Preserved Sheet Kohi Zevkar

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Nov 16, 2016
Reaction score
The Universe
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Kohi Zevkar
  • Age: 67
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Dakkar
  • Main Ambition: Magical prowess
  • Special Permission: Expert in environmental manipulation.
Skill Information (Optional)

  • School: Stone magic hurling rock and environmental manipulation.
  • Level: Currently mage in hurling rock and environmental manipulation, applying for expert in enviromental manipulation.
  • Source: He was raised in abandoned Dwarven strongholds where he found books on this magic. He practiced for many years.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color:Yellow.
  • Hair Color: None
  • Hair Style: None
  • Skin Colour: A pale red
  • Clothing: He doesn't wear clothing, but he does have the natural armour of the dakkar, which is maroon.
  • Height: 6'7
  • Weight: 246 oz
  • Body Build: Tall and broad shoulders. He has the strength of an alior, as he is a mage, and is weak for a dakkar, but is still strong enough to be able to move quite fast in his natural armour.
  • Weapon of Choice: His weapon of choice is hurling rock mage (hopefully expert) though he sometimes uses environmental manipulation mage level (also hopefully expert) as a weapon, ie. sharpened spikes ect.
Visual Information (Expansion)

  • [*]Kohi is quite weak for a dakkar, although a non-dakkar wouldn't describe him as weak. He has a few scars on his chest from his time with his brethren, but is not criss-crossed with them. He also has thick bones, like the majority of his race. He isn't fat, and what little fat he has accumulates around his middle, though it can often be mistaken as muscle. His natural armour protects the backs of his arms, his back, his legs, his head, some of his face and the top of his head. It is mainly untended and jagged apart from the armour on his face, which looks like it is reguarily tended to.
    [*]Kohi speaks slowly, and his voice is deep and gravelly voice, like stones grinding of one another. He is fluent in Tekree and understands basic common.

Personality and Abilities (Required)
Personality Traits

  • Violent- As is the case with many dakkar, Kohi is violent. He enjoys fighting and finds it to be the perfect solution to nearly every problem, if not all. When in an argument, a fight or another act of violence will be the best way to resolve it. This can result in falling out with non-dakkars or ther non-violent people, not that he knows many.
  • Single-minded- He is single-minded, often not looking past his immediate goals. He doesn't think about others goals, unless they help or are similar to his own. He is determined to achieve his own goals, regaredless of the impact upon others. The only instance in which this will change is when he is emotionally attached or close to the other person, in which case he will consult with them on what to do.
  • Stubborn- Kohi is stubborn and refuses to admit that he is wrong to anyone but Nal Roh, as he has great respect for his Neta. Once deciding he is right, little with persuade him otherwise. Not even solid proof will convince him, unless provided by someone he trusts. This can result in fights, and is not aided by his violent nature.
  • Religious- Like most dakkar, Kohi is almost fanatical in his devotion to Hael, his war-like God. He enjoys performing in religious ceremonies and fights for Hael are and honour. He considers many people heratics, and to him, Freya Lo is heracy of the highest kind. He will hate anyone considered as a heritic by his Neta, and shuns all other religions.
  • Loyal- Kohi is loyal. Once you have formed a bond of trust, he will willingly do nearly anything for you, regardless of the cost upon others. He makes friends for life, the only time this bond can be broken is when you betray him, or one of his other, more trusted friends. This trait means he can often do foolish things for others, as he doesn't fully consider the pros and cons.
  • Amusing- despite all non dakkars being unable to understand the jokes he makes, Kohi does have a streak of light-heartedness running through him. Though many jokes would not be considered to aliors or other non dakkar, to a dakkar they generally will be amusing. Be it incidentally or purposefilly, Kohi can tell some great jokes!

