Kronau Resistance: Resource Gathering, People Prodding

The group had a very happy and communal time as they searched through the wilderness, a certain camaraderie having run through them. As they searched, they made jokes with each other and socialized... Christopher Black couldn't help but bring up what he'd observed regarding Milahme Coen and Royland Blackwater... Warren did well stifling his laugh, yet soon after they grew a little more serious with their search. Not too serious, of course. Whitlock was, of course, teased for his outing with the Calemberg Adhund... Something the Nelfin disliked about the venture but at least he had the chance to set the members of the group straight about how he'd simply lost track of the beast in the darkening wood.

Having come upon the local town, they found that the numerous farmhouses and peasantry homes were empty and void of life... It was to be expected, after the Deathling uprising. Because of this, no livestock was available for the plucking but they felt as though it was a simple yet playful walk through the countryside: Spotting no Deathlings whilst no Deathlings spotted them and overall they had no quarrels about continuing for a while, given the light-hearted nature that their operation had come to offer.

Continuing through and through the varying houses, the group discovered vast amounts of peasants clothing: Easily offering each member of the resistance a style of their choosing (albeit very cheap and dull attire). The lot spent little time debating about what they themselves would choose to wear but Grayson was quite keen on the idea of everybody using hoods before Christopher intervened and brought about another idea, to which the PrƩjaun quickly agreed would do better. After a few hours, Whitlock found himself quite tired... In fact, he took a sit down whilst Natasha barked at the poor Nelfin to return to his duty and to quit his slacking... Meanwhile, Christopher and Grayson headed inside of the last home. The interior gave off the impression that this was certainly the place Chris had set his eyes on before this journey began: The home of an Alchemist. Warren simply idled; watching Whitlock and Natasha whilst he himself tried disabling a beehive with a rather prudent stick... Shortly after, the two nobles emerged from the building with a box of Pureza's Powder in tow. After Warren found his efforts to provoke the beehive meaningless, he then prodded Natasha in hopes Whitlock may be left alone... Natasha and Warren having a semi-serious argument the entire way back to Fort Kronau.