Preserved Sheet Klaus Clotaire Ravenstad

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An Unfortunate Scotsman
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
St Andrews, Scotland.
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Klaus Clotaire Ravenstad
  • Age: 30, born April 2nd, 275AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor.
  • Main Ambition: To be accepted as a tactician in the Regalian Army.
  • Special Permission: Field Commander.
  • Klaus was requested to arrive in Regalia after his fourteenth year of study in the School of Leadership, traveling towards the Holy City at the age of 29 in his own time and arriving after reaching the age of thirty in the hopes of taking up a roll in the Regalian Armies.
  • Born to the Lady Constance and Lord Rolf Ravenstad, Klaus grew up the third child of the two, ambitious in the art of tactical warfare and disheartened by many around him, although he never failed to carry out his dream of becoming a Field Commander and upon the age of fifteen, he traveled to the School of Leadership, where he learned in the art of war.
  • Klaus hopes that one day he can join the Noble rankings with a title of his own, whether it be low or not, he wishes to be seen in the eyes of the Court, not only by his family, but by his peers.

  • School: School of Leadership (Battle Command), School of Siegwald.
  • Level: Scholar (School of Leadership). - Fighter (School of Siegwald).
  • Source: Attended School of Leadership in the hopes of becoming a Field Commander, Siegwald Schooling was through the Battle Command course of the School of Leadership.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Hazel Brown.
  • Hair Color: Dull Ginger.
  • Hair Style: Short Length, Neatly Styled, Quiff at Front, Bun at Back.
  • Skin Color: Pale, slightly tanned, but mostly seen as white.
  • Clothing: Noble Garments, wearing extravagant reds, golds, blacks and purple.
  • Height: 6'2ft.
  • Body Build: Avarage.
  • Weapon of Choice: Blacksteel Arming Sword, named Stahlklaue which is carried at his belt.


  • Having a rather strange coloured eyes for a Ravenstad, a hazel-brown to be in fact, although keeping the originality of ginger hair of which he keeps at a reasonably short length, other than a small bun that he retains at the back of his head, slightly drawn out cheekbones, a lovely, slightly more outstanding chin and little facial hair, apart from his goatee, Klaus is your avarage Ravenstad.

  • Maintaining a Muscular build with the rigorous exercise he puts himself through, Klaus stands at 6'2ft, his body is adorned with few scars; although those that are there seem excessive to the point of a scar running down from his lefter-most chest to his right hip, where a blade had run down his body in battle. - Also adorning another scar upon his chest in the shape of a Raven, a form of past torture.

  • Klaus wears anything that his family approve of, often following in their footsteps with his decisions, he likes to blend in with the bunch the best he can, retaining a lovely sense of fashion in both public displays and in battle, where he wears a suit of crimson red armour, rimmed with golden features and the sigil of House Ravenstad on the right shoulder.

  • Klaus speaks like any other, although retaining a slight Alt-Regalian twang to his accent, he speaks as though he is a friend to all, following formalities of course, but he never fails to compliment with his rather deep, louder voice from his military years of shouting commands.

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Klaus is seen as a charitable, well-kept man, involved mostly in common affairs as he is seen as one of the many public faces of his family, he keeps himself active within the Regalian community after years of service in the School of Leadership. - When someone is to hear of this brave war-hero, they would often think of him as hardy, dangerous or even advantageous, but in truth, when first met, he is simply a man of wise words and a tactical mind. - Often, Klaus can get a bit too prideful, as such, he is often seen speaking highly of himself and his "Brave Heroics" in his past battles, this can often lead to people thinking of him as self-centered and slightly arrogant.

  • Second Paragraph: Klaus sees himself as a man of honour, dignity and good will, keeping himself in good shape, he sees little wrong with himself and is confident in his personality, body and otherwise. - This is simply because he sees himself as a man to be looked up to, after his years of service, good-will and charity.

  • Third Paragraph: Treating his family as they should be, with friendly manner and a respectful mind, Klaus is much a loyal, hardworking individual within his family, often attempting to bring them joy, happiness and excitement with his tales of the battles he once fought in. - When it comes to lovers however, he is slightly more informal, spending most of his time pitching woo and showing his affections towards them. - Friends are constantly complimented in the hopes that he might better his relations with them, this is simply his frame of mind, in attempts to get a good word from them.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Klaus is a follower of Unionism, as such, he doesn't dare go against the law, attempting to maintain the Emperor's Peace within the city and the Archipelago when it is needed. - He sees himself as a good man, taking his efforts into consideration at all times and never going against the protocol of a Knight.

