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Kinslayer | Riftan Vaedra


Rat King
Mar 30, 2022
Reaction score
Your mother's house.


[A notice with House Vaedra's Sigil floats around Regalia...]
tw: death, murder, war, genocide

Dobryi den. Legally speaking, my name is Nyka Velkov, but most of you know me as Emile Velkov, Emile Mothcrow, or, more rarely – Emile Vaedra. For the most part, I prefer just 'Emile', but I have taken on additional surnames as a display of family and trust.

Mothcrow was a name that my half-siblings and I came up with after choosing to detach from our birth father and create our own path, our family. Some who know me may also recall that I have commonly referred to Riftan and Zolo Vaedra as my chosen family, my brothers. Without looking into the legality of it, one could say I was adopted into House Vaedra at a young age and raised alongside the Vaedra brothers– but this is not something they'd like to have you know.

My adoptive mother, the late Countess Rosalind Vaedra, who I often referred to as Mrs. Troyanda, was a kind and noble woman who unfortunately fell victim to a von Kërle attack and faced infection. Rosalind also kept me a secret from her husband and most of the Vaedra family out of fear she'd be scrutinized or that I'd be returned home. She wanted me to live a happy and fulfilled life outside the four white walls I was used to, ensuring that I was adequately fed, clothed, and looked after. Count Lysander Vaedra was the black to Rosalind's white, her complete opposite. He lacked empathy, kindness, or even care for his family– running the household like a military camp. Unlike his sons, who he planned to be enlisted as Lothar Knights, Lysander was a feared member of the Oprichnny, a group that terrorized our homeland.

And yet, despite Lysander's iron fist around their home, Riftan and Zolo were once happy and normal children who were quick to befriend and care for me in my time of need. It was almost as if I had gotten my happy ending. Sure, it wasn't the best of situations– but it was better than what I had.

That was until everything crumbled beneath my feet.

On one summer's eve, I wandered back to the Vaedra Estate in Zemlya Obitovana as I had every evening, only this time, I was an hour late. I remember my bare feet meeting the paved cobblestone that led to the front of the house, the ashes of many corpses littering the ground. I stepped through them, watching as strangers ignorant of my presence disposed of what was left of them. I passed by Mrs. Troyanda with the familiar scent of death plaguing my nostrils, and the handkerchief she had given me clutched into my hand. I strolled past her and onward towards the Garden and spent my eve comforting the Vaedra Brothers for the loss of their family, not even bothering to take note of the scarf of fabric clenched tightly in Riftan's hand.

I wouldn't get to seek out this clue until today. Today, I saw my future sister-in-law through the crowd on the Crookback Bridge. I felt the gears in my biotic almost… twitch as if they were experiencing pain as I saw that she had endured a similar fate to me. Her left arm had been severed, and a new biotic had been installed, whispers telling her that no other than my' brother' was the culprit. I couldn't even imagine that Riftan could have gone so far as to tear apart family members limb from limb. I heard rumors, but now I had evidence right before me.

Conflicted and boiling with emotions I could barely process, I stormed the Vaedra Estate in search of my brother and found nothing but an empty office. Enraged, I began to toss furniture and go through his drawers, cabinets, and anything else I could find. And it is there that I found the evidence that I'd like to present to you all.



Inside his office, I found numerous documents that he had written about his times in Tigrun and Baldmark, about the many victims that fell to his blade on the mere suspicion of being Occult. Occult that was never screened, tested, or shown tell-tale signs of affliction. People that died as an act of revenge by his blade for the 'vampires' he claimed killed his mother and family in cold blood– remember this statement as it will come into play. I also found letters from Riftan's father and unknown sender regarding my 're-location' at the hands of the Oprichnny when I was a child that Riftan could not have missed as an adult, feigning ignorance to my capture. His father's involvement was not to my surprise, but what was to my surprise was the continued support for this Organization that purges Children for even blinking in a way that 'hints' at being occult. The Oprichnny, an organization that ignores the law protecting Mages from their terror, is still actively supported by House Vaedra. With Riftan even going out of his way to claim those affected by this group (even the legal Mages and Nelfin) to have deserved it outright, making their extended reign on my homeland worse with every endorsement.

