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Played Character Kurt Erhardt Zu Vietenhauser

This character is actively played.


chaotic stupid
Nov 6, 2016
Reaction score
stacey's mom's house
carry on, my wayward son. there'll be peace when you are done.

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< / / Basics
  • Name: Kurt Erhardt zu Vietenhauser
  • Race / Culture: Eronidas (Wirtemized Zabar)
  • Age: Twenty-four
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Mundane
< / / Design

Core Concept:
Kurt zu Vietenhauser is a devout Unionist Lothar Knight who has dedicated his life to protecting innocents from Occult terror, citing both his personal history and the vile history of magic as his motivator. He struggles with his methods, but follows the guiding light of his Gods, even if it is sometimes faint.

Religious Beliefs:

Allest, defend me. Brand, uplift me. Everwatcher, guide me. [ Absolute dedication to Dogmatic Unionism. He has a specific devotion to Allestrain and Brand, to whom he owes his sense of duty and direction. ]
The end is coming. [ Strong devotion towards the Armageddon Cult of Unionism. ]



Kurt has pale blue eyes against white sclera, the left one being lighter due to burn scarring. His hair is blond, though his roots are darker, and his hair type is very curly, often kept in a mullet. He stands at 6'5" and retains a very muscular profile with a healthy amount of body fat, weighing roughly 250 pounds, and expresses his cultural heritage via a pair of carefully kept tusks, which are usually filed down to small, sharp points. Kurt has recently taken to an Eronidas-cultured clothing style, baring his arms often in darker hues of brown, black, and bronze.

< / / Skills

Proficiencies: (Combat Style: Warrior)

  • STR: 7
    • Technique Parry, Veteran AntiMagi, Veteran Tri-slash, Veteran Swiftstrike, Veteran Parry, Diving Tackle, Steady Body, Careful Fighter (Free), Force Toss (Eronidas Racial)
  • CON: 5
    • Shield Wall, Shield Slam, Shield Block, Shield Deflect, Iron Will, Shield Cover (Free), Thick Hide (Eronidas Racial), Rebound (Warbound Ironfists), Status Endure (Warbound Ironfists)
  • WIS: 0
  • INT: 0
  • DEX: 0
  • FAI: 2
    • Guided Prayer, Kneeling Prayer
  • Racial Heritage Traits:
    • Eronidas (5/5): Mechanic 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Common, Vasar, Calem, Letez. (broken) Skodje, (broken)

< // Story

Character Trivia:
Kurt's family is mostly Eronidas and they retain a certain enmeshed Eron pride despite their culturally Wirtem sensibilities. Kurt is incredibly proud of his heritage and takes offense when Eronidas are insulted or maligned in his presence.
Kurt's racial split is roughly 80/20 between Eronidas blood and Ailor blood; the Ailor stems from the very watered down line of Wirtemcaller refugees that his Eronidas ancestors merged with when moving to Calemberg.
Kurt is a graduated Lothar Herebrand who has attained the rank Captain, and spent two years on the frontlines of Tirgunn, Baldmark, and Drixagh. His first assignment was a task force eliminating dangerous cult activity, and his second task force was taking out limit-broken mages.

Character Plot Hooks (DM to set up roleplay!):
Kurt's father, Georg Gauthiet zu Vietenhauser, is a Lothar Paladin Knight famous for entering a Vampire-infested castle alone at sundown and emerging the next sunrise having killed everything inside. He is a terrifyingly unassuming man who Afflicted or Occult characters in Calemberg or Tirgunn may have met (dm me for backstory connections).
Kurt wields Liebensrächer, a blade once belonging to Arch-Chancellor Alexander I (known as the God Brand). He was given this blade as a favor by his father, and will eagerly explain its history to anyone wanting to listen.
Kurt has one tattoo, and it is a name inked onto his left wrist: Adelheid. Those who dig into the history of House zu Vietenhauser will learn vague pieces of a poorly covered-up tragedy involving a young girl and a horde of Spirits.
Kurt is a staunch and vocal believer in the Endwar, or the idea that at the end of time there will be a final fight between the forces of good and evil. He is always interested in debating with others the existence of this supposed battle, as well as finding community with other believers.
Kurt recently took a trip to his native Eronidas homelands, and his whole family is in the process of re-culturing themselves further towards their roots. To that end, he is always looking for conversations and kinship with other Eronidas in Regalia.
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