  • Knowledgeable: Keeping himself up to date in the library and public records with Regalian battle histories, strategy and of course reading up on small spots of common knowledge; Klaus is an all-round advisor to anyone whom wishes him to be. Whether they are a family member or not. - This acts as a form of tactical and physical knowledge when he needs it, having read many a book on combat and of course on how to organize a troop of soldiers.

  • Dedicated: If Klaus is given a command by a family member whom is above him or chooses to follow a cause, he will die for such things; often spending long amounts of time pursuing the task at hand. Keeping a determined mind and vigilant eye for anything that can help him in his tasks. - This was acquired in time, as Klaus was trained in the School of Leadership; he learned to follow commands. Following his superiors until death befalls him.

  • Battle-Hardened: Throughout years of rigorous training and many a battle, Klaus has become a specimen of good health and outstanding prowess on the battlefield. As such, he is often known to take high-up positions in battle; leading whatever amount of men he is handed out. He dare not travel at the back of his forces, but lead them from the front; gloriously into battle, wielding his blacksteel blade. This making him seem much more respectable and often more desired to be brought into battle.

  • Musician: Klaus, although being a Field Commander is not opposed to a bit of music in his life and often expresses this through his abilities on the piano. This was taught to him in his youth at his own request after having been to see many an opera and musical in his younger years and he has never had the ability to give it up since.
  • OCD: Klaus maintains the highest standards of cleanliness in his office and home, if not, he can often have a breakdown, he is sure to keep visiting the office throughout the day, in case something is misplaced by his assistant or other office staff. - Unfortunately Klaus has always been like this, and does not hold back on his troops if they can't keep a tidy tent in times of battle; showing bouts of anger towards those whom can't keep cleanliness to a maximum. - He has been known once or twice to lose his temper in the tavern, either over people spilling the smallest dribbles of ale or the fact that people would dare to smoke inside; flicking their ash unto the floor. - His life is a distasteful experience of challenge after challenge, and often within outdoor areas; if a path is not properly brushed or a bush is not correctly trimmed. He tends to slowly lose his calm, building it all up until a large, uncontrolled outburst.


  • Sword-fighting: Klaus is trained with a longsword, and as such takes the time to have himself train daily with it, having hired the help of an older Viridian Knight to test him in his spare time, and often pulling aside a family member that has trained in the Viridian Order to assist him when possible.

  • Order: If there is one thing that Klaus prefers, it is order among the citizens and Noble Houses of Regalia, often basking in the glorious silence that comes with such Order, Klaus grew to love such silence during his time in the School of Leadership, and certainly won't stop loving it any time soon.

  • War: During his training, Klaus was called to war twice, both times he loved the rush he got from being attacked and working as a team with his fellow knights to fight against said enemies, this gave him a thirst for battle, an understanding as to how the battle works and how it will eventually end.

  • Stahlklaue: Klaus' prized possession, forged upon his first experience in battle. Klaus openly carries this weapon as a tribute to his friends fallen in battle, engraved with the School of Leadership's very own crest. It's value to Klaus is unfathomable compared to all of his other possessions, a mark of his valiance in battle, a noteworthy blade for any to look upon.
  • Drinking: Klaus will often order himself a bottle of the finest alcohols in all the Archipelago, but not often does he drink it, often stashing it away for a special occasion, if he does drink however, in a tavern or at a social gathering, it is wine that he prefers.

  • Belittlement: In his own mind, Klaus likes to see himself as different to others, having spent most of his time in a school not frequented by his family and being a charitable man, it opens up a gap for him to be mocked or even spoken down to by many a people, as such, he often grits his teeth and works through it, but the disrespect sticks in his mind, for sure.

  • Opposition: If someone steps up to the challenge of taking this warrior on, Klaus sees this as a challenge to not only himself, but everything he holds dearest, his honour, respect and name. - As such, Klaus is known to fight with dangerous talent, often taking it upon himself to knock his opponent off their feet without so much as a warning.