  • Tactical: surprisingly enough, Kohi is quite tactical. Even though he often appears to be quite the opposite, he considers moves before making them, and weighs options up in as little time as he can, choosing one over another for the simple fact it might be faster to cast. He also thinks carefully about defense strategies, although this cunning only appears in battle.
  • Expert level stone magic: Kohi has a vast knowledge of stone magic, so much so that stone magic is almost second nature. Not only does he have a vast knowledge of stone magic, but he is very good at it, with the ability to use environmental manipulation almost naturally and effortlessly. He however; often pushes himself in order to increase in strength, which can result in over-exertion, despite his magical stamina.
  • Fast reflexes: Kohi was trained to re-act fast. His reflexes are super fast and almost instinctual, lacking no planning. They are often the most effective form of attack and defence as they are unpredictable, and unforeseeable. These reflexes have helped Kohi in many a battle, as he has re-acted quicker than expected and taken his enemy by surprise.
  • Sociable: despite the vast majority of people being unable to understand what he is saying, Kohi likes to talk to people, especially other dakkars. Due to his lonlely childhood, Kohi values friends above a lot of things. This means that if you speak to Tekree you have a huge chance of becoming Kohi's friend.
  • Miscommunication: After many years of living in the caves with his brethren, and no outside communication, he has learned fluent Tekree, however speaks nearly no common at all, and what little he does know is limited to a few words, not enough for a full conversation. This has lead to numerous incidents of varying hilarity, as what would be considered a friendly greeting among dakkars would be considered an assault among alior.
  • Short-sighted: Having lived in caves for a large amount of his life, Kohi's eyes are undeveloped, and he cannot see very far in front of him at all. This means that anything outside of his 10 meter range becomes blurrier and blurrier, and at 20 meters they are just a blob. This results in Kohi ignoring people outside of his range, even if he knows them, for he is unable to recognize them.
  • Short-tempered: Kohi has a short temper, which isn't aided by his violent nature. He can put up with few insults before he explodes at people, and even when trying to keep it it will generally shown this means that if someone is insulting him or his friends, he is one of the most likely to crack and attack them.
  • Fidgety: Kohi has problems listening to long lectures and sitting still. He is constantly fidgeting and moving, and he dislikes being forced to stay in one place. Despite this, if it it something he enjoys listening to he has to listen to, he will be less fidgety and more focused. This can make him tend to ignore people trying to tell him important things, just because he fails to be able to listen to an entire conversation. The place this least affects him is fighting, due to the fact he moves a lot and it is also something he enjoys. The problem with this is that he ignores lectures and fails to abide to plans set by his Neta due to this. This can result in a whole host of problems, namely the entire plan collapsing in on itself and people getting annoyed at Kohi for this. Unfortunately, he fails to see this as a problem and therefore won't let anyone blame him, which results in the same problems happening more than once. Despite this, Kohi is generally a key part of the plans, and therefore can't be excluded from them. He does, however, pay more attention during the missions, which can sometimes save the plans.
Relationships (Optional)
-Nal Roh @KiddingAround : Nal Roh is not only Kohi's Neta, but also his close friend. Nal Roh leads Kohi's clan, and for that Kohi has the utmost respect, and he will injure anyone who dares to insult or attack Nal.
-Ret Naraav @EnderTheMad : Ret is one of Kohi's fellow Daana-Parabuddh's and another practitioner of stone magic. These two are close friends and trust each other completely.

Life Story (Required)

Kohi was born among a pile of eggs, but he was the only one that hatched, the others lay cold, lifeless. Out of 9 eggs, the only one alive was him. His mother cared for him and fed him, and never let her eye stray far from him. From a young age, he would explore the settlement, wanting to help, or wanting attention. He was greatly loved as he was the only egg that had hatched the entire year, for reasons unknown. But due to this, he was lonely, and spent a lot of his time alone growing up. By 4 he was introduced to the religion of Hael, the prayers and sacrifices quickly became a part of life for him, and he found nothing morraly wrong with the sacrifices, as it was for his religion. At the age of 13 he was exploring when he came across an abandoned Dwarven stronghold, and in it, a book that would change his life. The book wasn't written, but drawn, and thus he understood it. He spent as much time as he could on his magic, however; didn't practice stone shell for the reason that he had been brought up believing that it was worse to retreat than to loose.
By 16 he had raised in ranks, fighting his way up with the combined strength of magic and sheer power. He had shed blood, but not yet killed, in his bloody way up the ladder. He spent the next 7 years raising in power and status, as well as in magical prowess. He spent days fasting for Hael and sacrificing in the name of religion. By 23, he was one of the most respected dakkar in his clan. However; all good things come to an end, and his clan were attacked by dwarves. There were as many dead dwarves as dakkar, if not more, but the dakkar had been outnumbered, and there was nothing they could do to prevent this. Kohi hated himself for surviving, he had been on an exploration mission when the attack happened, and he had missed the entire thing. He escaped to the surface, where the harsh sunlight hit him harder than any sword, it was the brightest thing he had seen in his life.
During this period of his life, Kohi dedicated himself to his stone magic, living in solitude in the mountains. He spent all his time sleeping, eating, training and praying to Hael. He considered it a blessing from Hael that he had survived, and this made him even more dedicated to Hael. Eventually, after 41 years of training, (him being 54) he had reached the level he desired, expert. But; he wasn't going to stop there, he wanted to be better, and to do this, he needed to test himself against others. He packed everything he had, (which wasn't much, to be honest) and set on a journey to regalia. This journey took nearly 2 years, and he finally arrived.
Present day
He arrived just before Freya Lo became Queen, and upon her enthronement, decided she was heresy of the highest form. He joined a rebel group, The New Sun, and moved into the sewers, where he fights people in the sewer tavern and plots against Freya Lo.
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Awwww <3
(Its EnderTheMad, Not TheMadEnder)
Dont call me sandy
Peer Review Inbound!

