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eater of nuggies
Mar 20, 2020
Reaction score
a place of love
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ko'dir'iyl'en Cosranthae
  • Nickname: Kodi
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Male~ Masculine Presenting
  • Race: Cielothar~ Circle of Aiel
  • Sexuality: Pansexual~ Female Lean
  • Preferred Weapon: Kindness✨
  • A pouch of ten or so regals
  • A small bell
  • A vial of pure vocadine
  • A vial of Rublyflower Intensoid (Tallow + Volcalitic Dust)
  • A vial of Poppy Milk Intensoid (Tallow + Vocalitic Dust)
  • A vial of Garuda Stalk Antitoid (Vocadine + Vocalitic Dust)

Skill Information

Total Points: 24 age + 10 talent + 10 hobby

  • Fist Combat: 3~ 3 Invested
  • Alchemy Science: 10~ 10 Invested
  • Finecraft Science: 4~ 4 Invested
  • Vocal Singing: 2~ 2 Invested
  • Strength Training: 7~ 7 Talent
  • Bodycare Training: 3~ 3 Talent
  • Horticulture Art: 10~ 5 Hobby + 5 Racial Boost
  • Animal Husbandry: 5~ 5 Hobby
  • Wooden Art: 3~ 3 Invested
  • Whimsy Sorcery: 2 ~ 2 Invested

Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 20
    • 3 ~ Fist + 7 ~ Strength + 2 ~ Metallurgy + 5 ~ Horticulture + 1.5 ~ Wooden Art + 1.5 ~ Bodycare
  • Body Shape: Muscular
  • Body Fat: Average


  • Plains-Elven~ Native Language
  • Modern Altalar~ Learned in Childhood
  • Common~ Learning in Regalia

Special Traits


Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
  • Hair Color: Sandy Blonde
  • Hair Style: Medium-length ~ Fluffy
  • Skin Color: Caramel
  • Clothing: Bright ~ Bauble-y
  • Height: 6'2"

  • Alignment: Neutral Good
    • Kodi is overtly altruistic. He generally respects authority, but he will not follow a command if he believes it is wrong.
  • Personality Type: ENFP ~ Campaigner
    • Campaigners are free spirits who thrive off of making emotional connections. They are typified as charming, energetic, and compassionate.
  • Religion: Faith of Estel (5/10)
    • Kodi's mother raised him in her faith. He worships not because his belief is strong, but because he enjoys the feeling of connection it gives him.

[*]Afraid of the Dark
[*]Inexperienced Drinker
[*]Has a Horrible Sense of Direction
[*]Sunflowers~ They are tall, bright, and love the sun. Kodi finds a strange sort of kinship with the flowers, as can be seen by a large number of them on his tattoos.
[*]Baby Animals~ He thinks they're adorable; no further explanation is required.
[*]Hugs~ Kodi prefers physical affection above all other forms of praise. Its simple, straightforward, and easy to be reciprocated. He believes a hug is the best way to let someone know they are loved. He has not yet learned that some cultures don't feel the same way about being touched.
[*]Violence~ An innate trait in Cielothar, Kodi hates to see and hates even more to participate in any violent acts. Because of his intense empathy, he often literally feels pain if he witnesses someone get hurt. This extends from physical attacks to verbal fights.
[*]Chocolate~ Kodi dislikes all forms of chocolate. Something about the slight bitterness combined with the texture makes him feel almost sick to his stomach. He finds Kaffee tolerable only if it's extremely diluted with cream and sugar.
[*]Sitting Still~ Kodi is an active soul. Remaining in the same place can make him anxious and twitchy. This makes it hard for him to do any kind of written work.

Life Story

Kodi was born, like his older sibling of one year, Aloranthae, in a vain attempt from their father to produce a mage. The man was severely dissatisfied with his children when he discovered they did not have this quality. He paid them little heed. Thus, it was the children's mother who raised and cared for them.

Kodi spent his youth in his relatively small birth-village. He was a goofy and caring child, always trying to be helpful. He naturally gravitated towards his local clinic, where the owners welcomed him whenever he pleased. He soon expressed a desire to learn alchemy and healing himself. They taught him the science with patience and grace, and he learned through perseverance and countless broken bottles.

Kodi looked up to Aloranthae throughout his childhood. They were incredibly artistic, brave, rambunctious, and many other things that Kodi was not. So when Aloranthae inevitably left home to become a knight, Kodi was left without one of his closest companions.

A few years after Aloranthae departed, Kodi reached the age of 15, the age he would undergo the Trial of Estel. It went splendidly. Kodi was already fairly sure of his purpose - to bring happiness and healing to the world. After 24 hours of meditation, Kodi was placed into the Circle of Aiel, and his familiar permanently assumed the form of a large and hairy sheepdog.

Kodi trooped on, continuing his casual apprenticeship with the healers. He took a special interest in caring for livestock and children. During Aloranthae's absence, his family received a new addition, this time with a magespark. Kodi's relationship with his younger sibling was rather distanced because their father trained his youngest child excessively.

Aloranthae returned a fully initiated Bloodcast Knight at the age of 20. The reunion left much to be desired. When Aloranthae saw how their youngest sibling was being trained, they got into a tremendous fight with their father. Aloranthae tried to convince the family to disown its paternal figure. They refused. He was reserved, sure, but Kodi knew his father loved him and believed his intentions were pure. Try as they might, Kodi and his mother could not sway Aloranthae from this stance. Even Aloranthae's belated Trial of Estel did not change their opinion. Aloranthae left their village once more, this time with no hope of their return.

For the next few months, Kodi and his mother fretted. They got no word from Aloranthae and could only assume the worst. Finally, one of their neighbors received a letter from a family member in Regalia. Aloranthae was alive, but they were also infested with the Void. After a concerningly short period of deliberation, Kodi left home for the first time, in search of his wayward sibling.
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