Percival II Leufroy Casimir Kade-Alltmeister: @Muffins - The head of House Ravenstad and Klaus' superior in every way, he often takes orders from this influential cousin and currently holds the hope that he can one day amount to something in Percival's eyes.

Ania Santorski: @MantaRey - His ex-sister in law after her divorce to his elder brother, Bastian, whom was disowned from the Ravenstad family, although Klaus has spent little time with Ania in the past, he has heard great things about the woman.

Médard Erulon Ravenstad: @AntonVoron - His elder brother and Supreme Reverend, although falling out of touch with the man after his many years in training, Klaus respects his brother much as any other would, his undying respect for this man does not waver one bit and he speaks of him highly.

Laudus Clovis Ravenstad: (Unplayed) - His younger brother, although Klaus doesn't have a clue what he actually does, he certainly loves him as a brother should and respects his place within the family, although not really caring to speak with him often, for reasons unknown.

Constance Rosamund Ravenstad: @YLMadness - Mother to Klaus, Médard, Bastian and Laudus, he has amazing respect for this woman, of course, respect must be given to the woman whom brought him into the world.

Katrina C'Aelrith: @Emo_Bunny - Friend and Assistant, Katrina is often called upon in times of hardship and need, when Klaus requires moral support or assistance with his many piles of paperwork.

Siena dei Orazio: @Rochelle_ - Klaus' current love interest and close friend, often she looks after him better than he can do himself. A mutual love for the both of them.

Life Story

Born in the warm spring of 275AC to Constance and Rolf Ravenstad, Klaus was the third-born child into their arms, being that of a rather skinny and tall child.

Upon reaching the age of six, Klaus was already thriving within the family, learning two of the three tongues he was to eventually take up and also taking an interest in Ravenstad Family History, especially that of which was to do with war.

Almost two years after his initial period of research into the Family History and Tongues, Klaus requested that he be sent to train in the School of Leadership, Discipline of Battle Command, Land Based. - This would begin when he reached the age of 15.

At the age of thirteen, Klaus was excelling in his home studies, learning how to wield training blades and of course, speaking all three of the required Ravenstad Languages, Common, Alt-Regalisch and Ithanian. - Of course, he had already known Leutz for his entire youth, growing up with it being his first language.

Upon reaching the age of fifteen there was little time for him to spend at home, Klaus was trained just like any other student, passing in his exams with reasonable ease, and although having a tactical mind, his studies were purely towards the art of war. - This meant he would be trained with the Siegwald Arming Swords and Banners.

At the age of 20, Klaus found himself in the midst of the Ranger Crisis, his blade not failing to cause damage in battle, being lead by a respective officer in the School of Leadership as his first taste of battle. - This brought him to view war as little more than a game, the rush exciting and bringing him to a state of enjoyment in the midst of war.

Upon reaching the age of twenty two, Klaus met his first love, a young lady named Eribelle, of whom his parents disproved and requested that he stopped seeing her, under the reasoning that she was a commoner and he was above her in every respect. - This lead to his further focus in his studies, in order to prove to his parents that he was capable of leading his own life, although failing in such respects.

It was not much later, in his twenty fifth year that he decided to spend the next four years detached from social situations, in case he was to fall for another common girl and disappoint his parents further, instead, he simply kept his head within books and his body in peak condition for training and further battle experience.

Joining in the Battle of the Curag Fields naught but two years back, Klaus lead a small group of knights and archers into battle in the final confrontation, finding themselves victorious in their efforts, but not without many a casualty.

Upon reaching the age of twenty nine, having spent his years upon the battlefield and returning home to his parents, he was requested to make his way to Regalia in order to join the Military as a commander in battle, of course, at this point he could only write to his dearest cousin, Percival to request he be placed within the Obermark Army, so that he could be close to family in some respects.

Upon reaching the age of thirty, Klaus arrived in Regalia, after his long, grueling task of traveling to the Holy City, he had chosen to ride with a small party of Ravenstad Guardsmen, through the Hinterlands simply to get an eye for his home once more. - He later brought himself to Daendroc, where he spent a month paying his respect to the fallen knights that he had served with during the Ranger Crisis.

