Preserved Sheet Kinyuki Hiraoka

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liar and milf lover
Staff member
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
twinleaf town, sinnoh region


"All the riches of the world are not of sufficient value to redeem one perishing soul."

[ x ] [ x ] [ x ]


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Kinyuki "Kino" Hiraoka
  • Age: 64
    • Born 15th July, 243 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ch'ien-ji (Sihai)
  • Sexuality: Fairly heterosexual.
  • Preferred Weapon: Halberd.
Skill Information
  • Total Points: 50 in total from age, -10 from Vampirism.
    • Combat Points:
      • +25 Polearm Combat (from Points.)
      • +15 Unarmed Combat (from Points.)
    • Knowledge Points:
      • +10 Food & Drink Sciences (from Points.)
      • +10 Eastern Knowledge (from Sihai race.)
      • +20 Magical Knowledge (from Vampirism.)
        • Arkenism
        • Racialism
        • Demonology
        • Sanguinology
  • Body Build
    • Physical Stat: 30
      • Calculation: 25 + ( 15 x 2 ) = 55
    • Body Shape: Ripped
    • Body Fat: Extremely Low
  • Languages
    • Common (from Parents.)
    • Wa'an (from Parents.)
  • Special Traits
    • Silven Muters (Mindgod):
      • Blood Muter
      • Magiceater Muter
      • Mindlock Muter
      • Altalar Muter
    • Vampire Muters (Zikiel):
      • Parlorica Vampirica (Elemental Shot)
      • Bending Arcana
      • Ownership Ward
      • Book of Cold Ones
      • Lich Guise
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Honeyed Gold
  • Hair Color: Raven Black
  • Hair Style: A bird's nest of loose curls, kept out of his face in whatever way he can.
  • Skin Color: A radiant olive, indicative of a lot of time spent outside.
  • Clothing: In comfortable garb, so long as it's conducive to the work he does.
  • Height: 6'1


"Duty is not collective; it is personal."

Personality and Abilities
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Kino fears very little - any possible terror derived from the threat of bodily harm or otherwise does nothing to him. If anything, the most frightening thing to him would be the safety of his father or his trusted friends being compromised. In those two situations, he becomes largely irrational in his decision making. There's very little planning going on in these fight or flight moments, only the quickest and most efficient decision that would lead to their safety.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • The halfling's performance increases with stress, drawing out emotions he tends to tuck away for the sake of speeding up conversation. He's somewhat impulsive by nature, becoming more violent and prone to instantly gratifying the first thought he has when under stress.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • He rarely expresses it openly, preferring to keep it to pleased glances and excited murmuring. Kino often flips between quiet excitement and open enjoyment depending on the company he's with, choosing to mute his reactions when near people not worth his time. Amongst friends and enemies, his reactions seem more exaggerated.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • The silven respects no authority other than those who command the respect of their subordinates. He holds little regard for the law, only for individuals and hierarchies who prove themselves effective and capable. Over the years, he's learned to respect very little except for strength and ability.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • In stark contrast to the norm for a devout Unionist, Kino actually doesn't hold much disdain for non-Ailor, being one himself. His concern (while still devout) was redeeming Silven and other aberrants to the Great Way, turning a mostly blind eye to the subhuman. He inherited the general disgust for Kathar from his mother, but aside from that, holds very little prejudice against any other group.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • He registers closely with the ideals of the Order of Calhad, in that so long as a person recognizes the power, legitimacy, and authority of the Spirit and Emperor, they should be allowed to worship as they see fit. The man doesn't seek to be a missionary, and doesn't actively try to convert, but worships fervently and frequently. Since being turned, his perception of religion has been warped into something strange and symbolic. He rationalizes his sanguinism as a necessary evil, a tool to be used to ensure other aberrancies and Silven can be redeemed.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • His adoptive father's policy, combined with the judgement of the Ailor around him as a youth, set the vengeful context he sees other Silven and most aberrants in. To him, their very existence is the highest heresy, a denial of the power that the Spirit wields. Unlike he, who'd been raised under the Spirit's watchful eye, they were merely demonspawn and infected who needed help redeeming themselves. He's more accepting of Witchbloods for a slew of reasons, chief among them being their use in dealing with the magical.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Towards his birth family, the halfling harbors a small kernel of anger and resentment. They had given him up in order to preserve their livelihood, something he'd often questioned in his youth. Buried with it, a vague sense of appreciation at the life they'd afforded him under the reverend. Towards the reverend, Kino feels nothing but gratitude, his salvation and redemption possible only through the man's grace.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Kino has lived a long life of reassurance, between himself and his father, so much so that he has little doubts as to his identity, privilege, and purpose. However, he does have deeply buried concerns about his origins and his relationship with his biological parents. There are times when he struggles to reconcile his feelings of inferiority to the Ailor Unionists, and while externally he might refute their criticisms, there's a feeling of inferiority nestled tightly underneath layers of practiced apathy. Ever since his infection, the sanguine disease has warped his mind into thinking that being a vampire is the only way he'll succeed in ridding the world of magic. He's quick to judge other vampires and aberrants, but thinks he's exempt from this judgement.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • His greatest pride is in his constitution, the feature that redeems him despite being Silven. The culmination of his muters makes him the enemy of all things magical, being able to reflect or consume anything of magical nature without fail. Despite the fact that other Silven can't be infected, he sees his ability to as a Spirit-given curse and blessing. Kinyuki sees it as his proud burden to bear for the sake of Unionism.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Kino desperately believes that if he can redeem the other Silven and other unwanted aberrants, the path to salvation remains open to him. The sin of his origin is by no means small: a voidling, and a half-elf at that. He also strives to find a means by which to keep his loved one in good health, devoting his own safety to ensure hers.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Most of all, he worries that he'll be unable to complete his objective by himself. Kino sees himself as the man most capable to dealing with Silven, but fears the possibility that the allies they've garnered and the magic they wield will be enough to put him down permanently. His regeneration affords him some confidence, but failure is at the root of his fear. His redemption will only come when he's redeemed the other Arken-born, and in order to wear the proof of his good deeds on his skin, he tattoos a Unionist eye on his skin for every Silven vindicated. His regeneration affords him some confidence, but failure is at the root of his fear.


