Preserved Sheet Koralon Blackhammer

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40th President of the United States
Oct 3, 2017
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Republican Party
United States of America
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Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Koralon Blackhammer
  • Age: 50
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Humorrin Dwarf
  • Main Ambition: Vengeance

Skill Information (Required)
  • 50 total points, -10 to School of Command:
    • +30 Battle command (+10 from Command School, +20 from Proficiency)
    • +10 Commanding Speech (+10 from Command School)
    • +20 Mace (+10 from Command School, +10 from Proficiency)
    • +10 Dwarven Axe (+10 from Dwarf)
    • +5 Large Shield (+5 from Proficiency Points)
    • +5 Pavisa Crossbow (+5 from Proficiency Points)
  • 50 Cultural points:
    • +40 Smithing (+20 from Dwarf, +20 Cultural Points)
    • +30 Clockwork Engineering (+30 Cultural Points)
  • Languages:
    • Dwarven (native)
    • Common (comon)
    • Vashkulaar (learned)
    • Skodje (learned)

Visual Information (Required)


Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Koralon is a stoick rock, from the outside. She fits most Humorrin stereotypes in being stubborn, loyal, pragmatic and easy-going. She seldom displays any emotions other than that of hunger, thirst and drunken happiness. The only main difference a stranger could see is the experience she had in life and the adventures she's been through.

  • Inside, she is way overconfident and conservative. The combination of these two result in her applying the same resolution that worked one time to everything in the future. She is fully certain of herself, to a prideful degree, and can get rowdy in case her pride is pointed out or her failures are mentioned.

  • Koralon is only a slight bit more open to friends and family, though of the two friends highlighted. Her spectrum of emotions extends to non-drunken happiness around friends. She also becomes rather gregarious when in company of those she knows well. However, earning her friendship and trust can take a long, long amount of time.

  • Koralon is lawful neutral in morality. She does not care for senseless destruction, neither for altruism. What she does care for is following rules and promises word-by-word against anything. She holds traditional dwarven laws above state laws, and holds any oath above those even. She is unforgiving to corruption, although is herself rather greedy and materialistic. She is wholly neutral to the corruption of others and their evil deeds, as long as they fit within laws and their words. If not, she carries a spite, or even worse, declares her grudge against them.

Life Story (Required)
  • Koralon was born in the minor hold of Brühl, in 256AC as third of seven children, in the well-off Blackhammer clan to Thorik Blackhammer and Bolga Goldbrow.

  • Her upbringing was relatively boring, with her destined life career a jewelcrafter.

  • From 271 onwards, Koralon took active part in the desperate effort to prevent the Dakkar conquest of her home hold.

  • In 276, she was forced to flee Brühl with her clan as the hold fell. The dwarves took refugee in Grebor.

  • There, the clan joined forces with the local clans to repel the various waves of Dakkar forces that tried to root them. Koralon's jewelcrafting ambitions were soon replaced by working in the great smithies with other dwarves to mass-produce weapons and armour.

  • During the following decades, Koralon's family suffered a steady decline in member count along with the rest of the dwarves. Other members wandered away from Grebor as it never truly was their home. This was somewhat lessened by her finding a mate from Grebor and giving birth to four children.

  • It is during these years that Koralon's combat proficiencies improved greatly. She learned to fight, command and hold the line against all odds.

  • In 291AC, she left Grebor alone in an effort to find her eldest brother in Aldruin. There she learned that her brother was betrayed, by no other than a fellow dwarf who was since exiled, and vowed to deliver justice. In a slow and steady dwarven pace.

  • She travelled first to the Kingdom of Nordskag, where she arrived as a straggler in 294AC. Koralon accepted mercenary work for any coin and had her main interactions with the northern culture.

  • After her time in Nordskag, she secured passage to Drixagh where she spent five years traveling along various skagger hordes and employed as a smith.

  • In 300AC, she abandoned Drixagh and moved to Norrlan, working on as a smith and serving in various private armies.

  • She left Norlann during the Bone Horror Crisis to take refuge in Calemberg, where she lived as a straggler for two years before she earned enough coin from odd-jobs to travel to Regalia.
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After looking over this sheet, everything looks A-Okay to me. Approved.