Preserved Sheet Kovic Joromir

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Aug 18, 2016
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Full Name: Kovic Joromir

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Ur

Main Ambition: Success

Special Permission: None

Kovic was raised in Jorrhildr by his parents, who had both been raised in Jorrhildr as well. They wanted to keep their children safe from the dangers of the wild, but Kovic always yearned to be free in the snowy land of Jorrhildr.

Secondary Ambitions:

Visual Info:

Eye Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: N/A

Hair Style: N/A

Skin Color: White Fur with Black Markings
Dark Skin Underneath (like all Ur)


Height: 7'

Weight: 700 lbs

Body Build: Heavily Muscular

Weapon of Choice:
Fists and Shoulders

Kovic is incredibly muscular, but has a small amount of fat over his stomach that he maintains to act as fuel for emergencies.

Kovic has a sharp, deep, and slightly louder than normal voice when happy or excited, but normally has a very deep, quiet, and slow voice.

Personality Traits and Abilities:


• Reserved-
Around any race other than Ur, Kovic is particularly reserved and keeps to himself. He does not dislike other races, but he is more nervous around them than Ur as he doesn't feel nervous talking to them. He is not unwilling to be friends with other races, but he does not typically walk up and introduce himself to them as he would another Ur. This is not necessarily based off of race, it is based off of the fact that Kovic has trouble making new friends and introducing himself with people he doesn't know. Ur are the exception because he considers Ur his family.

• Loyal+
Kovic is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, and there isn't much he wouldn't do for them. It doesn't take much to make friends with Kovic, and once you do you've found a friend for life whether you like it or not. He never gives up on those he cares about, and is extremely protective of them especially if they are younger or smaller. If Kovic sees someone headed down a path that won't end well, he doesn't hesitate to tell them, making him much like an adopted big brother to all he spends time with. This also means he will destroy anything that would threaten the people he loves.

• Competitive-
Kovic loves to win, and competition is his favorite way to pass the time. He will always try to win at something, even if it's a contest he has no skill in. He has accepted a challenge against an elf in archery, a maiar in swimming, and many other unwinnable competitions. His competitive nature sometimes puts a strain on his friendship with others, something he is working on fixing but to no avail.

• Thrill-Seeking +-
Kovic lives for excitement, and doesn't particularly mind breaking the rules for fun. He got into much trouble as a child, often breaking the law at his twin brother's instruction, both out of a desire for fun and loyalty to his brother. This is part of what started the growing divide between Kovic and his parents. Kovic's thirst for adventure is something that could be easily manipulated in the foreseeable future.

• Brutally Honest-
Kovic has no filter. He says what he thinks, regardless of how it makes people feel, as he considers doing anything but a form of lying. Not only does he speak his mind constantly, but he also says it in the most plain and, unfortunately, usually the most hurtful way possible. Kovic is not one to mince words or sugarcoat, which causes strain in his relationships. Kovic doesn't understand how to fix this because he doesn't see anything wrong with speaking the truth.

• Perceptive+
While Kovic is not particularly smart, he is good at reading people. He can tell people's intentions well by examining their body language and speech. When something is bothering someone, Kovic can tell and always wants to help them feel better. This is another way he is like a "big brother" to his companions, as he typical "I'm fine" excuse doesn't work on him.


• Combat
Kovic's size and muscle, along with his training, make him a formidable opponent. He was trained in combat in the wild by the Snowy Paw Clan, who taught him grappling and combat techniques. He is also skilled in using staffs and staff-like weapons such as spears, although typically he doesn't carry any of these in Regalia.

• Hunting
Kovic is adept at following trails, setting traps, and other skills useful for hunting. Hunger was a great motivator to him, and while in the wild he was forced to learn to hunt to survive. He returns every winter for around a month to hone his hunting abilities, exercise, and reconnect with his wild side.

Kovic is not a genius by any stretch, but he is good at reading people and seeing how they're feeling. The typical "I'm fine" excuse doesn't work on him and he is good at telling when someone is lying. This helps him protect those he cares about better, because he can tell when someone is dangerous.


• Non-Cultured
Years of spending time in Jorrhildr with a tribe has left Kovic socially awkward. He doesn't have a good understanding of how things work in Regalia or social boundaries. This results in awkward situations that Kovic doesn't understand.

