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Played Character Killian Seidel

This character is actively played.


Professional Hand Holder
Aug 30, 2016
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Kilian Seidel
  • Race / Culture: Ailor | Wirtem
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult:
    • Silberfeder Vampire
    • Possessed Spirit
Core Concept
From soldier to ceremonious guard, Kilian has accepted their place in the world, serving the Regalian Military as well as House Typhonus for a great deal of their life, following through with one of their supposed duty beneath the rule of a Silberfeder, Reyna.

Appearance Information
Kilian's stygian curls & ghoulishly pale complexion paint the picture of a young figure who has had a life well fought. Their athletic stature is often exaggerated beneath the weight of plated armor & chainmail, giving the impression of largeness despite squaring off as a pretty average if not slightly above Wirtem soldier.

  • Strength: 7
    • Technique Parry
    • Knockback Sweep
    • Concussive Blow
    • Unyielding Strike
    • Battle Flurry
    • Force Toss
    • Steady Body
  • Constitution: 7
    • Shield Block
    • Shield Brace
    • Rage Counter
    • Debuff Endurance
    • Rebound
    • Diving Tackle (Mounted)
    • Brawl Stampede (Mounted
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 0
    • Chem Berserk
  • Faith: 0

Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Kilian was a Tenpenny soldier, having opened among the footmen before later becoming a Men-at-Arms.
  • Kilian was a recruited member of House Typhonus's House Guard.
  • Kilian has participated in the war campaigns of the Dread War, Drixagh Rebellion & Sendrassian War on behalf of the Regalian Empire.
  • Kilian fell to Vampirism during The Vampire Insurrection, narrowly evading curing amidst the immediate aftermath & from then on, he was forced into the arms of the Regalian Underbelly
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