"To your folly add bloodshed, and stir the fire with the sword."


Life Story

Birth and Childhood
Kinyuki Hiraoka was born to a Ch'ien-ji father and an Altalar mother in the city of Daishima, on the 15th of July, 243 AC. He was an only child, and due to the influence of an unknown Arken, born as a Silven. Despite this defect, his parents cared for him as best they could, providing him a comfortable youth. They were merchants by trade, bartering and peddling exotic wares from their travels all over the world.

By the time he was seven, the unit of three had settled down in Daendroc, in the city of Havenreach. Their business had met with veritable success, though the presence of their voidling child disenfranchised many of their more religious Ailor customers. He was often kept inside, away from the buyers and other children, so as not to garner a bad reputation for his parents. It wasn't that they were negligent - far from it. In the nights, when the buyers went away and everyone was asleep, they would attempt to give him the attention he'd missed out on during the day. The two had been working for a life of success far longer than the boy had been alive, and his mere presence threatened to overturn everything they'd worked for, but struggled to find a means to keep their child and maintain their prosperity.

The answer arrived for them when he turned ten, with the appearance of his first muter. The event was by chance, a random robbery by a sanguine brigand. The would-be attacker would've made off with a fair share of their coin, a belly full of Kino's blood, had it not been for the boy's bravery that night. News of the failed heist reached the ears of a local reverend, Cleigh Brodeur. He came to the couple with an offer: he would take care of the child, raise him and educate him thoroughly into someone who would have no issues being accepted into society. Seeing nothing but benefits for themselves, their livelihood, and their son's future, the couple entrusted him to the man.

Teenage Years
The transition was less than ideal, though with time, the boy began to settle down and into his lessons. He was taught humility first, made to work and labor harder than he had in his short life. After that, he was made to memorize and internalize the creeds. In particular, his father took a rather vindictive tone towards Silven and aberrants, assuring his new son that he was to play the role of a shepherd for them.

Over the years he acquired the skills necessary for him to become the man his father intended, taking lessons for wielding polearms and other weaponry, while studying the Sanktist rituals in the evenings. There was little time for leisure, and the boy was the target of focused scrutiny, discrimination, and ire from locals and the other Unionists. Insults both spoken aloud and whispered around him fed his desire to fulfill his task, as the teenager internalized the shame and hate for Silven. He remained with his father until the age of twenty five, when the reverend's health declined on account of his age. With nothing more to give Kino, he bequeathed on his adoptive son a book detailing everything he'd ever taught, every lesson and anecdote and purpose. Armed with his father's manuscript, the knowledge he'd acquired over the years, and his faith, the halfling set out into the world at large.

Adult Years
The journey was long, as the youth ventured across lands in search of Silven to vindicate, taking him to all sorts of spaces and establishments. For the first few years, even individuals were difficult for the Sanktist. He struggled and strove, perfecting his approach with each encounter. When Kino turned thirty, the appearance of his Repentance muter bolstered his confidence in his identity and his combat ability. He threw himself into fights with reckless abandon, his passion and vigor growing with every conflict. In order to keep track of the amount of Arken-spawn he'd dealt with, the halfling began to tattoo a Unionist eye on his body for each success.

The man continued in this manner, though his zealous war against aberrancies gained him no shortage of enemies. It was due to this that he'd find himself almost beaten to death, as his body was forced to take on the sanguine curse. The illness strangled his way of thinking, his devoutness converted to a shell of what it once was. All that was left behind was his disdain for the arcane and aberrants, his internalized hate turning outwards towards those around him. He continued onward with a warped objective: to bear the curse given to him by the Spirit and use it to convert the unfaithful.

His travels landed him in El Puerto Azul, the famously prosperous port town of Solacia. It's here that he'd meet his lifetime companion, Elliot, and the two would go on to advance together. Their attention is caught upon hearing word of Silven in the Holy City, the pair wasting little time to gather their resources and mobilize. The acknowledgement of the Rathunassian Sect was a further draw for the halfling, relating much of their doctrines to the teachings of his father, only less violent.



"We are all someone's monster."


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S'up there! I'll be picking this up for staff review, you can expect a review shortly.