Carmine's injury was no longer a surprise when I found that clue I wrote about earlier in this notice. A piece of fabric from a Lothar Knight's cape with their sigil imprinted into the clasp, one that hadn't belonged to anyone in the family. Riftan knew that The Lothar brought down House Vaedra in Zemlya Obitovana and went into the Order knowing that this was the same charter responsible for Mrs. Troyanda's death.

That marks the end of my findings.

Mark me as heretical or speaking ill of the Lothar order if you so wish, but I have not and will not hesitate to unveil the truth of this house. I denounce House Vaedra for its head being a danger to the Occult and even those who stand in his way. He's torn apart even his own family, not to mention the ones that mysteriously disappeared from the Estate after minor disagreements never being found. Even outside the Estate, most can attest to his violent rampages through the city, even maiming another one – whom I've yet to find the identity of.

And to Count Vaedra,

Vy znayete, yak ya stavlyusya do zradnykiv.
You are not my brother.


Tags: @Renajaka @AlienDark12 @IsopodsIG
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A Grauwald happened up on the post and only snorted as if humored by the attempt to defame Riftan.
"This is old news, just a Lothar doing their work. A shame they took our last name in process. One day this 'Emile' will be cut down as well."



A wild boar is printed in black ink at the top of the parchment's page; The
steadfast representation of House Shcherbyna. The words written on the page were made
with a steady, unshaking hand, with which its penmanship was well practiced and neat.

Addressed to Nyka Velkov, formerly known as Emile Velkov, Emile Mothcrow, and Emile Vaedra:

You are an ungrateful, coddled, and spoiled brat. The sheer amount of opportunities, mercies, and kindnesses you have been given mean nothing to you. You were housed by House Vaedra, given a home where you were well-fed and nurtured, protected even by the very man you slander. You have friends that have placed you on a pedestal so high that you cannot see your own humble beginnings granted to you by an upstanding Purist household in a land where a despicable death mage would otherwise have no place.

You are lucky to have had a home in Zemlya Obitovana at all. You are lucky to have a home within the Regalian Empire at all. It is you who forgets that it is by the MERCY of our Emperor, his Imperial Holiness, that you are welcome. It is by the MERCY of the Truth Ministry that you are allowed to roam our streets when you would be a security risk to us all. To think otherwise is delusion and unreality.

You should be ashamed. You should be embarrassed. You should loathe your very existence, even that of which is not corrupted by your Occultism.

My kindest regards,
Matviy Shcherbyna
Count of Krismea
Justicar of the Ministry of Law
Reality Enforcer of the Truth Ministry​

To the man who preaches the goodness of Zemlya Obitovana and yet has come face to face with what he and citizens of her walls may call an impossible outcome of one of their own.

If Zemlya Obitovana was as pure as you say, as perfect as a nation could ever breed – then why, may I ask, was I a 'faulty' production among hundreds like me. Could this city make no mistakes? Or do they simply hide them behind bloodied roads and mass graves? What are today's youth with a mere curiosity for something they cannot understand against men and their weapons? The only thing you, or they will get from that are vengeance driven monsters and forgotten souls who never got the chance to thrive and grow.

You are no better than the man you say I slander, you are one of them. You are just as bad if not worse than who you defend and I will continue to remind you of your faults. The Oprichnny have no respect for the Emperor you preach about, and neither do you.


I hope your scar is treating you well.

- Emile
The Viridian Knight paused before the noticeboards, skimming through the old postings with mild disinterest, before a new notice caught their eyes. Reaching a hand out to press against the paper, the Knight held it flat against the winter wind of the city, eyes narrowing, then widening, then narrowing again through the thin slit of their visor. 'Kinslayer', 'Tyrant', 'Monster', the words etched on the paper stood out to them. As their green cloak billowed out around their figure, the Knight's gauntleted finger traced through the paragraphs of rage and anger. They read all the way down until they reached the end of the noticeboard, where a final entry was tucked away at the very bottom.

