Preserved Sheet Kivixtl'xti Tixvex

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Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score

Kivixtl'xti Tixvex
Sly bug on a mission to learn.
"Having knowledge means you have a better weapon than anyone."


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Kivixtl'xti "Kivi" Tixvex
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Cirrci - Mekket
  • Main Ambition: Knowledge on magic
  • Languages Known; Common - X'ota - Elvish

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Paleish yellow color
  • Hair Color: Redish Orange
  • Hair Style: Usually kept straight
  • Skin Color: Russet Brown
  • Clothing: She is usually found wearing a deep blue dress that her brother made her.
  • Height: 5'2
  • Body Build: Skinny - Petite
  • Weapon of Choice: Chrysalis Weaving, and very very limited knowledge of the mekket ebhula.



Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits
  • Intelligent "Hush. And listen to what I have to say." ; Having been raised in a rather logical and learning based environment with the other circci's, she was rather quick to acquire base knowledge of everything she was taught. She was quick to learning as much as she can, may it be from knowledge of magic to even knowledge of languages. She soon began to be able to teach others and help raise younger Circci's minds to know more about things to be able to tell other mekket's such as Torrp and Vissi what to do and to seem higher up than they actually are.
  • Alert "Hush. What was that sound?"; After realizing things aren't all peaceful as she would hope where she was raised, she soon found herself more alert than anything else. She quickly began to heighten her senses the best she could to be able to react quicker to things. She has become more alert throughout time, may it be from quick stepping from an attack to being aware of things around her.
  • Calm"Hush child, I am not here to harm you, calm yourself."; Kivi soon found herself being quite calm in certain situations when need be, known to be quite level headed at times. She usually speaks with a rather calm tone, and always trying to not freak out when it isn't the best time. She always has this air of calmness around her when she is in her zone and is usually calming others.
  • Skeptical "Are you absolutely sure that we are safe?"; As much as she hates to admit it, Kivi can be rather skeptical in most situations. Unsure of the outcome causes her to be weary of most things, even going to be saying that she is skeptical even if it's more logical for it to succeed. With being skeptical she can be rather doubtful in most situations, such as asking questions if someone is sure about what they are doing or even doubting others knowledge on things.
  • Blunt "Don't. And quit being an idiot."; Despite her caring nature she seems to have she can be rather blunt about things. She prefers things to be rather straightforward to her as well to others, she hates it when things aren't clear to her. Because of her bluntness to others she unfortunately has come off as rather rude or mean to some. She doesn't mean to be rude however she comes off that way in a blunt nature.
  • Delicate "Please...Be careful with me, I am quite weak..." ; Despite being rather blunt and cautious she is also rather delicate, may it be both mentally and physically. She is known for breaking down with either bad coughing fits, being a little physically weak with her immune syster failing at times. Her mental state can also be quite weak at times, known for her break downs and freezing up as well as anxiety that she gets at times. With her body and mind being rather weak, she is in constant need of being watched by others to make sure nothing bad happens to her.

  • Chrysalis Weaving; After spending several years in learning with other mekkets about chrysalis weaving. Unfortunately she now relies on the use of the chrysalis weaving to help and protect her when it comes down to it. She now uses it as a defense, healing, and offense if she has to in the long run. Because of her constant use of her weaving she has become quite skilled with it after a long time.
  • Clever; Kivi has always been one of the more clever mekket, she proves it to by picking up on things quicker than others. This trait also comes from the fights she's been in as well as being more reliable to others. After getting attacked so many times she has learned to quickly create lies or ways to get out of the trouble. She also tends to think of things that others don't in some situations.
  • Knowledgeable/Linguistic; The mekket has always been rather knowledgeable on both regular knowledge as well as languages. She has been rather keen on picking up certain things in both language and in figuring out how to act in other races cultures. She is rather diverse in her languages, having known at least five languages at this current point in time. She is determind to find more languages to learn as well as finding out more things about the races.
  • Alchemical Knowledge; Having been given the opportunity to learn new things from a friend she met where she grew up as a young child, she has gotten increasingly better at alchemy. She has soon found herself knowing how to make simple potions and other things to help others. She is more of a mastery in healing medicines and herbal practices having to know it for herself seeing how sick she can get at times.
  • Socially Strong; When I say she is socially strong I mean she has been able to create allies throughout her time within the sewers, causing her to be quite powerful in a sense. At this point in time she thinks of herself as some sort of diplomat with her ability to gather friends so easily. She has gotten stronger over time as she has been within Regalia, as well as being quite smart and clever. As well as being a diplomat from her home.

