Command | Assault
Command | Pursuit
Command | Execute
Command | Endure
Command | Overwhelm
Command | Fortify
Chem | Technique Parry
Intelligence » 5
Adapt | Wardrobe Pack
Tech | Exhaust
Tech | Resist
Tech | Livewire
Tech | Thruster
Magic » 2
Arcane | Barrier
Arcane | Healing
Faith » 1
Prayer | Blinding Prayer
Character Information
- Full Name » Koraloc Ferran Crowley.
- Heritage » Kathar (Reason Cult).
- Culture » Regalian (Rosendale-raised).
- Age » 23.
- Gender/Pronouns » Genderfluid, she/they/any.
- Religion » Aldurist, with a particular affinity for Apotheon and Catheron.
- Occult » Catheron Godborn; Abyss mage.
- Occupation » Smuggler, engineer, technician, and laborer for hire.
- Languages »
∙ Common [Native]
∙ Katharic/Pannarokh (K) [Fluent]
∙ Anglian (Ang) [Conversational] - Skills & Hobbies »
∙ Athletic. (Used to long hours and heavy lifting. Loves a good day out for fishing.)
∙ Technology. (Well-practiced with Arantech and Dark Metal,)
∙ Magic. (Ferromancer with a penchant for arachnid designs. Schools: Techmancy, Golemancy, Tenebrous, Elemental, Enchant.)
Personality, Appearance, & History
» Koraloc is a relatively friendly and down-to-earth individual, more often than not assisting civilians in house repairs, tech installations and manual odd-jobs for the reward of a hot meal or a bag of coin. Her speech is naturally softspoken, though practice with yelling over machinery and crowds of people means it is easily turned harsh and authoritarian when deemed necessary. What might initially be mistaken as a previous street urchin's skittishness may quickly transform into a fiery, opinionated voice of reason on behalf of those less well-off. In more desperate times, one might find that she's not squeamish about committing petty crime or smuggling goods on behalf of her gang, but she takes no joy in this, viewing it as a means to an end in hard times more than any source of thrill.
» Her easygoing attitude can be transient and quickly transform into a healthy dose of social dominance when she's decided somebody needs an extra push. Koraloc isn't always right, of course, but she faces things head-on more often than not, hardly being dissuaded or embarrassed by mistakes. Living hard and learning fast is how she's survived this long, and an earnest desire to better things for herself and her fellow man despite the occasional (or frequent) failure perpetuates this strength. She places scolding on the same level of value as active protection, and may extend herself for this reason, with a particular affinity for Bloodcast Knights. Nostalgic memories of Shoenn River often lead Koraloc to water, with her free time being spent walking along docks for coastal foraging and fishing for dinner.
» Beneath the surface of tough love and a steadfast wish to get things done lies something a bit more grim. Never having quite learned why her life is the way that it is, nor having solidified her connection to her God parent, Koraloc's frustration with the mystery of it all manifests in an intrusive, unshakable bitterness towards those objectively better off than herself. Try as she might to forget it, she dreams regularly of a different reality where she was granted the love and riches she could've had - should've had. Need not, want not can only drive the spirit so far, and there's some uncomfortable sort of wonder that maybe she'd be just as bad as her oppressors, if only she had the chance. Guilt haunts Koraloc as sure as the shadows beneath her feet. -
» Koraloc stands at an unassuming 5'8'', with a somewhat well-built and very slightly spindly silhouette produced from years of unkind labor and rationed meals. If not for a handful of more striking features, she would blend in well with any plain crowd. Her resting face is more often than not some combination of agitated and wistful, though a smile may appear just as easily. The Kathar's postured is often laxed and loose until something beckons her attention.
» Embroiled eyes stare out from Koraloc's somewhat androgynous features, possessing peachy-orange sclera and irises as bright as tempered gold. Subtle scarification decorates the curves of her cheekbones and chin in lieu of jewelry she perhaps wishes she could wear. The Kathar's hair is warm black with a streak of white in a shoulder-length shag style, often worn up and out of the way in a high, messy ponytail. A foreboding crown of four large, curled horns comparable to that of a Jacob sheep span out from her head, granting her no anonymity.
» Her clothing of the day varies on what job she's designated herself to. More often than not, Koraloc dresses the part of practicality and working-class ease. Harnesses, belts, tight-fitting shirts, large-pocketed trousers and tall boots are the norm. She enjoys higher fashion, but doesn't often have an excuse to wear it herself, and isn't so quick to admit that. -
» Raised as a child laborer in the winding streets and suffocating factories of Rosendale, Koraloc is no stranger to the cruelty of demand and the people that run it. A desperation for work led the young Godborn and her abruptly illness-stricken mother from Mineria to Rosendale, forced to relocate for reasons she can no longer recall clearly as an adult. The river-split city offered much, but simultaneously stole much. Sometimes, the price made itself apparent in minor abrasions to the soul - a rotten apple for lunch here, a scathing insult from passerby there; a painful cough from coal smog here, a neglected injury from machinery there. Occasionally, Koraloc's stubborn willpower to persist and provide was tested much more directly.
» Koraloc adored her coworkers, even if they were strangers. Instead of seeing a half-demon, they instead recognized the wide-eyed eagerness of a lonely technician who only wanted to assist, and treated her accordingly. Brutal treatment from overseers aside, she found comfort the kind, tired faces and helping hands of her fellow laborers. A certain generosity was extended in an effort to protect the younger worker from particularly hazardous tasks - after all, she was only as useful as the number of fingers she still had. A fateful tale of straws being drawn for a new and unpredictable Steamtech mill nobody wanted to operate themselves led to one such coworker taking the responsibility for Koraloc instead, and she bore direct witness to the predictable and horrific workplace accident on the sidelines of that factory floor - one that would render Elizabeth permanently maimed and out of a job, and one that Koraloc would blame herself for indefinitely.
» Now parentless, spiteful, and quietly petrified of losing the closest thing to family she has, Koraloc has migrated to Regalia City with her ragtag group of coworkers-turned-gang-members without question. She is fiercely protective of the self-proclaimed Rosendale Hounds, and in particular Elizabeth, whom she quietly has sworn to safeguard in the aftermath of her lifechanging injuries.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Wisdom » 7Command | Assault
Command | Pursuit
Command | Execute
Command | Endure
Command | Overwhelm
Command | Fortify
Chem | Technique Parry
Intelligence » 5
Adapt | Wardrobe Pack
Tech | Exhaust
Tech | Resist
Tech | Livewire
Tech | Thruster
Magic » 2
Arcane | Barrier
Arcane | Healing
Faith » 1
Prayer | Blinding Prayer
Magic Identity (Catheron Godborn) | You choose one Magic School for free on top of your standard limit, but only receive a single mechanic from it, regardless of your Magic Proficiency investment. However, you can choose which of the Mechanics within the Magic School, that you gain access to. |
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