Life Chronicles:

During the time of the Ranger Crisis in 295AC, Klaus was brought into the battle for his first taste of war, his battalion, lead by a superior student in the School of Leadership were known to have little involvement with the battle, but this is how it went down outwith history books. -

The air of war within Daendroc was thick, heavy with blood and all that Klaus could think about was the longing for a warm meal and a nice bed to sleep in, although within the tent he was forced to sleep in, he did have a reasonably comfortable sleeping bag. - The battle was long, hard even, his battalion taking to the front of the battle in order to amount a reasonable kill count.

This was a well-thought of strategy by Klaus' respective commander, meeting both Orcs and Elves head on with brute force, of course, at the time, Klaus was not completely battle-trained, only having fought with his fellow students in training.

Countless men died about him, either of illness, infection or dying in battle. - This brought about a disheartening moment for the young Klaus, although he soon pushed through, his longsword was used for countless hours, tearing though his enemies with what remained of the group he had been sent out with, in the end, after the short-lived battle, he was to return home, but not without his prized scar that now runs down from his upper-most left chest to his right hip.

Involvement during The Battle of Calemberg did not go unnoticed by the School of Leadership, as Klaus was called to arms by the Empire, taking his small battalion with him, fifty knights and no more than twenty archers befell his ranks, but they were that of a strong force, and one to be reckoned with for certain.

Assisting in the re-taking of Calemberg, the battalion lead by Klaus joined the front lines, many dying in the mayhem - Klaus brought himself to stand in the front lines with little quarrels of how it would go, and barely surviving, it seemed, Klaus was trampled by a horse in the final hours of the battle, one of his troops dragging him back towards the camp in order to see him safe.

What happened afterwards was somewhat of a blur, Klaus had told the story as such. -

His troops brought down havoc upon the Lo Forces that occupied Calemberg for that short time, and in truth, they would begin to mow down the forces with little to no trouble, being left with only Klaus and seven other knights standing, along with three archers remaining, they returned to the School of Leadership only a few days after the battle concluded, where Klaus received proper treatment for his injuries and was soon up in action again.

Having fought with the School of Leadership for many a year, Klaus was called upon to fight in the final confrontation of the Battle of the Curag Fields, leading his own remarkable 70 trained Knights and 30 archers, they led their assault on the fogmen with intense results, losing many of their archers, all but seven surviving and dulling the number of knights down to 59 in his numbers, upon the defeating of the so-called "Estel", the knights launched a forwards attack, led by Klaus himself, screaming victorious battle cries as they pushed the enemy back into the forests of which they came from, in the end, his troops were not seen as heroes however, but as simplistic knights, after all, they were only a small amount of the numbers that added unto the Regalian Armies.
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Here is my peer review!
Basic information.

  • Firstly, you state in the skill section that he is from the school of leadership. Then you go on to say that he is "Warrior" level?
  • He might be a fighter, but Warrior level is still not applicable to an intelligence school,
  • It might be in your best interest to firstly specify what course of education he took (Battle command I'm guessing from the choice of career) and also what level he is, using the intellect leveling system. I also advise that you read up on the School of leadership one more time.
  • If he took the course of Battle command, he would have gone to the School of Tenpenny where he would have at least trained to fighter level. You can add his training in the skills section as well if you feel like it.
Personality and abilities.
  • In the entire Personality trait section I did not see a single hint of negative traits, apart from him maybe being a little prideful. He is made out for everyone to like him, and while he might be a very likeable guy, perhaps you should add some traits that people would be less likely to appreciate. If he is prideful or a bit arrogant, you should add that to the way he is perceived
trained in the School of Leadership, he learned to follow commands and go with his gut instinct
  • Generals and officers from the Academy of Admiralty are not taught to go with their gut instincts unless extremely desperate. They are taught to deploy various tactics and counter measures and are also taught perceptiveness in observing enemy strategy and troop formations, to then counter them with another form of tactic and procedures that they repeated through training.
Klaus is known to be able to spot any odd behavior or strange happenings in little time, having chosen to study different races in the past and their mind-sets. - This talent was acquired in his earlier years, upon first joining the School of Leadership, he often frequented the library on an evening in the hopes of bettering his knowledge of warfare and races within the Archipelago.
  • All races are infinitely different from person to person just like humans. Of course there are certain norms and inherent traits, but reading a couple books about asians doesn't allow me to sense their every thought and signal they give off. I might understand a couple more gestures or cultural norms but that is about it.
  • I also doubt that the Academy of Admiralty would focus much on teaching culture classes, and if he chose battle command he certaintly wouldn't have enough free time to get an extensive knowledge of it even if they did. The books would more likely concern the various generals, and repeatedly observed tactics, counter tactics, strengths, and weaknesses. Obviously also how to exploit those weaknesses and counter their tactics.
  • Also, you mention the School of leadership as if it is the source of his every talent and ability. Would he be nothing without his education?