  • Physically Weak; After the years of studying more about languages and having been taught the use of magic she soon found herself more physically weak. Granted being physically weak is rather given seeing that she is a circci, knowing that she isn't that strong as a torrp or some other race. She finds herself in rather bad situations at times, being caught in a fight and ending up getting hurt is more than likely to happen with this bug.
  • Anxiety; Throughout her youth she had gone through severe stress, causing bad anxiety to occur with her at times. However she ignored it seeing as it only happened a couple of times, expect in recent years it has become worse for her. This causes her trouble whenever she is in rather large groups and if she feels closed in by others. As well as being rather cautious bug, whenever she is in serious situations her delicate body tends to crash when to much stress is put onto her.
  • Bad left shoulder; Having been attacked during the bone horrors appearance, outside of Regalia she was given a rather bad wound to her shoulder. She is still slowly growing acustom to her rather weak left arm strength compared to her right one. Considering she is rather weak as it is, because of the wound to her left shoulder it causes her left shoulder and arm to be rather useless in certain situations.
  • Insomniac; When Kivi was younger she found herself constantly having to pull allnighters to be able to do everything she was expected to do. Because of this she has found herself in a rather weakened sleep state, constantly having something on her mind not allowing her to sleep at night. Even within the relaxed setting of Regalia she still has a hard time sleeping, now found going out into the night whenever she can't sleep causing her to be less aware than she normally is.
  • Phobia's of Smoke/Water/Gas; From recent events she has recently gathered an intense fear of smoke, water and types of gasses. More specifically slither magic after being kidnapped and attacked a couple of times with such things. She begins to freeze up when seeing things or will turn to bolt away from these things when they get to close to comfort. She has a constant fear of being kidnapped once again as well.
  • Bad Knee; After getting attacked in the sewers and kidnapped by some certain people {cough cough Voidbloods coughhh} she has found herself with a rather weak knee now. Because of this it causes her to not be as nimble as she once was, quickly coming to relization that she would have to figure out ways to get away from danger now. However she has bad cramps and sometimes a hard time walking up and down stairs because of this mishap.


Zziviios Cra'sva "An Allar that has gained my trust, a cherished friend." - NPC { I am willing to let someone rp as this character if interested feel free to contact me. } - A close friend she had met while living with her family in Allossa'raz, she has mixed feelings about the male. She knows he is someone to trust however she is unsure of what he means by always following her around and being careful with her. She will always cherish his friendship despite some of the flaws he may have.

Vlu'xilkik Trzckk "Another Circci whom I enjoy and trust." - @Drahydra - Another circci she had the pleasure of meeting while in the park, only briefly having some chats with her though. She finds her to be smart and trustworthy, a good friend as well. She is willing to stand behind Vlu against the shining dawn as well.
Alo'kar Zastrianis "An interesting man but trusted friend." - @BTrooper19 - Someone she had met within the sewers and now finds as a strong friend. She trusts him enough to ask him for protection when needed, finding him quite noble and strange at times. Yet she knows that she doesn't have to be as cautious as she usually is.

Seraphina Eroth "A strange elf but I do not know whether to trust her or not." - @WalnutNinja - A strange elf that seems to pop up at random times and tends to forget her name. However she has grown used to the nickname 'Kiwi' that she got from her. She knows she is a friend but is cautious of what her intentions are at times.
Nal Roh "A strange dakkar, but he is helpful." - @Kidspair - Kivi met this dakkar in the golden willow tavern and some how continues to randomly encounter him at times. She is unsure if he is fully trustworthy yet she will continue to use his strength for her own gain. She finds him useful and a powerful friend if need be.



Life Story

Wakening from the Chrysalis Sleeper.

Kivixtl'xti found herself within a strange place around the age of 15, just waking up from the stasis she was trapped in. Slowly leaving the place she woke up in, she couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and many other things that irritated her. However she quickly got over her confusion and left to find herself a purpose in life, she couldn't help but try to figure out the reason to why she was in there. However she shook it off once she found a fellow Circci, Xixi who had been awake for awhile before her. The Circci, a male named Xixi, took her away to leave the area they had been stasis in. Once she left the area she soon found herself meeting Vixi, a male Circci whom she found herself traveling with for a time before getting strong emotions for him. Once they reached a certain point she soon found herself lead a hive with him, part of a union ruling. The chrysalis sleeper was deep within the ground of Hadar, however they left through a cave opening and ended up traveling by foot. Once they left the area, unsure of where they were they soon found themselves within the Empire of Z'listria. They had somehow made there way to Hadar, carefully trying to peice things together of who they were and why they were there.