'Riftan Vaedra.' The name rang in their ears as they turned about slowly to face the other noticeboards, the same term repeated over and over again on each one. 'Kinslayer', 'Tyrant', 'Monster'. It seemed every board had the same hateful words stamped upon it, but none of which could be ignored by the Viridian Knights. Their face twisted into a grim expression as they scanned across the boards, the sigil of the slandered house standing out through the rippling of postings previous.

"What is this?" The knight asked aloud, drawing the attention of those who had been walking past them. Unaware, or uncaring, the Knight began to pace back and forth between the other notices, spreading out from the first one to see if any others had the same signature, even though it was plain that they would. The feeling of betrayal, a friend, no, a comrade revealed to be a hollow fabrication. A falsified front put on to look innocent in the eyes of the courts. 'Unknightly.' 'Dishonourable.' 'Innocents.' 'Tyrant.' The words rang through the Viridian's head continuously, a broken record looping itself through their mind like an echo.

Their wandering eventually led them to the entrance of the Noble District, the hollow stare of the scorned Knight staring straight ahead. The entrance to the Ithanian Cloister was visible even now, the abode of the Vaedras. A grunt of effort echoed from the depths of the helmet, their large shield lifted, and they strode forth with purpose, the rattle of plate upon stone resounding through the quiet road. It was time for answers.
Wulf stopped upon sight of different posters, rage boiling in him as he read on and on. Mention of Carmine's injury briefly giving him satisfaction, approvingly nodding to Riftan's actions, only to then for his sight to fall on accusations of deaths of innocents. Those merely accused of being occult, those who were born with the curse of magic and did not even have an opportunity to commit any crime with it. He did not say a word, unable to fully decide on whose side he should stand. And so he grabbed his hip flask, downing it whole as he went to leave
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[!] Riftan Vaedra reads through the letter, trapped within Greygate's Prison. Each letter rings off to him like a hammer beating an anvil. Each word. He, after being released, quickly returns with his own bite back. Like a sword, instead of pen to paper. [!]



⸸-‹ tw: violence, etc. Purist RP moment. ›-⸸​

Directed to "Nyka Velkov",

If it is a confession that you seek. Here it stands; House Vaedra has, and always will, support the Oprichnny. They keep Zemlya Obitovana protected, free of foreign influence that would seek its ruin. Yet they are not always perfect; for, sometimes, some slip through the cracks. It was not the Lothar Order that killed my family, but OCCULT. Occult wiped out my home, my mother and my father. The very 'mother' of whom you claim adoption too. We should have outcasted you when we had the chance. If the Oprichnnywere stronger than, my family would be still alive today. This entire letter is sprinkled with lies, discontent meant to unravel my reputation- but in truth, I view it only reinforced.

You view what the Lothar Order, what the Oprichnny, does as murder. That they murder innocents, and slaughter those undeserving. How wrong are you to claim such things. The Lothar Order and the Oprichnny both bring order to the chaos, targeting only the worst of the worst to keep our streets secure and safe. You view it as murder, we of Purity view it nothing else than extermination. Like keeping down the population of rats within sewage, do these organizations stand to benefit the Empire.

I maimed? Yes, in-fact, I have butchered and I have slaughtered evil and their ilk all the same. Sanguine, Geist, Cahal- all three, and their supporters, shall all perish before the tide of the Lothar Order. Those of whom I fight are AFFLICTED. Illegal in the eyes of the Empire.

This claim that I target children, innocents, is astoundingly false. I target Afflicted, the Occult. Those who debase the Empire, and seek to bring chaos to order.

Nyka Velkov, Emile. How far you have fallen from grace. We were once so close before my family's end. I henceforth declare an HONOR DUEL against you. For this dishonor, for this disgrace, for this insult. Shall it be in Arena Court when all can stand to watch, or the disgusting cesspit of the Sewers, I do not care.

Signed, Count Riftan Vaedra of the Lothar Order, Darkwald.​

[The Gravekeeper's response to this proclamation was quickly sent out.]


[For those interested the duel has been scheduled on the discord.