds time. Ku'uaki has spent so much time running he is fast even for the average Maiar IN water. He could outrun a small pony, although he may fall many times.

Muscular: Ku'uaki is very fit, as living a life of sharpening steel, fighting, building and swimming can definitely improve one's physical capabilities. He can still pack a punch even on land. He has been lifting heavy loads while swimming all his life. Once he started land-hunting, he has been doing push-ups while waiting for his prey to appear.

Brave: Whenever there's a dark, scary part of the ocean or a huge orc to stand up to, Ku'uaki will easily take it on. He and his trusty knife knows when its time to be the strong one, as his name practically defines what he is. He is always ready for a challenge, even if it kills his comfort zone. From jumping into a pile of needles to retrieve a stolen charm or valuable item, he is prepared.

"Uh oh. I thinking I not have none. I sure you I do not... Please stop look at me that way."

Uncultured: (Edits by @LumosJared) Ku'uaki is new to regalia, so he does not understand "Gd'bye love," or anything like that. He will often open doors without knocking, barging in to say hello. He rarely says Human names correctly and will always end up with an awkward result. Ku'uaki has never really tried learning Human culture, believing it is irrelevant.

Naive: Ku'uaki will think too much of himself sometimes, as he thinks others are the same as him. He will often say things others would only say to themselves, resulting the ones he talks to sometimes in question. Ku'uaki will also go into battle, thinking he'll win every time. He is a warrior, but not a seasoned one. He can be hyper-focused on what he's doing, sometimes saying gibberish even though he can't speak common very well, resulting in others assuming its naive.

Clumsy: (Edit by @TutiDias) As quick as he may be, he may fall to his feet once or twice. Ku'uaki can sometimes be very unaware of his surroundings, causing him to hurt someone or something. He is especially careful in a shop, as he does not have many regals to spend if he breaks something. He cares for the things around him, so it may haunt him to think he has hurt someone by destroying their belongings. Ku'uaki is very caring for that matter, but he will never forgive himself for anything that he does to affect others.

"More good friends are good."


Kimo @BenDJaminUt: Ku'uaki was in the tavern, when he met up with another Maiar. He was so excited he immediately walked up to him and started up a friendly conversation. They quickly became close friends and roam the streets together.

Bryan Ethir @Jaecuhb: While Bryan being captured, Ku'uaki helped him escape after discovering a blood-slavery production plot. Bryan was rescued and brought back to home, where he is recovering now.

Nal Roh @Kidspair: Ku'uaki stumbled upon Nal Roh after Ku'uaki assumed he was being made fun of. He approached the Dakkar and had a friendly talk and seemed to befriend him. He has assisted him with a man beat up and feels as if he is his first friend in regalia.


Venassa R. @RBCcats: Ku'uaki was walking down the sewers when a girl walked up to him. "I-I-I.. Need h-h-help.." easily, his nature would ask her whats the problem, so she led him into her lair where she tried to capture him, while one of her victims of blood-slavery was also resting there. His name was Bryan Ethir. @Jaecuhb He escaped the attack taking Bryan with him, them becoming close friends.

Kaholo (Yet to be played): Kaholo (or Light-Footed.) was Ku'uati's older brother. He helped the rival tribe, the Kaimana assassinate his tribe, yet he spared his brother only to try and force him to join. Ku'uaki escaped and wants to kill him ever since.

Life Story
"Long time go, everyone died. I have imagination in my head."

Early life: When Ku'uaki was born from his village leader's son, they had a holiday dedicated to him, as he was the third heir to leadership they had. He taught himself how to swim and as a baby, the day his village leader died and his father became leader. He was carried on his mother's back when he was tired, and climbed onto his brother's when she tired.

Child life: Ku'uaki is bullied by his brother and found a love for hunting. Ku'uaki steps on land for the first time at age 7, walking easily. He learned that his brother did not like his family and wanted to run away from them. This devastated little Ku'uaki and for the rest of that time period, focused on his brother only. To him, his brother seemed depressed, so Kaholo used him to do "fun" things, like how long they could stay on land, how many fights he could pick and how many women he would make fun of. He realized what he was doing and immediately hated him for who he was, the conflict began.

Teenage life: Ku'uaki learned of rising conflict between his village, the Kanye (freedom) and the Kaimana. He fought in front lines and lost his weapon, killing six people with just his bare teeth. He was trained to be a master in spear/knife combat. After the war and many tiring battles, he resumed hunting until his brother completed an assassination plot, blaming it on Ku'uaki. No one believed Ku'uaki did it, so Kaholo, his brother, was told to leave the village. Much later Kaholo came back and killed all of the Kanye but Ku'uaki, asking him to join him. Ku'uaki denied the request and started a fight, Ku'uaki prevailing. He took a boat to a faraway land where the Kaimana could not influence him anymore and landed in regalia. After they learned of the terrain, Kaholo was sent to exile in the sewers of regalia, where he would stay for his life. Ku'uaki goes down to see if he still roams there time to time, picking up a fight if he tries to leave.

Young adult life: Ku'uaki learns common at age 25, where he makes new friends and enemies, learning of the new culture and food, getting more and more interested. He drinks alcohol for the first time and does not enjoy it, pledging not to drink for the effects it has on a person.

Present life: Ku'uaki is starting to worry that ailors will revolt against non-human beings and send them into the sewers, where his brother dwells. Ku'uaki doesn't like being in public areas either, as he is afraid he might get beat. This is changing but he is still alert.

(Btw HUUUGE thanks to @Kidspair and @Ehmuh for helping me in some traits that I have not thought of.)

Had to bump three times. This is getting annoying.
Maniupulable is a copout, as being manipulated is rarely portrayed in-game. Remove it and replace with something else.

He's a maiar, so the heat thing is a racial weakness, and thus already assumed. Remove and replace.

Colour changes in blue and tag me
Sorry for l8 answer, done.
Naive and uncultured are rather similar. Please add one more weakness, of a physical or combative sort. I would suggest an injury of some sort.