Ok! First off i would like to say that this is actually quite the good Dakkar peer review, (WE NEED MORE DAKKAR ON THE RP SCENE!)
Please remove the things in brackets staing information such as "(Age in Aliorian years)" and whatnot. It just makes it easier to read.
Please write his weight
Please add another personality trait.
Please have one mental weakness/strength, one physical weakness/strength and one social weakness/strength.
Tag me @EnderTheMad when you are done.
I literally cannot find anything else, good app!
Hello! Here's my review!

Special Permission: Expert in hurling rock, expert in environmental manipulation.
  • This is too much. I'd like you to keep it at Mage-Mage for now.
  • This app should be checked for simple spelling and grammar errors. I found quite a few by just skimming it.
  • Magical stamina: Kohi can perform a surprising amount of magic before becoming exhausted. This means he can involve himself in a fight using magic and usually have the upper hand through this. However; this doesn't mean spells don't drain him, just less so than it would another.
  • This is not a strength, as it is not an innate ability but a factor determined by a mage's skill level. So, remove/replace it.
  • Weak: For dakkar, Kohi is weak. Despite this being strong to an average alior, it means he isn't able to use hand to hand combat with any other dakkar, and this can annoy him. He is unable to perform many strength related things in dakkar society. However; Kohi is still strong enough to carry his armor around without it causing him major bother.
  • This is a given weakness for any Mage, and being as strong as an Ailor is not a weakness.
  • Make the edits in another colour and tag me when you're done!
Dakkar are naturally physically strong. Even if Kohi is a Mage, he has natural physical strength and armour. Having that in combination with two expert forms of a magic is simply too much for one character.

He wouldn't have enough time to learn it, given that learning an expert magic takes 50 years if you're learning another magic, or even if you didn't count the extra ten years, it would take 40 years to become expert in each subform, and Kohi is only 57. Simply put, it's not possible nor acceptable for one character to be that strong.
@PonyoWantHam Hey! Just a little thing to throw in, SK8T meant Kohi to be just younger than my soon-to-be-approved expert dakkar, to let me set the "Age area" for Dakkar stone mages so i had 10 years leeway ahead of the required for stone magic.
Urgh... just realised something... my friend pointed out to me that his character, who should be 2 years older than me, is 12 years older than me. This has made me realise that the wrong age has been written in. I have also used the age written in his char app, and therefore the dates on his life story are wrong. I will change this.
@EnderTheMad Thanks buddy.
@EnderTheMad and @SK8T10 need a ship name!!!

(Also, a lot of your weaknesses seem to be mental or present in every Dakkar. You might want to add a physical weakness that would come up in a fight.)
@SK8T10 Expert in both subforms is still too much. Bump it down to Expert-Mage.

Also, being fidgety does not mean you have ADHD, it simply means you are fidgety. I suggest you change this, else it may not be properly portrayed as a weakness.
@SK8T10 Expert in both subforms is still too much. Bump it down to Expert-Mage.
Also, being fidgety does not mean you have ADHD, it simply means you are fidgety. I suggest you change this, else it may not be properly portrayed as a weakness.
Right, I din't do full research, and upon the full research have decided I will most likely portray this incorrectly. I have therefore changed it to Fidgety, and added more detail about why this is a problem in blue.