Preserved Sheet Kodgrak Havagard

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Local Imperial Knight
Dec 20, 2020
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Kodgrak Doladruin Havagard Aldor

  • Race: Dwarf

  • Age: 78 (Appears 27)

  • Gender: Male

  • Eye Color: Dark Green with flecks of Brown

Core Concept
  • Kodgrak is a Dwarf who's taken up the ancient art of craftsmanship to continue to honor his family's legacy. Coming to the Crown City to offer his services to the deep-pocket consumers, he's committed to working his craft and nothing more. He's a Faithful of Duindin.


14/14 Points Used

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 7
    • Metallurgy Crafting - Racial Free
    • Wood Crafting
    • Earthenware Crafting
    • Resilience Training
    • Bruteforce Training
    • Ironheart Training
    • Counterplay Pack
    • Tradeoff Pack
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 7 - Exist
    • Displacing
    • Materialism
    • Enchanting
    • Disruption
    • Breaking
    • Blessings
    • Mimicry
      • Greater Mage
    • Knight Summon
    • Magic Smash
    • Mercy of Life
  • Charisma: 0
  • Dwarf Racials
    • Weapon Summon - Dwarf Modifier
    • Control Immune - Dwarf Modifier
  • Dwarf Specials
    • Masters of the Anvil
    • Unparalleled Quality
    • Utilitarian Handiness
    • Natural Affinity
    • Unbroken Kinship
    • Dwarf Aesthetics
  • Melee Abilities
    • Rage Counter
    • Defense Stance
  • Magic Abilities
    • Combatforce
    • Arcane Knockback
    • Pocket Dimension
    • Enchanted Well
    • Link Disrupt
    • Healing Hands
    • Break Enchant
    • Knight Summon
    • Magic Smash
    • Mercy of Life
  • Magic Specials (18; 6x3)
    • Heat Immune
    • Wind Element
    • Life Wall
    • Altered Voice
    • Emote Infuse
    • Scan Sight
    • Prison Break
    • Cold Immune
    • Time Cleanse
    • Metal Element
    • Fire Element
    • Stone Element
    • Dueling Brand
    • Rune Smithing
    • Arcane Mastery
    • Armor Cleanse
    • Surfwalking
    • Smoke Element
    • Lightning Immune
    • Sparkwalking
    • Time Cleanse
  • Common (Free)
  • Dwarvish (Native)
Appearance Information
  • Kodgrak is, like other dwarves, short. However, he is very stout, and years of working in a forge have caused his muscular build to show through most forms of clothing. At the same time, it has left his hands and face almost permanently stained with coal-dust, and a permanent scowl from staring into burning flames most of the day. Flowing black hair and facial hair match the dusty patterns of his clothing, and he's most likely found in his working clothes and apron.

Life Story
  • Kodgrak was born to a small family of Dwarves in the hold of Aldor.

  • Kodgrak was brought up in the forges of the great hold, learning how to work with metals and machinery alike. Studying under a fire-mage, he learned how to weave the planar essences to bolster the forges.

  • As Kodgrak came of age, he packed his tools and wares into a cart, and made his way to Regalia. News had spread of a lack of forges, and he ventured to make his own.

  • As such, Kodgrak is a smith and engineer, someone who's driven to collect money to send home to the hold, and pursue the betterment of his craft in the Empire.
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Hello @AshenRoman here is your review. Mention the Planar alignment of your Magic in parentheses next to it. Rest seems fine.