• Highly Impulsive
Kovic doesn't think much before making a decision, and will also follow orders quickly and without much hesitation if he trusts the person making them. This leads to him getting into trouble, as he will quickly act before thinking and end up in fights. Due to Kovic's long time in the Snowy Paw Clan, he is also suscptible to peer pressure. He can be taken advantage of by someone he trusts very easily, as he doesn't stop to think much before doing what he's told. This is the downside to his loyalty and kindness.

• Bad Vision
Kovic was mauled once by a snow leopard, leaving his left eye damaged. This eye has trouble making out details or seeing at long distances, and is also extremely sensitive. He also feels very self-conscious and embarrassed of the scar on his face from the attack, as he considers it his greatest failure.


• Domovoi (NPC) - Brother
Kovic's twin brother ran away from home at 12 and has not been seen since then.

• Anatoly and Krysova (NPC) - Parents
Kovic has a bad relationship with his parents due to their (in Kovic's mind) anti-Ur ways.

• The Snowy Paw Clan - Tribesmen (NPCs)
Kovic stays with the Snowy Paw Clan when he goes on his annual winter expedition in Jorrhildr. He considers them his family and although he thinks he failed them, he still cares for them as they do for him.

Early Life
Kovic was raised by Anatoly and Krysova Joromir, with his twin brother Domovoi. They lived in a small walled town in Jorrhildr, where they lived a calm and somewhat uneventful life. His father was a builder who used his massive strength to help lift rocks, wooden beams, and such to help make walls and homes. His mother was the captain of the city guard. Ever since he was young, Kovic was different from his family, both in his unique appearance and also in his desire to go into the wild. This caused much strife within the Joromir family, as since both of his parents grew up in safety, all they knew of the surrounding area were embellished stories about the danger of the wild. Anatoly and Krysova's overprotective nature caused young Domovoi and Kovic to get into much trouble. Dom was usually the ringleader, who found the trouble, and Kovic, out of loyalty to his brother, usually carried out the schemes. Domovoi and Kovic also spent a lot of time competing with one another, whether it be wrestling, racing, or other contests. They eventually grew tired of this, and resulted in them spending much of their time at home, reading books. Eventually Domovoi ran away from his boring, sheltered life, and after that Krysova and Anatoly were even more protective of Kovic by result.

Leaving Home
As soon as Kovic was 14, the acceptable age to leave his family, he travelled far away from home in Jorrhildr. He wandered the wilderness for weeks. being fed by nothing but the snow he ate and the fat his body consumed to fuel itself. He eventually wandered to a tower, malnourished, filthy, and exhausted. There, he was taken in by a group of like-minded Ur known as the Snowy Paw Clan. When he awoke from his unconsciousness, he met the members of the clan, discovering their beliefs and what they did. He then began a three year training ritual that involved him working as a servant for everyone else in the clan to prove his loyalty. This mainly consisted of cleaning, skimming the animals they brought back from the hunt, and burying bones and animal carcasses in the forest. It was hard and grueling work, but Kovic persevered and at the end of his training the clan began to take him out on their hunts. At first, Kovic was only allowed to observe and learn, but after a while they began allowing Kovic to join in, set traps, and help chase down prey. Other skills the clan taught him include combat, and he was taught how to fight using only his paws and muscles, learning different holds and breaking points for multiple other races, particularly Thylan. Not all of his training was physical, however. Upon finding out he only spoke and read common, he was taught the language of Ur and Burose, and eventually began to leave behind speaking and reading common altogether. On the day of his official graduation as a fully fledged member of the Snowy Paw Clan, he was tasked with hunting and killing a snow leopard alone. He nearly caught the leopard, but it clawed his eye and escaped, leaving Kovic bleeding in the snow. He eventually found his way back to the clan, having failed his graduation. After a total of eleven years with the Snowy Paw, learning skills and bonding with his new family, Kovic decided to leave, believing he wasn't worthy of becoming a member. To this day, he returns for a least a month every winter, hunting with the Snowy Paw, and each year, they beg him to stay. And each year, he disappoints them.

