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Played Character Kutikcil

This character is actively played.


Student of Hydration
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information
⇶Full Name |
→Nicknames: N/A
⇶Race | Mystech
→Unbound Spirit
→Lirayna's Legion
⇶Age | ???
⇶Gender | The Void
⇶Eyes | Variable, often black
⇶Occult | Void Occult

Core Concept
Kutikcil is a simple creature in more ways than one. It is a demon contracted to Ishika, having been bound by contract to her following the capture of Kutikcil's rival, Corypha. Kutikcil in another life, was someone who valued power and the accumulation of wealth. Long since diminished in this aim due to trickery and the loss of power over its long existence, the Lirayna-demon of today seeks merely to accrue things for its stash, and to find some sort of satisfactory revenge upon the spirit, Corypha.

Visual Information
Kutikcil resembles a male spider of the species Portia Labiata (a jumping spider). Dark brown fur runs along Kutikcil's legs and two sets of arms, whilst the rest of its carapace is covered in short, orange and brown striped fur, with two whitish chevrons running down the back of its head, beginning near its secondary eyes and ending near to his mid-back. Kutikcil has eight eyes which sit over two large white pedipalps, with all but two of said eyes being nearly vestigial. All of its eyes are impossibly black. Kutikcil has a slim athletic build for its height of 5'7 (170cm). Kutikcil dresses brightly and smart, usually in two-toned outfits.

The demon also possesses a secondary form, which reveals itself when physical prowess might be required. Though Kutikcil remains humanoid, it is only just, as the creature lurches forward with a monstrous hunchback, its four arms sharpened into scythe-like appendages. It possesses a set of new, largely vestigial wings, whose form fall in between that of a dragon and an insect. This form possesses a sharpened face and head, forming something of a beak which is completed by its distinctive white pedipalps, though Kutikcil's eyes are almost entirely obscured whilst in this form, relying instead on hearing, and vibrations around it. Why it chooses to forgo sight is unclear.

⇶Points spent |
⇶Primary stats| (DexAtk, MagDef)

⇶Strength | 0
⇶Constitution | 0
⇶Intelligence | 0
⇶Wisdom | 3
→Chem Point Buy
→Chem Bloodboil Pack
→Chem Technique Parry Pack
→Chem Berserk Pack​
⇶Dexterity | 6
→Roguery Point Buy
→Escape Artist Pack​
→Cutthroat Point Buy
→Cutthroat Stance (Free)
→Cutthroat Backstab Pack
→Cutthroat Dodge Pack
→Cutthroat Reversal Pack
→Cutthroat Evasion Pack
→Cutthroat Tears Pack​
⇶Faith | 0
⇶Magic | 5 | Void Magic
→Adapt Point Buy
→Shapeshift Pack (Magical variant) [Free, Unbound Spirit Pack 1]
→Mindcontrol Pack (Magical variant) [Free, Unbound Spirit Pack 2]​
→Magic Point Buy
→Magic Snare Pack (Always sinistral)
→Magic Bolster Pack (Always sinistral)
→Magic Cleanse Pack (Always sinistral)
→Magic Warp Pack (Always sinistral)
→Magic Revenge Pack (Always sinistral)​
→Magic Hobby (10/10)​

All Mechanics
→Unbound Mechanic I: Unbound Spirits gain the Shapeshift Pack Magical Variant for free. However, they cannot acquire Heritage Traits, and only Disguise while looking like a Normal non-spirit/monster person.
→Unbound Mechanic II: Unbound Spirits do not need to make a minimum investment in Magic Point Buy to unlock Sinistral Variants, but must always use Sinistral Variants, they cannot use Radiant.
→Unbound Mechanic III: Unbound Spirits gain the Mindcontrol Pack Magical Variant for free. Additionally, they are immune to Persuasion Thralling themselves (unless they choose to be Thralled).

→Agasi (Fluent, Learned after binding)
→Altalar (Fluent, Learned Amontaar)
→Common (Somewhat fluent, Learned Regalia)

Life Story
⇶ Invocation

Plot Hooks

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