Preserved Sheet Kruddha Dka

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The Golem

chiken nugge
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
Hael's Fungeon
Roleplay Guilds

Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Kruddha Dka
  • Age: 56
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ossol Dakkar
  • Main Ambition: To establish himself as a reputable warrior by honorable acts
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Hair Color: N/A
  • Hair Style: N/A
  • Skin Color: Dark green and gray
  • Clothing: A small merlot red loincloth
  • Height: 6'10
  • Body Build: Strongman
  • Weapon of Choice: His fists and immense weight
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Character face: Kruddha's facial expression is best described as an oddball. The Ossol was blessed with an extremely un-intimidating look as a result of the distance in between his eyes, wide lips, and tired-hyper expression. The rock formations on his head are as sharp as any other Dakkar's, though less erratic and menacing. His beak is noticeably sharp and is the most standing-out feature, as the center of the beak is almost caved in, leaving an odd pincer-look that is unique to the Dakkar.
  • Character body: Despite being smaller in personality, the Dakkar is bulky by Dakkar standards. He weighs 540 lbs and stands at 6 ft 10 in, with gray and green rock formations standard to the Ossol variety. He is not a superb warrior and that is shown when he is pitted against other large Dakkar, however he retains a very active life for a Stone Singer and he still knows how to beat anyone down.
  • Character fashion: Kruddha does not wear anything except a loincloth that has lasted him years, a travel from Ellador, and the Regalian sewers. Naturally the superb quality is something he won't let go and he is always seen with the same clothing item.
  • Character voice: Kruddha Dka has a rather quick way of speaking, getting his messages out fast and frequently. The Dakkar has a very strong imprint on his tone and recognizing how he changes his voice is how he expresses himself, his discontent, or appraise, or anything. He can speak Teekarhee and Common.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Kruddha is an oddball for Dakkar because he consistently sleep deprived and snarky. He boasts a huge vocabulary in Teekarhee and Common, commonly using it to befuddle and irritate people as he may. Another important thing to note is his love for Hael, and everything that his tenets invoke. Kruddha does not directly commit mass bloodshed or hang Dwarves in the night, the Ossol instead is only fanatically infatuated with the faith. Finally, Kruddha is arguably passive-aggressive with his incredibly low opinions and perpetual disappointment with everything that exists. It's hard to miss just how redundant people are and things behave in his eyes.
  • Second Paragraph: As a Dakkar reaching his adulthood, Kruddha has notable anger issues. He struggles identifying what to get angry about, and what to let go, making his fits rather sporadic and irregular. The Dakkar has a strong dependence on his faith of Hael as well. As he lacks the praise that he needed for so long, the Dakkar has turned to Hael as an escape from reality to find his greater purpose. If Kruddha is not indirectly serving Hael, Kruddha will force his way into doing something for Hael.
  • Third Paragraph: On a surface level the Dakkar really doesn't change too much, only now it's easier for him to approach favored people because he actually knows them. In the Ossol's mind, friends exist because they want him. This self-serving attitude means Kruddha can and will gladly jump ship if friends are doing something stupid or untenable. When he can rely on his friend's intelligence, however, he is very content to support and protect the few who put up with him. One particular things friends notice is Kruddha's unusual drive for wisdom and how he is able to rationalize anything and engage on a deeper level of conversation that would betray his looks.
  • Fourth Paragraph: To define it in two words, Kruddha Dka would most accurately fit the alignment Lawful Neutral. The Dakkar plays in adherence with both the law and his own developed philosophical code, where everyone is insanely stupid and he is part of the self-aware minority. He doesn't generally stray from established doctrine nor overly cares about being nice or mean. The Ossol would gladly step on a kitten if it got him dinner, but only if.
  • Combat Ability: As a Dakkar it'd be hard for Kruddha to not have some combat ability. While he has never formally attended any schools, the Ossol's time in Ellador as well as spar matches in Regalia have given him enough experience to be at least adept. The root of his combat ability is Kruddha's childhood and more leisurely combat. Kruddha has not formally participated in any grand conflicts, and while he would like to, he has enough combat potency because of his physiology. The Dakkar makes sure he eats a lot of food and stays rather stockily built for a moderate warrior such as himself.
  • Life attitude: With nothing ever really mattering more than Hael, Kruddha has a unique life perception that makes him seem resilient. The summarized version goes something along the lines that literally nothing matters, and everyone is subordinate to a godly figure, making failure inevitable and not worth spending time over. How this can be considered a talent is that this makes the Dakkar incredibly hard to disappoint; because his bar is set so low, almost anything can pass. It also makes it hard for him to get eaten up over things like loss of a friend or family member, because nothing matters. The Dakkar ultimately upholds himself to the standard of doing something while not caring if it really fails.
  • Language: By no means an academic, Kruddha Dka has zero concept of scholarly knowledge. The Ossol, however, boasts an abnormally large vocabulary and has a unique grasp on word use. Best suited in part with his passive-aggression Kruddha Dka is never short of edgy remarks and subtle insults. He also has a good time with accents because of this, and does not need perfect Common to get what someone means. This doesn't go to say he will adapt to people, he would love to overwhelm them with big words, but the Dakkar has a good grasp on language and how to use it.
  • Insomnia: One of Kruddha's daunting characteristics is an innate insomnia that has been with him since his late childhood. The Ossol Dakkar has trouble getting good rest at night and is prone to random fits of crabbiness and passive-aggression. This hampers him mentally and physically because the Dakkar is also rather laggy, even on his race's standards. He can weigh anything down but can't snap out very fast to catch it. Mentally the Dakkar is somewhat unpredictable and has trouble maintaining the same levels of energy throughout the day, meaning some days he will be hyper and then quickly fall asleep, or other days will be sedated to the point he doesn't want to do anything.
Ersskin Ssereg (@Eternal_Wrath) A fresh face to the New Sun, this Sa-Allar has proven a great surprise to Kruddha. Having been bested by a race that is effectively extinct, the Ossol is particularly doubtful of their intelligence. This is more out of spite, however, as the Sa-Allar busted Kruddha's knee in.