Upon reaching the age of six, Klaus was already thriving within the family, learning many a different tongue
  • So he was learning multiple languages by the age of 6? In modern times where our learning possibilities are far more advanced in that regards, a regular six year old can describe how two items are the same or different, retell a story or event without the help of pictures, and recount past conversations and events. In some cases use some irregular plural nouns, and that is about the extend of their abilities. While being exposed to other languages in their early years will aid their understanding, I find it difficult to believe that a child in these times could be capable of learning more than 2 languages at that age. 3 at /max/.
with many other a weapon
  • "Half the time here is spent training in the School of Tenpenny"
  • "Tenpenny is primarily taught with a short sword, which is the most standard of equipment for Regalian soldiers, however competency is also taught with a lance for formations. Rarely are students taught how to use a crossbow."
  • So at max he wouldn't have been taught with more than 3 weapons. I don't know if you would classify that as "many", but I wouldn't so I am also mentioning this.
and tactical tool that came with his training.
  • *Tools :)
his fighting styles varying between many of the large amount available within the School of Leadership.
  • The School of leadership does not neccessarily teach fighting styles. Refer to the school of Tenpenny (Which I linked earlier) For the combat forms applicable, unless he was taught elsehwere. In which case, add it.
Upon reaching the age of thirty, Klaus arrived in Regalia, after his long, grueling task of traveling alone to the Holy City.
  • He is an unordinarily rich noble with plenty of ships, horses, and carriages available to him, yet it took an entire year? And it was hard for him? Brissaud isn't that far from Regalia either, just a trip across slender south Anglia. Did he encounter any significant obstacles on the way apart from a bit of weather?
That is all I have to say on this application. Everything else is nicely written and balanced. Sorry if I seem a little rude in the peer review, I am still new and I can be a little blunt in my phrasing.
Of course this is not a Staff review and I might have given some wrong guidelines, and neither are you required to follow them. I hope to roleplay with Klaus in the future, and I am sure Edmure will take a good liking to the younger tactician as well.

(People say he needs more male friends .-.)
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@ScaledSupremacy - I have made the edits as you suggested, and I thank you for the more hard-hitting peer review, as constructive criticism in my eyes is required in order to make not just something, near enough anything, better. - PS. Edmure can be Klaus' friend <3
Wow. @ScaledSupremacy basically did most of the reviewing for me! Because of that, I've only got one or two things I will recommend you change for Klaus. Remember that these criticisms aren't supposed to be done to discourage you, but they're done to help you improve! Make any edits in blue and shoot me a tag once you're set.

Second Paragraph: Klaus sees himself as a man of honour, dignity and good will, keeping himself in good shape, he sees little wrong with himself and is confident in his personality, body and otherwise. - This is simply because he sees himself as a man to be looked up to, after his years of service, good-will and charity. - The flaws that Klaus sees in himself are ones that he attempts to hide, having PTSD from the Ranger Crisis in Daendroc, this has led to much emotional numbness, nightmares and flashbacks to the horrific events that left him so ill-minded.
At the age of 20, Klaus found himself in the midst of the Ranger Crisis, his blade not failing to cause damage in battle, being lead by a respective officer in the School of Leadership as his first taste of battle. - This brought him to view war as little more than a game, the rush exciting and bringing him to a state of enjoyment in the midst of war.
PTSD wouldn't cause him to become toughened up against battles like this. In fact, PTSD would mostly begin breaking him down. It causes the victim to feel confused, paranoid, and extremely anxious! If you do decide to keep this disorder, please make it one of his weaknesses. If not, simply remove all mentions of it entirely.
  • Knowledgeable: Keeping himself up to date in the library and public records with Regalian battle histories, strategy and of course reading up on small spots of common knowledge, Klaus is an all-round advisor to anyone whom wishes him to be, whether they are a family member or not. - This acts as a form of tactical and physical knowledge when he needs it, having read many a book on combat and of course how to organize a troop of soldiers, having been taught in the School of Leadership.