Journey to the Empire of Z'listria

They easily began to create a way to embrace the fact that they were still alive, beginning to build there lives within the societies that they traveled to. Staying within the empire for awhile, slowly traveling from town to town, soon finding themselves within the capital known as Allossa'raz. Kivi, finding an interest with knowledge and languages she quickly shut herself away studying several things as they settled with the city.
As she began to focus more and more on her studies of both languages and of trying to figure out her past, she began to get more physically weak as she grew older. However one thing that began to become a problem is that she had a tendency to daydream and become more air headed in time. Around the age of eighteen she soon began to gather a bad anxiety problem after having one to many panic attacks from interacting with larger groups of other races. However her mentor and close friend, Xixi reassured her that she will soon work with it and figure her own ways of dealing with things.

At the age of 20 she soon began to work on her need to know even more, soon shutting herself away to try and focus more on her studies. Kivi soon found an interest in alchemy after she soon was introduced to both healing items and of being introduced to Obscura for the first time. She soon found herself a mentor, a Mu-Allar named Zziviios whom she found stealing some silk that her mentor Xixi had made for a shop he had within the capital of Z'listria. She had followed the male after he stole the items, even after being told not to. Kivi soon found herself making a friend out of Zziviios who was at first hesitant of the young mekket but soon grew a strong friendship with him. After a few years, she grew more knowledge with alchemy as well as finding more information on both magic and languages. However things began to change, when she turned 21 she was brought before her mentor and friend Xixi. She was soon given a task to begin to help with the younger Circci with their languages and even helping to teach them magic or at least help them figure out what they needed to do. She began to soon get bad Insomnia, having been working with both her own knowledge of alchemy, to helping the younger Circci's, to even working with Zziviios late at night. With her insomnia becoming worse and worse, she was soon told to take time off by both Xixi and Zzivi.

Going to Regalia.

She was soon sent away to go find a safe place as the bone horrors began to appear within the area, her family that she had made with other Circci's began to scatter across the lands in hopes of finding new things as well as hoping to find cover away from the bone horrors. She soon found herself within the walls of Regalia, having been left with a wound to her left shoulder. However the main reason she got to Regalia, she was saved by Zziviios, soon finding out that he had followed her out of worriment of her safety. She soon found herself staying with her Mu-Allar friend who had taken note of her worse anxiety and insomnia, having been worried for her family back home. She soon found herself trying to find work within the walls of Regalia.

Recent Life Events
In the past couple of weeks Kivi has found herself in many strange situations from getting attacked, kidnapped, falling in love, and the deathlings coming to Regalia. However she has figured ways to get past some of the attacks and continue to survive within the sewers, rarely coming out of them as of late. She has also recently shut herself away from people, being cautious of most.

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I would give you a peer review to return the favor but literally this is too good.
Hello again @Nesstro! I can tell you've done your research on this application and everything is written out beautifully. I had trouble finding faults and all of my edits are just small nitpicky things that should be a quick fix.

  • This is just a formatting issue - please align everything to the rest. Reading centered writing is a bit difficult.

  • I consider someone who is wise to be rather old with decades of experience and good judgement. Considering that Kivixtl'xti is only 23 I would replace wise with the word intelligent, it just seems more fitting.

  • I feel like the traits compassionate and blunt contradict slightly. Someone who is sympathetic and caring wouldn't be blatantly rude to someone. Even if she doesn't mean to be rude, someone can't be rude and compassionate at the same time. I'd remove one or the other.

  • The traits alert and cautious are synonyms of one another and are essentially the same from the way you've described them. Combine them into one trait. Add another personality trait after that so you keep to that six trait minimum.

That's all I have for you! Please highlight any changes you make in green and tag me when you're done.
I have made the edits you asked for! I hope its to what you would like!
[ Update Log ]
I have added two new weaknesses as well as one strength.
I have added more relationships as well.

Tagging @JarlJade to make sure the updates are alright.~
-is thankful that he found this page himself, and notices that his tags seem to be broken-
Rework of the character is now up after the mekket changes.
- Changed her backstory a bit to fit the lore.
- Changed height and appearance.
- Added some more strengths and weaknesses.
All changes in red.

Tagging @JarlJade for a re-review please to make sure everything is alright!
Rework of the character is now up after the mekket changes.
- Changed her backstory a bit to fit the lore.
- Changed height and appearance.
- Added some more strengths and weaknesses.
All changes in red.

Tagging @JarlJade for a re-review please to make sure everything is alright!
How did they get to Hadar specifically? Just mention the method of transportation and how she managed to afford it in her life story in about one or two more sentences. Other than that the rest of the changes you have here are up to scratch. Approved!
I added some art of Kivi and the approved tag got removed, could I get it added back please?