Svenrir Skalder (@Legion): A Northerner met back in Ellador, the two have recently been reunited in Regalia and are good friends. They share a love for messing with people and are a very interesting duo to watch; most people don't catch the hidden meme they're on.

Nal Roh (@KiddingAround): The first Dakkar to try and get Kruddha into the swing of things, they get along very well. Some aspects are more formal and Kruddha shares widely different interests and worldviews, though perhaps their commitment unites them.

Clinton Parlow the II (@DotLotion): One of the first surface friends, this particular Ailor has had the glory of besting Kruddha. Unfortunately Kruddha was walking on a broken leg but the Turall has taught Kruddha a lot, most notably a disarming technique he has yet to apply in combat.

None recurring yet!
Life Story (Required)
  • Born in Ellador on the year 248 AC
  • Parents were Firebrand couple; both warriors
  • Taught basics like speaking and walking and first steps into fighting
  • Kruddha shows lack of desire for combat prowess and spends more time walking in thought than wrestling friends
  • Local Stone Singer decides to adopt Kruddha as pupil after outrage from parents
  • Kruddha leaves parents behind and adopts the Stone Singer's surname
  • Taught tenets of Hael and subjected to the tonics that make their faith.
  • Kruddha begins to see first real combat and fights himself on small raids against the Dwarves. No lethal combat ever takes place the first three times.
  • Untimely first kill leaves Kruddha spooked and he retreats to the Stone Singer terrified
  • Unknown concoction used in the Faith of Hael sends Kruddha into a bizarre trance, hallucinating his fiery God and reclaiming his old confidence as a result of scare tactics.
  • Kruddha begins to take an interest in language and ways to say things without speaking them. This desire does not last long due to the short vocabulary of Teekarhee.
  • First major wound after relatively non-lethal combat is received, Dakkar maintaining thin but lengthy cut between his chest and shoulder plates.
  • Kruddha Dka becomes a local religious leader. Serves as unique combination of psychiatrist and pack leader while maintaining sub-par combat ability.
  • Parents die in combat, leaving Kruddha without family. Ossol spends wrestling others to maintain pent-up anger. Combat ability peaks at this point in his life.
  • While under effects of tonics, Kruddha decides he needs to leave the hold in order to understand paradise. Leaves behind faction of Hwool-Majoor to travel south with little issue due to the Stonesinger's support.
  • Travels to religious center Risha-La to communicate thoughts with other Dakkar. Native Ossol support Kruddha's idea and begin to teach him about the Ailor so that they can place him in Regalia.
  • Lengthy period of five years is spent learning of Common, the Alorian Races, and general world knowledge.
  • Last year in this period is spent traveling at random and eventually arriving to a Northerne port to travel to Regalia. Spends an extremely uncomfortable year adapting to Ailor and their unruly ways.
  • Dakkar feels confident enough in ability to socialize to travel to Regalia. He gets on a boat and leaves home behind with no relics of Ellador except his pants and a desire to learn
  • Life continues..
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-Reformatted (nothing grand)
-Added Relationships
-Added a cool picture
-Lowered height
-Added Relationships
-Put wounds on skin
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I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within 48 hours.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
@The Golem

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • To avoid too many special traits when combined with the rarity of his hide type and talents, please lower Krudda's height from being the absolute maximum.
  • Aside from that one point, this is an excellent application and I have nothing else to pick up on!
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
@The Golem

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • To avoid too many special traits when combined with the rarity of his hide type and talents, please lower Krudda's height from being the absolute maximum.
  • Aside from that one point, this is an excellent application and I have nothing else to pick up on!
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
The only reason I placed his height at maximum was because I thought Dakkar male standard was 7ft, and deviation from it would be a height deficiency thing.

Does 6ft 10 seem like too marginal of a height lowering?
@The Golem
Hello again! Sorry for the delay, I was checking this out.

Dakkar heights do indeed range, but females sit on the low end and males on the high end, with just a small amount of variation among them. Lowering to 6ft 10 would be perfectly fine.
@The Golem
Hello again! Sorry for the delay, I was checking this out.

Dakkar heights do indeed range, but females sit on the low end and males on the high end, with just a small amount of variation among them. Lowering to 6ft 10 would be perfectly fine.
Edits have been made accordingly and marked in blue!

Anything else?