Return to Homs
Kovic returned to his home, injured and disgraced, seeking out his parents, who had moved to a smaller house. When he finally found them, they told him that they had always been right and he was stupid to leave their care. They said going into the wilderness was for foolish beasts and creatures like him, not refined and proper creatures like they had tried to raise him to be. Hurt by their words, Kovic said they were a disgrace to their own kind to say those things, and left to live on his own. He travelled to Regalia, hiding on a cargo ship, and when he got there, couldn't find a job for more than a week or so. He could barely afford a house in the slums with what money he had, and couldn't find a steady job anywhere, barely getting by with what he could scrounge together. For one year he lived this way, before he found a job that changed everything.
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You should remove all the spoilers
@TutiDias I usually do this on an iPhone, as a lot of people do, so the spoilers are necessary to help it be more organized when reading. If it does affect your ability to read it, just open all of them before you start.
@TutiDias I usually do this on an iPhone, as a lot of people do, so the spoilers are necessary to help it be more organized when reading. If it does affect your ability to read it, just open all of them before you start.
Well, i do my apps by phone as well, i am almost sure staff will ask you to remove.
Full Name: Kovic Joromir

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Ur

Main Ambition: Success

Special Permission: None

Basic Info: (Expanded)][/B]

Kovic was raised in Regalia by his parents, who had both been raised in Regalia as well. They wanted to keep their children safe from the dangers of the wild, but Kovic always yearned to be free in the snowy land of Jorrhildr.

Secondary Ambitions:

Visual Info:

Eye Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: N/A

Hair Style: N/A

Skin Color: White Fur with Black Markings
Dark Skin Underneath (like all Ur)


Height: 7'

Weight: 700 lbs

Body Build: Heavily Muscular

Weapon of Choice:
Fists and Shoulders

Kovic is incredibly muscular, but has a small amount of fat over his stomach that he maintains to act as fuel for emergencies.

Kovic has a sharp, deep, and slightly louder than normal voice when happy or excited, but normally has a very deep, quiet, and slow voice.

Personality Traits and Abilities:


• Reserved-
Around any race other than Ur, Kovic is particularly reserved and keeps to himself. He does not dislike other races, but he is more nervous around them than Ur as he doesn't feel nervous talking to them. He is not unwilling to be friends with other races, but he does not typically walk up and introduce himself to them as he would another Ur. This is not necessarily based off of race, it is based off of the fact that Kovic has trouble making new friends and introducing himself with people he doesn't know. Ur are the exception because he considers Ur his family.

• Loyal+
Kovic is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, and there isn't much he wouldn't do for them. It doesn't take much to make friends with Kovic, and once you do you've found a friend for life whether you like it or not. He never gives up on those he cares about, and is extremely protective of them especially if they are younger or smaller. If Kovic sees someone headed down a path that won't end well, he doesn't hesitate to tell them, making him much like an adopted big brother to all he spends time with. This also means he will destroy anything that would threaten the people he loves.

• Competitive-
Kovic loves to win, and competition is his favorite way to pass the time. He will always try to win at something, even if it's a contest he has no skill in. He has accepted a challenge against an elf in archery, a maiar in swimming, and many other unwinnable competitions. His competitive nature sometimes puts a strain on his friendship with others, something he is working on fixing but to no avail.

• Kind
Kovic is a very kind, caring person by nature. He was raised in a happy, safe environment, but never appreciated it much as a child, and now, looking back on those days, he knows they helped make him who he is and wishes he'd been more grateful to his parents. He treats everyone who he seems deserving of it fair and equally, only prejudiced against Thylans. This is another quality that helps him make and sustain long-lasting friendships.

• Brutally Honest-
Kovic has no filter. He says what he thinks, regardless of how it makes people feel, as he considers doing anything but a form of lying. Not only does he speak his mind constantly, but he also says it in the most plain and, unfortunately, usually the most hurtful way possible. Kovic is not one to mince words or sugarcoat, which causes strain in his relationships. Kovic doesn't understand how to fix this because he doesn't see anything wrong with speaking the truth.

• Perceptive+
While Kovic is not particularly smart, he is good at reading people. He can tell people's intentions well by examining their body language and speech. When something is bothering someone, Kovic can tell and always wants to help them feel better. This is another way he is like a "big brother" to his companions, as he typical "I'm fine" excuse doesn't work on him.