  • Dedicated: If Klaus is given a command by a family member whom is above him or chooses to follow a cause, he will die for such things, often spending long amounts of time pursuing the task at hand, keeping a determined mind and vigilant eye for anything that can help him in his tasks. - This was acquired in time, as Klaus was trained in the School of Leadership, he learned to follow commands, following his superiors until death befalls him.

  • Battle-Hardened: Throughout years of rigorous training and many a battle, Klaus has become a specimen of good health and outstanding prowess on the battlefield, as such, he is often known to take high-up positions in battle, leading whatever amount of men he is handed out, he dare not travel at the back of his forces, but lead them from the front, gloriously into battle, wielding his blacksteel blade, this making him seem much more respectable and often more desired to be brought into battle.
The spacing on the app is a bit wonky, as well as 'Battle-Hardened' has been made one sentence while having nine commas. Although I understand the whole thing, drifting over the application for a couple grammar mistakes wouldn't be a bad thing!
Wow. @ScaledSupremacy basically did most of the reviewing for me! Because of that, I've only got one or two things I will recommend you change for Klaus. Remember that these criticisms aren't supposed to be done to discourage you, but they're done to help you improve! Make any edits in blue and shoot me a tag once you're set.

PTSD wouldn't cause him to become toughened up against battles like this. In fact, PTSD would mostly begin breaking him down. It causes the victim to feel confused, paranoid, and extremely anxious! If you do decide to keep this disorder, please make it one of his weaknesses. If not, simply remove all mentions of it entirely.

The spacing on the app is a bit wonky, as well as 'Battle-Hardened' has been made one sentence while having nine commas. Although I understand the whole thing, drifting over the application for a couple grammar mistakes wouldn't be a bad thing!

PTSD Replaced with OCD (Changed to a weakness rather than having it situated in personality).

Added two new weaknesses and a new trait.
  • Distrusting: Klaus has experienced many a different relationships going bad in the past, his friends turning against him in the worst of times. - He has little to no respect for those whom try to win his favour with small talk, but he attempts to trust those around him the best he can; no matter how much his mind does not allow it.

  • OCD: Klaus maintains the highest standards of cleanliness in his office and home, if not, he can often have a breakdown, he is sure to keep visiting the office throughout the day, in case something is misplaced by his assistant or other office staff. - Unfortunately Klaus has always been like this, and does not hold back on his troops if they can't keep a tidy tent in times of battle; showing bouts of anger towards those whom can't keep cleanliness to a maximum.
Hmm. I'm not too sure about these weaknesses. Distrust is a personality trait rather than a weakness, so that will not do. OCD, while it is a 'suitable' weakness, it is very difficult to properly role-play without being offensive. I recommend you do not use it. Should you choose to do so anyways, can you give me examples as to when he will be affected other than when his office is ruined? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a great big demon that will not let the sufferer go no matter the convenience and circumstance.
Hmm. I'm not too sure about these weaknesses. Distrust is a personality trait rather than a weakness, so that will not do. OCD, while it is a 'suitable' weakness, it is very difficult to properly role-play without being offensive. I recommend you do not use it. Should you choose to do so anyways, can you give me examples as to when he will be affected other than when his office is ruined? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a great big demon that will not let the sufferer go no matter the convenience and circumstance.

Removed Distrust -

Edited OCD to better fit your standards.
I am reviewing this sheet!

  • Siegwald demands an arming sword, not a longsword, so alter that Blacksteel or don't have him own one. Also, expand on how he carries the sword around Regalia, and what the blade means to him.
  • Tag me when you're done @Vivamente

Sheet Status: Review In-Progress!
I am reviewing this sheet!

  • Siegwald demands an arming sword, not a longsword, so alter that Blacksteel or don't have him own one. Also, expand on how he carries the sword around Regalia, and what the blade means to him.
  • Tag me when you're done @Vivamente

Sheet Status: Review In-Progress!

The Blade has been altered to an arming sword, there is also a new portion about the blade within his "likes" section which is highlighted in green.
(Totally was stalking your app for art) In one of the spoilers Klaus' father is named Rolf, and then is named Alexander in the life story. Just pointing it out.
I beg of you Callum, if you are going to use my artwork in your app, do @me would you? That's all I'm asking of you.