• Combat
Kovic's size and muscle, along with his training, make him a formidable opponent. He was trained in combat in the wild by the Snowy Paw Clan, who taught him grappling and combat techniques. He is also skilled in using staffs and staff-like weapons such as spears, although typically he doesn't carry any of these in Regalia.

• Hunting
Kovic is adept at following trails, setting traps, and other skills useful for hunting. Hunger was a great motivator to him, and while in the wild he was forced to learn to hunt to survive. He returns every winter for around a month to hone his hunting abilities, exercise, and reconnect with his wild side.

• Cooking
Kovic was taught to cook by his father, ever since he was very young. He has the ability to greatly improve the taste of food with simple ingredients, and also has an extremely basic understanding of medicine/alchemy that his father and he used to provide extra health benefits to the food he makes. This helped him become popular quickly among the tribesmen of the Snowy Paw.


• Non-Cultured
Years of spending time in Jorrhildr with a tribe has left Kovic socially awkward. He doesn't have a good understanding of how things work in Regalia or social boundaries. This results in awkward situations that Kovic doesn't understand.

• Highly Impulsive
Kovic doesn't think much before making a decision, and will also follow orders quickly and without much hesitation if he trusts the person making them. This leads to him getting into trouble, as he will quickly act before thinking and end up in fights. Due to Kovic's long time in the Snowy Paw Clan, he is also suscptible to peer pressure. He can be taken advantage of by someone he trusts very easily, as he doesn't stop to think much before doing what he's told. This is the downside to his loyalty and kindness.

• Bad Vision
Kovic was mauled once by a snow leopard, leaving his left eye damaged. This eye has trouble making out details or seeing at long distances, and is also extremely sensitive. He also feels very self-conscious and embarrassed of the scar on his face from the attack, as he considers it his greatest failure.


• Domovoi (NPC) - Brother
Kovic's twin brother ran away from home at 12 and has not been seen since then.

• Anatoly and Krysova (NPC) - Parents
Kovic has a bad relationship with his parents due to their (in Kovic's mind) anti-Ur ways.

• The Snowy Paw Clan - Tribesmen (NPCs)
Kovic stays with the Snowy Paw Clan when he goes on his annual winter expedition in Jorrhildr. He considers them his family and although he thinks he failed them, he still cares for them as they do for him.

Early Life
Kovic was born to Anatoly and Krysova Joromir, a chef and a tailor, respectively. They had descended from a long line of more "domestic" Ur, and they were fairly average Regalians, just heavier and more furry. They were treated in a disrespectful way by many Ailor, but they had a close circle that they stayed with that cared for the Joromirs greatly. Ever since he was young, Kovic was different from his family, both in his unique appearance and also in his desire to go into the wild. This caused much strife within the Joromir family, as since both of his parents grew up in Regalia, all they knew of Jorrhildr were embellished stories about the danger of the wild. Anatoly and Krysova's overprotective nature caused young Domovoi and Kovic to get into much trouble. Dom was usually the ringleader, who found the trouble, and Kovic, out of loyalty to his brother, usually carried out the schemes. Domovoi and Kovic also spent a lot of time competing with one another, whether it be wrestling, racing, or other contests. They eventually grew tired of this, and resulted in them spending much of their time at home, reading books. Eventually Domovoi ran away from his boring, sheltered life, and after that Krysova and Anatoly were even more protective of Kovic by result.

Leaving Home
As soon as Kovic was 14, the acceptable age to leave his family, he travelled to Jorrhildr. He wandered the wilderness for weeks. being fed by nothing but the snow he ate and the fat his body consumed to fuel itself. He eventually wandered to a tower, malnourished, filthy, and exhausted. There, he was taken in by a group of like-minded Ur known as the Snowy Paw Clan. When he awoke from his unconsciousness, he met the members of the clan, discovering their beliefs and what they did. He then began a three year training ritual that involved him working as a servant for everyone else in the clan to prove his loyalty. This mainly consisted of cleaning, skimming the animals they brought back from the hunt, and burying bones and animal carcasses in the forest. It was hard and grueling work, but Kovic persevered and at the end of his training the clan began to take him out on their hunts. At first, Kovic was only allowed to observe and learn, but after a while they began allowing Kovic to join in, set traps, and help chase down prey. Kovic quickly gained popularity in the group due to his ability to prepare the food so well, something many of the other Ur considered a basic chore but Kovic took pleasure in. Even with the most basic ingredients, Kovic was able to work wonders, thanks to his father's teachings. He was often requested to be the one to prepare meals as his cooking was favored to the other cooks in the clan. Other skills the clan taught him included combat, and he was taught how to fight using only his paws and muscles, learning different holds and breaking points for multiple other races, particularly Thylan. Not all of his training was physical, however. Upon finding out he only spoke and read common, he was taught the language of Ur and Burose, and eventually began to leave behind speaking and reading common altogether. On the day of his official graduation as a fully fledged member of the Snowy Paw Clan, he was tasked with hunting and killing a snow leopard alone. He nearly caught the leopard, but it clawed his eye and escaped, leaving Kovic bleeding in the snow. He eventually found his way back to the clan, having failed his graduation. After a total of eleven years with the Snowy Paw, learning skills and bonding with his new family, Kovic decided to leave, believing he wasn't worthy of becoming a member. To this day, he returns for a least a month every winter, hunting with the Snowy Paw, and each year, they beg him to stay. And each year, he disappoints them.

Return to Regalia
Kovic returned to Regalia, injured and disgraced, seeking out his parents, who had moved to a smaller house. When he finally found them, they told him that they had always been right and he was stupid to leave their care. They said going into the wilderness was for foolish beasts and creatures like him, not refined and proper creatures like they had tried to raise him to be. Hurt by their words, Kovic said they were a disgrace to their own kind to say those things, and left to live on his own. He could barely afford a house in the slums with what money he had, and couldn't find a steady job anywhere, barely getting by with what he could scrounge together. For one year he lived this way, before he found a job that changed everything.
To me, Kovic sounds like a surname and Joromir like a first name.
To me, Kovic sounds like a surname and Joromir like a first name.
Well, i do my apps by phone as well, i am almost sure staff will ask you to remove.

Thanks for the input vid, I like the name Kovic a lot, but I will change the surname if I find something better.
@TutiDias This is the same format my last 3 or 4 apps have been in, I don't think theres a problem. and if there is, staff will tell me
Never received a notification for this, my apologies.

  1. Take everything that isn't marked as optional out of spoilers. You should only put expansions and life story in a spoiler.
Make the above edit in BLUE and tag me when done.
Changes to be made:
  1. The way you describe Kovic's upbringing is not only highly unlikely, but the backstory seems like that of a "different looking" Ailor. Revise the backstory/ bio/ upbringing to be more Ur focused.

  2. As far as cooking goes, an Ur would not be very proficient, likely only able to make very basic foods. Revise this, possibly replace the strength.
Make the above changes in BLUE and tag me when done.
Changes to be made:
  1. The way you describe Kovic's upbringing is not only highly unlikely, but the backstory seems like that of a "different looking" Ailor. Revise the backstory/ bio/ upbringing to be more Ur focused.

  2. As far as cooking goes, an Ur would not be very proficient, likely only able to make very basic foods. Revise this, possibly replace the strength.
Make the above changes in BLUE and tag me when done.
sorry to take so long, I'm on vacation this weekend so I haven't worked on it at all...could you tell me exactly what you mean when his backstory is like a "different looning" Ailor...i don't really understand. Also, what else is wrong with it aside from the cooking part?
Saying that his family are just "fairly average Regalians, just heavier and with more fur" and "more domestic Ur" is not only disregarding their uniqueness as a race, but also ignoring the fact that Urs are outcasts and largely disliked by the Regalian populace. Furthermore Ur are supposed to be less combat inclined and more pacifistic given that the wiki states they are seen as "gentle giants". Just take all this into account when writing the bio as to avoid writing what is essentially an Ailor with fur.
Saying that his family are just "fairly average Regalians, just heavier and with more fur" and "more domestic Ur" is not only disregarding their uniqueness as a race, but also ignoring the fact that Urs are outcasts and largely disliked by the Regalian populace. Furthermore Ur are supposed to be less combat inclined and more pacifistic given that the wiki states they are seen as "gentle giants". Just take all this into account when writing the bio as to avoid writing what is essentially an Ailor with fur.
Okay, got it. Thanks :D